My eyes open wide, glancing around the darkened woods. Yellow, no, golden eyes surround me. You’d think I’d be afraid, but I’m not. Quite the opposite in fact. I feel welcomed, loved, respected. One set of eyes lock with mine. As it approaches me, it studies me closely. Stopping inches from my face, it lifts its head and howls. I didn’t know what it meant, but I’m sure I’ll find out soon enough.
“Val! Wake up! We are late! They won’t wait forever.” My best friend yells.
I groan, “Really, Lilly! Couldn’t you have let me sleep? I haven’t been sleeping much lately.”
“It’s the last day before the trip! We need to go, NOW!” Lilly exclaims.
“Lilly… it’s the same trip every year!” I say getting out of bed. Lilly throws her blonde hair over her shoulder, her green, emerald eyes piercing into my stormy grey ones. She’s about 5’10” and the prettiest girl in school. Whoever becomes her mate will be one lucky guy. She is the daughter of the pack’s beta.
“It might be the same but every year new members get their wolves… I’m just excited because it’s our first trip. We are 16! Imagine if we both get our wolves? Then we’d have our 2 years of training together. Your older brother will be there!”
“Don’t remind me… you are the one totally obsessed with him and wanting to see him. Besides, why would he want to see me? You and he are the perfect pair… you might even end up as his mate. I haven’t heard anything about him finding his mate yet, and I haven’t heard from him since he left.”
“He… shut up Val.” She stomps to show her frustration.
I roll my eyes, “Let’s get to class before you break my floor, Ms. Warrior woman.”
We walk to the school yard to find our friend, Kayzen or Kaz, son of the deltas, third in pack ranks, and he never lets us forget it. He is quite handsome. He’s 6’ tall, amber skin, ocean blue eyes, and muscular. Most she-wolves would love to have him. All of us are more muscular than a human though, to the point a she-wolf could take down a body builder human male.
“Like what you see, Val?” Kayzen smirks. He’s been wanting to be with me forever.
I roll my eyes, “As if… you may be on the radar for most other she-wolves but not the alpha’s daughter. I’ll hopefully be a Luna in training soon enough.”
“Ouch, that stings.” He laughs. “Anyway, we need to get to class.”
“Yeah, so we can hear the boring speech about ‘the calling trip’…” I say adding sarcasm
We head inside to our classroom. Once we enter the lobby area, my head begins to race and beads of sweat form, my head pounds so heavily that my vision begins to fade in and out, and blurs.
“Val? Are you okay?” Lilly’s voice is barely heard.
“I don’t feel good all of a sudden….” My vision goes black, and I fall to the ground.
Val… Vaal… come to me… in the forest. It is time. We must join as one. We need to meet. Come to me, I will await you by the river within the forest. We need to become!
I sit up gasping and panting for air as if I can’t get enough. Once my heart and breathing settle, I realize I’m in the infirmary. I shake my head.
“Oh, Ms. White, you’re awake.” The nurse comes in, “Good. I was beginning to worry.”
“What happened to me?” I ask.
“I believe your wolf is calling to you. They don’t call it ‘the calling trip’ for no reason. You haven’t been sleeping well, have you? Am I right? Feeling restless? Seeing eyes in your dreams? Have you been approached by one yet? One of the wolves?” she asks me as if I’m being interrogated. I nod and she continues. “If it howled you’ve been chosen.”
“So, you are telling me, this is completely normal? How do I know? I didn’t see what it looked like or receive a name. Aren’t wolves named?” I ponder.
“When you and your wolve become as one, she will reveal her name to you, and the way she looks depends on the joining of you two as one. Everyone only ever sees eyes or shadows. Their form isn’t revealed until the first transformation, when the calling is complete. It can be instant or last a week. That is why the trip is a month long, sometimes even longer. The ones that make the trip don’t always come back with their wolf. Or rather, the ones who don’t come back are the ones with their wolf and go straight into the two-year training. If one doesn’t get their wolf they go to the next calling, until they finally receive it.” The nurse explains.
“So, by my understanding, with me dealing with all this new stuff, I will get my wolf?” I ask and she nods. “Are you sure it will happen?”
“Yes, but it’s your journey. You can’t tell your friends or family until your wolf joins with you. It is a very sacred event. You don’t want to ruin it for them, or yourself.”
“I understand…can I go now? I think I’m better.”
“I’m having lunch brought to you then you may go after that. You need the strength to get through. You may join with your classmates and classes after. Remember…”
“Don’t say anything. Got it.” I interrupt.
Soon Lilly comes in with a tray in her hands. She walks it over to me and sets it on the bedside table for me. She then wrapped me in a most uncomfortably tight hug.
“Kayzen and I were so worried about you. What happened?” Lilly asks.
“I’m okay. I guess my lack of sleep is finally catching up to me, is all. Not a big deal, I promise. I will be fine after eating, then I can go back to class.” I state.
“Um classes have been canceled for the rest of the day. Alpha’s orders.” She shyly explains.
“WHAT! Why?” I exclaim.
