Previously, on Big Brother! After 10 contestants entered the house, Pandora was announced and they could choose a twist for each week. At the first Head of Household competition, Mafioso had chosen Consigliere as the head of household, which slowly dissolved into chaos. At the nomination ceremony, Consigliere decided to put up the anger issues, and the recommendation. At the power of veto competition, Mafioso decided that the twist for next week would be held on week one, and it was a vote. Guardian Angel was given the power and decided not to use the veto. At the eviction, two things happened. Guardian Angel was not allowed to vote, as the PoV user couldn’t. And at the actual thing, Cobbler was evicted with a 5-1 vote, marking him as the first evicted houseguest who will not serve the jury. Tonight, who will become the HOH and how will Pandora cope with there being no twist this week? Find out on Big Brother Bloxston.298Please respect copyright.PENANAhEB6dYDyLy
*The intro played.*298Please respect copyright.PENANAqZNBlLD4YC
Outlaw: Can we please come together again?298Please respect copyright.PENANACg5GEQzQte
Seer: Why, to rub it in my face, due to my only partner getting evicted?298Please respect copyright.PENANAqBsnzxAFsB
Enforcer: We ALL know you were the only contestant who voted for Hacker.298Please respect copyright.PENANAlyq6U0dq4L
Seer: I know his motives! He’s gonna pretend to be a bad player, and then come out winning this!298Please respect copyright.PENANAZDiZXUBLC3
© Seer: I’ve seen these motives before. People pretend to be bad as a way of getting into the finale, then show off their skills and win. It’s happened before.298Please respect copyright.PENANAE1pz9i7y4E
© Enforcer: I think something’s wrong with Seer. Heck, I’m the only town member in this house! Everyone else is 50% Neutral, 30% Mafia, 10% Coven, and 10% Town.298Please respect copyright.PENANAekXTaji3tk
Enforcer: Keep in mind that me and Seer are the only ones of our factions. And what does Hacker even fall into?298Please respect copyright.PENANATJw9EudBgk
Outlaw: Fair point.298Please respect copyright.PENANAHSttlyBUq7
Enforcer: Screw the duos, we unite as one, to take over this game! Deal?298Please respect copyright.PENANAyVlVRECwpa
Seer: You got my vote!298Please respect copyright.PENANA5PTtYN4ICN
Outlaw: Let’s do this. We will be the UNIQUES!298Please respect copyright.PENANAJXFxvyyb6E
Seer: Stupid name, but okay.298Please respect copyright.PENANAvwW7AhqjXP
*With the others…*298Please respect copyright.PENANAeEVjgOMsvF
*He heard nothing.*298Please respect copyright.PENANA0eUIejtgSz
Hacker: *sigh* Why do I try..?298Please respect copyright.PENANAdod2NH3p7O
*Mafioso walked into the room.*298Please respect copyright.PENANAZQgrtPkdk5
Hacker: Oh, good morning sleepyhead.298Please respect copyright.PENANALoqZRDAb8g
[HOH Challenge.]298Please respect copyright.PENANAT7gdZQxLV2
Psychic: Contestants, it’s time for the Head of Household competition! For this competition, you must eat this stack of pancakes, then guzzle it down with a bottle of gatorade! The first person to do so will become the Head of Household! Consigliere, as the previous HOH, you are not allowed to compete. Now, GO!298Please respect copyright.PENANANQyy5s7brp
*People started rushing. Mafioso wasn’t doing anything, and neither was Hacker.*298Please respect copyright.PENANA5EG4Zz5c7v
Consigliere: Mafioso, what are you doing!?298Please respect copyright.PENANAln8wzDxUwn
Mafioso: I’d rather not become fat.298Please respect copyright.PENANA9Fv7yHWrvI
Consigliere: Whatever!
