Okay so Naruto has officially made me dislike his whole franchise.
1. he wants to be friends with every "evil" mf on the planet
2. got nerfed & and got his shit beat and wants to save the guy who kicked his ass for some 10 year old who's In love with him.
3. Gets horny over some filler characters titty imprint but Hinata has tittie's for days and notices nothing
4. Forgets that Hinata is on a mission with him & Sakura and now she's missing. (she proceeds to end up in some random ass cage which they didn't show how she got there she only had around 30 minutes of screen time in total I honestly don't know why they brought her)
5. Goes on a mission with Sakura's useless ass when there's all ready 2 doctors with them
6. Won't give sasuke an arm ( extreme annoying )
7. gets nerfed in Boruto again & doesn't have karama anymore.
8. Boruto is literally obsessed with Sasuke
9. Most of the movies are trash besides "Naruto Shippuden The Last"
10. Naruto's ideology is literally equivalent to arranged marriage.
11. Boruto is horrible in general ( let's all talk about how ino is the only one with tits now THE TOOK AWAY TSUNADE'S & HINATA'S MOMMY MILKERS )
12. Sakura hits Naruto for no reason
13 Sakura gets her shit beat by Sasuke and proceeds to marry him
14. Sasuke is currently fighting dinosaurs
15. Kills 1 of the 2 people who actually could progress into a strong shinobi just so Naruto and Hinata could end up together
16. Horrible female characters
17. Basically makes Naruto a dead beat father.
18. Has Kawaki on the cover of the anime when the show is called "Boruto - Naruto next generations"
19. A third of Naruto's plot in a nutshell: let's make these people pose as nice people and then let's make them villains
20. Way to many plot holes
21. See's that Hinata wrote his name on a piece of paper and randomly says "I love you Hinata"
22. Itachi uses no talk jutsu on him
23. Horrible Boruto animation
24. Danzo's whole existence
25. The 3rd hokage's whole existence
Mind you I also have a separate attachment to this anime along with some others, with that being said if you've made it this far thanks for reading the latest chapter of my blog I hope you enjoyed! <3