Welcome to 饾悗饾悷 饾悞饾悮饾惎饾悮饾悹饾悶饾惉 & 饾悋饾悶饾悮饾惌饾悺饾悶饾惂饾惉 everyone!
Thank you for giving this work of Fan-fiction a chance to bring you back to the amazing world of The Vampire Diaries and The Originals retold through my own lens.
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Just reminding you that this collection is a work of fan-fiction and that things definitely will not happen like they do in the television shows.
Once again, thank you so much for checking out this story and I truly hope y'all enjoy!
This collection of works is only available on AO3, fanfiction.net, Penana, Quotev, and Wattpad.