“Alright now where is the blasted thing?” Ratchet dug into her pockets and pulled out a small horn, she then turned to face the boys with her.372Please respect copyright.PENANAgkg4OkQZdU
“Cover ya ears.”
372Please respect copyright.PENANAmMGwNRIRQP
“Uh.” Alex did as he was told and Logan did the same, once they were properly covered Ratchet took a deep breath and blew into the horn which let out a loud bellow which made the vines shake and vigorously writhe, soon the vines lashed out and snatched the horn away from Ratchet. She stood there smiling. She then looked back at the boys and waved her hand.372Please respect copyright.PENANAVUb40yekxI
“Wow..that was loud.”372Please respect copyright.PENANAiZ0bYlw0Vt
372Please respect copyright.PENANAQOBQhsT8cz
“Yup, get ready to meet another one of ya gramps friends.” Ratchet spoke and she turned her head just as loud thuds were heard, the leaves spread as she grinned looking up as they saw a massive figure emerge from the dark within and soon it stood before them its skin black with autumn leaves growing on its arms and legs. It had a very imposing look to it towering over the group, he looked down at them and then his eyes locked onto Ratchet and his various autumn colored eyes seemed to scrunch up in anger and annoyance.372Please respect copyright.PENANAUsvvIqmmkw
372Please respect copyright.PENANAuuTQA4VNcV
“I could’ve killed you. All of you.” He spoke, his voice was gentle yet it held a loud bass behind it as if he spoke through the thorns themselves. Ratchet stood there without a single care as she blew a bubble with her gum and began to walk past him, she walked in and he looked at Logan and Alexander for a moment before he followed behind her and they followed after him. The group walked together and the entire time Alex had questions, despite Logan trying to curb his son’s interest he did no more than amp him up further.372Please respect copyright.PENANANXRDyElqQQ
372Please respect copyright.PENANAW8Bl5ctDU5
“So is your power like, I don’t know some kind of tree bark beast?”372Please respect copyright.PENANAz0anx1ew8r
372Please respect copyright.PENANAeNsW3DQtAq
“No. I’m a Qazothyzian.”
372Please respect copyright.PENANABuRWb38GsI
“Ooooh okay okay...so what is that? A group of tree bark people?”372Please respect copyright.PENANACfdHbCTpFF
372Please respect copyright.PENANAtMmioQrSxg
“In your terms I’d say Oberon there is a bit of a Fairy plant hybrid, putting it bluntly.” Oberon seemed offended by that and glared at Ratchet as they arrived through the thickets of the forest, they saw a house embedded in the bark of a massive tree which seemed to be hiding this area away with the plant life around it. Upon further inspection there were various bits of metal and scrap littered around along with some kind of destroyed small pod of some kind.
372Please respect copyright.PENANAAWz0VBmImb
“Tell ya stupid roots to get off my metal, gonna whine to you when it poisons em.”372Please respect copyright.PENANAxpaIsDeSaE
372Please respect copyright.PENANAX3DxMGpVTt
“Get your scrap off the yard and the issue will be resolved.”372Please respect copyright.PENANAgbjSOTVjeZ
372Please respect copyright.PENANABShpW7vhzU
“Keep ya plants off my darn stuff and it’ll all be well for everyone, don’t forget I can go through this patch of plantery with a flamethrower at any point.”
372Please respect copyright.PENANAJuKL4uaCJB
“He’s gotten worse!” The pair continued to argue back and forth until they heard someone shout from atop the stairs, it was a young male wearing a black long sleeved turtle neck with black tattered pants that seemed to have been damaged and stitched up due to the beige patches on them. He seemed panicked, this caused Ratchet to run up the stairs with Oberon flying past her and heading inside.
372Please respect copyright.PENANAAeuPTA9OLX
“Its gotta be grandpa!” Alexander ran up the stairs after them and Logan followed behind his son, they entered the home and followed Ratchet who ran up some spiral stairs to a solo room and entered it. On the bed was a man elderly and clearly on his last reaches of life, he would look over and reach out to Logan.372Please respect copyright.PENANAlbJiUd6LAM
372Please respect copyright.PENANAcN8voorXB3
“My boy…” He called out and Logan split the group of people, he walked past a decently sized group of people..his father was an influential man after all.372Please respect copyright.PENANAN8DrUgz5KC
“What a fine…young man you’ve grown to be…I’m so sorry..I-”372Please respect copyright.PENANAHonDQ4ZSee
372Please respect copyright.PENANAGJB4u9qbH4
“Don’t apologize pops, whatever you were doing here must’ve been important..enough for you to regret doing it.” Logan knelt down beside his father looking at him.372Please respect copyright.PENANAcyx4yresP4
“Use your breaths for your final wishes.”
