Once your eyes adjust to the bright light you look up to see many faces peering over the edge of the opening, and you hear overlapping voices.
“Holy crap!”
“Wait till nick hears about this.”
“A girl?”
“Look at the greenie Newt,”
“I call dibs!”
“Slim it” Someone yells. “Why are you shanks gappin and yapping at the greenie, get him up here!” Then an accented voice starts speaking and you strain to see who it is but only hear them. “Its a girl.” So what if I’m a girl you think just wanting to get out of the box but scared of all the kids up there and not wanting to be around them. “A girl?”The first voice asks in a confused voice. “Yeah nick a girl!” A boy in the crowd surrounding me says before bursting into laughter. “Slim it Gally! Lets get her out. I’m sure shes sick of staying in that shucking box.” The first voice, Nick as you had heard someone call him, says. “Ill do it if someone can get me a bloody rope.” The boy with an accent says though you still cant see him. “Go get your own rope Newt” Nick says. You hear some footsteps getting further away and then disappearing. The boys just stare down at you and you keep your mouth shut not knowing what to say. Suddenly a rope drops down next to you and you scramble back. “Aww is she scared?” “Newts a scary guy I would be terrified!” All the jeers and laughter from above seem loud. The noises are frightening and you cant think straight. A boy drops down and you star at him. He has dusty blonde hair and chocolaty eyes. He steps forward and grabs your wrist turning back around to pull you to the rope but you twist your wrist getting out of his grip and take a couple steps back putting some distance between you and this strange boy. He turns around and starts talking his accented voice bouncing off the metal walls of this box. “Come on its OK lets get you out of here the glade is much better I promise none of those shanks are going to hurt you, I’ll keep you safe.” He takes a step forward and you take one back. “What do you mean you’ll keep me safe do you think I’m some sort of fragile baby that will break at any second? Besides i was comfortable here without the likes of you here.” You continue without letting him answer. “Now leave me alone.” He sighs and shakes his head. “Come on I don’t exactly have time for this now lets go!” He steps forward again grabbing your wrist and dragging you to the rope hanging from above. You try to twist out again but his grip is stronger now and you cant escape. “Let me GO!” You yell. Getting desperate you knee him between the legs. He drops your wrist and collapses on the ground curling up like a baby groaning. The yells from above getting louder. I wish they would shut up! You think as you stare at the boy on the ground. You hear a bang that echos through the box and turn around holding your fists up. “Don’t talk, just listen. You’re going to climb up that rope because we have a tour to start and not everyone has the time to goggle at greenies so come on.” He sweeps his hand to the rope and you sigh and roll your eyes but climb the rope. He didn’t sound annoyed at you mostly at the other kids. Once you reach the top you are surrounded by strange boys. They grab you pulling you this way and that until the second boy the one who told you there was a tour appears. “Get your hands off her!!!” He yells and everyone stops. “Nobody touches her, understood?!” Murmurs of agreement scatter through the crowd. The first boy the one with the accent climbs out of the room. “Good job Newt you are officially the first person to get your butt kicked by a girl.” One of the boys says and laughter erupts from all around you. “Keep talking like that and you’ll be next.” You say confidently pulling your fists in front of your chest and take a step towards him. He stumbles back away from you and everyone laughs again. “Lets get out of here and start the tour.” A soft voice whispers in your ear and you turn to see the second boy pull on your wrist and guide you our of the noisy crowd.