*Mafioso secretly passed his plate to Werewolf’s table, and put crumbs on a new plate.*298Please respect copyright.PENANA319iRzLns5
Werewolf: *chewing* What the!? I swore I had less...298Please respect copyright.PENANAotpPfMphoc
*Psychic saw Mafioso.*298Please respect copyright.PENANAAqDymzNO6C
Psychic: MAFIOSO IS THE NEW HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD!298Please respect copyright.PENANAuvJ2yFmZhx
*After some time…*298Please respect copyright.PENANARSGfFrklm6
Consigliere: No twists this week, and you won! We’re living in luxury.298Please respect copyright.PENANA9mvmGy1ClM
Mafioso: Yeah, but we need to think about our nominees for this week. Who seems like a threat?298Please respect copyright.PENANAwEpAIQzHHz
Consigliere: Well…298Please respect copyright.PENANA68UnMsVCar
*Flashback. Consigliere was hiding behind a door.*298Please respect copyright.PENANAf8FVedLB5c
Werewolf: So what’s the plan since Mafioso won?298Please respect copyright.PENANATolCzEIrUH
Plaguebearer: That simple! Consigliere or Enforcer have to be booted this week.298Please respect copyright.PENANA5qxmX8YIX9
*Returning to real time.*298Please respect copyright.PENANAJSXR0cKf3s
© Mafioso: Yeah, I know ONE of our nominees for the week.298Please respect copyright.PENANA8Q4OCqmsrz
Mafioso: Gather any other intel?298Please respect copyright.PENANAgg5MJ2dLzl
Consigliere: Well, what about Hacker?298Please respect copyright.PENANAvEtw9nKPSp
Mafioso: I heard him ranting about being a weak player to get into the finale.298Please respect copyright.PENANABOsyEGjNL7
Consigliere: I think he’s trying to sheep us.298Please respect copyright.PENANAP6BNP6UXxl
Mafioso: I don’t see any sheep!298Please respect copyright.PENANAHnUmdu2aiJ
© Consigliere: *sigh* This is gonna be a LONG week.298Please respect copyright.PENANAt8SQ7eY5r7
*Later…*298Please respect copyright.PENANALQ2NnascFo
Plaguebearer: Heya, Mafioso.298Please respect copyright.PENANAidSXddLuwY
Mafioso: Hi.298Please respect copyright.PENANA9BO2k7nAQt
© Mafioso: I’m just gonna act like I did not hear what Consigliere said earlier.298Please respect copyright.PENANApCnAPME4s1
Mafioso: So, who do you want to recommend to me?298Please respect copyright.PENANANsvjSPFckt
Plaguebearer: I want Enforcer and Consigliere out of the house.298Please respect copyright.PENANAsUYcQjKlu7
Mafioso: Why?298Please respect copyright.PENANAtnSuER2jTw
Plaguebearer: Think about it. Consigliere winning the first HOH could potentially threaten your chances, and Enforcer is the only town member here!298Please respect copyright.PENANAEb0xcz75mP
Mafioso: Uh-huh. Can you send Enforcer up here?298Please respect copyright.PENANAADXQga7loL
Plaguebearer: Sure!298Please respect copyright.PENANAut4Y24O9cq
*PB left, Enf walked in.*298Please respect copyright.PENANAlQy7169cF9
Enforcer: What’s up?298Please respect copyright.PENANA271T446lvp
Mafioso: Plaguebearer told me to nominate you.298Please respect copyright.PENANAxKpTM3tV9X
© Enforcer: I’m sorry, WHAT!?298Please respect copyright.PENANAQBsk4VAxYW
Enforcer: Thanks for alerting me...298Please respect copyright.PENANAdUgNOS1aO1
Mafioso: Before you leave, can you tell me your recommendations?298Please respect copyright.PENANAltoE0Wq5np
*Enforcer shut the door.*298Please respect copyright.PENANAPq2qh1nGPx
© Mafioso: Interesting.298Please respect copyright.PENANAA1Yizqxxxo
Mafioso: So who are the two you want me to nominate?298Please respect copyright.PENANA017hI28G3r
Enforcer: Seer and Hacker.298Please respect copyright.PENANAKotLm66nxL
© Enforcer: I said Seer because A. He’s the only Coven here, and B. I don’t see what Outlaw sees in him. I just don’t get it! As for Hacker, I would have said Guardian Angel, but after the POV twist, I changed my mind. GA gets a free POV win, but a subtracted vote!298Please respect copyright.PENANAI1xUhFxt79
Mafioso: Alright.298Please respect copyright.PENANAFWyVecftU7
[Nomination Ceremony.]298Please respect copyright.PENANA5E53jAzu1B
© Mafioso: I had a LOT to think about. Consigliere can be a target, PB said to put up Consigliere, and Hacker is faking his weak statistics. All I know is that GA is a target for me, due to winning POVs and screwing up my nominees. I want to backdoor Cons, but he’s my only friend. I don’t know what to do! All I know is that Outlaw is safe this week.298Please respect copyright.PENANAWnfzVKiybq
*He walked to the table.*298Please respect copyright.PENANAKvt0cBjeqJ
Mafioso: This is the nomination ceremony. As the HOH, I can select two people to be at risk of leaving the house. Before I make my nominations, I would like to say that I have no grudge against my nominees, but I feel like you could destroy my game. The first person I’m nominating with a regret... is Plaguebearer.298Please respect copyright.PENANAXTYBKBJ1mo
