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Two years. Two whole years training to be a hero and now I’m this villain that people fear daily. I’m a monster. I fear myself. What is wrong with me? That’s what I ask myself all the time but can never find the answer. The answer was villainy. I will get revenge. I will make him pay for the pain he put me through. So, I will get him back for this. He will get what was coming for him. He will die.
Chapter 1
The white walls around me covered in the reflecting glass drove me more insane than the surrounding people did.My hand gingerly touched the scar on my face. I could feel all of them looking at me through the windows. I knew they were there. Waiting for me to crack, scream, kill.The camera watched me almost as close as their eyes did. A loudspeaker squeaked, causing my head to twitch. I hugged my knees in the small corner that I stayed in 24/7.
“Are you ready to talk yet, villain?” Endeavor’s voice stabbed me. No matter how many times they asked me this question, I never answered. His sigh was loud when he released it. A weak laugh left me. They quickly switched the mirror, so I could see them. I stood and walked over to the glass.
“I’m not a villain. I’m a girl just trying to get through her life. But no, you think that just because I have different thoughts than you, that I am a villain. You deserved that blade to go through you. You deserved every single second of pain that you felt. Because that’s what I went though, Enji. I’m sure you haven’t forgotten what you did to me. Right? How could you? I’m not to blame for Toya’s ‘death’ when he isn’t dead. You are. You drove him off the edge. He told me everything and then you messed it up. He couldn’t have died. Toya was strong. He was tough. He was more of a hero then you will ever be. So, I’m not the villain here, you are.” His eyes glared into mine, but I knew I had won this. Just as he was about to speak, the wall behind me caved in. Nomu’s all stood there, staring with their empty eyes.
Two strong claw-like arms grabbed my shoulders and pulled me. I screamed, but they didn’t stop. Before I knew it, my vision was dark. That moment came back to me.
All pro heroes at U.A. high school sat around the oval table with me at one end and Principle Nezu at the other. My hair hung in front of my eyes, hiding my tears.
“We think we should take you out of U.A. We think you are in danger here. However, we are only being taken out of the hero course. Another course that would be glad to take you in the general studies course, with Hitoshi Shinso. I trust you know him. There have been a few requests to be taken out of the school, however, us teachers agree courses should switch, not schools.” Even though he was trying his best to be comforting, Principle Nezu was crushing my dreams. Endeavor stood and slammed his fists onto the table.
“We should take her out of Japan! She’s put not only herself but others in danger! Do you realize what she has done? She killed my son and also brought my other children to hate me. I am trying to atone with them but it’s hard when I have her, encouraging them to do what they want and not follow my orders!” All Might looked at him and shook his head. He then told him to stop and leave me alone. Then he did it again. He said that I was the reason that Toya was dead.He continued to call me a danger and a monster. I broke. I pushed the chair back and threw a long blade through his chest. Where did that come from?
“I didn’t kill him! You brought him to die. I told your kids to be who they want. Not who you want them to be. Shoto actually likes who he is now because he isn’t under your control and under what you want. Toya would say all the time how he hated how he wanted to be like you. Then you stopped paying attention to him. He hated himself. He tried so hard not to cry when I was around because he didn’t want to seem weak to me. I loved him how he was. But you didn’t like him that way. No, you had to change him.” My lungs felt like they were burning as my eyes ran with tears. The teachers all looked at me with fear in their eyes. After that, I said goodbye to everyone else and then they sent me to a prison where they would wait until I was ready to talk. I never did.
Endeavor returned every single day, even if he was in pain, to see that I too was suffering. All Might never once came to see me. The thought of me dying there scared him. He never liked to see me in pain. One night I had a dream about Toya. My best friend. My only friend. The night that we sat under the stars and counted every single one that we could before we grew tired of it. I told him I loved him that night. He said it back. Suddenly, the memory became more like a nightmare. He was walking away and I couldn’t do anything. My motionless body lies there while he disappears.
A storm rolled through, shaking the walls. Every hair on my body stood up. I’ve always hated storms. Really all loud sounds scared me, but storms were the worst since the bright lightning hurt my eyes.The heavy silver doors bolted open, spooking me. A dark figure strolls through and stands in front of me. I didn’t look. I hate to admit it, but I was terrified. Gently, weight added to my head with a pet-like motion. It was All Might. He sat beside me.
