I never could except who I really was, but when something terrible happened to me I saw everything I needed to, and I was everything I needed to be. My mother, she... she lied to me once, she told me nothing would ever hurt me again, but then it did. He came into my room one night, and sat on the edge of my bed, touching my legs in an eerie way. I was too fearing of him to move, so I looked away up at the ceiling as he did what he always did to me when my mother wasn't home.
As I got older I started doing drugs, and drinking alcohol at the age of ten. People always said I would have it hard growing up, but I saw it as a learning path or just a chance to learn from my mistakes. Nothing scared me more than knowing "he" was still out there somewhere, knowing he would hurt and use people to just get what he wanted. I pity the next family he comes across, the things he would do, and say were nothing more than bull shit. Even god wouldn't know what to do with a despicable, wretched person like him.
Furthermore, I live to be happy, with no regrets in life. Sometimes you have to hope to fall asleep before you end up falling into pieces.
- Rammzy Walker