Looking at my seven planets that where now newly created I smiled softly before going to each and everyone starting the slow and long process of forming them to my liking for the two closest to Solair, I formed to be rocky and have hot deserts but underneath their surface caves and caverns filled with crystals and ores. I worked hard and long to make each and every grain of sand different sizes and to cut every type of crystal to where two were not the same and more beautiful to the next.
I skipped my two habitable planets as they would need years to work on and cultivate before I could lay my eggs. I took my time with each planet as this was my first of at least twelve systems and I would do the same even if this was my last. I wasn't going to mess around and not pour all my love and care into this place I now call home. While spending time to make every little detail of all my uninhabitable planets unique and very apart from the next as the rest behind my habitable ones had temperatures that would make any god without a starforge inside them extremely cold. But underneath their icy surface was liquid forms of oils and gasses as nearing the core it would get warmer. I huffed proudly at my making, my creations, the beginning of my new home.
I soon set up gates on each planet so that other gods could come and go as pleased as well, making smaller gates for when my children want to explore their mothers' other creations and feast upon the ores and jewels of the other planets. And just as I finished making the gates I noticed a few gods stepped out and looked with awe at what I've created. I beamed as they complimented my work and even suggested helping make the lush landscape of the two habitable planets. I flew near the goddess of all Terra planets, a mother of nature Gaisa or as I like to call her Gaia. Her earthy toned skin cooling on my star dusted pink scales as I carefully rested upon her slender neck. White clouds made up her hair as water and dirt were her dress with her heeled shoes of cracked lava rocks. Her eyes were of two beautiful blue planets of which she called earth and mars one of her own creations but she had no home to place them yet.
" Auntie Gaia, you could make a home here in my galaxy for your creations. I'm sure one of the systems I have would suit them the best. " I purred softly as she stroked my long neck with care so as to not get scratched by my tiny but many sharp scales.
" thank you child for the opportunity to give two of my many creations a home I shall take up on that offer when I can after I help form your planets into true habitable ones." She spoke softly, the smell of flower fields caught on her breath.
I nodded softly. I was only a dragon goddess, I could form planets of crystals and jewels but not plants of life itself only a few gods could, like Mother god and Gaia to name a few. I watched as we drifted down to the barren surface to see the multitude of the many stars in galaxy some dying and some being born. I smiled before lifting from Gaia and swirling around the ground looming over it as my starforge bubbled to life from its slumber. My mouth glowed a soft red as flames biled up from the back of my throat and soon I began to drool lava. Gaia cupped her hands into the flow being careful as she molded the soon hardening rocks into mountains. Stones being forged from the pits of my stomach as I gagged up boulders and jewels of plenty. Other gods helped to form an atmosphere and layer it many times over so plants could grow strong and produce oxygen. It took over many years for all to make it a lush planet as it was the biggest of the two. I knew my children would grow to be very big that is why they needed two planets and not one. I smiled at the planets that the other gods helped me with and squeaked with excitement as I wanted to explore all of the surface of the planet that was now ready to be a home for my children. Looking to the self made star I called Solair I pour all but a tiny fraction of my existence into it as it was my own home until I formed all of the other systems. Doing so shrunk me down to a size small enough to not do harm to the planet. I gazed at the trees and all the different plants the oceans the mountains the grass everything everywhere taking it all in and smiled with pride. My friends helped me make it even more beautiful then I imagined. I smiled as other gods came to look at the finished planet and congratulated me on the hard work that was put into it. I did the planting but Gaia and the others pull the most efforts to make it a home for my children. I looked at some of the floating islands with cascading waterfalls and puured with a great idea. Sending a quick message to many different gods I asked for gods whose creations were mainly animals to come to my planet to do as they liked with what types of friends my children could play with or even mate with to create a hybrid dragon type. I've seen many gods do it with a lot of their own children and creations.
" Oh what a wonderful idea but don't forget that Life and Death must put their blessing on all the creatures and your children as well to give them a cycle so your planet doesn't overpopulate ." The god of aviation creatures, Trifleat spoke softly.
I nodded softly, knowing how a few gods who didn't obey the gods' Life and Death had their planets destroyed and all their creations and children killed and banned from making planets full of their children to be populated. So the only way to have their creatures on a planet was to use someone else's, but that resulted in their children not being able to live with a mind of creation. Their children lived their lives with only the basic need to survive until death as their only tools. Most didn't reproduce, ending their entire species to extinction making their gods not want to bring them back. Most of the high gods do not play around especially when it comes to Life and Death even Mother god, whose creations are called humans, obeys the rule of a cycle set by those two. Soon I had many gods coming and picking spots on my planet where they'd like their children and creations to live. Most adored that my planet mostly had a lot of deep waters and put their biggest creation into the cold depths and some even liked the shallows. Trifleat expressed how he loved the floating islands and would love to have many of his creations to be able to soar the skies around them. I agreed that his flying creations were many and plenty. He wasn't the only god who had such flying creatures but each god made different kinds. He had what he called birds he loved dearly, especially his white ravens and his black crows. Once mated they created a chick he called a Craven that was black and white skilled bird that hunted as well as scavenged and very much loved shiny things. That creature I'd love to have mated with a dragon, the kind of magic that it could create would be something to look forward to.
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