A bright light burned Lily’s retinas as she finally woke up.
It must’ve been a dream, she thought, sitting up. The mysterious boy… the darkness…
Electric pains scorched through her arms and legs as if her nerves were wires. “Ow.”
She lay on a bed, a bright white comforter drawn over her arms and legs, and they felt so soft and cool.
But… wait…
Wait a second...
She didn’t remember this being her room.
Is this a dream?
She touched the sheets again.
But it felt so... real...
She didn’t remember the feeling of random sheets like this in her dreams... Every part of her just seemed so... numb...
And she usually had nightmares... This didn’t seem like one...
She pulled her arms out of the covers, noticing that she was covered in layers of bandages.
Confusion burned through her previous questions, and she pulled her legs out, seeing bandages surrounding her calves and thighs, too.
What the hell was happening?
Lily remembered something bright and burning... an intense amount of pain... but nothing else.
There were no posters on the walls when she looked up. They were just painted a sea-shell white.
She slid her legs off the bed, dangling them off the mattress while wondering if she was able to walk.
Lightly, she touched her toes on the cold, wooden floor, whimpering when a shock ran up her legs like fire.
When she placed her entire foot on the floor, she had to bite back a scream.
“Here,” someone said.
A warm hand grasped Lily’s arm lightly and wrapped it around his neck, helping her off the bed.
She had never felt someone this warm... And how the heat from his neck deepened into her skin, running through her blood like she was covered in ice...
Only one person gave her this feeling... Even though she didn’t remember how he held her like this...
But for some reason... she recognized it...
She was able to stand with support, letting him help her to the kitchen.
They were in a small apartment, the walls painted the same white color as the room she was in, and there were no paintings or posters.
Nothing that hinted Jason’s secrets.
She had never seen a guy’s apartment so... clean before...
He set her down on a stool at the counter and went to the kitchen that rested in front of her.
The scent of eggs and bacon filled the air, making her stomach grumble for some reason.
“I’m cooking some breakfast.” Jason looked up and smiled. It wasn’t necessarily a charming smile... but a mischievous one that that made Lily question whether or not she could trust him...
Rules for yourself, Lily, she thought. Don’t get too close... Something’s off about him...
She saw the corner of his lips tilt a little... as if he were fighting a smile.
“Is this your apartment?” she asked instead.
She took this moment to digest the sight of the place he lived in, ignoring the voice that questioned when and how he kidnapped her.
Judging by the fact that he had no TVs, she guessed he wasn’t much of a gamer or an anime watcher.
There were no posters, computers, or gaming devices anywhere.
What did he do in his spare time? And why did his place seem so... depressing?
She looked over at Jason, who had the ghost of a smile curling his lips...
What was going through his head?
Seconds later, he walked back to the counter and placed a plate full of bacon and eggs in front of her.
I'm not going to eat this.
Lily pushed the plate of food away, fighting the hunger.
Jason chuckled a little, making her look up at his bright, amused gaze. “You know, you don’t have to be afraid of my cooking. I’m not that bad.”
“I’m not hungry,” she said, looking away.
“You sure?” he stated, chuckling. “I heard your stomach grumble.”
No, he didn’t. No one’s hearing could be that good.
“I’m not hungry,” she repeated.
Jason shook his head, leaning an elbow lazily on the counter as his eyes raked her head-to-toe. “You’re a bad liar.”
“I’m not lying,” Lily bit.
But he only tilted his head to the side, smile angling to the right. “You sure about that? ‘Cause your face is red and you won’t look at me.” He shrugged. “Typical signs.”
“How do you know where I live?” she demanded.
He didn’t respond, and she looked up to him, glaring. “How?”
He was still gazing at her, smirking. “Lucky guess?”
She stood then, glaring at him. “Now I know you’re lying.”
Jason didn’t respond, just gave her an amused once-over.
Lily looked down to see her wearing the same dress she wore to school the day before.
When she looked outside, she judged by the sun rising from the east that it was early morning.
“Where are we?” she said.
“In California,” Jason said.
“Duh,” Lily snapped. “I meant what street? What address?”
He only smirked. “How do I know you’re not going to run off if I tell you?”
Well... she was but she didn’t have to tell him that.
“You do realize you’re holding me against my will?”
Jason chuckled. “Am I?”
Lily narrowed her eyes. “Yes.”
“Then by all means,” he gestured to the door with a wave of a hand, “leave.”
She started toward the door, ignoring the stabbing pains from the burns but then Jason caught her elbow—one of the few parts of her that wasn’t hurt—pulling her to him and almost making her collapse onto him.
“First,” he whispered into her ear, “eat.”
Lily shook her head, attempting to get out of his grasp but he wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her against him.
She stopped struggling for a moment, taking a break to gain her strength back. “You realize this is kidnapping?”
“Do I care?” he retorted.
“Are you going to kill me?” she demanded, feeling her body tremble as the words left her mouth.
Jason scoffed, though she saw his eyes darken in sadness. “No.”
She shot him a look. “No?”
He only gave her a smile, but a sad one.
But she fought again, only to stop after he tightened his arm around her waist. “Let me go!”
