Chapter 018
Shimen Yihshyong
Shimen Yihshyong was still standing in the parking lot until the car carrying his friends disappeared from his sight. Lots of things flashed in his mind. Things that took a long time if he wanted to digest them all.
After that, with quick steps, he walked back to the hospital building. After entering the building, he didn't slow down at all. He continued walking at the same speed towards the room where Shannchyuan was being treated.
He had never been to Shannchyuan's room before. Therefore, after arriving at the floor he was aiming at, he slowed his steps to observe the situation on that floor. Even though Tsaehorng had explained it in detail, Yihshyong still needed time to find the place.
Yihshyong actually felt a bit strange. There wasn't a single person standing guard in front of Shannchyuan's room. At least, that's what he saw. But he realized that it was possible that those people were on guard elsewhere. A place that was impossible for Yihshyong to see.
Yihshyong carefully opened the bedroom door. He entered on tiptoe for fear of making a sound that would disturb Shannchyuan's sleep. Once inside, he turned around very carefully. Yihshyong then closed the bedroom door.
"What are you doing sneaking around like that?"
Yihshyong was taken aback. He turned towards the voice he had just heard. Shannchyuan sat on the bed looking at her with a cute look.
People who are sick should not show facial expressions like this.
"Dahge, are you not sleeping yet?"
"Oh! The doctor must have told you I was sleeping. Yes, I did say earlier that I was resting. I didn't want the doctors or nurses to come in all of a sudden. I had dinner, and I took my medicine. My condition has also improved stable . Then, there is no reason for them to appear here suddenly."
"Ah! Dahge said that so those people wouldn't enter carelessly," Yihshyong muttered. "But Dahge knows that one of us will definitely come here to accompany you." That time, his muttering was a little louder.
Shannchyuan laughed. Apparently, he could hear clearly. "No matter what they say, I'm sure it won't make you guys cancel the plan. The proof, now you are here!"
Yihshyong smiled. "So, since earlier, Dahge hasn't rested at all?"
"You don't need to worry. I've had a lot of rest. It's just that I haven't slept. Why are you standing there? Sit here." Shannchyuan pointed at a sofa that was about two meters to the left of the bed he was sitting on.
Yihshyong immediately approached the sofa. He landed his buttocks on the surface of the couch that looked very comfortable to sit on. And it's true, the sofa was so soft. Yihshyong thought he would definitely feel comfortable sitting there all night.
"In these few hours, has Dahge's condition really improved that much?"
Shannchyuan nodded with such a forceful gesture. As if to confirm that he had recovered.
Yihshyong nodded. Although he was still a little doubtful, but he was sure that there was nothing for him to worry too much about.
"Don't you worry about my health." Shannchyuan laughed again.
"It turns out that there is no need to wait until all these problems are over to go to the hospital." Yihshyong sighed.
"You're right. This means that I have fulfilled my promise to go to the hospital for a check-up. After lunch and answering the police's questions, I underwent a series of very comprehensive examinations." Shannchyuan lay down on the bed. He looked so comfortable.
"That's great!" Yihshyong gave a thumbs up. "So if there are certain conditions that require special handling, then we will know quickly."
"I think Shinnshiow has also undergone almost the same examination. Therefore, it is better for you, Iren, and Chioujen to have a health check-up as soon as possible."
Yihshyong smiled. "Okay Dahge. As soon as we find Songfei, I'll go check myself."
"Are you staying here tonight?"
"That's right, Dahge."
"Where are the others? Why don't they come to visit me? Does Shinnshiow have to be guarded all the time? Aren't there already some policemen in front of his room?"
"They've all gone home. Jenqyih had been home since a few hours ago. Iren and Tsaehorng recently left the hospital."
"Home? What about Shinnshiow?"
"The doctor had cleared Shinnshiow to leave the hospital. So now they are on their way to our house in Pyngyuan."
"That fast? Has he really recovered?"
"In three days, Shinnshiow has to come here again. The doctor still wants to do some more tests. After that, he still has to come here once a week."
"How many times does he have to do that?"
"I think, three or five times. Depends on how fast the recovery process is."
Shannchyuan nodded. "This is wonderful news."
"That's right. This is exciting news."
There was silence for a moment.
"Can I ask something?" Yihshyong opened his mouth again.
In an instant, Shannchyuan sat back down. He turned his head and looked directly into Yihshyong's eyes. "This must be serious."
"I don't know if this is serious or not. I'm just curious."
