In a time where there are superheroes seemingly always able to come to someone’s rescue, a simple lightning strike in the calmer hours of a suburban neighborhood wouldn’t be a problem. That is what most would think, yet as a family was preparing to enter their large van and head off into the nearby city, a problem was at hand. As is a common misconception, lightning doesn’t affect cars because of their rubber tires, yet it is actually because of the metal on the outside. This metal however, shall be the reason why someone outside of the car becomes unfortunate.
Young Arik, a kid who just finished middle school, is about to enter his family van, except a sudden sound is heard. The sound of lightning. This is the last sound he would think he would hear. “Aaaaaagh!!!”, he screamed in agony.
”I’ll get you help Juni!” His friend Jack often called him by his nickname, as Arik’s father was also named Arik, so they distinguished the two using that term. Jack ran and grabbed his father Mike LaRoci so they could call emergency services.
“Nine-one-one, what’s your emergency?”, stated the operator.
“This is Mike LaRoci at Thirty-two Taft Avenue calling for an ambulance, as a child has been struck nearly unconscious by lightning and is having muscle spasms. Send help now please!” He stated that, as he didn’t want the operator to take longer than necessary.
“That was very helpful, and we are returning the favor. Service is on the way.” The operator hung up in that moment.
The ambulance arrived on scene, barely with enough time before another bolt struck out. And soon an EMT made an insensitive comment. “Why couldn’t Whiteout be here to remove this lightning bullshit? Oh wait, my bad, she’s fucking dead now.” This comment angered the rest of the emergency workers.