“Put your hands up where I can see them!”
The gun in my hand was steady as I aimed it for the criminals at the end of the alley wall. The three of them paused in their steps, realising that they had nowhere else to go. I could almost see them run it through their minds, giving each other looks as if they could figure a way out.
Next to me, my brother and partner Helios also raised his gun. “Come on boys, it’s over.”
There was mockery in his tone, a smile on his face. Always with a smile. It was one that had given him a lot of punches, and some would say rightly so. It was never a good idea to bait criminals, but he didn’t care.
Finally, they slowly turned around, hands raised above their heads. All three looked furious. Well, they should be, it was a brief chase. And they weren’t very good at stealing.
Helios gave me a smirk; told you it was going to be an easy night.
Despite better instinct, a smile tugged on my lips. My brother was an idiot sometimes but could always make light of a situation.
We had yet to find out why we could speak to each other through our minds. A talent which had been a great surprise to us and our adoptive parents when we were eight. We went to numerous doctors, and no one knew why. Some theorised it was because we were twins, that maybe there had been a mutation in our blood to allow it, or maybe it was linked to the immortals – some similar bloodline.
While we never figured it out, it was a good thing to have when being a police officer.
“Thank you for your cooperation, now you are under arrest for stealing. You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention, when questioned, something which you may later rely on in court.’
Every time it was the same line, and half the time they didn’t listen to it. Thankfully, these petty criminals were smart enough to keep their mouths shut. Save us all some paperwork.
Once handcuffed, we led them to our police car where onlookers watched and whispered to each other with interest. I knew it was not just for the arrest but for who we were.
Safe to say me and my brother were popular amongst the people.
Helios, as always, lapped up the attention. Flashing ladies with a smile and promises he wouldn’t keep. And he said I was getting about.
At least I kept it to a minimal and didn’t lead anyone on. Or use my status to get females into bed.
I snapped my fingers when he became distracted by the crowd, currently giving one of the women a very long look. “Come on, we need to go.”
“You’re killing my game here, dear sister.”
I snorted, bending down to get in the car. “What game?”
His reply was muffled but I knew he had made some sort of insult. A moment later he joined and then we drove to the police station not even ten minutes away. Driving through the sprawling city of Earth, it was easy to say why it was popular.
Other kingdoms had some issues posed with living there, whether it be extreme heat or cold. Here, it was optimal and everyone who hated the cold or the hot came here. Whether me and my brother were born here or not, we were blessed to grow up in Earth.
Before long, we arrived at the station where we processed the criminals to spend a lovely night in jail before determining what to do next.
“Helios! Kamari!”
We both turned and our inspector was striding towards us, determination in his eyes. Safe to say we had an- interesting relationship with Inspector Anderson. He admired us in a sense, was grateful for our services to bringing about justice but he was also jealous of the fact. The man was mid forty, had been in service for more than twenty years and yet we had done more in our few years than he has ever done.
Deep down, he hates for us, and I think he worries that one of us could take his job soon. Not that either of us wants it.
Well not yet at least.
“Yes Inspector?”
The man seemed to stand up straighter as eyes in the room watched with curiosity. “I need to speak to you both in my office. Now.”
With that, he turned on his heel and walked off in the opposite direction. I shared a glance with my brother who looked just as confused.
Any idea what this is about?
I frowned, staring in the direction of where Strand was heading. A nervous feeling in my stomach begging to settle. We hadn’t done anything wrong, not to my knowledge but there was no reason for a conversation like this. No.
We made sure to follow him though, where he directed us into his tiny, bleak office. “Sit.”
Anderson closed the door as we took our seats, my eyes falling on the picture of his family on his desk. He walked around the desk, also taking his seat where he leaned back and observed us.
He was quiet for a moment, fingers tapping on the wood of his desk as his eyes glanced between us. “Now, I’m sure you’re confused as to why I brought you here. I received a phone call from Chief Constable Strand. As it turns out, he has been following your careers closely. As you know, a lot of it has been in the news. Such as the Bethany Abbott case.”
Bethany Abbott.
An eighteen-year-old woman who went missing five years ago. When we were in training, we saw the case as it happened but could not do anything to help. Eventually the trail went cold as the police couldn’t figure out who did it. A year ago, we made an arrest, and something just didn’t feel right, the name familiar. Long story short we traced him back to the victim and figured out where she was. Turns out he had dumped her with a family member in Mercury. We managed to save her and reunited her with a family. It had been a national case where we rewarded well for our service.