“I’m sorry that all of this is happening. I should have told him to stop when I had the chance. You shouldn’t be here. You have wanted to be a hero since you were that little girl that we found, so alone. Now, you are here and scared in the darkness alone.” That was the only thing that he was good at. Words. Whenever he spoke it gave me this spark of hope. That I could make it through whatever I was in. Just as quickly as he arrived, he was gone. Just like Toya.
Day after day, they continued to watch me. I remember that one day when they used electric currents to drive out the menacing side of my mind. Mouse. That was the name.That’s what she told me anyway. I didn’t like it very much since she was a little scary but it’s not like I can stop her from taking control of me. I’ve always hated how I looked at myself. A demon that stares back at me. Why do I have to do this? Why do I have to feel like this? The second I felt the shock go through my body, she screamed. It was loud and long. It was almost like I could feel it in my chest. Hands held down my arms and legs while the lights busted, throwing glass over the floor. That day, Endeavor was happier than ever. He had finally gotten a small answer.
Maybe the biggest thing that made me want to die so badly was how I lied to all of my friends. Ashido cried. Iida stayed silent. Bakugo stood with his arms crossed and glared at the heroes that stood behind me.Todoroki nodded. Kirishima stayed wide eyed the entire time, same with Kaminari. Ojiro hugged me tightly. Dark Shadow sobbed while Tokoyami handed me his favorite poetry book. Each of them had their own way of saying farewell to me. Bakugo was quiet. He didn’t say a word to me. The teachers did nothing like that. Not even All Might. They nodded and sent me off.
Toya would have told them a prison wasn’t the correct choice. He would’ve yelled right in his fathers face with tears waiting to escape his eyes. Nezu told me he’d keep a close eye on the two silver swords that were gifted to me on my 12th birthday. They were part of my hero costume and I wasn’t allowed to keep them. All Might said he would do all he could to get them back. They meant a lot to me. Toya remembered my birthday and used his father’s money just to give them to me. I loved Toya so much. He had a kind heart and was always up for a karaoke night. There were times we would sneak into town and go into a bar that would let us use their basement for karaoke.
One year for my birthday, he gave me a necklace with his name engraved into a blue heart. Endeavor noticed it on my neck when I was with All Might. He ripped it, breaking the chain and melted it in front of my eyes.Once the metal cooled, I knew I could never tell Toya. I never did. How could I? We told each other everything but here I was, not telling him the reason I had a scar and why a necklace was gone. That reminds me. The last night that Toya was with me, I told him that his father burned me. He didn’t look angry. But I knew what he was thinking. He had said ‘He’s a bastard. I can’t believe he’s my father.’ Then he laughed it off and hugged me tightly, apologizing for what Endeavor had done to me. I’ll always miss those days when he would hug me and make me feel like I was fine.
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Chapter 2
A bright light blinded me when I could finally see again. Mumbles filled the air. Then a dark voice. All For One. I knew that voice. My body moved and fixed itself. It wasn’t really him, but a TV with his terrifying face. Someone threw something at me. The hero costume. No katanas, but daggers instead. A short man with a long mustache and goggles that reflected the world around him. He told me to get changed, and that I had to meet people. How could I just ignore him? He left, and I did what he said. All For One then tuned back in on the TV.
“I have a successor and you need to watch him while I can’t. Protect him. Teach him. Take orders from him. If he sends you on a mission, you will take the mission. If he accepts you, then welcome to the League of Villains.” The TV screen goes black after he chuckles. My hands fumbled with the mask that I pulled over my mouth. My eyes darted to a mirror with broken pieces. Without thinking, I hid the scars using Mouse's magic. I could see out of my right eye for once. The effects were simple, I didn’t look like me anymore. The second I walked out, I saw people standing and waiting around. I remembered them.
The memories of the third day of school at U.A. flooded back to me. It hurt. A dark figure waited in a corner. He didn’t talk like the others did. Twice and Toga asked me a million questions. I stayed quiet. Hours passed, and we all stayed in that stupid bar. Everyone but me fell asleep. The stool was spinning slightly while my lower body moved but my head was resting on the counter. Shigaraki started stacking cards, hoping they would stay up. A gust of wind left my mouth, and the cards toppled down. He glared at me, making me laugh.
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Days. Weeks. Months. I was still there. Somehow still alive. I had gotten to know everyone. Toga. She actually becomes someone she loves. Twice. He can’t go anywhere without his face covered, or he feels like he’s splitting apart since he doesn’t know if he is the real him. He never really told me why. Shigaraki is All For One’s successor. I know little about him. Spinner. Stain really inspired him, like Toga and Dabi. Dabi, however, isn’t very social; he only comes to the meetings because he has to. We get along kind of. We don’t talk but we work well together because we don’t fight.