“Eat, Lily.”
“Why should I trust you?” she questioned, fighting down tears.
“Why shouldn’t you?”
“Because you’re a stalker?” she snapped.
“I don’t really like that word,” he said thoughtfully. “I’d prefer—”
“I don’t care!” she interrupted, fighting harder. “Let me go!”
“Don’t do this,” he warned as if he knew what she was planning.
But she slammed the heel of her foot into his shin, making him cry out as she broke free of his hold.
Darting straight toward the door, she almost made it when Jason blocked the exit.
She slid along the floor, letting herself fall before he caught her, and stared up at him with wide eyes when she sat below him.
She glanced left, then right, panic coursing through her veins.
How did he...?
Did he just... teleport...?
“Lily,” he said softly, a slight crack from pain in his tone, “come here.”
She scurried away from him as he stepped toward her, opening his arms as if he were offering an embrace, but she managed to stand, and stepped backwards toward the hallway that led to the bedroom.
“Come here,” he said softly. “Come on. It’s okay.”
She was panting now, fear burning every part of her like fire... until her back met the wall.
And Jason backed her against it, making her stare up at him wide-eyed as he lightly scooped her up and almost made her scream.
“Shhh...” he soothed. “I know you’re scared but I promise I won’t hurt you. I need you to trust me.”
She stared back, a slight shine of tears burning her eyes. “l don’t trust you.”
Jason shook his head, but didn’t respond.
She stared back, attempting to erase her terrified expression but Jason could still see the hardness in her gaze.
“Put me down,” Lily ordered.
“Or what?”
“Or I’ll make you.”
He laughed softly as if what she said amused him.
He gave her an amused glance, but didn’t set her down, just carried her over to the barstool and set her on the cold leather.
She almost got up again but he put his hand out. “Try it again and you’ll sit on my lap. And I’ll hold you there for as long as I want.”
Her cheeks heated at his words but she looked down to her plate, listening.
For some reason... Jason was faster than anyone could actually be... It was concerning... frightening...
But also fascinating...
She pushed that thought away, deciding then to ask him questions. “How do you know where I live?”
“I have my resources,” was his vague response.
“How do you know so much about me?”
“Here’s the deal,” he leaned his hand on the counter, tipping his weight toward her, but she didn’t move her gaze away from the plate, “eat, and I’ll answer your questions.”
“I’m not hungry.”
“Lie,” Jason stated, brows raised.
“How do I know it’s not poisoned?” she questioned.
Or drugged?
He laughed softly. “Why would I want to poison you?”
She was silent.
He sighed. “Lily, I didn’t poison your Goddamn food.”
She shot him another look at his tone, then stared down at her plate, picking the egg with her fork to see if something was off.
“Yes,” he said sarcastically, “it’s yellow eggs. Good job.”
She was quiet.
“Lily,” he said sternly, “eat. I know you haven’t eaten in days.”
“And how would you know that?” she demanded.
“You said I was a stalker,” he stated.
She was quiet after that.
He let out a long, exasperated sigh. “Do I have to force-feed you?”
“Assault in the first degree,” she stated. “Added to the abduction charge.”
He couldn’t help but laugh. “So you’re an attorney now?”
“Once I get a phone,” she stated angrily, “I’m calling 9-1-1.”
“Hmm...” he said, tilting his head to the side when she avoided eye-contact. “Then I guess that means I’ll keep your phone then, huh?”
Wait... “keep”?
She looked up seeing him holding her cell in his hand, clearly pretending to type on the screen to annoy her.
Anger burned her inside, and she reached for it, but he pulled it out of her grasp, grinning. “Eat, and I’ll think about giving it back.”
“Theft in the first degree!” she yelled standing again.
“Good luck calling the police,” he said, smiling. “‘Cause I cancelled your phone service.”
She blinked. “You... what?”
He didn’t have access to that. He was lying.
“Only phone that works now is mine,” he said, patting his back pocket. “You can try to reach for it, but I won’t let you take it.”
She was tempted despite its location.
But she didn’t, glaring down at the counter. “I hate you.”
“You’ll learn to love me,” he said, smirking when she shot him another look. “We have a long time together.”
Then his gaze moved down to her arms, and she instinctively pulled her sleeves over the bandages as he stepped over to her.
When he stood in front of her, he gently grasped her hand, making her pull out of his grip. “Don’t touch me.”
What the hell did he think he was doing?
But he grasped her hand again. “Relax, I’m just checking your burns.”
Lily let Jason hold her palm then, knowing fully that he wasn’t going to let go, but she wasn’t going to let him see her bright eyes and give him the satisfaction, so she kept her gaze to the counter.
He carefully unwrapped the bandages as if attempting to not hurt her.
Why did he care suddenly?
When she glanced down at her arms, Lily gasped when she saw the burns...
It looked horrific... Her skin was a mixture of black and red... and agonizing blisters circled her burns like bubble-wrap outlining the wound.
“You know,” she realized, tone sounding much softer than she meant, “it’s like I was stuck in a burning house... but...” her brows drew together, “why was it only my arms and legs that got burned?”
Confusion swirled through her thoughts, burning every coherent one like fire...
