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I made up a song and I want you to finish it 

Sorry I don't know how to break up a song into parts 

It's called life of the party

They say we're the life of the party, but I don't see it, they say we're to young to understand, we're mature and they're to dumb to see it, I thought friends were "ride or die", so I guess, that means I died, but in heaven you saved me, brought me back to the ground, and told me how to play life by it's own game, we're simple, we have no rules, no regrets, and we never hold back, and all we wonder, what's the true definition of love?  

I made up a song and I want you to finish it 

Sorry I don't know how to break up a song into parts 

It's called life of the party

They say we're the life of the party, but I don't see it, they say we're to young to understand, we're mature and they're to dumb to see it, I thought friends were "ride or die", so I guess, that means I died, but in heaven you saved me, brought me back to the ground, and told me how to play life by it's own game, we're simple, we have no rules, no regrets, and we never hold back, and all we wonder, what's the true definition of love?  

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