“Hey, we’re here.” I announced, pointing up at the shop.
We stopped to look at the clothing shop. It was tall, the walls blocked the Solight coming in from the other side. The walls were made entirely from brick, the shop had supposedly been here for hundreds of viennas but the bricks never looked worn down, looking brand-new even. The roof was made from Sturdy Cicette wood, so that would explain why it looked so solid. It was a pretty mighty looking building, even though it’s just a clothing shop. But, it’s not just any clothing shop. This is Vix’s Clothing Shop. It’s where I got my adventuring clothes, white, loose leggings, with a grayish-blue long-sleeve shirt with a white hood. Silver coated chestplate armor with the Gale symbol. Whitemetal elbow-pads and knee pads, and a pair of leather gloves with silver knuckle-guards (I even got “Wind Power!” engraved on them). I think Jennifer is gonna love picking stuff out. We walked in, and Jennifer glanced around at everything. The shop has a very wooden and homey feel on the inside, very warm and friendly. Not to mention it’s full of neat clothing options. Fabrics, shirts, leggings, chest plates, boots, hats, hoods, gloves, scarves, all types of things.
“So,” Jennifer began, “I can get anything in here?”
“Yep! Y’know, as long as it’s within budget,” I replied, showing off the Quartz.
“Thank you.” she breathed softly, and walked away to browse, and I walked over to the store owner, Vix.
“Hey Zeke! You having any problems with those gloves?” He asked
“Well, they are starting to rust a bit, but that’s not why I’m here.” I replied. He raised his eyebrow in curiosity. Vix was a tall guy, at least 6’2. He was skinny but not scrawny, and he had warm, brown eyes which matched his dark brown skin. His hair was curly and black, with a strand of blue hair jutting from his curls. A very friendly smile, paired with a very respectable, gentleman’s mustache. He wears goggles sometimes, but he didn’t have them at the moment. He was an inventor, an honorary member of the Tinkerer’s Union, but his inventions often went unfinished, so he kind of stopped working on them and started a clothing shop instead. However, he still maintains his status in his Tinkerer’s Union. I always wondered if he’d ever get back to inventing. He’s really handy.
“I’m getting ready to go on an adventure with a new acquaintance.”
“The girl you walked in with? …Is she your girlfriend?” He asked teasingly.
“I- I knew you were going to ask that! I saw it coming from a thousa away.” I griped.
He laughed, “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.”
Vix is usually a pretty mature guy, but he always finds a way to tease me.
“Well, who is she then?” He asked. I looked around quickly to make sure no one was listening, then turned back to Vix.
“She’s from Aerth.” I told him
“Aerth?” He repeated. “Which district is that?”125Please respect copyright.PENANAaUtklEI6SG
“No... she’s from another planet.” I whispered. I was expecting him to gasp or his eyes to go wide or like, some form of shock. But instead, he just put his hand over his face. He sighed heavily,
“Zeke, you mean Earth?” he asked
“She did keep saying that.” I replied.
I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see Jennifer in her new clothes. She had a red short-sleeved shirt with a Blacksteel chestplate. She had Blacksteel wrist gauntlets and white cotton gloves (no custom knuckle-guards though, ha ha). Her boots were steel-toed with black and silver linings. She was wearing dark blue pants with lighter blue trimmings. She has Whitemetal pads like me. She spun around.
“How do I look?” She asked.
“You look great, perfect fit for your first time picking out adventuring clothes.” I answered.
She grinned. She handed me her pajamas, readjusted her glasses, tightened her gloves, and tied her bootlaces. She looked up to see Vix, standing behind the counter.
“Uhh… hi,” she greeted. Vix cleared his throat,
“Hey there, what adventure are you traveling with Zeke for?” he asked
“I’m going...,” she paused while picking out a hood, “to find my sister.” She settled on a yellow one.
“Your sister… What does she look like? I’ve had a lot of customers, maybe she was here.”
“Well firstly- she’s got long blonde hair-” she started. Vix and I collectively gave her a confused look. She rolled her eyes.
“Her hair is yellow looking,” she clarified. We both nodded in understanding. She continued, “her eyes are blueish-green, she doesn’t wear glasses like I do, she’s average height, like 5’7. She wears lipstick a lot, even though she’s not supposed to.
“Lipstick?” I ask
“Her lips are different colors sometimes,” she replied nonchalantly.
Right, and my planet is weird.
“Um, I’m pretty sure she was wearing a blue shirt when I last saw her, but I can’t remember
clearly,” She continued, “That’s all I can remember…”.
Vix shuffled behind the counter, reached down, and grabbed a flippad. He handed it to Jennifer. He clarified what it was for too.
“You can write down her features as you go along. Besides, nothing wrong with making a note or two.” She looked at the notepad and back at Vix. She adjusted her glasses again and
grabbed the notebook.
“Thanks,” she said. Vix looked at me, his eyes widened, and then he turned back at Jennifer. He
“So I hear you’re from another planet.” She looked at me and then back at Vix.
“Yeah… I’m from Earth,” she clarified.
“Right..., we Avaryxians have some history with Earth.” He replied.
“We do?” I piped up.
This was certainly news to me. Vix turned to me.
“Of course, you ever wonder why Jennifer here speaks a very similar language to ours, and why
she looks the same, and how she got here in the first place?” He asked. I blinked twice and shrugged.
“I don’t know,” I admitted while looking at Jennifer, “I thought it was just a coincidence.”