“That’s because it was you,” Jason responded. He turned her arm, trying to get a good look at her wounds.
She gave him a confused look. “Me? What was me?”
“You started the fire,” he said.
Lily’s stomach dropped, and she swallowed down the lump in her throat. “I started the fire? How is that even possible? I don’t even keep matches in my pocket.”
Jason smiled at her words, wrapping her wounds back up with the same bandage.
His grin sent a rush of heat through her blood, and she snapped, “Are you going to answer me or are you just going to have that stupid smile?”
He walked over to the kitchen quietly and grabbed his plate of eggs and bacon, he then settled into the seat next to her.
She could feel his warmth radiate from his body, but she ignored it and stared at him with a piercing glare, wanting answers.
“What are you saying Jason?” she questioned.
He took a bite, clearly amused at her angry tone. “You tell me.”
“I didn’t have matches, Jason.”
“You did not.”
“I didn’t douse myself in oil.”
“I’m not flammable, either.”
He shook his head. “You’re not.”
“Then what the hell are you saying?”
He only smiled.
“Jason,” she demanded.
No response.
“What are you saying?”
“You know very well what I’m saying, Sweetheart,” he stated, taking another bite.
“I don’t,” she bit. “That’s why I’m asking.”
“Tell me, Lily,” Jason said, setting down his fork and leaning an elbow on the counter as he faced her. “Do you believe in magic?”
Okay. He was crazy.
“Magic? No!”
He smirked. “Then you’re in for a rude awakening.” And he started eating again.
“You’re saying,” she clarified, tone sharp, “that I have fire powers?”
“That’s not possible. Magic is fantasy.”
“I’m assuming you think Angels are a fantasy, too?” Jason said.
“Those are in religions, Jason. Beliefs. Angels don’t come to Earth, therefore, how am I supposed to believe you?”
“As I said before,” he stated, giving her an amused glance, “rude awakening.”
“You’re just messing with me,” she stated. “I know it.”
“You don’t,” he said, smiling. “You’re questioning your sanity right now.”
How did he know that?
“You don’t know me,” she stated sternly. “And you never will. I want to go home.”
“Your ‘home’ is a pile of ashes right now.”
Shock rattled through her. “What?”
“You’re home,” he repeated, “is a pile of ashes right now.”
She blinked, glanced down at her bandages, then glared despite the cold that slowly started consuming her. “Y— you’re lying.”
“I wish I was,” he stated, taking another bite.
“What do you mean?” she wondered. Then panic settled in her veins. “Is my aunt okay? She must be worried about me! Give me my phone!”
Jason put his fork down onto his plate gently, sighing. “Lily...” he said softly... almost sadly...
Why was he suddenly so sympathetic?
“This fire...” she stated, something inside her tearing apart as she tried to keep the shakiness from her tone, “did it... kill her...?”
Jason shook his head, making a sudden relief cast over Lily.
“Is she okay?” she wondered, fear consuming her with ice when she saw Jason’s smile turn into a straight line, and that his previously bright eyes grew cold. “Did I hurt her?”
“No...” he responded.
Then... why was he suddenly like this?
“You don’t remember what happened,” Jason said softly, “do you?”
“Don’t remember... what?”
What happened? Why was he suddenly so sad? Was he just messing with her again?
“Lily...” he said softly, “what’s the last thing you remember?”
She thought back, pushing away the thoughts that questioned his sudden mood. “I... remember class... and how we had a new sub... I remember walking home... then...” she pressed her hand to her forehead as if she were in pain, “everything... just gets fuzzy....”
He let out a sigh, dragging in hand down his face as if debating whether or not he should tell her.
“What?” she said. “What aren’t you telling me?”
He gave her a sad look, then sighed. “Your aunt was murdered last night, Lily.”
Her heart stopped.
“When you walked home... I was following you... And you went inside... and you found her... on the floor of your bedroom....”
Lily started gasping, tearing burning her eyes as her lungs clamped. “No... No....”
“Lily...” he soothed, “I’m so sorry....”
Every part of her grew cold... like she was consumed in frost...
Her heart refused to beat again and painful sobs got caught in her throat, suffocating her.
“No...” she whispered, “y... you’re lying....”
But for some reason... deep inside... she knew he wasn’t...
“How could I... forget... something like that...?” Her voice cracked. “How could I...?”
She felt Jason’s touch on her shoulder and she flinched away, crying, “Don’t touch me!”
He pulled away and stared softly into her eyes, watching the light blue darken to midnight.
“It’s not your fault, Sweetheart,” he said as if he read her thoughts. “I know how much you want to blame yourself but it’s not your fault.”
“How could I forget?” she sobbed, clutching her throat as if she couldn’t breathe. “How could I...?”
Why does everyone I love leave me?
Jason stood then, lifting her by the armpits as she struggled against his grasp, screaming, “Don’t touch me!”
But he didn’t listen, knowing that she didn’t want to comfort because she wanted to feel the pain...
The agonizing horror...
Because she thought everyone she’d love would leave her...
But it wasn’t true.
Because there was one person left.
And he wouldn’t let her go no matter how hard she fought him.
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