This is my high school romance story. It is quite boring as I have not been in very many interesting relationships, or many relationships in general.
It started when a friend of mine came up to me at lunch. He was more of an acquaintance then a friend, but we had spent most of our lives together so we knew eachother quite well.
So this guy, being the goofy goober he was told me that his friend had a crush on me. I was a little worried at first, as he was friends with lots of unattractive men that didn’t wash.
But to my surprise, he pointed at a cute girl, and said that was her. Apparently she had seen me perform in the school musical and thought I was cute. (Mind you I looked like a chaotic gay theatre kid)
I said yes because no one had ever had a crush on me before and I wanted love.
She lived pretty close to my house and I would walk there most weekends to hang out at her house or at the local park. I think she was scared of my presence because it would all be normal and then I’d be like ‘LET’S JUMP IN THE LAKE’ or ‘OMG IT’S A FAT DUCK!” and I would do something really stupid.
My favourite memory was on Sports Day. We were in different forms and I remember sneaking into hers for the day. Her form tutor was like ‘yay, gays’ and it was hilarious. I came last in my race by the way.
We hung out loads and had great times, playing games on her Nintendo Ds. But we weren’t really romantic. So I understood when she got her friend to ask to just be friends. I mean like she could have asked herself though. It’s not that hard.
I’ve not had a relationship since then but I hopelessly crush on quite a lot of people. So yeah, that’s my boring love story.