Sadies POV:
"Crap.. I woke up Late!" I yelled when I looked at my phone.
I needed to get to the luau in time.
I got up out of bed and put on a clean, new bathing suit. It was a light blue bikini. I grabbed a small cover up and tied it around my waist. I grabbed a pair of sunglasses and kept my hair down.
I ran down the rental house's steps and ran out of the door.
My family was already at a waterpark and they wouldnt be back till dark.
I walked the rest of the way, barefooted.
The sun started to set as I walked to the luau.
This was honestly my favorite part about this Vacation. I didnt want to go home next week, this place was paradise.
I got to the luau and grabbed a seat by the front on top of a picnic table.
I had a great view. I was proud of myself.
A guy walked over and sat next to me.
"Is it alright If I sit here?" He asked.
"Oh sure."
I continued to wait for the show to start since I was getting bored.
"Your hair is very pretty, you dont see many Gingers around here." He said.
"Oh um thank you. I honestly hate my hair." I said.
He let out a small laugh.
"So, whats your name?" He asked.
"Sadie." I replied
"Pretty. I'm Clay, Where are you from?" He said.
"Manhattan." I said.
"New York?" Clay asked.
"Um, yeah the big city." I giggled.
"Youve got to be Joking. I live in New Jersey." Clay followed.
"Like across the River or what?" I asked.
"Across the river." He said
I felt happy, He seemed so Nice.
"When are you going home?" I asked.
"Next Monday, How about you?" Clay asked.
"Same day as you?" I replied.
A great smile grew on his face. I could tell he was Also happy.
The luau had been going on for an hour now. It was a boring luau for once.
"Well, Im gonna head to the beach, if you want to come." I said while I got up.
''Oh sure Ill come. " He said.
He got up and followed me as I walked to the beach.
"I have to say this, You look awfully familiar.." I said.
"I mean, you live so close, Maybe school?" He said.
"No way you go to school In New York." I followed.
"I actually do.." He said.
"I transfered because of people at my old school." He said.
"You are being a Liar. Do not lie to me right now!" I said.
''I am not, I promise. Plus, Mr. Willons is annoying." He said, Jokingly.
"You do go!" I yelled.
"I have him in 2nd period." He said.
"Me too!! Oh, You sit in the back!! Now I know!" I said.
He smiled as he knew It was clicking.
I was so shocked, He was someone I hung out with most of the time.
I sat in the sand once we got there, Clay sat next to me.
I had a feeling we clicked from the start.
I lied down in the sand and so did Clay.
Clay knew me, and I knew him, I just didnt think it was him.
I remembered how I liked Clay a year ago. I was scared to find out if those feelings would pop back up, and they were.
Clay turned and Looked at me.
"You know, I liked you right?" He asked
"What?" I said.
"Yeah, since October." He followed.
I smiled and so did he.
We both knew we felt the same, even though we were never that close.
Clay leaned down over me and looked at me.
He leaned down and Kissed me.
I kissed him back of course.
Clay was sweet.
I never knew this could happen, but once again Here I am, again.