Smoke fills the young vampire lungs as she hurries towards the teleportal. Its dark and she was having a hard time seeing. Being a young vampire like she was her senses and immune system hasn't properly developed yet. She runs through the forest as fast as her small legs can carry her. Bright green flames burn brightly behind her, driving her out of the forest, but the main purpose was to kill her. The five-year-old, was a threat that her pursuers needed gone. They had already taken care of the child's mother, and she was next.
The young vampire can just make out a bright blue circle that illuminated the trees and shrubbery around it. The portal, just a few more paces, and then she was safe. She smiles pumping her legs to a quicker speed as the fire continued to roar behind her. The vampire is nearly there, but an uprooted root catches her foot causing her to crash onto the ground. Her face meets the earth, and her head begins to throb profoundly.
Gold blood leaks from a head wound. She winces in pain, attempting to stand. Once back on her feet she hurries to the circle, with a few minutes to spare. In the blue circle the little vampire rakes her brain to remember the spell her mother told her to resight when she got here.
Panic course through her as she watched the green flames come closer licking at the earth and trees, but it doesn't burn them. That particular fire, 'The Green Flame', as her teachers called it was only meant to burn its victims. Only a few individuals are able to master such a flame, it took years to get it right. Many have died trying to master the flame.
As the flames got near her, the little vampire closes her eyes. Tears leak down her cheek, but she doesn't dare make a sound. An image of her mother plague her mind. She could remember her warm smile, the way the sun shined against her brown skin. How they'd spend time together in the garden behind the palace, planting flowers and a few berry bushes. How her mother's golden eyes were always full of happiness and joy.
Even though her mother ruled with an iron fist, she was still loved and adored by many of her subjects. She treated them with care, listened to their problems, and made decision to help her people.
In her last moments with her mother, the little vampire remembered the panic in her mother's eyes, she told her how to get to the forest from the servant's hallway within the castle walls. And once there get to the teleportal in the middle of the forest.
Now here and the girl couldn't remember the spell.
"Please...." the little vampire opens her eyes and pleads towards the sky. The sky was pitch black, but the green glow from the approaching flames, cast eerie shadows making her shiver. She gets on her knees, tears stilling leaking from her eyes. She bows her head and says a prayer. " I need you your help my goddess...." The little vampire voice wavers a bit. "I need to know if my mother is safe. I pray to you Goddesses Nyx of the night help me..."
Nothing happens at first, the flames vastly approaching the young vampire, as she lets out whimper. She could already feel the heat of the flames coming closer, taunting her with their nearness. Suddenly the wind begins to blow, and the trees around her swayed to an unrhythmic beat. A warm tingle shoots through the little vamp's spine making her feel fuzzy inside. A black and gold glow highlights her body like a second skin.
I hear you my child......For I have heard your cry.
A feminine voice whispers in the young vamp's head.
At the voices words it seemed the green flames has speeded up its pace and was mere inches from her.
Everything happened in seconds, just as the portal begin dragging the little vamp to a safer destination, a few of the green flames caught her arm. Then like the wind she was gone. The young vampire princess was safe.
In a tree watching everything, a lone figure stood. They stare at the spot the young princess disappeared from, curiosity burning through them. As the flames began to disperse. They couldn't help but smile. Even though the mission was a bust, they had watched something no other would every see in their lifetime. The young princess was kissed by the night goddess, Nyx. Meaning her death would be even more valuable than it was before.
The flames slither up the tree and back to it master, wrapping around them. The figure relished its warmth and disappeared back into the darkness like a shadow.