In a realm divided into four distinct kingdoms, there lies a tale of power, ambition, and a quest for balance. The kingdoms, known for their varying strengths and stability, are ranked in a hierarchy with the enigmatic Joker Kingdom at the apex, followed by the robust King Kingdom, the serene Queen Kingdom, and the resilient Jack Kingdom. These lands are interconnected by a region known as the "Land of Spade," a place steeped in history and the echoes of ancient battles.
The Land of Spade is famously remembered as the site of the first Jewel War, a conflict ignited by the existence of nine mystical jewels. Each jewel, unique in its power and allure, was believed to grant the "Pure Heart" to whoever possessed them all. As word of this legend spread, so did avarice, leading to the catastrophic Spade War.
At the heart of this war was a man named Joker Oginam, whose victory led to his control over all nine jewels. However, instead of awakening the fabled Pure Heart, a heart of corruption emerged within him. Overcome with malevolence, Joker Oginam turned against the kingdoms, unleashing chaos and destruction. His death saw the end of his reign of terror, but not the end of the corrupt heart, which mysteriously passed down through generations of the Oginam lineage.
The current era is marked by the rule of Irokaj Oginam, believed to be a descendant of Joker. As the ruler of the Joker Kingdom, Irokaj is rumored to hold three of the nine jewels, each residing within his domain. No single jewel is paramount in strength, yet each possesses unique capabilities, creating a balance of power. The corrupt heart, distinct in its nature, is said not to reside with Irokaj, fueling his ambition to acquire all nine jewels.
Enter Kaipo, a 17-year-old from the Jack Kingdom, driven by a vision of peace and prosperity for his people. His ambition is to gather all nine jewels, not for power, but to forge a lasting harmony among the kingdoms. A student at a mage school, Kaipo is determined to join the prestigious Mage Allegiance upon graduation.
The Mage Allegiance, divided into seven squads and based in the Land of Spade, serves as the protector of all kingdoms. Each squad comprises ten skilled mages and a captain, chosen from the multitude who partake in the annual Mage Trials. These trials are a test of skill and will, where failure means exclusion, and success a chance to shape the future. Those who fail often form their own factions, adding to the complex tapestry of power within the Land of Spade.
As tensions rise and the quest for power intensifies, the question looms large: Who will emerge as the ruler of the Land of Spade? In this world where alliances shift like sand and power is a double-edged sword, the path to peace is fraught with peril and uncertainty.334Please respect copyright.PENANAYANAjW2w4c