Virus was adrift in space for a month she started dying she had to find a host and fast.197Please respect copyright.PENANA0iPgxvoSc4
Thud! Went Virus on the outside of the X1-Voyage. Kyle and one of his friends heard it too. Virus found a way inside through a minor crack. Leaving the alien body adrift in space she entered the room.197Please respect copyright.PENANA9EXLF3lV37
Hiding in the dark she did Virus is under a bed. Seeing her newfound host. All she had to do was get there and enter her. The room seemed blank so Virus went to her. Someone walked across her and accidentally stepped on her Virus didn't know who or what but she possessed it. Kyle accidentally stepped on Virus unaware he didn't know the whatever he stepped on entered him. "Goodnight Celia. Goodnight Marcellus." Said Kyle to his friends. "Goodnight Kyle, goodnight Marc" Said Celia. "Goodnight." Said Marcellus. They went to sleep as Kyle slept unaware that he's a host to something far beyond humanity's knowledge. With Kyles sleeping body Virus took over. One sleeps for the other to wake. Weak she needed blood and flesh to boost her stamina back to average health. Silent as could be she explored the ship. She barely made it to the main lobby of the ship. Dazzled by how under averaged the humans are. "They're weaker than we are." She said comparing their species to hers. She is feeling something strange inside. She feels fuzzy and warm. She immediately went cold and got to her first prey. In the shadows hidden. She waited for her prey to get closer. He did get close and then she took him and ate up. Moving on she went to the 3rd floor of the lobby.197Please respect copyright.PENANABCb0eZ3f8z
When she did she found a hotspot of people a about 7 of them were out in the lobby side. Virus made a bellowing sound that brought attention to one of them. "What's up?" Said one of the people to the person who heard it. "I thought I heard something." He said still looking down underneath his seat in the ventilation shaft opening. When he got up from it she did it again. He looked back down looking at it.197Please respect copyright.PENANAqVpFFEy9vh
He put his ear against it and in less than a second she licked his ear. He liked it and asked it for it again.197Please respect copyright.PENANAQ5h3BIGdux
*chuckle* "Do it again." He said. So she did with pleasure. Quickly sticking her tongue through his ear out the other he died and she ate him through the vents. The person sitting nexts to him noticed and screamed with terror frightened from what happened. She ran away with the rest who saw.197Please respect copyright.PENANA2aqN7i1C6G
Virus pleaded with satisfaction from her meal. "Mmmm, tasty." She said. Going back to where she found her host she left him and stayed inside. In the bed asleep he had no clue what occurred. The next morning he woke up and feeling like nothing happened got up out of bed.197Please respect copyright.PENANArMOm3988u8
He went all around the X1-Voyage with his friends and they saw the site of where disaster struck.197Please respect copyright.PENANAUcLXiIsxfi
He felt something was wrong here. He felt like he's been here before. Although he hadn't eaten anything here. His stomach felt full as his friends asked if he was alright. He said he's fine. "Hey kids you shouldn't be here?" Said a guarding police. "Wha-wait what happened here?" Said Kyle. "That's none of your concern it's just an accident with an accident." Said the man. "Doesn't look like it I've actually studied to work for the police as a detective for New York. By the looks of it someone or thing dragged him in just going by the scratches on the body. "Oops forgot one." Said Virus inside Kyle's mind. "It also looks like the body was not cut but bit off." said Marcellus. "How do you know that it's a bite?" Said the officer. "Well first I saw the sample evidence it's sharp the places where the the body bleeds look like it been punctured by a set of teeth. Sharp teeth." Said Marcellus. "Sir I'd like to see you after this and let you meet with the chief." The officer said. "Really? What for?" Said Marcellus. "How would you like to be hired and work for us?" The guy said. "I'd like that what time after." Marcellus said. "How's 12:30?" Said the officer. "That's great. Thank you..." Said Marcellus realizing he never got the name of the officer. "Officer Pharrell." Said the officer. "Thank you officer Pharrell." Said Marcellus. He turned around to his friends and got excited as they were proud of him for getting an interview.197Please respect copyright.PENANAqYNFWtsguj
Kyle felt his neck cramping. "Aah." He exclaimed as sound of hurt. "You alright?" Said Celia. "Yeah just a cramp."197Please respect copyright.PENANAbwbeWJzeKD
Meanwhile the Captain of the ship has been notified of the accident and not only to that but to connect with the other of the six ships. "Sir there's been a accident and your told to connect to the rest of the ships." Said the Co-Captain. "Alright start the connection." He said to the rest of the people controlling the ship. "Connecting the ship in 3...2...1." Said a female worker getting the button ready unlocking and and opening the case as three others did the same. They pressed the button. Outside of the ship and other ships they had something what looked like giant pegs to attach to each other. When they did a bridge came across and all ships came as one and had bridges connecting allowing people to cross. "Attention all people of the X1-Voyage the ship has been connected to the seven ships all people are allowed to cross to other ships if wanted or needed to. Please enjoy your time on other ships if you leave and return when done. Thank you. Captain Jones signing off." The captain went. "Well guys what do you think should we go?" Said Celia. "I gotta stay and get ready for the interview it's already 11:25." Said Marcellus. "Well that leaves me and Mark. Mark you want to come?" She asked him. "I'd love too." He said. "Okay we meet at 1:00, 1:30 at least?" She said. "Alright, Okay." Said the boys. They all went out their way exploring. Marcellus went to get ready for his interview getting ready with new clothes for the interview and a shower cleaning himself and all that while Celia and Mark had fun exploring.197Please respect copyright.PENANAQ29jXUT0r8
Just before they did though just at the bridge they stared at the void of space. Staring at it for a good 5 minutes just before they left they noticed something floating. "Wait Celia hold up." Mark said. "What is it?" She asked him. "What's that?" He pointed at something floating. They stared at it closer and realized it's some kind of dead body. "Go. Go tell the captain to stop the ship and get that body." She saw an intercom and contacted a Captain of the X1-Voyage and the Xplorer. "Captain Captain are you there? Any Captain there? Me and my friend found a body in space but it's not human. I repeat there's a dead non-human body floating in the void of space next to the ship. Is anyone there?" Celia said. "This is Captain Cortez of Xplorer you said there's a body where are you? What bridge sector are you on?" He said. "We are on bridge sector 12 next to your McDonalds and oxygen tank room." She said. "Alright hold still we are bringing it in." Said the captain. A team came down and swung there selves out jumping and walking as much as possible to the body and heading towards it. Just before it went gone forever an X1-Voyage man came out and grabbed it in time. The cosmonauts connected to the ships bagged the body up in space and brought it onboard the X1-Voyage as they went back in the ships. Only the ones who saw the body were allowed to see it with the team. In a dark separate room they had the body in a bag laying on a steel table. The team slowly unzipped the bag. Touching the zipper and pulling it down. They were unzipping it for the first Extraterrestrial life form to be seen by human eye. Not knowing what it may look like they didn't know what they were in for.
-Episode over-197Please respect copyright.PENANAWZDa64wTx2
To be continued
What can you expect in next episode:197Please respect copyright.PENANAlXdr9Njq6B
Marcellus goes to his interview hoping to get the job and solve the mystery of the bitten body. Celia and Mark are the first in public to see an alien body. Stay tuned to see what it's described as and if the body has to do anything with the mystery, does. Virus show her appearance in the next episode. Keep reading "Space" and find out.
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