Though I was failing to see how this had any relevance, and I voiced as much.
Anderson laughed, though it was bitter. He didn’t look at either of us, staring out of the window as he announced, “I have been informed that Stand wishes to promote you both to detectives.”
My head practically whipped to look at Helios, who looked just as shocked as me.
Holy shit.
I practically stared back at him aghast, this was not what I had expected. Holy shit indeed.
Just as we looked at Anderson, he finally looked at us. Lips pressed into a thin line, eyes betraying his every thought. “You won’t have to go through the typical training as you’ve been serving as officers for a while now and Strand believes from what he has seen, you will be perfect for the job anyway. You will, however, undergo a week of shadowing one of our best detectives, Carlos Lopez. He’ll teach you the ropes and after that week you may progress as detectives. I assume this is something you wish to do?”
For a moment my brain short circuited, genuinely surprised. To not have the normal training, to be able to go straight in after a week… It made no sense and yet they were offering it to us.
Was there a reason?
Is it a yes?
Helios voice in my head nearly made my jump, surprising me. But it was seeing Anderson giving us an expectant look in our direction that I remembered he needed an answer. So, I subtly nodded to Helios, who was practically grinning.
“It would be. Thank you, sir.”
Anderson laughed, shaking his head. “It’s not me you should be thanking. I’ll pass it onto Strand and tomorrow we’ll start with the training. You are dismissed.”
Now I was over the shock, I knew for a fact he was pissed. No congratulations despite being under his service for seven years now. No, he was furious that we had achieved this, directly from the big man himself no less. I was almost tempted to rub it in but not yet, after next week maybe.
We left his office, closing the door behind us. Immediately, Helios broke into that grin he was holding back, grabbing my shoulders and shaking me.
“Kamari, we’ve made it. We always thought it’d be a few more years and yet we could be detectives by next week.”
I shook my head, amazed. Though I pulled Helios off me, who threw me an apologetic look. He then brushed past my silence, aware of the thoughts running through my head.
“I think this deserves drinks after the shift. Worthy of celebration!”
I smiled as Helios slung his arm around my shoulder, leading me back towards our desks. There were a couple of our friends on the force, both of whom watched us with curious gazes.
“Well, you seem happy,” Commented Eira.
“Yeah. Even Kamari is and she never is,” Added Rhys, smirking at me.
In response, I gave him the middle finger to which they all laughed. Sure, I was less outgoing than Helios, but I did have my happy moments. They were just quieter and self-contained.
Though not right now.
“We’ve just received the news that we could be promoted to detectives. Straight from the chief constable himself and we only have to do a week’s training and shadowing.”
Eira jumped up in joy, attracting the attention of the other officers. She gave me a tight hug and I couldn’t help but smile as I returned it. She then turned her attention to Helios who was happy to receive a hug from her. Rhys merely gave us nods; he wasn’t exactly the hugging type.
“That’s amazing! Well done guys. I must say we’ll miss you here though.”
Helios braced his hands on his hips. “We’re getting drinks to celebrate. You should join us, my treat.”
Naturally, Rhys was happy with that offer. “Free drinks? Count me in. I’ll need it.”
With that, we went about our business. The rest of the shift was rather calm as we did patrols and other trivial tasks. It was like the end of the shift couldn’t come fast enough.
During that time, I passed Anderson a few times and each time he looked displeased to see me. I began to become certain that he had told someone about our chance, and now it was spreading through the station.
As me and Helios did paperwork, I noticed their stares, their hushed whispers and jealous thoughts. Sure, I could see why. But we earned it, and like hell I would pass this up for another few years as an officer.
It was a good job but never what I wanted to be.
So I pointedly ignored their looks, a few times glaring back at them, daring them to say something. They never did though, and it gave me a small amount of satisfaction.
Once the shift was over, we all walked to the local pub where we took our usual table near the back. I had chosen it because even off shift I found myself studying everyone, their intentions and what could go wrong.
A few times in the past I may have dealt with some guys and the pub appreciated it, even got a few drinks out of it which entertained Helios to no end.
Tonight, Helios ordered the first round of drinks, desperate to get drunk and have some fun.
“To Helios and Kamari, our new detectives!” Boasted Eira, raising her glass up high.
We all echoed as we drank, laughing and joking about. There was an energy in me, an excitement and the alcohol was making it worse. Halfway through the night, as the drinks began to hit, I excused myself to the bathroom.
