TW for torture
Okay guys. I was walking with my girlfriend in the park when suddenly a dog attacked her. I was really surprised, and I rushed to help her.
She groaned, but she took my hand and I helped her up. But when I saw the bottom part of her arm, I saw a kiss mark there. I was so shocked. I had not kissed her there-ever. I knew then that she was cheating on me.
I started to yell at her, saying how she was awful and that she deserved to go die. She complained the whole time, saying that it was a birth mark and that I was being too reactive. I knew it was that handsome guy George from soccer. He had spoken to her 4 weeks ago and I knew ever since then to never look away from him. I had put in several cameras in his backpack, thinking that he would never find out.
As we walked home, I decided enough was enough. My girlfriend would have to face punishment for what she had done, or she would continue to go out with George. That very thought made me want to gauge my eyes out. So, I strangled her until she was unconscious and trapped her in my basement.
When she woke up, she realized that she was tied to a pole in my basement. She tried to scream but I had melted the door handle, so that none of us could escape. She complained about how I was crazy. Wow. I was so shocked. I could never be crazy compared to her. She was way more crazy than I was.
To punish her, I decided to slowly cut off each and every single one of her fingers and let her bleed to death.
Okay guys. Now I've cut off all her fingers, and shes screaming like crazy. I don't know how to punish her at this point. She seems very terrified. She's just started to apologize for what she's done and she promises that she would never do it again. I knew she hadn't gotten what she deserved, though. So, I made her eat all her fingers one by one, asking her how they tasted. I made her swallow the bone as well. She was now literally a self-cannibal.
OMG! Now she's crying profusely and is begging for the pain to end. I look back at my knife, wondering if I should give her mercy. I refuse to give it to her, until I hear the cop siren outside my basement. I realize that I have no choice but to kill her. I stab her in the heart and within a few moments, she is dead.
I laugh happily. Justice had been served, even if I was going to get arrested by the police soon. Remember, everyone, don't cheat on your boyfriends. Be a faithful partner and everything will turn out okay in the end.
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