Major General Hulian wiped the sweat from his brow. He stared at the documents in front of him. Hulian was in charge of all the encampments in the southern battlefront. He was at the military base in a city south of the capital.
In front of him was his grand nephew, Grendian. Through Hulian’s connections, Grendian managed to become a lieutenant in the army, however he was still in the outer encampments and ran the risk of being captured as a prisoner of war or being killed. Hulian didn’t want to see his grand nephew dead so he was constantly looking for a way for Grendian to be transferred to the base where he would be safer. However, most able bodied men were sent out to the front lines and the only ones still at base were the officers of captain or higher that served as logistics and instructors.
Recently the base had lost a captain after he was transferred to the northern front and there was an opening for an instructor. Hulian was in charge of promoting a new officer to the position but could not promote Grendian so openly.
Nepotism that bold would not be supported by his superiors. Therefore he called Grendian for a private meeting.
“Grendian,” Hulian started.
“Great Uncle,” Grendian replied calmly.
“There is an opening for an instructor here in the base.”
Grendian smiled and looked eager.
“However, to promote you and let you take the spot, I need a good reason.” Hulian said.
Grendian’s smile froze. “Like what?”
“Well, I need you to have some sort of reputation, did you accomplish anything meaningful on the battlefield?”
“Great uncle, don’t jest. You know I don’t go anywhere near the trenches.”
“Then do your men like you? I need something, anything.” Hulian said, sighing. “Listen, if I don’t make a decision sooner or later I’ll be pressured into one, if you want this job then go out there and quickly get your men to be on your side! Have them file a letter or commendation or something!”
Grendian gulped, he had not made any effort in his relationships with the soldiers. He grit his teeth, “Yes sir!”
After his meeting Grendian took a truck back to the encampment. He found himself in a bit of a pickle. Coincidentally, he took the same truck that Heil took when he first was deployed at the encampment about a week ago.
However, Grendian was a lazy person, and made no effort getting to know Heil as soon as he arrived.
Now Grendian got mad at the private handing out half rations, instead forcibly taking double rations for himself.
Heil fumed when he saw the scene but chose not to act immediately, instead enjoying his moment of glory with everyone praising his quick reflexes.
Heil remembered something, Lieutenant Colonel Brean would be coming by for an inspection, this was his chance at impressing a senior officer and perhaps gaining a backing.
Leading his troops to the battlefield, he once again used his autosaving tactics to save the lives of his men, protecting them from stray bullets. This continued for a few days before Lieutenant Grendian soon made his move.
Grendian was very lazy, but he was forced to join the war due to the fact that if the major general’s great nephew didn’t his great uncle would lose respect within the national army. He did not have a college education but was put as an officer due to his relationship with the major general.
But despite all of that Grendian had the most basic of survival instincts present in every man, so he decided to finally talk to Heil and get him to submit a report talking about how great Grendian was.
Grendian pulled Heil aside one day when he was giving his report. “Soldier,” He said, “I have a favor to ask of you.”
Heil’s eyebrows rose, he was still quite pissed at Grendian for the stunt he pulled over the rations. Heil’s face struggled to remain calm after Grendian asked for a stunning report.
Grendian leaned in closer to Heil, “I’m sure you are aware that my father is the Major General, if you do this for me then I surely won’t forget it. Perhaps we can get you reassigned to a safer unit.”
Heil’s blood boiled. You don’t treat me with an ounce of respect and now you have the audacity to ask me for help! Heil kept a neutral expression and said, “I’m sorry sir, but according to the military code I cannot fabricate things in reports.”
It was a very indirect diss. Grendian’s face turned dark. “Now, now, I would be careful with your words. Do you know who my great uncle is?”
“You said it yourself sir, it's the major general.” Heil said.
Grendian narrowed his eyes, “I am giving you a prime opportunity here, do you not know how generous I am?”
Heil put on a fake smile, “I am aware Lieutenant, but please do not ask this of me.”
Lieutenant Grendian growled, “Fine, run along.”
Heil nodded and walked away. He didn’t want anything to do with the corrupt things Grendian was asking him to do. In fact, he had a plan.
In Heil’s mind, what revenge was more sweet than being Lieutenant Grendian’s superior. He made up his mind to gain a rank higher than Grendian. After all, he was a sergeant, if he could get a promotion to a staff sergeant then he would have the chance to go to officer school and gain credentials to become a lieutenant like Grendian. From there the only way to go was up.
However, he did know that the lieutenant colonel would be coming in a few days with a shipment of new troops. If he could make the colonel have a negative impression of Grendian he might throw a few obstacles in the way of Grendian’s promotion! Even though normally a lieutenant colonel couldn’t go up against a major general there were rumors that lieutenant colonel Brean had the backing of Head Minister Mauo, the leader of the National Party, that would be enough for the major general to balk at opposing any decision that Colonel Brean would make. If Brean said no to Grendian’s promotion, General Hulian would have no choice but to accept the decision.
Sure enough, the day that a new shipment arrived, Lieutenant Colonel Brean was on one of the trucks.
Men streamed out of the backs of the trucks, many with sad eyes as they faced the terror that awaited. Staff Sergeant Smith, one of Heil’s superiors, was in charge of delegating squads.