"Okay! Please ask your questions."
"Has anyone visited you recently?"
Shannchyuan laughed loudly after hearing the question. "I thought you were going to ask for something weird and magical. That's all it turned out to be." After he finished laughing, it was obvious Shannchyuan still couldn't hide the amused expression on his face. "There's someone who's been visiting me. He hasn't been away for long."
"Is he one of our friends?"
"He is Linqhwu Ueideng. At first he came to our house. After knowing that I was in the hospital, he came here."
"Tsaehorng doesn't know about this matter?"
"I don't know. He came with Chioujen."
"Was it Tsaehorng's driver who brought them here?"
"Of course. It's just that maybe Tsaehorng's driver hasn't had a chance to report it to Tsaehorng, either."
"So actually Dahge already knows that Jenqyih is already at home."
"Yes. Chioujen left our house because Jenqyih was already at home. But I didn't know Shinnshiow was released from the hospital. No one told me."
"Jenqyih doesn't know about that yet. So Chioujen definitely doesn't know either."
"I understand."
"What did Mr. Linqhwu say?"
"He said that last night a friend of Songfei contacted him."
"Songfei's friend? Who?"
"His name is Jyniann Yihchern."
"I've never heard Songfei mention that name. Have we met him?"
"Just like us and Mr. Linqhwu, this person is not a member of the detective and mystery club. According to Mr. Linqhwu, Jyniann Yihchern was never even present at the games hosted by Songfei. So we have never met him face to face."
"Did that person provide any new information regarding Songfei?"
"Last night, the person's voice sounded very panicked when he called Mr. Linqhwu. For the past few days, he has felt that someone is following him."
"Does it have anything to do with the Songfei matter?"
"In addition to Mr. Linqhwu, it turned out that Songfei also entrusted an item to Jyniann Yihchern. Out of fear, he wanted to hand over the item to Mr. Linqhwu."
"After that, have Mr. Linqhwu met that person?"
"This morning Mr. Linqhwu immediately headed to the place where Jyniann Yihchern promised to come and hand over the goods. But Jyniann Yihchern was very paranoid. He was afraid that someone would also be following Mr. Linqhwu. So he told Mr. Linqhwu to go to various places and alternately vehicle before they met."
"Like what happened to us when we were about to hand over the ransom to the kidnappers?"
"The situation may be similar to that. Long story short, Mr. Linqhwu finally met Jyniann Yihchern at the home of one of the person's relatives. There, the object that Songfei left with him then changed hands."
"Actually, what is that thing?"
"A key?"
"What kind of key?"
Shannchyuan got off the bed. He walked closer to the couch where Yihshyong sat. From his trouser pocket, he took out a key. Shannchyuan placed it on the small table in front of the couch.
Yihshyong grabbed the key. It's like a locker key. But the size was slightly larger than the usual key. He then put it back on the table.
"Did Songfei give an explanation when he had handed over this key to Jyniann Yihchern?"
"According to Mr. Linqhwu, Songfei didn't explain anything to Jyniann Yihchern. Perhaps Songfei thought that the less Jyniann Yihchern knew, the better."
"So even though he entrusted something to his friend, Songfei still wants to protect him?"
"Maybe so, but maybe not. We can't even guess what was going through Songfei's mind at that time."
"What does Dahge think this is?"
"Looks like this is a locker key in public places. But lockers at the station rarely use locks like this."
"Perhaps this key is the key to a locker in places like a school or company."
"Your words are exactly like the tentative conclusions we reached earlier. The problem is, with so little information, it will be very difficult for us to trace the whereabouts of the lockers we are headed to."
"Then where does Mr. Linqhwu go now?"
"Of course back home, accompanied by Tsaehorng's driver."
"Back to our house?"
"I offered him to stay at our house if he got scared. But he refused. He said he was going to his relative's place."
"So Tsaehorng's driver will take Mr. Linqhwu to his relative's house?"
"Tsaehorng's driver was not present in this room earlier. So, I ordered Chioujen to convey my message to him. I emphasized that Tsaehorng's driver has to bring Mr. Linqhwu to his relative's place. However, Mr. Linqhwu's relative's house seems a bit far from here. Now the sun has set. Therefore, by the time he finished escorting Mr. Linqhwu there, it must be quite late. So, after everything was done, I ordered the driver to return Tsaehorng's car right away, if not to Tsaehorng's house, then to the painting exhibition. There is no need to return to our home."
