Just yesterday I was at Emily's house and it was amazing.
So let me tell you what happened maybe 20 minutes after I got there.
Because it was 10 to 7 in the morning we were making breakfast and being the weirdos we are we were talking about how we hated it when you bite toast, it rips and you take like everything with you but you have to somehow eat it all without looking awkward while doing so, then Emily being the fucked up person she is over dramatically bit the end of her toast and flung her hand out with a big whoosh, half of her toast hit the wall 2 meters away. Me being me fell to the floor laughing and I couldn't stop. I had toast in my hand as well so I used my leg to save it. Imagine me, sitting opposite one of my best friends and then them trying to prove that what I was is was wrong only to fail miserably. I recon that she was just trying to make toast fly. (I'm sorry Emily but that has ready Been invented)
An that my dear followers is the reason Emily and I have no friends.