“No,” Vix replied, “coincidences like that don’t happen. Avaryxians were evolved from the people of Earth. Many viennas ago, the first Null was born. As we know, Null’s need the energy of people with strong Affinities to stay alive and evolve. So, that Null needed to find energy, but there were no Avaryxians to take that energy from. Because of this, the Null had to go somewhere else, and using rifts, that somewhere else was Earth. It took one person from Earth, and began to take their energy. But eventually, that person escaped. The Null went back and got another person from Earth. They too, escaped. Those two people were Leonardo and Sabrina, and they were the creators of the Avaryx we know today.”
“So, Avaryxians are just magical humans?” Jennifer asked.
“Magical?” Vix asked in return.
“Uh, like, Avaryxians are just humans who can use Psyix, right?” She clarified.
“For the most part, yes,” Vix answered, “but, we are not like how those humans used to be. Different Avaryxians, especially from different regions and districts tend to have different, eh, attributes,” he said.
He flipped his curls up to reveal a small pair of horns. I knew about the whole “different Avaryxians have different features” thing, but I didn’t know Vix had horns. I wonder what he uses them for. Or maybe they're just decoration. Kind of like my attribute. I actually have wings, they just don’t… work. They’re so small and weak, they can’t even get me off the ground. I’m not the only one though, there are a bunch of Avaryxians in the Gale District with wings. That was actually my original journey, to get to the Gale District, I mean. If I could get there, maybe I can figure out how to grow them. But, until then, I keep them tucked away in my shirt.
“Wait,” Jennifer started , “so, humans can have Affinities too?”
“Oh yes,” Vix answered, “most creatures do. Null’s and some monsters are exceptions.” Jennifer looked down at her hands.
“So… can we do Psyix?”
“I’ve never seen or heard of a human using modern day Psyix. Maybe you’ll be the first.” he said.
Jennifer smiled.
“Well, if you’re gonna try Psyix, you gotta find out what your Affinity is.” I told her
“How do I do that?” Jennifer asked
“Each district has an Affinity Identification Device in Midtown.”
Jennifer looked to the side for a second and then looked back at me.
“An A.I.D?” Jennifer asked
“Yep.” I answered.
“Well,” Vix added, “you two better head back to the Priemery District, so you can see what it is.”
“Right,” I replied, “Well, it was nice seeing you again, Vix.”
“You too, kid,” he said back. Jennifer waved her hand around and walked out. I smiled and waved and Vix waved back gently.
We got back on the path to the Priemery District which wouldn’t take us too long. Jennifer was watching the path when she began to ask,
“Hey, why did that guy- Vix, that’s what you called him, why did he call you ‘Zeke,’ and your mom too? I thought you said your name was Christopher...”
“Well, it is, but people I’m close to call me Zeke.” I answer. She was quiet for a few seconds.
“Can I call you Zeke?” she pressed. I stopped walking and she shook her head.
“Unless that’s awkward or someth-”
“Only if I can call you ‘Jenny’.” I negotiated, while smiling. She stopped, thought about it, and kept walking.
“Fine,” she said.
We continued for a while before she said something else.
“Hey, Zeke, how did you use that Starlight Speed Psyix move? That sounds like an Astral thing.” She asked
“Well, Jenny, it is,” I reply, “I do have a Gale Affinity, but back when I was a kid, before I learned my Affinity, my dad taught me Starlight Dash. I was never the greatest at it, but I can kind of do it.”
“Your dad? I didn’t see anyone else at your house,” she muttered
“Yeah…-” I started.
“Oh my gosh! Is he dead?! I’m so sorry!” She shouted, placing her hands over her mouth.
“What? No. Why would you assume he’s dead? He’s an adventurer too, he just went out on a journey,” I answered quickly.
“Oh. Sorry, it’s just most of the time-,” She started to say something but she quickly stopped.
We walked some more, Jenny was looking up at the sky.
“Hey,” she began, “How come your grass is blue?”
“Yours isn't?” I asked
“It’s green on my planet.” She explained
“Oh... well, I don’t know, I’m an adventurer, not a biologist,” I confessed. “Okay, enough questions from you, now I get to ask a few.”
“That’s fair,” she mumbled.
“So… What is a fuse box?” I asked
“You have got to be kidding me,” she said in a dreary tone
“Nope, that’s my question.” I replied. She giggled and sighed.
“A fuse box is a small metal box full of a bunch of… switches I guess, called fuses and the switch controls the power or energy in our house,” she explained, “Sometimes, the fuse burns out and the power synced to that switch shuts off, and you have to get another one,” she explained.
“What about-” I began.
“A garage is a room that holds vehicles, and there is a big door that opens and closes whenever you want to move a vehicle in and out. People use them for other stuff too.”
She explained before I could finish. I laughed.
“Okay, okay, serious question,” I began, “So, humans have never used Psyix?”
“Well,” she answered, “not that I’ve seen, of course, but I think the whole idea of magic might be based on it. I mean, there’s no way people came up with all those fantasy stories and had nothing to base it on, right? Maybe that’s why there are so many concepts of people who actively use magic on Earth.”
“That’s interesting, actually, because not every Avaryxian can use Psyix straight out of their own bodies like I do, and they compensate by using Sorcery Psyix, which requires books. Maybe humans can do the same thing.” I said
Her eyes lit up like a solar flare.
“So, you think that humans might be able to use Psyix too?” She asked excitedly.
“Maybe.” I told her125Please respect copyright.PENANAfFwgyjJQE9