"His relative's place is so far away, so tonight Mr. Linqhwu is obviously not going to be here again. What about tomorrow or the day after?"
"I don't know. But clearly, we can't force him to continue to involve himself in this difficult problem."
"We're not forcing him. Songfei chose him."
"That's true. But Mr. Linqhwu also has the right to refuse to be involved any further. Moreover, this concerns his own safety."
"I hope he's all right." Yihshyong sighed. "So we can no longer hope he will still be willing to help us search for Songfei."
"I think he still wants to help us. But maybe not actively. The point is, we can't force him. If he comes again, we'll welcome him. But if not, that's okay," said Shannchyuan.
"So it turns out it's true that the car we saw earlier was Tsaehorng's car. That means they haven't left for long because after that, I came straight up here."
Shannchyuan nodded. "It hasn't been that long."
"Then where is Chioujen now?"
"He went with Mr. Jongli."
"Mr. Jongli is also here?"
"He appeared a few moments after Chioujen and Mr. Linqhwu got here. So he doesn't know what we were discussing. For the time being, I also don't want him to know about the whereabouts of this key."
"So it's true that Dahge do not fully trust him."
"I'm just on guard."
"Where did they go?"
"From the results of the interrogation, the police received clues regarding other hiding places of the kidnapping gang. Somehow, the police were willing to allow Mr. Jongli's organization to participate in observing the course of the ambush."
"Wow, Chioujen will definitely see something exciting happen."
"I'm sure Chioujen will be pleased."
"Aren't Dahge worried?"
"Worried about what?"
"Jyniann Yihchern insisted that there were parties who had been watching and following him for several days. Even though Mr. Linqhwu had tried to go around various places to get there, there was still a possibility that the people following Jyniann Yihchern managed to find out that the goods they were after had changed hands.”
"Wait a minute." Shannchyuan raised his right palm. "Even if it's true that there is a person or group of people following Mr. Jyniann. Those people are not necessarily related to Songfei's matters. Even if their presence is indeed related to what Songfei has done, it is not certain that they are after the key that Songfei left behind. to Mr. Jyniann. It's possible that it has something to do with something else."
"That's right! But logically speaking, isn't that the most likely possibility? I don't think it would be wrong for Mister Jyniann to conclude that the key is the object those criminals are after."
"I agree. But we shouldn't jump to conclusions. Don't let it go like before. For example, our suspicions about Mr. Horngshi, which turned out to be far from the truth. However, of course, we can't just put that aside. I admit it is quite possible that this key is the culprit of the restlessness Mr. Jyniann has been having these past few days."
"Supposing that's true. Now that the key is in Dahge's hands, there's a good chance the crooks will be here."
"Yes. You're right. There is such a possibility."
Shannchyuan's words took Yihshyong aback. His dahge spoke those sentences so casually. As if he wasn't worried about the dangerous things that might happen in the near future.
Dahge's confidence is so high. There must be things I don't know.
Again, silence for a few moments.
"Don't be slumped down like that." Shannchyuan laughed. You have to be sure that we will get over this. Remember! These are all valuable experiences, which we will share with laughter in the coming decades."
Yihshyong smiled wryly. He acknowledged Shannchyuan was right. They must always put a positive attitude in facing every problem.
"How about now you explain to me about what happened to Songfei's bag?"
Shannchyuan suddenly asked like that. Yihshyong was silent for a moment. So many series of events that they experienced. He didn't know where to start, or which part to prioritize to tell.
"I know for sure a lot of things have happened. You can tell me about the last time you saw the bag. Also, what happened to the bag and its contents?"
Yihshyong nodded. He began to tell the story of the delivery of the ransom that took place in the early hours of that morning. He also explained about the police findings that they already knew about. Shannchyuan nodded as he heard the things he said.
Yihshyong stopped talking when he had said the last sentence he wanted to get out of his mouth.
"Is your story finished?" Shannchyuan tilted his head slightly.
Yihshyong nodded vigorously. He waited for the comment that would leave Shannchyuan's lips.
"So those thugs managed to get their hands on Songfei's bag. It wasn't even just one bag that they took. Why do you think they should take the imitations that you put in the real Songfei's bag, too?"
Yihshyong shook his head. "The police also couldn't answer that question. It's just illogical."
"I think there are other things that we don't know yet. If we manage to figure out those other things, then it will all make sense."
"Do Dahge have any suspicions about this?"
