That's all Angie II thought. Run as fast as you can. Run as far as you can. Keep Max's hand in yours. Run, run away from the School, from the resurrected Jeb, from the resurrected Ari who only ever treated us as playthings. School is hell. Save Max above all things, Angie II thought, trying to convince herself that she wanted to go against her programming, that she needed to go against her programming. Run, run, RUN!
"Do you know where we're going?" Max asked.
Angie II looked behind her to make sure that was Max, and not someone else.
"No," Angie answered simply, looking for any exit markings above doors. "I'm just as much a prisoner here as you were."
"But you're their personal hitmen!" Max exclaimed. "You were allowed to roam and capture me!"
"That wasn't me," Angie II said, taking a right. Max followed. "That was IV. She's different..."
"Different how?"
Angie looked behind her, staring hard at Max while trying to keep her pace. "After she captured you, she was told to take Phoenix. Alive."
"Phoenix? My baby?" Max asked. "No! She can't!"
"And she won't. Turn left, I think this way leads out," Angie responded, turning back around to check that they were where they needed to be. "We had a plan. Well, Angie IV, VII, and Falcon III, V, VI, and I did. The others are beyond our control. Angie IV was told to take you so we could gain the Whitecoats' trust, but after that, we are sworn to protect you. And all other recombinant life-forms. After all, we have more in common with you guys than you think."
Max was silent. Angie II looked behind her again to check she was there.
They reached the end of a hallway and pulled open a huge heavy door. Light blazed in from the outside world. Outside light. It's so beautiful, Angie II thought. It dances, it shines, it-
"Now what?" Max demanded. "Where are we going?"
"Now we're out. It's your turn," Angie II said. "I've only been out once before."
"Okay then, follow me," Max said.