*Plaguebearer looked mystified.*298Please respect copyright.PENANAod2KPY147z
Mafioso: And the second player I’m nominating with a heavy heart... is Werewolf.298Please respect copyright.PENANAsRhJuBkyB9
*Werewolf looked angry.*298Please respect copyright.PENANAVfDqkfy3iz
Mafioso: Plaguebearer, I nominated you because someone who recommended you to me made a point. I also heard that your little alliance said that I was the target last week. Werewolf, I nominated you because you’re invincible and strong. That kind of behavior could ruin my game, and you might backdoor me. I’m sorry for these nominations, I really am... 298Please respect copyright.PENANAbKguMtyQj6
*Mafioso started shedding tears.*298Please respect copyright.PENANAHiLL3grWVt
Mafioso: T-this nomination ceremony is a-adjourned… *walks away*298Please respect copyright.PENANA3NF9lrkdek
© Guardian Angel: We’re dead! Both of my partners are up for elimination, and if I don’t win the power of veto, my alliance will be flushed down the drain!298Please respect copyright.PENANAtq8zVFrBo6
© Hacker: I didn’t expect this. He was actually crying, and I felt so bad for him.298Please respect copyright.PENANAS0HUI3gNQb
© Plaguebearer: I am actually so upset right now. What the heck was Mafioso thinking!? Now me or Werewolf is going home!298Please respect copyright.PENANAXlOb0jOEKl
© Enforcer: I’m happy with these nominations. PB recommended me, and WW is an unstoppable player. This week might go well for my alliance!298Please respect copyright.PENANAgES9BCSNMZ
© Seer: No words. Just, no words.298Please respect copyright.PENANAcWDd9bkiT4
© Werewolf: OH, AS SOON AS SOMEONE IN MY ALLIANCE WINS HOH, MAFIOSO IS DEAD MEAT!298Please respect copyright.PENANA5aV2x9n5iu
© Outlaw: Things are turning out well. I predicted Werewolf would go on the block, but PB? Interesting, but questionable.298Please respect copyright.PENANA9IIh7KFiZt
© Consigliere: What just happened!? Oh well, at least PB is on the block! If GA wins, we’re screwed. The replacement is gonna be Hacker or me if GA wins the veto.298Please respect copyright.PENANAfPgHqljFbg
© Mafioso: I made myself a target... I-I just... 298Please respect copyright.PENANAPKYFnqjxwt
*Later…*298Please respect copyright.PENANA91I4NaT04T
-Mafioso, please come into the diary room.-
*He walked in.*298Please respect copyright.PENANA9eGVHWBpsM
Psychic: So, Mafioso. As Pandora, you are allowed to give one message to the houseguests before the POV competition. What would you like to say?298Please respect copyright.PENANAN6B3HwmkRJ
Mafioso: ...298Please respect copyright.PENANA0kIFa3Cml8
[POV Time!]298Please respect copyright.PENANAQADHeHdUP1
Psychic: It’s time to pick players for the POV competition, but before we do that, Pandora has a message for you.298Please respect copyright.PENANANcX6QUz7GP
*The TV turned to the Pandora channel. Mafioso’s voice was altered.*298Please respect copyright.PENANA2fL9E91arB
Pandora [Mafioso]: Hello houseguests! I am Pandora, as you know. For this week, there will be no twist. Mafioso, I applaud you for putting on a show! I’ve read everyone’s confessionals, and they were complete chaos. Although I cannot ensure a twist for this week, next week, you WILL be sorry. I’ll see you next week!298Please respect copyright.PENANAaFvkqDtS3A
*The TV switched back to Psychic.*298Please respect copyright.PENANAFuHhuciQRE
Psychic: Thank you Pandora. Now, Mafioso, Plaguebearer, and Werewolf. Please stand up in front of the room and grab a name from the box. Mafioso, you can grab a name first.298Please respect copyright.PENANAuyV2akqs6R
*He stuck his hand in.*298Please respect copyright.PENANAfnDtT0rbir
Mafioso: Outlaw..298Please respect copyright.PENANAOXLsE3XGLi
*Outlaw got up.*298Please respect copyright.PENANAZh662mTzzM
Plaguebearer: GA!298Please respect copyright.PENANAefKkCsi0D1
© Guardian Angel: Perfect! We have a ½ chance of winning this competition. Let’s hope that we can win...298Please respect copyright.PENANA2N2u47Zja4
© Werewolf: WE NEED TO WIN OR ELSE WE’RE SCREWED!298Please respect copyright.PENANAwHBlHjwu9r
Werewolf: Enforcer.298Please respect copyright.PENANAKbtkDou9TB
Psychic: A host must be picked for this competition. I pick... Consigliere! Good luck everyone.298Please respect copyright.PENANAjEwrW2dD44
[CHALLENGE!]298Please respect copyright.PENANAc4Opq4LdRx
