Big things come in small packages, they say. Well, I'm certainly life-changing. I sit on a door and never move ever again. Everytime I feel a hand touch me I get all tingly and excited. Someone's opening to a new world, to a new room. And I get to guide them and help them open the door. Honestly, I must be the most important thing they don't realize helps so much!
Humans. They're quite interesting, I'd say. They're completely unaware of what they have. Without me, where would they be? Stuck in one room, obviously. Yeah. That's how I live. I've got to believe that even if they don't notice, even if they don't care, I still help. Like an unknown god of sorts. They may slam doors and they may smash doors, but they don't smash doornobs. Now that's how you know that humans secretly care about you.