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  • Writer
    Avisha Rasminda
    Avisha Rasminda
    Avisha Rasminda is a young poet and writer, whose writing delves into the intricacies of life in all its forms. With a focus on both non-fiction and biography, Rasminda self-published his debut book "I'm In A Circle," while also exploring the worlds of crime and fantasy writing. Rasminda began honing his craft during his teenage years, and now, at 23 years old, has brought his unique voice and perspective to the literary world.

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world, mind,people,nature( I HAVE BEEN THINKING )
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hey guys, how are you ? I’m Avisha Rasminda. eighteen years old. right now i’m going to tell all of you, what i have been thinking about world,mind,people,nature. Alright then let’s start this. okay again i’m Avisha Rasminda. this is all about my mind, what i thinking about world,mind,people,nature this is a mind story. fist of all i don’t know how to say this.it’s like a mess to me, to my mind (do you understand what i mean right ? ) anyway i don’t understand any of this, about this life. about this world , those people and specially one is minds and nature. actually every day of my life i was thinking about these things. life is like a circle.( this’s circle shits) don’t you get that ah ? what the fuck are we doing here (in this world) ah ? ( sorry for that) really i don’t understand what we doing here. that’s what i’m saying listen carefully, therefore i like to call it ‘connected to the nature’.first, i’m gonna tell about people, they are all fake. ( you’ll understand that soon ) Second, World — i’m still thinking about it.Third, Mind & Nature — Hmm.. okay It’s like ah.. it’s like illusion to me. ( EVERYTHING). really i don’t know why is that but my mind , my body everything like a i don’t know… i don’t know it’s all fake right ah ( don’t you feel that way ) alright anyway MiNd Is A PoWeR fUlL PlAcE. just remember about your life ( is it feel sad or great)but about that matter i’m feel sad about this whole life , i don’t know why is that and i can’t tell you about that matter. you have to understand on your own way. because to me life is like prison also mind ,my mind like … , it’s always tying to over thinking about everything. i think i can’t stop that no because it’s hardly to stop but sometimes it’s suddenly stops. actually what is this life ah. please if you know the answer let me know. anyway i’m going to stop from here. good luck with your life. …

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