Sweet candy on hidden rocks of the valley I shall not speak of, fear lies in only the dimmed white dove. Now that you have gotten a taste of my sweet candy language, lights, camera, action has taken its course. Don't be shy, come in, and play my game; we will drink Country Time Peach tea, and sing songs of a dark death that will await you before you leave at the door.
They say only time will tell, but does it know what I'll do to you if escaping crosses your mind? I only want what's best for you, and to keep you safe in my arms, so stop trying to uncover a mystery that isn't there, or a painful feeling will shock your heart.
I want to brighten your vision of me, so I'll tell a little story. The night falls sheepishly across her face, not knowing whether to shine light on eyes so pure, or a smile so breath taking not even nearly could her lover stop it. Drinking champagne with moonlight dancing on two fairy-tail minds, they end this wonder land dream off with a moment you'll never remember, and a night you'll never forget.