Consigliere: Houseguests, this challenge is called Burger Bustle, and here’s how it works! On go, the six of you will attempt to make five burgers for some special folks who have temporarily returned. The first contestant to make five burgers will win the Power of Veto! 3, 2, 1, GO!298Please respect copyright.PENANAHcFKtI7VkS
*They rushed.*298Please respect copyright.PENANAMOT2KfHmCI
© Werewolf: I don’t think I can win. My talons cover up most of my hands, so…298Please respect copyright.PENANALbK0WProm7
© Guardian Angel: I have a high chance of winning! Though, Werewolf seems to be struggling.298Please respect copyright.PENANA003ZJzrkzX
© Mafioso: So I look over, and I see GA immediately score his first burger. We’re doomed.298Please respect copyright.PENANAFNQLbV3lQ7
© Plaguebearer: GA scores, nice! But... I accidentally burned my burger. Oops.298Please respect copyright.PENANAeadKg125v2
© Consigliere: I don’t like this. Everyone’s at one point except for Werewolf and Mafioso. And GA just scored his second burger. LOVELY!298Please respect copyright.PENANAAoJOTWP6ri
*Later…*298Please respect copyright.PENANAFsGQSN8im2
© Plaguebearer: I noticed that GA gets stressed when they’re on the last part of a certain task. It’s up to me!298Please respect copyright.PENANAb0Jj4oey4x
Enforcer: I’m so close! *Sees PB, sighs* I need to do this to win...298Please respect copyright.PENANADSkO9uuEWX
*Enforcer shot PB’s leg.*298Please respect copyright.PENANAAEdOVYXfLn
Plaguebearer: AAAAAA!!!!!!298Please respect copyright.PENANACgLgIA3yGK
*Enforcer delivered his fifth burger.*298Please respect copyright.PENANAgv8adwXwCP
Psychic: Congratulations Enforcer, you have won the Power of Veto! Meet me in the diary room later tonight.298Please respect copyright.PENANABDd7m42bci
*Some time has passed. Enforcer was sent into the diary room.*298Please respect copyright.PENANABY11yPun0r
Psychic: Hello Enforcer. We noticed that you have shot PB’s leg during the challenge. To make up for that, you will be granted to choose between one of these three penalties. 1. Evict yourself from the house in secret, 2. Give the Power of Veto to Plaguebearer, or 3. Isolate yourself after the Power of Veto meeting. You cannot talk to anyone, vote, or compete in the head of household/power of veto competition next week. Please make your decision.298Please respect copyright.PENANAIUwtDRGDgQ
Enforcer: I choose to isolate myself.298Please respect copyright.PENANAfpUWuSr0Q2
Psychic: Please enter the isolation room until the POV meeting. The door is green. You may leave.298Please respect copyright.PENANAhjWcjpD1xW
*Enforcer left and isolated himself. With the Neutrals Alliance.*298Please respect copyright.PENANAHYdXODE1yY
Plaguebearer: My leg... curse you, Enforcer!298Please respect copyright.PENANAHXpFvHLcWb
Werewolf: WHAT THE FLIP DO WE DO!? ENFORCER NEEDS TO USE THE VETO!298Please respect copyright.PENANAaDdnw0oKyi
Guardian Angel: You didn’t hear? He isolated himself due to shooting PB. He can’t come out until the POV meeting.298Please respect copyright.PENANAvXTv5hMA8h
Plaguebearer: So we can’t even talk to him! I hate this!298Please respect copyright.PENANAuqiv4BlwZ2
[POV meeting.]298Please respect copyright.PENANAIgstnDf669
Enforcer: As the Power of Veto winner, I have the option to use the power of veto on one of Mafioso’s nominees, or discard it. Before I use it, nominees, please stand up and tell me why I should use the veto on you. Plaguebearer, you may go first.298Please respect copyright.PENANA7Gu7uKRroU
Plaguebearer: Dude, you literally SHOT me in the leg because you were so desperate to win! Veto me and do what’s right, or you’ll face the consequences.298Please respect copyright.PENANAwyPwTwTyWd
Werewolf: I know I look intimidating, but don’t fool yourself to make me look strong. I’m not that strong inside, and without Pirate, I feel weak. Please, give me a chance.298Please respect copyright.PENANAImlY2vJ7pU
Enforcer: You both have given me a lot to think about, however, I have made my decision. I have decided... NOT to use the veto. This meeting is adjourned.298Please respect copyright.PENANAUFaWE8AGge
© Werewolf: So that’s that. Our alliance is doomed tonight.298Please respect copyright.PENANASyHJMDZHNb
© Plaguebearer: It’s sad I got shot. GA, do what’s right.298Please respect copyright.PENANA7lP5XygvB9
*Before the eviction…*298Please respect copyright.PENANAPHHhVTOhyN
Consigliere: WE’RE GOING TO THE FINAL 8, BABY!298Please respect copyright.PENANA86VTqQpEkZ
© Mafioso: How am I gonna tell him that I feel guilty?298Please respect copyright.PENANAdJEsGxcgSr
Mafioso: Y-yeah...298Please respect copyright.PENANAKsd3nFuYzL
Consigliere: Are you feeling alright?298Please respect copyright.PENANAAnawSHf5qc
