“Wow, guys, thanks for the greeting.” He smirked as he shut the door. “Consider my heart warmed.”
“Harley!” Tristan blurted out, pulling away instantly, his face beet red. “I was just, uh—“
“No, no, it’s fine.” He laughed. “Just took me by surprise, is all.”
“Do you ever knock?!” Dionysius sputtered, his face equally red as he turned to face Harley.
“For your information, Dio-ny-sius,” Harley teased, emphasizing each syllable of his name. “I didn’t know you two lovebirds were home.”
“Oh, we’re the lovebirds?” Dionysius retorted. “The amount of times I’ve seen you and Millie suck absolute face makes me wonder if we’re the ones you should be worrying about.”
Harley could feel his face heating up. “Uh, well, um—“
“Leave him alone, Dio.” Tristan smiled as he placed a hand on his boyfriend’s shoulder. He looked at Harley. “We were waiting for you to get back, and we got a bit…sidetracked. I should go.
Without another word, Tristan left.
After a moment, Harley noticed Dionysius looking at him with concern. He probably looked tired. He sure felt it. “I should probably go to bed—“
“Who was that guy? How do you and Millie know him?”
“It’s really a long, complicated story, Dio, and I’m really tired—“
“Harley, please, I’m worried.”
“Don’t have to be. It’s in the past now, and I really hate talking about it.” He shoved himself past Dionysius, walking toward his bedroom. “Now let me sleep.”
Dionysius seemed to hesitate for a moment before signing and walking toward his own bedroom. “Fine. I’m not just gonna forget it happened, though.”
“Fine by me.”
They went in their separate rooms and slept.