The morning started as it did everyday, with the blinding light from the Goddess shining down on the sky island of Skyloft, waking her children from their slumber. The knights of the academy were preparing their loftwings harnesses for their morning exercises. Each one dressed in their appropriate graduation attire, separated into groups by colour. At the end of the line those still in training groomed their feathered friends, awaiting instructions from Master Owlan. Amongst the crowd were the young hero Link and the headmaster's daughter, Zelda. Groose and his minions stood by their loftwings, desperate to be free in the skies, where they'd undoubtedly get up to countless mischief pulling pranks on the knights.
Owlan blew his whistle, each student took to their bird and mounted up onto their loftwing's back. 'A few laps across the sky should be plenty,' he called out to the students. 'Be back before the morning bell.' Owlan's words held caution, he knew a few of his students were unlikely to abide by his rules but they could expect consequences for their actions. Owlan blew his whistle one more time, releasing his students into the sky.
Groose grinned at his group, giving them a nod to signal he was off. His minions stuck close to his heel, taking to the sky moments after their leader pushed off. One by one the other students followed, some sticking in packs to ensure a safe flight path. No one wanted to be caught between the mischief Groose and his goons.
Link was still fixing his harness when Zelda's loftwing touched his feathered friend. 'Are you ready?' she asked, and he nodded to agree, buckling the last strap. He followed Zelda up into the clouds, the feathered hues disappearing into a swirl of crimson and lilac.
On top of the clouds the pair felt free, the light breeze brushing their cheeks. Together they'd opted for a simple route, one they'd not journeyed on for sometime. Zelda led the pair, her lilac loftwing gliding elegantly on the wind. Link's crimson bird however flew with much less grace but all the while matching her pace. While the hero should have been watching the skies, his eyes wandered to his companion, Zelda met his stare with a smile. Everything seemed peaceful with their morning ride, some shouted out to them.
'Watch out!' the voice called. Zelda turned to see a sphere hurtling towards them. A chunk of stone had come loose from one of the islands just as they were passing by. The knight calling out to them was unable to reach them in time.
Link caught up to the lilac loftwing and fixed their harnesses together. The stone collided with Plum's left wing. A shrill squawk escaped from her beak. Zelda tried to calm her feathered friend, stroking her plumage softly and cooing. Link helped Zelda onto his loftwing and with the additional support from the academy knight flew straight back to skyloft.
As they landed, the lilac loftwing tumbled to the ground. Master Owlan rushed to her side, while Link comforted Zelda. Headmaster Gaepora was also present, questioning the academy knight about the situation.
'She'll be fine,' Owlan said after examining the injured wing. 'However, with your permission I would like to run some more tests, to ensure there are no fractures or breaks.'
Zelda gave his words some thought but agreed for Plum to have the additional tests. 'I do hope she'll be okay,' she said softly to Link, as the loftwing was taken away to the healing facility. She trusted her instructor and the knight who assisted him but she couldn't help feeling guilty for allowing her loftwing to be hurt. She should have been paying attention.
Link rested a hand upon her shoulder, he wasn't sure quite what to say in the situation but he would be by her side no matter what happened. He guided her inside the knight academy, where the headmaster asked them to wait patiently until Owlan finished his investigation. They took a seat in the dining hall and purchased a mug of tea while they waited.
Zelda sat in silence, her mind drifting elsewhere while she sipped on the warm liquid. The hours passed, without a word from their headmaster or teacher. Owlan was taking his time to ensure the condition of the lilac loftwing. Plum was in the right place to return to full health. The clock ticked by, their mugs drained dry, but still not a single word regarding the injured loftwing. Zelda drummed her fingers against the table, her nerves eating away at her.
The dining room door slammed open. Her sapphire orbs were drawn to the person who entered. Luckily it was Pipit, an upperclassman of theirs. He'd spend countless time supporting Professor Owlan as his assistant.
'Zelda,' he called out to her.
Zelda lifted her head, her blonde brows furrowed, 'What news?' she asked, getting to her feet.
Pipit didn't meet her gaze but replied, 'It's best if you follow me. Link, you're welcome to join us.'
Link glanced at Zelda, her sapphires close to watering. He turned back to Pipit and nodded to agree before joining his classmates. Pipit led the group through the academy and downstairs to Professor Owlan's study. The group gathered outside his door, Pipit wrapped his knuckles on the door.
'Come in.' A voice behind the door beckoned to them. Pipit led his classmates inside. Zelda gasped when she saw her lilac loftwing lying upon an examination table.
'Plumm,' she cried, rushing to her friend's side. Link followed closely behind her, for moral support. The loftwing looked tired, no surprise given the amount of tests the Professor would have instructed. Her wing was still limp but now coated in a gauze bandage.
Professor Owlan looked up from his clipboard, signing off on the last of his notes. 'Ah Zelda, wonderful to see you,' he said, filing the clipboard on his desk. 'As you can see Plumm's wing was damaged by the fallen debris. I've run several tests and I'm pleased to announce her wing is not broken.'
Zelda breathed a sigh of relief, 'Thank goodness,' she replied, smoothing her friend's feathers.
'We ran a simple test, a new technology we've recently discovered,'' Owlan continued his explanation, 'I call it an x-ray.' He lifted a carbon print from a lightbox and handed it to Zelda. She accepted and looked over the sheet, a dark skeleton was imprinted on the paper. 'As you can see, there's a tiny fracture in the wing spine but nothing that shouldn't heal in a few days.'
'I see,' Zelda said, studying the print before handing it back to the Professor. 'Will she need medication?'
Pipit retrieved a bottle from the shelf and handed it to his classmate, 'Add one of these herbs to every meal, it should aid in her recovery.' Zelda nodded and accepted the bottle.
'Thank you,' she said before turning to Link. 'Would you mind helping me escort Plumm to her stable?' Link agreed, helping Zelda to her feet before the small group ushered the lilac loftwing to a more comfortable setting.
It was early afternoon by the time they'd settled Plumm inside her stable, a fresh scatter of hay and her next meal laced with medicine prepared. Zelda watched her loftwing settle comfortably, her injured wing bound to her side. Zelda filled her trough with the mix of herbs and seed.
Link was leant against the stable door frame, watching her work. His companion joined him after her chores were finished.
'Thank you for today,' she said softly, taking his hand. 'I couldn't have done it without you.' Link returned her smile and enveloped her in a hug.
You'll never be without me, he thought quietly to himself.