Mafioso: ...If I were to tell you, would you-298Please respect copyright.PENANAzcB1rhREv4
Psychic: *Telepathically to Mafioso* If you even think about telling him, you’ll be evicted immediately.298Please respect copyright.PENANAPXUlgQOviV
Mafioso: Never mind…298Please respect copyright.PENANA5LtzJHtf9u
*With the soon-to-be duo alliance…*298Please respect copyright.PENANAeDV6KDdgdG
Guardian Angel: WHAT DO I DO!?298Please respect copyright.PENANAzGgqhmLYP5
Werewolf: Just vote for me. People will go easy on PB due to his injured leg, so...298Please respect copyright.PENANAvX7HXbXwd0
Guardian Angel: If you say so...298Please respect copyright.PENANAZe9HeGG7CC
*With the Uniques…*298Please respect copyright.PENANAcQYG9VPtyS
Outlaw: Man, we’re gucci this week!298Please respect copyright.PENANAF6ZEtJhWsC
Seer: Not quite, Enforcer is isolated now.298Please respect copyright.PENANA4J0Wgj3k38
Outlaw: Who cares? Now, if we vote WW, we’ll be good for now. Next week though, Mafioso HAS to go. I can’t stand that brat.298Please respect copyright.PENANAsrSOYqcOyg
Seer: Alright, that was the last straw! What has gotten into you!? Do you NOT care about your alliance?298Please respect copyright.PENANAwj3toD89Jt
Outlaw: I do care, and now you’re making a little fuss-298Please respect copyright.PENANAeMYz6Ad68k
Seer: OH, THAT WAS SO IT!298Please respect copyright.PENANAThmzX0DNEn
*Seer slapped Outlaw as hard as he could.*298Please respect copyright.PENANAUJDZ7Dww9m
*Seer left and threw his alliance wristband on the ground.*298Please respect copyright.PENANAggwpE5lq4e
Outlaw: ...FINE! I DON’T NEED YOU!298Please respect copyright.PENANAV4woRbLyRW
[One day later, it was time for the eviction.]298Please respect copyright.PENANAqMZTuOfT8D
Psychic: Welcome back readers. Tonight, one of the Neutrals alliance members will be evicted. Will it be Werewolf, the unstoppable brute who isn’t who he says he is? Or will it be Plaguebearer, the injured wannabe Pestilence? Let’s find out tonight.298Please respect copyright.PENANAjxFPWBP2Rj
*Psychic connects to the TV.*298Please respect copyright.PENANAIZu5Bd5v9Y
Psychic: Hello houseguests! In a few moments, you are all about to cast your votes. However, you might be wondering, where is Enforcer? He has been isolated due to shooting PB, so he will not be able to participate next week, or now. Before we start the voting, you each will be able to give a speech before your fellow housemates vote. Werewolf, you’re up first.298Please respect copyright.PENANAFtxsUIJoq3
Werewolf: I don’t really mind leaving, but it was really nice meeting all of you in this competition. Goodbye.298Please respect copyright.PENANABcxPPLCsvl
Plaguebearer: I deserve to stay until my leg heals! Enforcer is the reason I’m on the block right now, and it could have gone better. Thanks.298Please respect copyright.PENANAtYPGHWVhBv
Psychic: Alright. Werewolf, PB, your houseguests are about to cast their vote to evict. Mafioso, as the HOH, you are not allowed to vote. Since he is isolated and won the Power of Veto, Enforcer is also not allowed to vote. Consigliere, you are up first.298Please respect copyright.PENANAs2HkeFoZ8V
*Consigliere got up.*298Please respect copyright.PENANAY7Fi9E2GQZ
Psychic: Consigliere spied on the alliance, which person does he hate more? Hello Consigliere, please cast your vote to evict.298Please respect copyright.PENANAjLAqDjvpMW
Consigliere: I vote to evict Werewolf.298Please respect copyright.PENANAsddCEsPbNJ
Psychic: Thank you. Guardian Angel’s alliance members are on the block, so it’s gonna be a tough call on who he wants to save. Hello GA, please cast your vote to evict.298Please respect copyright.PENANAtUBa9jMtvC
Guardian Angel: I regretfully vote to evict Plaguebearer.298Please respect copyright.PENANA6Pld17MTQ6
Psychic: Thanks. Seer just quit his alliance! Will that influence his vote? Hello Seer, please cast your vote to evict.298Please respect copyright.PENANA4RP0WSyhjq
Seer: I vote to evict Plaguebearer.298Please respect copyright.PENANAmubonWSv1G
Psychic: Ok. Outlaw wanted Werewolf out before the alliance split, his vote should be obvious. Hello Outlaw, please cast your vote to evict.298Please respect copyright.PENANAUlxI05P50v
Outlaw: I happily vote to evict Werewolf. Sorry man.298Please respect copyright.PENANAkBhgiZMDk3
Psychic: Thank you OL. Hacker is the final vote. He has been solo all game, who will he choose? Hello Hacker, please cast your vote to evict.298Please respect copyright.PENANAQYkmpWM1Kf
Hacker: I vote to evict...298Please respect copyright.PENANAxh0BDz6Xz4
*The screen turned black.*298Please respect copyright.PENANAzslCqhEWZ5