Shigaraki asked us all to come together one day. Everyone sat around him but not too close. I sat beside Dabi in the shadowy part of the bar. None of them have seen me without the mask and using none of Mouse’s abilities. I look entirely different and I kind of like it. He explained that there was a mission that he needed two of us to go on. His eyes met mine.
“Kitana. Then we need someone else.” My fists became tight. I didn’t ask him ‘why me?’;That’s how I would get killed. Toga was eliminated because she wouldn’t focus if we saw anyone that she became interested in. Twice was too, since he would have to show his face. Spinner said no. Dabi was the last one. They ordered me to use my Quirk to alter his appearance while we were on the mission. We couldn’t argue. Before we knew it, we were already in Shenzhen, China. The hotel that we had settled into had one bed but connected to another room that Dabi claimed. My guess was because it had more privacy and there was a bigger bed. I was fine with it. Where my bed was, the window displayed the beautiful constellations. While I was asleep, both Dabi and I went back to the original state. So, he wasn’t allowed to order room service or come over to my side at night.
Our job was to kill a man named Kehori Menzaru. He pissed off Shigaraki or something like that. The only reason I agreed was because I got to get out of the bar, interact with people, and kill someone for fun and do it however I wanted. We had to attend parties and act like entirely different people. The first night, I had to flirt my way into finding out what our disguises were going to be. Dabi chuckled while I walked over to the tall man in a suit. My hand traced his muscles. Thank god I didn’t look like me because he would’ve killed me.
“Hey, sweetie. Could you tell me who is going to be here at the ball tonight? I need to know if a certain someone will be there.” I went behind him. He stiffened and cleared his throat. Then he handed me the guest list. My lips gently pressed onto his cheek and I walked away. Once I was back with Dabi, I wiped my mouth and gagged. He repeated what I said in a mocking tone. My elbow dug into his side. The second we returned to the hotel room, we picked out the outfits that we would wear each night. He would not be at this ball but people he knew will. We will simply take their place. The only way for me to alter someone’s appearance and voice, is I need to know how that person sounds and looks. This weirded Dabi out. His job was to locate the people and let me know. Then I would record their voice and take a picture of them. After that we would let them know that they have canceled the ball and we could go as them.
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Three hours I had been sitting in the dark alleyway. I could faintly hear screams in my mind. I knew they weren’t real, but it didn’t stop my memories from making their existence known. Dabi crouched down in front of me, holding a jacket above my head. My eyes met his, and he knew I wasn’t ready for this. He sat beside me and sighed.
“You should know we don’t really have any choice but to do this stupid mission. Shigaraki will kill us if we don’t.” Dabi’s blue eyes made me feel like I was looking into an ocean. I laughed and hugged my knees.
“I know, but I never thought that I would have to wear a stupid dress and dance with strangers!” I groaned as he handed me his phone. Within ten minutes, we were already walking to the venue and preparing ourselves. I flicked Dabi’s nose and pulled his hair when he told me not to fall in love. We separated to change then met up once again so we could fully disguise ourselves. His white tux made his hair and eyes pop, making my face burn. The tight blue dress that I had to wear was making me want to die. I closed my eyes and waited for the image and voice of the two people to play in my head. Dabi flicked my ear and chuckled. The second I opened my eyes, he looked different. My hands went straight to his collar to fix it.
“Now remember, you need to be nice tonight or you’ll blow your cover, you ass hat.” After my hand found his cheek with a loud smack, I walked away and through the giant marble archway. Two men in black suits and dark sunglasses stood like FBI agents, causing me to hold in laughter. When you are suddenly a thin brunette with green eyes you forget you are actually kind of attractive. Head turned the second I sat down at the table that I (Or Mitishi Kuri) was assigned to. The cold champagne touched my tongue, making me shiver slightly.
A man who was too big for the small suit he was in stood on a small stage and held a glass into the air, toasting the night. I sat at the table for a few hours, waiting for something to happen. But nothing. No matter how long I waited. Until he walked over to me. A man with cherry lips, dark red eyes, gray hair, and a fancy, nice fitting suit, bowed to me. His lips touched my gloved hand with a smirk. He lifted me from my seat and guided me to the dance floor. One of his hands rested gently on my lower back while they intertwined the other with mine.