“Our alpha wants us to get packed for the trip. He has decided to make the trip start tonight. He didn’t explain why he has made the decision, but as alpha he doesn’t have to.” She states.
“I have an idea why….” I mumble.
“Did you say something?” Lilly asks.
“I’m sure it has something to do with my brother, Jayson coming home. He will be happy to see you. You and he have always just… clicked. I bet you will end up his mate. I’d be okay with it.” I state.
“Jay… I wonder if he could be… I mean, he’s your brother, would you really be okay with it if we were mates?” She asks shyly.
“I promise… I always thought you two would end up together in the end. However, only your wolves will know.” I say starring at the lasagna on the tray, my favorite.
She slides the table closer, and I begin to eat. Once lunch was finished, I stretch and stand. I nod to the nurse who then takes my plate.
“Let’s get out of here, Kaz will be waiting. He wants to make sure his little Luna is fine.” I laugh at what Lilly has said.
“Kaz is not my type, and I think he only wants me because I’m the alpha’s daughter. I don’t even know if I will ever actually be a Luna, but you might be some day. Kayzen is a delta that’s his role. Unless Jay chooses him as his beta. I doubt that will be happening. They never really saw eye to eye.” I state.
“What if Kayzen is your mate, your brother might promote him as a beta then.” Lilly states, matter of fact like.
“I don’t see it. Jay, or Jayson, and I haven’t had a good sibling relationship. He knew he’d be alpha one day and he rubbed it in my face every chance he got. He will never see me as anything but second place. Even if I became a Luna of a different pack. I’m not his equal and never will be. He was always so nice to you because I’m sure he likes you.” I state.
“He cares about you and so do I… and Kaz… your parents. You are special to all of us. I bet when you see Jay, He’ll run right up to you and give you a hug.” Lilly sounds sure.
“Or he’ll plow into me just to knock me on my ass… when has he ever shown affection to anyone… or rather me. He’ll probably hug you… forget the fantasy where my brother and I ever… being a family.” I say sadly. “He has his responsibilities, and once he is alpha, there won’t be any time for his sister.”
We exit the school after gathering our books. She bumps me with her hips and smiles at me before saying, “Maybe 2 years away, changed his view. Every time he and I were alone, all he talked about was you, in a very caring way.”
“Probably to impress you, and because we are friends. He probably wanted to get you to like him. Now, I don’t hate my brother by any means. He will be an excellent Alpha. If you were his Luna, I’d be happy for both of you. You’d make a great Luna. I just know I will never measure up to him. I’m just… his little sister, that’s it. I don’t have a rank. I’m not anything important, not really. Jay, you, Kaz… all of you know where you will be placed. I will never be Luna of this pack, so I have no rank. My brother is the only one that matters in my family. He will continue the bloodline.” I sigh.
“Hello, ladies, what are you talking about? Hmm?” Kayzen asks once we reach the yard outside, “I hope it was me.”
We both laugh, “Oh, yes, Kaz, we live to talk about you.” I say, very sarcastically.
“Lilly?” Kayzen inquires.
“You may have been brought up a couple times, but we were discussing how much we are looking forward to the trip… and Jay.” Lilly twirls her hair.
“Oh, God, Lilly, really?” Kayzen says in disgust.
“Can you blame her? She’s been crushing on my brother forever and hasn’t seen him in 2 years. Why wouldn’t she be excited. I, on the other hand, don’t care to see him. I’m going because I must. That’s it.” I state.
We all walk into the pack house together. Kaz gives me a hug and leaves. Lilly does the same.
“Vals! Your back!” his voice causes me to stop dead in my tracks. “I was wondering if you’d come straight home.”
“What are you doing here, Jayson? Don’t call me Vals… I’m not a kid. Val or Valyrie.” I stay where I am, not looking towards my brother.
“Still holding resentment, I see…” Jay says.
“Inaccurate… resentment is usually fear or disgust. I feel neither… I just don’t care to see you. I have nothing to say to you.” I state.
He sighs, “Val, please… I’m home so I can lead you on the trip. I need to prove I’m ready to be the Alpha… didn’t dad tell you? My training for alpha starts with this. In 3 years, I will reach the age to take over. Then I will be so busy…”
“You are always busy… and always will be. I’ve come to terms with that… there is no reason to get close to me now. I get it… you will have a whole pack to look after, plus any pups you and your Luna will have. Its best to just forget about me… you didn’t have an issue with that before… I don’t hate you, but you have more important things to worry about than me. So, leave me out of it.” I explain my feelings.
“But Valyrie…” he begins.
“Just stop… you should go see Lilly. She will be excited to know you’ll be leading us this year. I need to go pack.” I walk past him and walk to my room. I grab my bag and start throwing things into it when my vision blurs again and my heart races. Dizzy and hurt, I fall to the bed, closing my eyes and willing it to go away. Once it subsides, I finish packing.
Soon after, I hear a soft knock. I ignore it and take a quick shower and dry off. By the time I’m finished dressing, it’s time to go. We all head out on the long drive.