Psychic: Hello houseguests! All of the votes have been casted. Soon, the person with the most votes will say goodbye, and walk out of the front door, and will NOT make it to the jury. By an intense vote... of 3-2... Werewolf…298Please respect copyright.PENANAsTJ25AOUMm
*Everyone got nervous.*298Please respect copyright.PENANApaXBzZQ8C5
Psychic: You have been evicted from the Big Brother house.298Please respect copyright.PENANAwuFPv4AkWA
Werewolf: Thanks guys. I’ll see you later.298Please respect copyright.PENANAUJnswcXYHT
*Werewolf grabbed his kit, and left the house.*298Please respect copyright.PENANA5gaOs8hCTk
Psychic: Congratulations, everyone else. Please take a moment to settle down and realize what just happened this week.298Please respect copyright.PENANAi4miN5wEAt
*Sad music played. GA and PB cried, Hacker looked guilty, Seer looked doubtful, Outlaw’s expression didn’t change, Mafioso got nervous, and Consigliere was the only one happy.*298Please respect copyright.PENANAusdn91igYH
© Consigliere: Two down, seven to go. This game’s a piece of cake.298Please respect copyright.PENANA70FWGP6jdz
© Mafioso: I can’t... this game...298Please respect copyright.PENANAXir78IBZbR
Psychic: I’ll see you all tomorrow.298Please respect copyright.PENANAcaDUEc1kzp
*They went to sleep.*298Please respect copyright.PENANAfMyQv4jsC0
Psychic: This was a crazy week. Well, catch you later, viewers/readers.298Please respect copyright.PENANAlyHWrfTAE2
*The screen turned to black.*
(Story's not over, scroll down)298Please respect copyright.PENANAxdJrGVWT45
Head of Household: Mafioso298Please respect copyright.PENANAdvB1k5QD1u
Nominees: Werewolf (Evicted), Plaguebearer298Please respect copyright.PENANAYKPKwXgVTq
Power of Veto: Enforcer (Isolated)298Please respect copyright.PENANAj45YfQpLVR
Replacement Nominee: None298Please respect copyright.PENANA4KCZpbK6Dq
Houseguests: Consigliere, Guardian Angel, Seer, Outlaw, Enforcer (Isolated), Hacker298Please respect copyright.PENANAUdrKZiVmn3
Jury: Pirate, Bounty Hunter, Serial Killer, Investigator298Please respect copyright.PENANA7yNSgw88k2
Evicted/Pre-Jurors: Cobbler, Werewolf298Please respect copyright.PENANAehRgpg5fij
Pandora: Mafioso
298Please respect copyright.PENANAEhIdnElnb2
Psychic: Did you seriously think that was the end of the episode?298Please respect copyright.PENANAYIWyhEBfMy
*One week later…*298Please respect copyright.PENANABScoPzGr1W
Psychic: Houseguests, it’s time for Pandora week. This week, Pandora will choose the next houseguest to be evicted between the two nominees chosen. There will NOT be a Power of Veto. Please report to the backyard.298Please respect copyright.PENANAaR3amaaxu0
[HOH Challenge!]298Please respect copyright.PENANAbBpoTtitpf
Psychic: Your HOH challenge is skate bait, and here’s how it works! On go, the six of you will attempt to ice skate across the frozen lake. However, it will melt, and once it starts, the piranhas underneath the lake will attack you. The last person to fall into the water or get bitten by a piranha will win the power of veto. If you would like to sit out, please do so now. Only two of you are eligible to quit.298Please respect copyright.PENANAS4QtAMmJmi
Seer: I’m sitting out of this one.298Please respect copyright.PENANAiXh5yiPUsH
Psychic: Okay, Seer is ineligible to compete! The competition starts... now!298Please respect copyright.PENANAHv330PA7SX
© Consigliere: Since Mafioso isn’t able to compete, I have a ⅕ chance of surviving. If I don’t win this week, Pandora is most likely sending me home.298Please respect copyright.PENANACr2oYKabcO
© Plaguebearer: I will avenge Werewolf. He didn’t deserve this! Only problem? My leg still isn’t healed.298Please respect copyright.PENANAL40PtFlwGh
© Guardian Angel: So I see Hacker and Outlaw stumbling. It seems that they’ve never been on ice before! But then, Consigliere falls! It makes our chances 2/4 now. Or ½.298Please respect copyright.PENANA98mGfhPfi4
Consigliere: DANG IT!298Please respect copyright.PENANAlCFQAAj5z9
© Hacker: I’m slowly getting the hang of ice skating. I see PB skating over, so I try to get him. But then I fell and sweeped him. That was an accident, even though it was kind of a part of my plans. Sorry PB!298Please respect copyright.PENANAbF8CsNj7qP
Plaguebearer: AGH!298Please respect copyright.PENANAn2HCzCJVB4
© Outlaw: It’s down to me to win this competition. Enforcer is my only ally, but he’s isolated and immune this week. I have to try.. Luckily, GA falls.298Please respect copyright.PENANAMdR6PjzumG
Guardian Angel: OH COME ON!298Please respect copyright.PENANAHS7hwZvSBW
© Hacker: Is this it? Can I prove myself? It’s a possibility.