"There is. But I'm not sure if I'm not making this up myself."
"I want to hear Dahge's opinion on this."
"I suspect that there is more than one party that wants those things."
"That has also become our suspicion," said Yihshyong.
"That's not what I mean." Shannchyuan frowned.
Yihshyong didn't understand the meaning of the last sentence that Shannchyuan spoke. "What do Dahge mean?"
"It's possible that there are parties who are after certain things, and there are parties who are after other things."
Yihshyong didn't understand even more. Shannchyuan's words were really not easy to digest. He could only surmise that because he was tired, his brain's ability to perceive other people's intentions had drastically decreased.
"What I mean is, even if the two sides are cooperating, there is a possibility that they might not be aiming for the same thing."
"There are two parties cooperating?" Yihshyong was taken aback. It was very similar to the hypothesis that Shinnshiow had previously put forward.
"What is it?" Shannchyuan's eyes widened slightly.
"Shinnshiow had also said that. He felt the people who captured him were not in the same group as the people who kidnapped him."
Yihshyong then told everything Shinnshiow said when he was in Shinnshiow's room.
"That also makes sense. So there really were two parties cooperating in Shinnshiow's kidnapping," said Shannchyuan.
"So since the two parties want different things, they purposely separate those two things?" Yihshyong asked.
"It might be so," said Shannchyuan. "Are there any items that you put separately in the two bags?"
"Nothing," Yihshyong answered quickly. "We have moved all the contents of the Songfei bag into the new bag. Songfei's bag only contains imitation goods."
"Is it true that you had transferred all the items to the new bag?"
"Except for the notebook, we have removed everything. As for the notebook, we are still keeping it safe. Tsaehorng, Jinqkang, and the police also did not know about the notebook until now. We have not had time to inform Chioujen about this because Tsaehorng, Jinqkang, or Tsaehorng's employees are always around us."
"Where do you keep that notebook? Last time I put it in my bedroom."
"I packed the notebook in a plastic bag. Then I put it in the chest where we kept our rice. This was according to Dahge's instructions. If the criminals ever broke into our house, they wouldn't even think of searching our rice storage."
"It seems you still remember about that. Didn't Chioujen see when you put the rice in the crate?"
"Never mind Chioujen, I didn't even discuss it with Iren and Jenqyih when I moved the notebook. After I finished moving it, I told Iren and Jenqyih. Is it possible that the notebook was one of the things the criminals were after?"
"Before, I was sure that the notebook was what criminals were after, apart from other things in the bag, of course. But now, I'm not even sure."
"Why do Dahge think so?"
"The proof is that they released Shinnshiow. If there are things that should be there, but we don't hand them over, then they will be angry and threaten us."
"But it's possible that they don't know about the whereabouts of the notebook. So they aren't angry, not because they don't want the notebook, but because they don't know that there is a notebook in Songfei's bag. A notebook that might even contain the things they're looking for."
"Supposing it is true that in the notebook there is a secret or secrets they want. And if it is also true that those people don't know that the secret is in the notebook. Then they must think it is in something -the items you guys handed over. If they didn't find it in the other items that had fallen into their hands, then they would definitely keep looking for it. They wouldn't be willing to give up Shinnshiow before the thing they wanted was actually within their grasp. I mean, while they're intent on releasing Shinnshiow, we can safely conclude that they've got what they're looking for. So, it's not the notebooks they're after."
"But in reality, it was Mr. Horngshi who took Shinnshiow away from their lair."
"That's right. Mr. Horngshi did manage to get into their lair and free Shinnshiow. But I think what he did was exactly what the kidnappers would have done. So even if Mr. Horngshi didn't get in there, then the thugs would They had intended to free Shinnshiow. Maybe not as quickly as this has happened. But they will release Shinnshiow before sundown today."
"What makes Dahge sure about that?"
This is obvious! There are other things that Dahge has not had time to explain to us.
"I can't say. It's just my intuition."
Maybe there are certain reasons that makes Dahge not at liberty to say now. Really? But isn't Dahge suffering from amnesia? How to explain it? Ah! In partial amnesia, there are things that can be remembered, there are things that cannot be remembered. Maybe these were things Dahge could still remember.
"Fine. Let's just say that's what happened. But how can we explain why they poisoned Shinnshiow?"
