Huguel was running for his life as fast as his legs could carry him, he had heard the sirens behind him. There were so many people in this town that he wasn't sure if they would be able to catch him, but they were coming closer and closer, he couldn’t get away now!
The police came close enough to start shooting at him with their guns. He dodged and ran around the people screaming and crying, he couldn’t stop now! He looked back and saw that one of the policemen hadn’t been able to dodge in time and had gotten hit directly on the chest, he was bleeding profusely and his face looked like it was going to explode any second, but he didn’t stop chasing Huguel, he was still getting shot!
Huguel turned into an alley and started to climb over the fence at the end of the street, he knew that it wouldn’t last long before the officer would follow him there, but he also knew that the officer couldn’t shoot him because if he did he would miss completely, the bullets wouldn’t reach where he was standing on the other side of the wall. But what about the policeman?
He climbed all the way up onto the roof of the house that stood next to the alley and hid behind the chimney. The cop was almost there, he could see him through the window. The cop was going to open the door of the chimney and he would have to jump down and try to escape, but he was just a teenage boy, how was he supposed to survive this?
Suddenly, the sound of gunshots made both of them freeze. Huguel looked in horror to the window to see what had happened. He jumped when he saw the blood splashed against the glass. Then he realized that his friend had shot the policeman dead, or rather he had pulled the trigger himself. Huguel had no idea why he would do such a thing, but then again, maybe he thought that his father would come out of nowhere to save Huguel from being arrested or worse… Maybe he just wanted to make sure that his father wouldn’t hear what had happened to him.
Huguel sighed deeply and walked back inside the apartment building, he was tired after running all the way here. The officer was lying on the floor, and for some reason he looked quite content.
‘Maybe he will finally be able to rest after I kill every last one of those bastards’ Huguel mused. He really hoped that this guy wouldn’t wake up and start yelling at him again.
Huguel went into the bathroom and cleaned the blood off his body, he washed his hands and dried them before going back into the living room. This was going to be a difficult conversation to have with his parents. He wasn’t ready yet to talk about his life outside of this place, especially not while he was still trying to adjust to his situation, but his father was always more patient than mother, she would never leave him alone until he gave her some answers. Huguel sighed again, then he sat down on the couch and tried to figure out a way to tell his dad and his mom.
It took two hours for his mother to appear from the kitchen, when she finally got there, Huguel was sitting on the couch looking very sad, but still determined not to cry. “You can tell me whatever you want to say,” she said softly as she approached her son and sat down next to him, taking him in her arms “but don’t forget that you can always talk to me about anything, my love”
She kissed his head gently, Huguel sighed deeply and hugged his mother tightly. It was only when they were pulling back and Huguel saw his mom wipe her tears with the sleeve of her dress, did he realize that he was starting to cry too. “Sorry Mama,” he said quietly, then he looked up at his mother and said “My father wants me to move to Europe to study law, he thinks that it will be good for me, but I don’t know, he isn’t happy that I am leaving for France without saying goodbye. What am I supposed to tell him?” He asked sadly.
His mother smiled slightly, “That you love your father very much and that you are so happy to spend time with him. That's a lot to give to someone you barely know, don’t you think?” She asked softly.
“I guess,” he said softly, then he looked at his mother and said “But what am I supposed to tell him about you and Papi? You are still his wife after all.”
“Well, we aren’t married anymore, so your father doesn’t need to worry,” his mother explained, “And remember what we talked about yesterday? If something happens to us, that will mean that you are the sole heir to our house and money. So even if the money isn’t in the bank anymore, it will always belong to you anyway, okay? Nothing will change that.” Huguel nodded and said “Okay,” but he didn’t feel relieved. His father wouldn’t be able to take care of themselves, nor his mother. They would probably end up dying before they turned 40, which would leave him in charge of everything. How was he supposed to deal with that kind of responsibility? Huguel shook his head and got up from the sofa to hug his mother once again “Thank you Mama, I love you very much. I really wish I could stay longer to spend more time with you and Papi, but I don’t want to ruin my vacation, I need to focus on studying now, you understand?”
“Yes Huguel,” his mother answered as she stroked his hair, “You should go back home and relax. You haven’t seen your Papa for years, you must have missed him terribly…” Huguel nodded and said “I really have missed you two so much...” Before he could say another word, his mother pulled him into another tight embrace “But you are right, I should go back to America right now! I’ll call you later tonight, okay? Good night!” Huguel nodded and said “Good night, bye Mama! Take care of yourself, okay? Call me as soon as you finish the phone calls! I’ll pick you up in front of the airport at noon!”
Huguel walked out of the apartment and stopped in front of the door of his father’s car. He opened the door slowly, his heart was racing as he thought about talking to his father again. He had left his father in Italy when he was 14 years old, he had been sent there to live with relatives until his father could find someone suitable enough to marry him, but he never contacted his father until he graduated high school and moved away from his hometown. Now that he was living in Paris, his parents were going to be shocked to see him in a relationship, he had told them that he was dating the most beautiful girl ever and that they couldn’t possibly be the same person. His father had seemed to accept his explanation without question; he had promised that he would wait patiently until his son could meet him in person. Huguel was excited to finally see his father, but he also felt nervous. His parents weren’t the best people to talk to in the first place, and now he would have to explain to them the whole story of how he met his girlfriend and lived together with her until they could work things out.
Huguel was about to turn around when a familiar voice called his name.
“Huguel, wait, please!” his sister called him. She ran towards him as quickly as she could and hugged Huguel tightly “Huguel! I’ve been worried about you! We are so lucky to have you back home! Don’t ever leave us again!” Huguel was a little surprised by his sister’s sudden action, but he patted her shoulder and said “Sophie, I won’t leave you. I promise, I will never leave you.”
His sister let go of Huguel and stared at him with shining eyes and hugged him tightly again. Huguel patted his sister’s back and whispered softly “We won’t be apart for long, and we are going to work things out, I promise. And you are going to be great at law like papa is!”
Sophie let go of Huguel and smiled brightly, she was really excited to show him their new home. They had just returned from a week of traveling in Germany.
“HUGUEL WAIT! Where are you going?!” A man called after his son. Huguel ignored the man and kept walking towards his car, he didn't want to waste any more time.
“Don’t you dare run away! Come back here immediately!”