In one of the scout towers, a squad of around ten soldiers, some of them even teens, were led by a captain from the Taiwan army. Before the massive refugee flow approached their site, most of them were relaxed and making fun of each other, except the captain and one group of shooters and loaders. However, when they were informed that thousands of refugees were approaching their site, some even in trucks and helicopters, the young soldiers became panicked.
Although these teens had combat experience with the Hong Kong Police or even some People's Liberation Army of China, they had never encountered so many people rushing towards them simultaneously, almost none of the refugees armed. Some were panicked by the massive refugee flow itself, while others were wavering in their minds, questioning if what they were about to do was right.
But the captain reminded them that all Chinese people were enemies who had never empathized with Hong Kongers while they were being repressed by the Chinese government. The soldiers began to shoot fiercely at the refugees rushing towards them, but some, especially those driving trucks or even armored cars, broke through the barrage of machine gun fire by exceeding the lowest shooting angle of the machine guns.
Moments before the refugees rushed across the defense line, everyone on the scout towers received a radio call to lie down immediately. Just as the radio call ended, a thunder-like sound shook the atmosphere of the Hong Kong-Shenzhen border, as the mortars fell in front of the scout towers like rain. The explosion destroyed everything nearly reaching the scout towers.
After the shelling, all the young soldiers trembled, not only from the feeling of death but also from the devastation before them. The captain ordered them to regroup and scolded them with Taiwanese foul language. He reminded his subordinates to recall their initial reasons for joining the army.
The scene switched from the scout tower to the ground. A radio call notified everyone that a helicopter, seeming to be a Z-9 of the People's Liberation Army, was approaching. An air defense squad aimed their stinger missile at the helicopter.
"Our parents accepted you as they thought we are all Chinese, but we are not. We are Hong Kongers," one soldier said before he pressed the trigger and shot down the helicopter.
註1:本文插圖使用Disco Diffusion生成。