Smith saw Heil coming and smiled. Smith liked Heil after the grenade incident, and although he was not Heil’s superior, he wanted to help Heil out of respect.
“Heil!” Smith said, “I was wondering when you would come along!”
“Haha, I am here now. I was wondering if you had any men for me?” Heil replied.
Smith nodded, “Here,” He said, pointing to a group of eight new men. “They’re yours.”
Heil nodded at them, “I am Sergeant Heil Rian, it is a pleasure to meet you. I hope you will be agreeable and work with me in the future.”
One of the men spat, “How? We’re all gonna die here anyway!”
Smith stepped forward to reprimand him but Heil stopped him. “I understand, when I first came here that was my idea as well. But you know what? I’m tired of dying. So I promise you this, if you serve under me I will not let a single one of you die. If I do, then you may shoot me yourself!”
The men stared in shock, they had never seen someone say something so boldly before.
Smith laughed, “You heard him men, line up!”
The men did just that and just when Heil was about to lead them off Smith put his hand on his shoulder. “I must talk to you in private.”
Heil looked curious and told Fian, “Lead the men,” He said, “I’ll catch up later.”
“Yes sir!” Fian said and gathered the men up.
Smith pulled Heil aside and whispered, “I heard from the higher ups that one of the lines collapsed.
Heil’s eyes widened. That meant that soldiers would be streaming to the encampment!
“The northern encampment is currently under siege and the general decided that it is too dangerous to stay here, the lieutenant is here on inspection but I suspect he is here to lead us back to base.”
Heil took a deep breath. This was big news! This meant that the southern front had collapsed and imperial troops had taken over!
“I can get your squad on the first shipment out but today will be the last day of fighting.” Smith concluded.
“Sergeant Smith,” Heil said, at a loss for words, “Thank you for telling me this and helping me and my squad.”
Smith shook his head, he was a very upstanding person who liked people who did good deeds. “You are a good man, you should live on.”
Heil took this information back to his men, who were gathering supplies to take to the trenches. He gathered them up and into a circle.
“I know I just met some of you today but I am trusting you with this information.” He started, and then explained everything that would be going on. Smith said the evacuation would start tomorrow, and the new men were primarily here for support when the imperial line eventually got to the encampment.
The men were overjoyed to know they were going back to base where the defenses were higher. They looked at Heil with new eyes as they thanked him for getting them on the first shipment out.
Heil’s mind was racing though, he wanted to figure out how to turn the situation into his advantage. There was no glory for the people who left first, even if they were alive.
This was when the Lieutenant Colonel showed up. “Men!” Brean’s crisp voice shouted.
Heil jumped and immediately stepped into attention. “If you do not already know, we will be evacuating soon. I am told you are one of the groups slated for the first shot at leaving. But there is something I would like to ask you.”
Heil nodded.
The lieutenant colonel seemed happy with that gesture. “The imperialists have managed to inch ever so closer to enclosing us, and I don’t know about you but I’d rather not be a prisoner of war for the emperor. Therefore I need some men to help halt the advance. I know I am selfish to ask this of you but I need you to lead the imperial troops astray.”
Fian yelped. “Excuse me sir, but are you asking us to be bait?”
The lieutenant colonel nodded sadly. “If you are not willing to, then I will ask the others personally. But if you do agree I can guarantee you a promotion. All of you, a trip straight to being an officer and if you, Sergeant, agree I’ll even put you in as a provisional captain, and make you a permanent rank on your return.”
I raised my eyebrows, a captain?
“It is okay if not all of you agree,” He continued, “If so I will recruit men from other squads. But you will be in charge.” The last sentence was addressed to Heil.
“Come to me if you would like to take on this mission.” He said finally and then started to walk away.
Heil’s mind was working a million miles per hour, if he could succeed in drawing the enemy away and come back alive he could rise up the ranks quickly! It was a stroke of luck that the lieutenant colonel asked him so soon.
“Wait sir!” Heil said.
The lieutenant colonel looked back over his shoulder. “I’ll do it!” Heil said, “I’ll lead a group.”
The lieutenant colonel broke into a huge grin, “Thank you good soldier! Sergeant Heil Rian was it? That’s a good man! I’ll make sure to promote you by merit on your return. HEre, let me find some men to come with you. Unless your squad is willing?”
Heil looked back at his squad, his men were new and inexperienced, and did not know Heil well. It would be unreasonable for him to ask them to join him. So he instead looked at the men he had saved.
Fian looked skeptical but nodded, “I’ll join you sergeant, if anyone can pull us out alive, its you. And we get promotions! Better food and pay! I’m all in.”
Raole and Cren shifted their feet uncomfortably. Cren spoke up, “If you really think you can do it sarge, then I’ll come.”
Raole nodded but stayed silent.
“Then you three come with me.” Heil said, “As for the rest, you can stay here.”
The new men sighed, relieved.
The lieutenant colonel nodded, “Very well then, I can tell you are a good commander if your subordinates trust you that much. I will scrounge up a few more volunteers. Meet me in my tent tomorrow at 0700 sharp!”
With that he walked away.
Heil grinned, this was his chance at promotion! And revenge against Grendian, soon he’d be a hero with glory and Grendian just an unaccomplished inferior soldier!303Please respect copyright.PENANAPyufk0jc60