It was late night in early November. I was sat at my desk filling out the remainder of the paperwork for my latest case with a cold glass of pumpkin juice in hand. I remember it all so clearly, the window was barely cracked open yet still I felt the chilly breeze from outside. My name is Link, I'm what one might refer to as a Private Inspector or P.I for short. The residents of the floating island of Skyloft turn to me when the real authorities push them away. I can't say business is booming but it's coming in every now and then, and tonight was no exception. Just when I thought I was finished for the evening; I drained my cup of the spiced vegetable juice when I noticed the most gorgeous little filly standing in my doorway.
She had such beautiful pair of sapphire eyes, an ocean I would love to swim endlessly in. Her bright yellow-blonde hair was straight, cascading down her back with her bang braided with white ribbon. She wore a large brimmed cream hat that had half-helped conceal her identity from my prying gaze. The little lamb had walked sheepishly into my domain, with a cluster of crystal tears in the corner of her eyes that she dabbed away with a silk cloth. I couldn't help but fall in love the moment I set my eyes on her.
I offered her a seat and she took it gladly. It took all of half hour for her to explain her woes to me. Her name was Zelda, daughter to the Mayor of our village. She had lost her precious amulet, a gift handed down to her by her dearly departed mother. She explained it was the only thing that remained of her, she was undeniably heart-broken over the situation. I told her to put her trust in me for I would get her missing amulet returned to her before the week was over. She thanked me for my kind words before leaving, I admit I was overcome with a silly school boy crush I couldn't stop myself grinning from ear to ear. Yet again I had thrown myself at the mercy of a beautiful young woman with no lead to start my investigation on. But I took my sorry behind home, unable to sleep a wink at all that night.
The next morning I got myself back into the office and thought a little more on my predicament. I needed somewhere to start my investigation and fast, especially if I wanted to complete it by the end of the week. The young lady Zelda had given very little details about the amulet's disappearance, or had I just not been listening. I fumbled about my desk desperately looking for my pocket notebook. I managed to locate it inside the top right drawer. I flicked through the book, trying to retrace my steps. She had in fact given me a number of details to follow up on; it was a silver necklace with an opal-stone pendant in the centre. She had also informed me that she last seen it before she went to sleep two nights prior to visiting me, she awoke the next morning to find the amulet had disappeared from her night stand.
Then it hit me, the first place I needed to begin my investigation was at the young lady's address. The thought of having to hunt for clues around her bedroom left me feeling a little flustered, but it had to be done. I picked up my dark-green coat from the back of my chair and my matching fedora off my desk and hightailed it over to her place.
When I arrived, I had to knock twice before the young lady answered. She wore a pearly smile at me and happily invited me inside. It was a small house with no immediate visible signs of forced entry. I asked her if she would mind if I took a look around. She was more than happy to oblige with my request and offered to make me a hot beverage. It would have been rude of me not to accept.
I swept the downstairs; checking every possibly way into the property but no door nor window revealed any sign of being pried open. Was there something I was missing? A few moments later I was handed some coffee, perfect for engaging my brain into detective mode. With both her permission and her supervision I inspected her bedroom, paying close attention to the nightstand in question. Nothing seemed to appear out of the ordinary, until I heard a click behind me. I turned around to face Zelda, noticing a loaded gun pointed towards me. She wore a smirk on her pink lips and in her other hand she held up her missing amulet.
She explained how it had all been a rouse to get me alone, the infamous Private Inspector Link of Skyloft or as she preferred to call me, the wolf. She blamed me for a catastrophe that befell her father's business many moons ago, back when I was still a rookie in the academy. I was the one who exposed his lies, I was the one who had sent him to jail. Despite the little time he served and finally got out on bail there was still a grudge to be held.
That's when I felt it. The steel bullet piercing through my abdomen. I coughed, throwing my hand to my mouth only to splatter crimson tears all over it. I didn't dare ask why; I already knew the answer. This beautiful woman had tricked me, and like a fly into a spiderweb, I was her willing prey. I fell to the ground, my vision beginning to fade. The only thing I could hear ringing in my ears when I lost all consciousness was her voice calling out my name.
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"Link," a soft voice of an angel seemed to call out to me, "Open your eyes Link." I began to stir in my sleep, thinking five more minutes. But the voice continued to persist, "Wake up you sleepy head," she said with a giggle. I felt my eyes flutter open slowly to see the woman in my dreams towering over me. A wave of happiness overcame me. I was more than happy to wake up now.