*Hacker and Outlaw come to sweep each other, but the platform directly under Hacker melts.*298Please respect copyright.PENANAJ4K2yV61ND
Hacker: NO!!298Please respect copyright.PENANASTXWHynxhA
Psychic: Congratulations Outlaw, you are the new HOH!298Please respect copyright.PENANA9H9vi6uueJ
Outlaw: LET’S GO!!!298Please respect copyright.PENANAHg96BnSwae
[Outlaw is the new Head of Household!]298Please respect copyright.PENANA4AKzvCIM4h
© Seer: I’m pretty much screwed. I ranted on Outlaw like that, there’s no way I’m safe this week.298Please respect copyright.PENANAsYYUKqFHkk
Guardian Angel: How does your leg feel?298Please respect copyright.PENANAz5Hj6rVdzx
Plaguebearer: It could be worse I guess. I managed to get some of the unmelted ice.298Please respect copyright.PENANAypEi6LPJ2n
Guardian Angel: So what exactly is our plan since we have no power?298Please respect copyright.PENANA2b02lmezSB
Plaguebearer: We have to find out who Pandora is, or we’re joining Werewolf.298Please respect copyright.PENANACGh9mu0GzE
Guardian Angel: And how exactly might we do that?298Please respect copyright.PENANAjEB65GwKfa
Plaguebearer: Nevermind. If Pandora notices...298Please respect copyright.PENANA4RJplIEbsh
Guardian Angel: I suspect that Pandora is Seer or Consigliere. Let’s go talk to them!
*Consigliere was brought into the room.*298Please respect copyright.PENANAc1SGHB1HET
Consigliere: So why am I here?298Please respect copyright.PENANAkLGzwYby9Z
Plaguebearer: We want to ask.298Please respect copyright.PENANAxEDdP08HWf
Guardian Angel: Are you Pandora?298Please respect copyright.PENANAuLStchOZN9
*Consigliere’s face looked... displeased.*298Please respect copyright.PENANAOrR4lQYS5B
© Consigliere: ARE YOU SERIOUS!? THEY REALLY THINK I’M PANDORA!?298Please respect copyright.PENANAaZGb2U8Chw
Consigliere: No, why do you think that?298Please respect copyright.PENANA4mnHzMhc61
Guardian Angel: Just checking, you can go.298Please respect copyright.PENANASySU9gWeU7
*In the HOH room…*298Please respect copyright.PENANAP6G6luOJTT
Outlaw: I am Outlaw! I’m an Ex-Mafia member who has no more friends!298Please respect copyright.PENANAe7li0uKiQV
*Knocks were heard.*298Please respect copyright.PENANAWZnlyJ422W
Outlaw: Come in!298Please respect copyright.PENANAdixX3WMEaa
*Mafioso walked in.*298Please respect copyright.PENANAFsjH49TuVE
Mafioso: I’m gonna say one thing. If you know what’s best for your game, put up GA and PB.298Please respect copyright.PENANAKKlwQuF0Ax
*He walked out, swiftly.*298Please respect copyright.PENANAFYQ5G0Bcym
Outlaw: ...Huh. Why should I trust you? YOU fired me!298Please respect copyright.PENANAlxOCn8xbfB
[Nomination Ceremony.]298Please respect copyright.PENANAUroLJTitVe
© Outlaw: Heh. I know EXACTLY who’s going on the block. I’m still considering my second option.298Please respect copyright.PENANAEoNr2q3xQN
Outlaw: This is the nomination ceremony, blah blah blah. My nominees for the week are Mafioso and Consigliere. Ceremony adjourned.298Please respect copyright.PENANAoi0axpKeLX
© Mafioso: Oh great! So now I’m forced to either evict myself, or evict my only ally in this game. I hate you, Outlaw.298Please respect copyright.PENANA93iVZIuD4a
© Seer: I didn’t get nominated!? Oh thank god!298Please respect copyright.PENANAfkKaot66YR
© Consigliere: ...You have to be kidding me. I’m so done...298Please respect copyright.PENANAICGZkpBtOR
© Guardian Angel: So I still feel like Consigliere is Pandora. If my calculations are correct, if Mafioso is evicted tonight, Consigliere is confirmed as Pandora. If that’s not the case and Consigliere is evicted, then I’ll be confused again.298Please respect copyright.PENANASFI6Qk24Sg
Psychic: Houseguests! Meet me in the living room.298Please respect copyright.PENANA51RVYJvpOt
*They ran.*298Please respect copyright.PENANAGTL1KJhtQ2
Psychic: It’s time for the instant eviction. After this, you will have the rest of the week to yours. Everyone will now be placed with a blindfold, except for Pandora.298Please respect copyright.PENANANU0TA8Y3NE