Calico Yu. That name was so gentle. The second he said it I blushed a little. Of course, I had to lie about my name but, damn he was fine. His jawline, his arms, his smile, his hair. Everything about him was perfect. I couldn’t get over his laugh. It made me want to just run away in the black heels that were strapped to my feet. He didn’t tell me his Quirk, which is how many people lead these days, but he told me he was looking for someone to make his. Someone to marry. Of course, I would not let that be me. That could change the entire plan I have going on. The second he twirled me, I could see the color in his face drain. Dabi (Or Riku Makima) was standing there, glaring at Calico. What in the hell is he doing? The two people who we’re impersonating have never met, and he’s making it seem like we have. Calico nodded to me, then moved onto the next lady that came into view.
“What’s your issue?” I ask him. He followed me when I walked away and scoffed. We stood on a balcony, the wind howling. The orchestra continued to play while the stars blinked. Someone’s hands met my waist and spun me around. Calico was there again, smiling. Before I could say anything, we were already dancing again, Dabi alone in the night.
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I pulled my hair out of the tight bun and smashed my head into the fluffy pillow that was calling my name. Dabi, no longer looking like a stranger, stood by the giant lamp in the room's corner.
“Why did you stop him from dancing with me?” I sat up and crossed my arms.
“You were going to get your heart broken and come crying to me when it happens.” Dabi scoffed, followed by a grin.
“Okay. First off, I will never get heartbroken.” I stood and walked over to him. “Second. You are never, ever , Going to cry to you about anything. I won’t ask you to hug me or hold me to comfort me because I can do things by myself. I don’t need you.” Compared to him, I was pretty short, but I still felt high and mighty. Dabi said nothing. He just stood there and looked at me with disgust. Soon enough, he turned around and headed to the bathroom for a shower. Before he entered, I reminded him of no room service. He ignored me, of course.
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That night I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t even fall asleep. The stars seemed to mock me. They really have no reason to be so beautiful in the sky. Eventually, I stood and walked around. Dabi was peacefully asleep in his giant bed. For a while, I just stood there and watched him. Something made a small noise in the hallway. I made my way over and looked through the peephole, hoping to see something interesting. Nothing. Just a newspaper. I hate the nights so much.
As I lay in my bed, I realize I need to get sleep or I’ll go even more insane than I already am. The cold blanket gently sat on my shoulders. I wanted to cry. Why? Toya’s face popped into my mind. Then I fell asleep.
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Chapter 3
Last night. I haven’t been ready for this night. He was actually going to be at this ball. With all the intel we had gathered over the past two weeks, I was terrified. Today the red dress hugged my curves making me want to hurl. Dabi walked behind me, now in a blood red tux. We spared each other a gaze then left. Calico had stopped coming to the balls. It irritated me. He was the only person who I would talk to, and he was the only one that I actually felt like I could talk to without catching feelings for him. Once I arrived, Kehori Menzaru stood in the middle of the ballroom and toasted all the people in the room.
Instantly after everyone was finished eating dinner, bodies moved to the dance floor and waltzed with each other. This disgusted me but I couldn’t stand there and do nothing. A hand gently touched my hip, swaying me gently.
“Don’t panic. It’s just me.” A voice spoke. Who was this? Oh, right? Dabi. My chest rose and fell faster, not knowing what to do. We followed what the others did. The second we faced each other, he grinned, making me look away. He eased some hair out of my eyes, tucking it behind my ear. I rolled my eyes and looked around at the surrounding people. A couple stared back at me. Dabi cleared his throat. Then he stopped. A hand reached out towards me that wasn’t his. The man bowed. I looked at Dabi who nodded to me, beginning to walk away.
“Please, allow me to treat you to a dance.” His hand found my waist, making me shiver. Of all people, Kehori wanted to dance with me. We danced together for a while until he brought his face close to mine.
“You seem lost. Almost as lost as I am in your eyes.” He chuckled and gently touched my cheek. That’s when I realized. . .we were the only ones left on the ballroom floor. He slowly backed up and bowed, so I curtseyed in response. Dabi walked over to me and took my arm. He spun me and mumbled in my ear.
“How do you feel about making a scene?” He smirked, making me do the same.
“That sounds like fun.” Just as I finished, the room went black and the blue flames filled the room. We laughed at each other and looked at Kehori. Just like the blade I used to impale Endeavor, it shot into his heart, sticking into the ground with him hanging off the edge. We continued to dance while everyone’s screams filled the air. We snuck out the back and went back to the hotel room. I plopped down on the floor and laughed. Dabi pulled his tie off, chuckling.