Walking inside, I went straight to the sink, splashing myself with some cold water. Glancing up in the mirror, I took a moment to take a breath. Today had been a weird day but it had been good to focus on work, to not think about anything else.
Like the thoughts at the back of my mind since we were told the news. That I wish we knew who our parents were. To tell them, to see if they would be excited for us. I loved our foster parents but for me, it never felt right. Even if I never knew our real parents.
Helios was just happy to have parents who loved us, never much questioned where we really came from.
I did. All of the time. And maybe being a detective would finally give me a chance to find them. To ask them why they gave us up. We were left on the doorstop of the adoption centre, with one note.
‘I am so sorry. I love you both so very much, my Helios and Kamari.’
That was it. Safe to say finding who they were would be a hard job but I’d solve it like it was any other case. I just had to.
The sound of a stall door banging against a wall brought me back to the present as I finished up and headed back to our table.
Once there, I found Helios was nowhere in sight. Eira and Rhys were still sat at the table, talking quietly to each other.
“Where is he?” I asked as I went to sit down, grabbing for my drink.
Eira laughed as Rhys jerked his chin. “Where do you think?”
I looked and was unsurprised to see him chatting some girl at the bar up, one who was enjoying his advances. I quickly looked away, revolted by it. He was my brother after all, I did not need to see all of that.
“Okay, in that case I’m going to head to my apartment,” I announced, grabbing my leather jacket and pulling it on.
“Are you sure? You don’t have to leave,” Argued Eira, though her eyes flickered to Rhys briefly. A want in her eyes I recognised all to well.
I smiled; I wasn’t oblivious to their flirting. This would give them some time alone and it really was a good idea for me to go home.
“I promise, now enjoy your night.”
Eira almost seemed relieved as she offered me a smile, giving me a slight wave. “You too!”
With that, I left the pub and walked the short distance back to my apartment. The fresh air was nice, helping me to cool the alcohol in my veins.
Just as I reached my apartment, my phone pinged with a text.
‘I’m bored. Can I come over?’
I smiled; it was like she could read my mind. ‘Come over in half an hour. Let me just sober up.’
‘I’ll be there’.
The next morning, I wasn’t surprised to find she was gone. Every time she would be gone before I woke up and I was used to it. We both knew it was just some fun, nothing serious and I did not expect her to stay.
It was a good job as a brisk knock came, glancing at the time I cursed to find I had ten minutes before we had to leave. Helios always showed up ten minutes earlier.
He was too eager, too much of a morning person and I hated it.
I rushed to the front door, swinging it open where Helios took one look at me and laughed. “Fun night last night?”
I rolled my eyes as I opened the door wider. “As fun as yours. Wait in the living room, I’ll be ready soon.”
As I walked back to my bedroom, I heard Helios shout, “I’m timing you!”
For once I decided to be the bigger person as I ignored his comment. I was quick to change, brushing my teeth and making myself look presentable for our first day as practise detectives.
God, detectives. I couldn’t believe it.
I managed to get ready in time to find Helios holding out a cup for me. “Coffee. Thought you’d need it.”
Taking the cup, I smiled back at my brother. He really was sweet sometimes, it reminded me why we were partners too. “Come on, lets go and meet Lopez.”
And that was how we found ourselves stood in front of a greying man, looking up at us from his desk. We had been instructed to go to his office and we had been stood inside for a few minutes now and no one had said a word.
‘Do we say something?’ Asked Helios in my head.
‘I don’t know’.
Then Lopez cocked his head, smiling. “You know if it wasn’t for the same grey eyes, I wouldn’t have guessed you were twins.”
I frowned as Helios laughed half-heartedly. Sometimes we got that a lot, we did like different. Not identical twins and we were different people in many ways. But it was not the first comment I expected from him. “Thanks?”
Lopez chuckled, getting to his feet. “It’s nice to meet you both. Though I must say I wished I could become a detective as easy as you are. So, over the next week, you will keep your mouths shut unless I ask you first. And don’t mess with my crime scenes. Understood?”
We both nodded, a sense of not daring to speak crossing our minds. Honestly, he slightly put me on edge. Lopez hummed, “Great. Let’s go.”
“Where are we going?” Asked Helios as Lopez grabbed his jacket.
I was wondering where we were going too.
He smirked, glancing between us. “Where else? We are heading to your first crime scene as detectives. Or practices detectives. Whatever you want to call it.”
Then he was leaving his office, us trailing behind him. This was going to be interesting.
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