Charlotte and her bestfriend, Talia, walk into Charlotte’s room after their cheerleading practice, they sit on her huge queen size bed and both automatically get on their phones. This is what they always did, they socialize all throughout practice, get to one of their house and just sit in silence for a little bit.
”Oh! Char, guess what? I finally got a boyfriend!” Talia says, clapping her hands as she pulls up a picture of her boyfriend on her phone and show her. Charlotte takes the phone out of her hand, looking at the picture. “He’s attractive. Does he go to our school? I haven’t seen him around before.” Charlotte says before handing the phone back.
”Nope. Well, now he does, he’s going to start tomorrow. I met him at my brother’s football game. I convinced him to transfer to our school.” Talia says, flipping her blonde hair from out of her face.
“That’s cool, Ta. I’m glad you finally have a boyfriend though, took you long enough.” Charlotte says, half joking as she gets up and walks over to her mini fridge. Talia let’s out a fake laugh. “You can’t talk. You’re still single, maybe if you dyed your hair blonde and start wearing your cheer outfit at school everyday, you’ll get any guy you want.” Talia says, adding another fake laugh to it, making it seem like she was trying to be sweet.
Charlotte shakes her head in disbelief before walking out of her room. “Let’s throw a party tonight, my parents aren’t coming back in town until tomorrow afternoon.” Charlotte says as she opens her walk in closet.
”It better not be as lame as your party that you threw last month, that was rock bottom for you, Char, you don’t want people taking away your popularity points, now do you? You won’t be school queen bee anymore.” Talia says as she gets up and walks into the closet.
“It only sucked because you straight threw up halfway through my entrance then again on one of the band members, maybe you should sit this party out, Ta. People might start thinking you have some type of sickness’s contagious.” Charlotte says before walking in behind Talia, she goes to her dresses selection and starts looking through them, trying to find the perfect dress. “I’ll call my maid and have her order everything like pizza and drinks. You can borrow a dress, I guess.” Charlotte says before walking out of the closet.
Later that night, once her bottom half of the house is filled with teenagers and music, Charlotte puts on her matte black heels with red bottoms that matched her one sleeve tight black dress, it was mostly glittery though so it looked more sliver than black. She takes her long red hair out of its ponytail before walking out of her room and starts heading downstairs.
”Whoo! Party host in the house!” Some random, probably half high boy yells as Charlotte starts walking to the kitchen. She bumps into someone, causing her to lose her balance, before she completely falls, the guy catches her. “Hey, my bad.” He says, helping her stand back up straight. He was taller than her, not that much taller but enough where she had to lift her head to look at his face. He had curly brown hair that looked shiny in the dimmed lights, Charlotte automatically recognized him, his cute brown eyes and his face that made him look a bit older than everyone else.
In Charlotte’s eyes, he definitely was the sexiest guy there at the party. “Hey, I know you, you’re Charlotte Cloud. The party host, and also Talia‘s bestfriend.” The guy says as he quickly moves his hands off of her waist. “Your hair doesn’t look fake, she lied about that.” He adds.
She let’s out a nervous giggle. “It’s 100% real, I’m sure of that. You’re Talia‘s boyfriend, she told me about you today. Nice to meet you, sadly, you are much more hotter in person. Your picture do you no justice.” Charlotte says, her voice sounding a bit higher than usual.
”I never heard that line before. I’m Dallas, nice to meet you.” He says as he walks to the kitchen, grabbing two cups and pouring beer into both of them. He walks back over to her and hands her one of the cups. “Nice party, even more nicer house.” He says, smirking as he eyes her body, tracing each and every one of her curves that pop out due to the dress tightness.
“Thank you. Let’s hope it still looks nice after this party. Where’s Talia, I haven’t seen her since the party started.” Charlotte says as she takes the cup and takes a sip of it. “Hm, I have no idea, last time I talked to her, she was going to the bathroom, she probably found some poor guy to leech onto.” Dallas says as he drinks his beer.
”Aren’t you dating her though?” Charlotte asks with a confused look on her face. “Maybe, maybe not, or maybe that’s just what she happened to have told you.” Dallas says before walking away.