Sometimes or Most of the time I feel the loose of myself
Gotta figure it out what is the closed door behind it
Don’t know why but the reason can be laziness of myself
What I’m gonna do and what I’m going to become trickle me down always to the ground
I’m standing, Can’t lift myself up no matter how hard tried
Because of the heaviness, I got thinking and waited long enough
Someone will come sooner to rescue me out
Seems like only I can do the escaping along the way of the path
Everyone was here and there did the right thing since the start
No more can’t give out or passes the weight of continuation of the journey we got
The cure was inside the head all the time trying to spill out
It split apart and choose to go on a different path
One was easy and the other one like always a hard one
Please gives me opinions to choose the correct one
On the way, it’s a very hard and dark one
Forget to learn how to cross the line
Jaywalking on the lines got us nearly seen by the red lights
Saying time is an act against us