"We don't know what really happened. Maybe someone deliberately wanted to harm Shinnshiow. But it's also possible that it was just an accident. Regardless of whether Shinnshiow was poisoned or deliberately poisoned, those criminals, at least some of them, had intended to release Shinnshiow. They won't let him go if they haven't got all the things they want. They couldn't even poison Shinnshiow if they weren't sure that all the things they want were already in their hands."
Yihshyong nodded at Shannchyuan's narrative.
What Dahge said made complete sense. Debt collectors will not kill people who still have debts. But there may also be other possibilities. It could be the two groups are at odds. One group wants to free Shinnshiow, but another group wants to kill him instead. But what's the reason? This is all confusing!
Yihshyong pinched his temples. He felt a little dizzy.
"So what kind of things does one group want, but another group doesn't want?" Shannchyuan asked softly. This question was more like a rhetorical question. "Supposing the things that Songfei entrusted to me were to be divided into two groups. Then what things were in the first handing-in place and what things were in the second handing-in place?" Shannchyuan emphasized his question.
"That bag!" shouted Yihshyong. "Of course it's the real Songfei's bag! The real bag is at the first submission site and the items in the Songfei bag are at the second submission site!"
Shannchyuan nodded. His eyes looked far away somewhere. "So one party wants the bag, while the other party wants the items inside the bag!"
Yihshyong didn't know whether such a conclusion made sense or not. But it was the only possibility they could currently think of.
"I need you to contact Jinqkang at home. Tell him to tell Tsaehorng that I want to see the remains of the burned bags."
"Dahge wanted Tsaehorng to use his connections at the police station to let us see the bags."
"That's right. There's something odd about this. I have to see those two bags myself." Shannchyuan said in such a firm tone.
"Fine! I'll call now. But wouldn't it be better if we called Tsaehorng right away?"
"I don't know where he is now," said Shannchyuan. "He may still be at the exhibition. Do you know the telephone number of the exhibition hall?"
"I don't know. But I know how to reach him through the pager."
"Suit yourself. If you think we should contact Tsaehorng directly, then, by all means, do so."
"Okay, Dahge!"
"But don't get too tense. You don't need to rush. It's not tonight that I have to see it. I think tomorrow afternoon or evening will be a good time."
"I think the chances of the doctors letting Dahge out of here tomorrow are slim," Yihshyong said.
"Not necessarily." Shannchyuan smiled. "The proof, this afternoon they have allowed Shinnshiow to go home."
"That's not the same," Yihshyong snapped.
"Whatever it is," said Shannchyuan. "I'll find a way to get out of here as soon as possible."
Yihshyong nodded.
Now I'm totally convinced that Dahge must have some special connection that we didn't know about!
"But we still have to call Tsaehorng tonight. He has to get permission from the police officer in charge of the matter." Yihshyong intended to leave the room.
"Before you go on the phone, I have something to ask you."
"Please Dahge, ask the question."
"During my absence, did you ever see or hear anything related to me?"
Yihshyong fell silent. He was stunned. He didn't know whether Shannchyuan could already remember something about the things he and Iren witnessed when they were in the area near their neighbor's friend's warehouse. Or if his dahge had just guessed from the attitude he showed.
"Indeed, there are things that still make me confused. I postponed asking that to Dahge because I'm not sure that Dahge can explain it. I plan to ask that when Dahge's condition is better."
"You mean when I can remember everything?"
"That's right, Dahge."
"What if those memories never come back?"
"Yes, it might happen. Of course I won't wait that long. If in one week Dahge still can't remember everything, then I'll start asking that question. Seven days from now, I think, at least Dahge has recovered physically."
"That's taking too long. You better tell me now."
Yihshyong returned to the couch again. He then told Shannchyuan about the incident when he and Iren saw a person who looked very much like Shannchyuan. Yihshyong also retold the things that Iren had told him. The things that happened when Iren followed the girl who had made Shannchyuan do strange and unreasonable acts.
Shannchyuan's face changed when he heard Yihshyong's story. Yihshyong could see that Shannchyuan was completely shocked. At that point, Yihshyong really believed that Shannchyuan had amnesia. His dahge wasn't lying when he said he didn't remember.
After Yihshyong finished telling his story, Shannchyuan said nothing. He looked like someone who was getting the biggest shock of his life.
"Dahge! Are you okay?" Yihshyong was anxious to see the change that Shannchyuan showed.
"I'm fine. Now you better call Tsaehorng immediately."
"All right, Dahge!"
Yihshyong rose again from the couch. With steps so fast, he walked towards the door and out of the room as fast as lightning.
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