Amelia stared at herself in the mirror above her dresser. Her naturally straight blonde hair was curled and clipped to one side. Her ice blue eyes stood out with black eye liner, grey eye shadow, and black mascara. Her pale skin seemed to glow with a hint of sparkles every time she looked in any direction. Her skinny and petite frame was covered in a knee length strapless emerald green dress. She looked just like her mother did when she was graduating.
Amelia didn't look like the Nerdy girl people often stared at in the library. No matter how much Amelia tried to deny that it was her in the mirror, but she knew deep down it was her... and she was beautiful. A knocked sounded on the white bedroom door behind her. She jumped slightly before turning around to see a grey haired man standing in the door way a single tear in his stormy grey eyes.
"Melia, you looks so beautiful. Just like your mother when we graduated." Amelia looked down as a tomatoe color flurry of color came to her pale checks. The older man entered the room and gently pushed a strand of her curled blonde hair out of her face.
"If your mother could see you now." Amelia smiled slightly before she turned around and grabbed the black shawl sitting at the foot of her bed. Wrapping it around her she slipped out of the room, pulling the older man with her.
"Dad, if mom could see you today she'd be just as proud. You're starting your own business. A dream you've had since you and mom first got together." Amelia's voice was soft and gentle, almost as if she was afraid talking to loud would break her father. Her father nodded and wrapped an arm around her waist, leading her down the stairs.
Standing at the front door was a dirty blonde haired man around his twenty's dressed like a business man. He looked up from his phone when Amelia and her father came down the stairs. A smile formed on his face and pulled Amelia into a large hug holding her tiny body as carefully as he could.
"lil' sis. Graduating high school already. I remember when i graduated. Mom and dad were crying but i never looked as amazing as you." Amelia's checks darkened before she pulled away from her big brother and brushed a stray strand of her blonde hair from her eyes.
"You looked fine Danen." She mumbled out. Silently she raised her head and looked around the room she was in. The walls were a light brown color with white water wave trim. a cluster of pictures sat on the walls. Twelve pictures were of a tiny blonde girl running around with a tiny begal, swinging on the swing set a sandy blonde haired boy behind her laughing. The mehagany stairs were against the right wall with a little table nestled against where the stairs and the wall meet. This was the place she grew up in.
"Lets go. I need to check in ten minutes before the ceremony starts." Danen and her father nodded. Danen opened the front door and Amelia's father wrapped an arm around her waist leading her outside. Before her was acres after acres of land. A long gravel drive way. big iron gates all around. a limo waiting out front for them. A man dressed in a tailored suite opened the limo doors and helped Amelia into the limo. Danen and Amelia's father slid in after her.
The ride was mostly silent with Danen and their father chatting about Danen and his wife, Olivia, starting a family. Amelia would comment here and there but other than that she stayed silent and stared out the window, allowing her nerves to sky rocket.
"You nervous Kid." Amelia turned her head away from her window and looked over at her brother who had a glass of wine in one hand and his phone in the other. Amelia nodded her head before returning to her gaze out the window. Danen had know since Amelia was born she was the grown up silent girl their parents had always wanted. Danen is ten years old than Amelia making him twenty-eight.784Please respect copyright.PENANAS65OugTgZm
"Porter, Lynn"Lynn moved up the stairs and onto the stage swaying her hips like she did when she was trying to get a guy's attention. Every guy in the room's head turned to Lynn. It was like that every time she was in a room with someone would stare at her. Once she shock hands with the principle she flipped her platinum blonde hair behind her head and flashed a smile before skipping down to shake hands with all the teachers she'd meet over her thirteen years at school.
"Rose, Amelia" Amelia nervously walked up the steps trying to block her face from the blinding spot light. Amelia shock hands with the principle, her tiny hand almost completely covered by one of his. Gently he handed her the box and nodded for her to go ahead. Her teachers faces blurred together until she came to her favorite teacher, Mr. Loden.
"Congratulations Amelia. I knew even though you were silent in class you were a hard worker. You deserve this." Amelia nodded shyly before she circled back around and took her seat in the middle of the row. Lynn glanced at her before she pulled out her iPhone and started swiping her thumb faster than Amelia could tap her fingers. Amelia scanned the room until her eyes landed on a group of men she had never seen before. One was a taller male dressed in a jean jacket, faded jeans, and a regular polo. A medium heighted man wearing a nice suit and a trench coat, and a shorter man wearing a leather jacket, ripped jeans, and what looked like combat/hiking boots. All three of their eyes were focused on Amelia.