372Please respect copyright.PENANAtogwcd5nPU
“....You’ve grown so much..” His father smiled and began to cry a bit.372Please respect copyright.PENANAiuyONbtaRo
“Where are the grandbabies?”372Please respect copyright.PENANA5O3fTLllvh
372Please respect copyright.PENANA2A6faRAqk6
“Kids..gramps.” Alexander walked over and smiled at his grandfather which made him cry a bit himself.
372Please respect copyright.PENANAKhQGtL9Ijp
“Such a fine young man you’ve become bu-but where is little Vi?” He saw the worry in their eyes.
“She was taken…then I know what I must do…I’m sorry I have so little time to explain but…this world’s artifacts..they need to be destroyed and…{cough cough!}” He tried to speak but he couldn't. He looked over at one of his companions and reached out.372Please respect copyright.PENANAMZiTOHXxkI
“Mina..please.” They watched as a woman walked over, she wore all black with some pink. Her dress, her hair tie and her socks which reached to her thighs were black while her footwear were black. She reached out and as soon as their hands touched her eyes began to emit an intense blue light causing her to stumble back but she seemed okay.372Please respect copyright.PENANAeVtTNG4oEz
“Sh-She’ll..explain all she can to you two…goodbye everyone. Farewell my son, farewell..my grandchildren…farewell my friends….” Everyone watched as the scarf around his neck fell off and dropped to the floor and burst into black smoke, his eyes went white as he seemed to pass away instantly. Mina would walk over and close his eyes looking down at him, her expression was blank but the slight droop in her eyelids could tell enough of how she felt about the situation. Oberon began to speak in a different language before he raised his hand up, he then intertwined his fingers and continued. Ratchet looked at this and rolled her eyes walking out, leaving the others inside. Logan looked at his father’s deceased form and gently placed a hand on his arm.
372Please respect copyright.PENANAcLYk8Lo46u
“I love you too, father, goodbye.” Logan took his moment and then followed after Ratchet, Alexander hurried after them and began to speak.
372Please respect copyright.PENANAOAPAMo77e0
“So..we're going to go get Vivian right?” Alexander looked at Ratchet who looked at him and gave a firm nod, she took them to a small hut behind the tree. Inside were a bunch of various inventions and different things, she walked over and grabbed a large sword which had a heated blade on it. She then grabbed various pills sighing as she looked over at the pair with her.372Please respect copyright.PENANAxgpnnR4LvK
372Please respect copyright.PENANA9KyA1LnNQM
“We got two choices, we either carve a hole in the beast and insert these pills or we slam them straight down it’s gullet and wait for the pills to tear the strands off of her or we cut her clean outta it..but if we don’t do it fast. We mess up a bit, the beast’ll panic and possibly start to boil her inside of it in an attempt to digest her faster to fix itself.” Ratchet looks at the boys and they agree to the pills, she nods and looks at them both. She then gives the pair their own kits to get themselves prepared for this, she gives Logan a power suit which has a blue light around the chest. The second it was put on the suit began to bulk up a bit and fit around his muscles, the suit’s pure white nature turned gray and the light a golden sheen. Alexander’s suit was next and once he put it on the suit fit on him tightly almost as if it were a skin tight suit, his suit began to change in color as well staying white and the light was blue.
“Huh. Neat. Now let’s get movin ladies.”
372Please respect copyright.PENANAqcd32h0FAn
“Huh?? Where am I?” Vivian awoke as she looked around and saw she was somewhere else somewhere…somewhere odd. It looked like she was in a flying city however everything was in ruins, she turned around and saw large statues of a creature that seemed to be without a body and it became an odd ghost like thing..on its face was an X with a line underneath it. She stared at the statue for a bit and then looked ahead and spotted a throne, she then heard a loud crack coming from her right. She quickly turned to her right looking in that direction and backing away, she then saw one of the statue’s fingers move and the cracking sound happened again as its head looked down at her and began to glow. A bright light was emitted as she began to shriek in terror, the light fully engulfing her and what seemed to be the entire area.
372Please respect copyright.PENANA89Ai63lUcg
“Grah!” Logan grunted as he stood in front of the large beast holding it back, its gaping maw extending as it went in to bite his face. Just before its fangs connect the suit creates a mask that latches over his face and blocks the bite, he calls out in a robotic voice due to the mask.372Please respect copyright.PENANATtRJzqBfHI
“Vivian, don't worry! We’ll get you out of there!!” He holds the creature as it continues to press down its body weight, the beast had grown much much larger from when it was last seen. It seems the rain from their world caused it to shrink now it was as big as a school bus, the beast roared as multiple eyes looked down at Logan who kept holding it.
372Please respect copyright.PENANAhwR74dOI2Q
“Coming in hot!” Ratchet called out as she waved a hand over her face and a mask appeared, she slid between Logan’s legs and began to use her blade to pry the beast’s fangs off Logan’s mask.
