“Who does she think she is? She’s not my mother!” still crying with her hands now on her lap, Diana shaped her hands into fists. “I’ve had enough! She’s not treating me well here, I don’t need to hear her nagging! I would rather die right now than be here with her. I hate her!” Diana picked up the pillow lying on her mattress and threw it against the wall. She then realized that she doesn’t have anyone to go to except here with her Aunt Charlotte, so she decided to calm down and before she knew it, she was sleeping lying face down on the mattress.
“Diana! Diana, open the door!” Aunt Charlotte exclaimed while knocking vigorously on the upstairs door where Diana had been sleeping. As soon as Aunt Charlotte realized that Diana had not been answering her, she came to the conclusion that she was asleep so she turned the door knob to find it unlocked, and opened the door gently. Aunt Charlotte let out a huge sigh as she stepped inside the room and quietly sat beside sleeping Diana. “Diana, wake up. It’s been an hour since you went back to sleep.” Diana still won’t budge. “Diana, wake up. I need you to accompany me to the grocery store.” Aunt Charlotte slightly pushed Diana’s shoulder in an attempt to wake her up and finally, Diana had woken up. To Diana’s surprise, she saw her Aunt Charlotte right beside her so she immediately sat up from the mattress. “Wh-what do you think you’re doing here? Have you been doing anything to me while I was asleep? Why were you sitting beside me? Were you spying on me thinking I’d do anything suspicious while I was asleep?” Diana suddenly blurted all that out, after all she didn’t know what her Aunt Charlotte might be up to. “Calm down! I’ve woken you up because it’s been an hour since you’ve fallen asleep. I’ve only realized you were asleep as you haven’t responded to me while I was…shouting your name thrice just a few minutes ago. So I came up here and came to the conclusion you were asleep.” Aunt Charlotte didn’t exactly know why she had to explain herself to her niece, she’s the one who invited Diana to stay and ‘feel at home’ after all. She was also shocked by how gently she was talking to her and to her surprise, so was Diana. “Well, I guess it was alright for you to wake me up. I had a bad dream anyway…but why did you have to wake me up?” Diana wasn’t sure how she should be responding to her Aunt. Was she supposed to be gentle with her too? “I need you to be my companion today at the grocery store. I’m buying new foods for us to eat. And let’s pretend we aren’t enemies while we’re there, people might look at us peculiarly. I don’t want that while I buy as I may not be able to buy the right stuff.” Aunt Charlotte unusually went back to her usual arrogant tone. “Fine, I don’t have anything to do here anyway. On one condition, I’ll be the one choosing what to buy.” Diana snapped, apparently going back to her usual tone as well.