“You know. . .That was a lot better than I thought it was going to be.” I lifted my hands into the air and laughed, saying it was what I did best. Within seconds we were getting into bed and sleeping peacefully. That was until I had a nightmare.
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The tears poured down my face while my screams increased with volume. I couldn’t see anything but I could hear him, telling me to breathe. Bright lights and a heat wave caused my body to seize. My eyes opened and Dabi was there, wiping my tears. Only now did I realize what I was yelling. Toya. In my dream, he was standing there with a smile. My mind brought me back to all of the times when we were together. It scared me. Then he walked away. It felt like there was a fire in my throat. Dabi held a cup to my lips, allowing me to drink.
I could finally breathe and I felt okay for the most part. Dabi was holding me in his lap with my legs hanging off of his left leg and my face buried into his chest. His hand gently rubbed my back while I hiccuped. He rested his head on the top of mine. A chuckle left my mouth.
“I’m sorry. I’m so pathetic.” My arm wiped my eyes. Dabi quickly shook his head,
“You just scared the shit out of me. If it’ll make you feel better though, can we talk about it? I mean, you kind of just screamed a random guy's name and I’m curious now.” He tried his best to avoid eye contact with me; I didn’t blame him.
“Well, you don’t know who I am. That’s what is the most confusing thing,” I say as I crawled out of his lap and got comfortable in front of him. Air emptied out of my lungs, making me want to puke. The second my eyes closed to turn off my Quirk, I regretted it. I was me again. Aiko Oshima. The girl from hell. “I’m. . . This. You know the story about Aiko Oshima, right? The one that ‘went crazy’. Yeah, that’s me.” His eyes looked into mine. Before he could say anything, I continued.
“I had a best friend and I had a life that was pretty much set for me. At the time, I was happy with my life and who was in it, but that one person had a different plan. When I was about two months old, my parents were killed, so I had no one to take care of me. The heroes took me in, all taking responsibility for me. They were my people. They were my family. Then, when he figured out that I wouldn’t have a Quirk, Endeavor decided to start to train me to become a hero. Without any hesitation or second thought, I accepted because I wanted to become a great hero like the people around me. After a month, my curiosity got the best of me and I ventured up to the very top of a peak. This is when I met Toya. . .”
A boy with fiery red hair threw punches into the air, in a fighting motion. Then he began to kick and duck, acting like he was in a battle. My eyes grew wide, amazed. Then, like the idiot I am, my hand slipped off of the giant boulder, causing me to roll forward. Dirt in my eyes and both of my legs getting chewed up, the world felt like it was spinning. That’s when he walked over, interrogating me. I repeatedly apologized, begging for him to not yell at me. He stopped and scoffed. He also then realized who I was and called me his father’s new pet. I looked up to him with a tilted head. Pet?
“You are being trained by my father. I can’t believe he could just throw me out like that.” The boy said this with his arms crossed. So, he is the oldest son that Mr. Endeavor was talking about?
“I HAVE AN AMAZING IDEA!” I screamed, jumping to my feet. This caught his attention. “I could teach you everything that he teaches me and you teach me everything that you know. You itch my back, I itch yours! And I could use a friend that isn’t an adult.” With some thorough thinking, he finally nodded, holding out his hand.
For months we would meet at that peak after my training sessions with Endeavor. It took us a whole week to actually tell each other our names, this always made me laugh when I thought back to the moment. Toya Todorki. I love that name.
When Christmas rolled around, I was a little scared to meet up with him. Mainly because I thought he wasn’t going to be there, instead he would be with his family for the holiday. Nope. He was there, waiting with a giant smile. I ran over and hugged him tightly. Toya handed me a box with my name scribbled on the top. I took it with a questioning look. We sat and I unwrapped it. A note --That I didn’t read until I was alone, because that’s what he said-- Two silver katanas sat in the box with our names engraved on them.
“When they are by themselves they’re strong, but bring them together and they’re even stronger. That’s like us.” He laughed and blushed wildly. I hugged him tightly, knowing I had a true friend. After that, we would each practice with one. That was until about a year later when I disappeared for a few months. Endeavor had told me to charge at him with my full power. I did so, hoping I could at least land a hit on him. But I didn’t even have a Quirk then. He knew that too. He had found out that Toya and I had gotten close and was angered by this. So he hurt me. That’s how I earned the disgusting burn on the right side of my face, sliding onto my shoulder and a bit of my chest. Due to the burn, I had lost vision in my right eye. I was terrified to go back. What if he was scared of me? What if he didn’t know who I was? Maybe that was for the best for anything.
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