*Special guests entered the house.*298Please respect copyright.PENANAGBq6RfXPw0
Pirate: It feels good to be back!298Please respect copyright.PENANAtLON3Msrbv
Serial Killer: Shut it. We’re only here to put the blindfold on them.298Please respect copyright.PENANAxCwyznxdLv
Vigilante: Can we just get this over with?298Please respect copyright.PENANAAMWXESsHx0
*They put the blindfolds on the houseguests.*298Please respect copyright.PENANAbnRHSalPx4
Psychic: Now that everyone is blindfolded, Pandora, will you please stand up and take off your blindfold.298Please respect copyright.PENANAgutFTMOU1d
*Mafioso took off his blindfold and stood up.*298Please respect copyright.PENANA5Q4r2QwhWI
Psychic: Please choose one contestant to evict between the two nominees.298Please respect copyright.PENANAirH6WCBx9X
*He pointed to Consigliere.*298Please respect copyright.PENANALl3RZMSb0s
Psychic: Thank you. Sit down and put your blindfold back on.298Please respect copyright.PENANATLESiL6slP
*He put it back on.*298Please respect copyright.PENANAvj041aH2fx
Psychic: Alright, everyone please take off your blindfolds.298Please respect copyright.PENANA2moNpKA6HI
*They took it off at the same time.*298Please respect copyright.PENANAHInf80D2P7
Psychic: I will now reveal who is evicted. Switch channels.298Please respect copyright.PENANAkRyckFxiQx
*The channel was switched to the Pandora channel.*298Please respect copyright.PENANA8HdIpFzZ5b
Pandora: Hello houseguests! I have power this week, which means I can choose one houseguest to be evicted tonight. With my sole vote, I choose to evict...298Please respect copyright.PENANAVyRH3tlToA
*The heartbeats of others got higher.*298Please respect copyright.PENANANDtYIXXsIx
Pandora: Please pack your bags, Consigliere. I choose to evict YOU.298Please respect copyright.PENANAoSSF6KoJde
Psychic: Consigliere, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house.298Please respect copyright.PENANA69izXCQC9H
Consigliere: *sigh* I guess it was inevitable. Mafioso, I’m rooting for you, okay?298Please respect copyright.PENANABk2yGMRBwk
*Consigliere left, Mafioso got to his knees and started crying.*298Please respect copyright.PENANAdFttWoMnt0
Mafioso: No... no…298Please respect copyright.PENANAkX8xaHDVyn
*Enforcer was now free from isolation.*298Please respect copyright.PENANAG8hqd5VRnf
Enforcer: Hey guys! What happened?298Please respect copyright.PENANAdyVL12PIIt
Seer: To put it bluntly, Werewolf and Consigliere got evicted. Werewolf got evicted by a 2-3 vote between him and Plaguebearer, and as for Consigliere, he got evicted by Pandora and now Mafioso is crying.298Please respect copyright.PENANADx3wd0Wq3X
Enforcer: Oh. I thought Hacker was already evicted.298Please respect copyright.PENANA6RllYgrvjE
Hacker: Hey!298Please respect copyright.PENANAQRb9WwOpzm
Psychic: Congratulations to the seven of you, you have made it to the jury. The rest of the week is all yours.298Please respect copyright.PENANA8kR3Pq4WAx
*Everyone split up. Enforcer returned to the alliance, and made the decision to keep Seer in and that Enforcer was the captain. Outlaw would be the co-captain and Seer would be the replacement captain if Enforcer was evicted. The Neutrals alliance added Hacker in, meaning Mafioso was now alone in the competition. See you all next time!*
298Please respect copyright.PENANAcFYIAXLseY
Head of Household: Outlaw298Please respect copyright.PENANAqAB7irNjzR
Nominees: Mafioso, Consigliere (Evicted)298Please respect copyright.PENANA9YQGiKEQOg
Power of Veto: None298Please respect copyright.PENANAuLDuZdsKRV
Replacement Nominee: None298Please respect copyright.PENANA8JXblN5AB8
Houseguests: Plaguebearer, Guardian Angel, Seer, Enforcer, Hacker298Please respect copyright.PENANArw6l3RFuoK
Jury: Pirate, Bounty Hunter, Serial Killer, Investigator298Please respect copyright.PENANA7HOthehso5
Evicted/Pre-Jurors: Cobbler, Werewolf, Consigliere298Please respect copyright.PENANA2aRoCXViZy
Pandora: Mafioso