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The rain this morning seemed no different compared to a regular day in the city. The rain had been different to Drustan. He hated the rain usually but this rain excited him. It was not common that there would be commotion within the city. This meant that while he had fulfilled his dream of becoming a Commander, he had become bored by the lack of work. The Zidal Empire was supposedly at peace, Drustan would never get another chance to feel alive. He stood next to the only man that had his respect. Great Lord Ivo, the man that had given him a chance. A sio caster acting as commander is not rare unless you live in Adhu Aqua. A defect from Jerial's reign, ilium casters had been greatly favoured. It hadn't helped as Ilium casters were as common as flies. Ivo had been speaking to Jerial. He would be lying if he said he was listening. He had barely listened to Ivo's story about growing up in the city and this kid called Alaric. He did not care all that much. What he did care about was the smug look on what was to be his opponent's face. Commander Col Gregory, a nasty man. While they served together, they had never got along. Col had been too focused on making a name for himself and pushing himself to the limit. Drustan had been the antithesis, he had been happy with his position and happy to go on one day at a time. He knew Col had never liked since the first day he stepped foot into the castle. Hell, no one seemed to like him. They claimed he was too lackadaisical and never respected the hierarchy. They had not been wrong. The one he was eager to fight had been Jerial. His arm still tingles from Jerial's attack. He was not going to ruin Ivo's plan, however. He had never seen the Great Lord this eager to fight and it exhilarated him. Getting tired of the preamble, Drustan decided to take action. His right gauntlet shone with a light red glow and his forearm down to his hand had disappeared through a portal. His arm reappeared close to Col's face as he punched the commander. Col fell backwards. He was about to reconnect his arm when a gust of wind had been travelling towards him. I messed up. Spatial casts had been a special subclass of Sio types but it had a big weakness, it forced the caster to remain stationary or he risked his disembodiment. The gust of wind was about to hit him when Commander Beckett intercepted it with her large shield. Her arm had glowed a pale yellow.
"Thanks, O Great Protector."
"Are you stupid? You could've gotten killed!" Cressela scolded.
Commander Beckett was usually strict with him but not in a bad way. They have always been on relatively good terms. He knew he irritated her. The look on her face shocked him. She had been terrified. She was sweating more than usual. How strong was that attack? He shook his head. He just barely noticed Col running up to him. Col had his broadsword in his hand. Col's legs had a green glow. Drustan knew what to expect. He had sparred with Commander Gregory, Hughes and Orvyn. They usually used this cast. Col jumped into the air at a strange angle. His body found a foothold in midair and he jumped again towards Drustan. He leaned back just barely avoiding Col's strike. Col's sword struck the ground. Drustan placed his left foot on the blade. He began chanting as he withdrew a throwing knife from his belt and tossed it into the sky. The knife flew through a portal. Instead of attacking Col let go of his sword and ran to the side. This caused his throwing knife to have a new target, Drustan himself. He cursed as his right leg shone red. A stone spike shot up from before Drustan's foot and knocked the throwing knife off-course. He did not notice Col's strike until it was too late. Col swung his fist through Drustan's face. Drustan let out another curse as he was slumped to the ground.
Col let out a nasty laugh as he towered over Drustan.
"Always using tricks trying to catch your opponents off-guard. I never enjoyed your fighting style." Col said.
"You would normally not dodge, I guess Daddy Jerial taught you well." Drustan taunted.
He wanted Col to get angry, and it had been successful. Col immediately grabbed his sword. Col was about to strike when Drustan used his trump card. His entire armour glowed red as he fell through a portal. He had never put his entire body through a portal before, he did not know what to expect. It certainly was not this. It was bright, the sky had been blue and white dots were sprinkled over the sky. He noticed a large white pillar before the scene disappeared. He tumbled out of a portal and his body bumped into an object. His armour went back to the original colour. He had his back against Col's who had stumbled forward. Drustan reached over his head and found Col's neck. He gripped tightly on Col's neck and began lifting him. It was awkward, Col had been struggling and to lift someone over your head was not an easy task. He cast a stone spike in front of him. He lifted Col all the way and the stone spike pierced Col's torso. It was quick, as soon as his body was struck by the spike it had been done. Commander Col Gregory had been killed. The only emotion Drustan felt was relief. He had been confident before the battle, that confidence was erased during the fight. He had been exhausted but he had one more task to fulfil. He had to help Ivo fight Jerial. He was about to move towards the fight when Jerial's face was in front of him. Jerial had one hand on Drustan's abdomen and one around his neck.
"Well done, taking care of that fool. I should thank you but no matter how irritable he was, he was still my subordinate." Jerial said.
Drustan's torso began heating up. The pain was unbearable. His body had been on fire. All he could do was scream.
Jerial's smile was the last thing he saw as darkness engulfed his entire being.
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