1. You could be reading this sentence at the exact same time as someone else.
2. Every memory you have is just a chemical reaction in your brain.
3. You could've seen a stranger on the last day that they were alive.
4. If time travel is invented, wouldn't that mean it's always existed?
5. You have a small chance of dying with everything you do.
6. Do caterpillars know they're going to become butterflies.
7. Coffee is just coffee bean soup.
8. If you work on a farm and take care of chickens that makes you a chicken tender.
9. We aren't afraid of being alone in the dark, we're afraid of not being alone in the dark.
10. A book is just a step-by-step manual on how to imagine something.
11. Claustrophobic people are fine with their brain being trapped inside their skull.
12. If I touch my phone in the right places a pizza will appear at my door.
13. If someone calls you a furry and barks at you, doesn't that make them the furry207Please respect copyright.PENANAAMOXsMRjI9
(I understand most furries don't bark at people, I am one)
14. If you rate someone a 10/10 they're still a 1.
15. Mercedes 3 E's are all pronounced differently