372Please respect copyright.PENANARyjkk6IuhL
“What're you doing?! You said it-”372Please respect copyright.PENANACa0ewvm1E8
372Please respect copyright.PENANAusdbzd5MGS
“So what?! Your daughter loses a few pounds in exchange for her entire life, I’d say it's a pretty fair trade! Unless you want to risk her being melted down instead!!” Ratchet pried it off and slammed the pills into the beast’s mouth, it shrieked and lifted her up slamming her and launching Logan away and causing the pills to fall out of its mouth. It slammed her again until she fell off, she slid to a stop holding the blade which she tossed aside and pulled out her bat.372Please respect copyright.PENANAr8lGRgH4jM
“Come on then, oye come on!!” She antagonized the beast as it rushed her, before it could bite her Logan sprinted over and tackled it, putting his arm in the way and getting bitten.
372Please respect copyright.PENANA1n95kpdIiL
“Auuuuuugh!!” He shouted in pain, it roared and went in for another bite.
372Please respect copyright.PENANA9AjOYc28jE
“Alright it’s simple, these are guns. It holds the sista saving pills, in case something goes wrong we need to trust you to make the shot. I’ve modified the cannon on your arm to shoot one too. You need to aim it.”
372Please respect copyright.PENANAf35sGwIhny
“I got this.” Alexander finished thinking back to what Ratchet had told him, however the beast only kept its mouth open for so long. Not enough time even if time was slowed for Alex to hit the shot, not to mention he’s never fired these things before. The beast bit down into Logan’s arm breaking the suit and tearing into his flesh, then..something snapped.
372Please respect copyright.PENANAi1fsujjSsA
“RAAAAAAAAH!!” Logan let out a fierce war-cry which caused some kind of blast of red energy to shoot from his body knocking back Ratchet.
372Please respect copyright.PENANAYnBEJ70W16
“Urgh gah! What was that?” Ratchet watched the beast stumble back, noticing that the same burst of energy that sent her through the sky had staggered it, before the beast could get its bearings Logan was on it. He rushed it down and sank his hands into what could only be the beast’s face. He slammed it into the floor and it wrapped it’s tentacles around him but he just slammed it’s face into the ground again and lifted it above him and sent it crashing down into the ground below causing its mouth to open with a screech, he stomped on its face and grabbed its teeth holding its mouth open.372Please respect copyright.PENANAwPcYlMGjAw
“Shoot it!” Alexander had the chance he needed and pulled the trigger, just as he fired he was lifted into the sky along with Logan and Ratchet, the creature roared in pain and the shot bounced off its body. The pills did not land in its mouth and the beast began to flee and run away.
“NO!!!” Logan shouted as he squirmed.
372Please respect copyright.PENANAXhKrs2W7ag
372Please respect copyright.PENANAERkXoOErui
“PUT US DOWN YA MORON!!” Ratchet squirmed trying to get down, they saw Oberon emerge from the dead ground and look at the three of them clearly pissed off but not as pissed as they were.
“CATCH IT!”372Please respect copyright.PENANAzCoaLYGKjf
372Please respect copyright.PENANA85sTdibuvD
“It? That poor creature you assaulted and brutally beat, all because it is trying to-” CLINK!!! Ratchet hesitated not even a bit, swinging and cracking Oberon in the head with her bat knocking his balance off and causing him to launch Alexander and slam Logan into the ground. Alex hit the ground and coughed from the impact.372Please respect copyright.PENANAkBhkLreAcV
“Alex! Are you-”372Please respect copyright.PENANAKC6QIzVQfF
372Please respect copyright.PENANAAiNvB6Twn6
“Dad please! We can’t lose Vi, we can’t! Dad please!!” Alex began to break down and cry as he got up and began to run after it. He ran as fast as he could but the beast was much faster than the boy. Logan ran after his son and picked him up, however they were lifted again by Oberon who’d gotten his bearings.372Please respect copyright.PENANAZokjrg1U3K
372Please respect copyright.PENANAbisRWCYDCk
“I won’t allow you to harm that creature!”372Please respect copyright.PENANA4LlkxBRbZ4
372Please respect copyright.PENANAjsLUOWMMVD
“RELEASE US NOW! THAT THING HAS MY DAUGHTER, I WON’T LET IT KILL HER!!” Logan shouted but Oberon refused to place them down.372Please respect copyright.PENANAJbWJSS8Bvz
372Please respect copyright.PENANA5SDhKHionP
“She is lost Omoth, I won’t let you take the life of an innocent-” Just then a large explosion came from where the beast was, everyone saw a pillar of pink energy with black infused inside of it. All collectively hearing a girl’s screams and the beasts being burned and charred to nothing, Oberon looked on in fear with his one visible eye even Ratchet was stunned.372Please respect copyright.PENANAowZ23Db6Th
“A-An artifact…”
“Hot dang..” Ratchet watched with everyone as the energy increased and the screams rang out. The energy died down allowing everyone to finally go to the area, they saw a large radius from the explosion and in the middle they saw Vivian on her knees with her eyes glowing pink, her hair flaring up having turned black and pink flames emitting from around her hands.