"It's just as I remembered," Zelda jumped off the back of her loftwing. She was dressed in a cerise tunic with natural cotton trousers paired with brown leather gloves and boots. Her blonde hair tucked under a matching hat, with pastel pink and green ribbons tied in a crisscross pattern in her side bangs. The young girl walked into the sandy ground of the Lanayru desert, the sun shining strong. Close behind her was Link, wearing his distinct outfit that mimicked hers, all except his tunic and hat was dyed a deep green.
"It's such a beautiful day," she turned to face her companion beaming with joy. Link nodded. Their loftwings began to take flight, leaving their riders to enjoy their day away from the Skyloft. The couple waved goodbye to their friends before Zelda grabbed his hand and lead him further into the sand.
They walked for a little while through the sand, hand in hand until their sapphire eyes fall upon the Temple of Time in the distance. The huge stone crest, eroded with age, stood proud at the north of the derelict Lanayru mines. Zelda loosened her grip on her companions' glove, her smile quickly faded. The last time she stood in this place she was forced to be separated from Link again. The evil Ghirahim had tracked her down, but luckily her hero had come to her rescue. As Impa hurried the girl into the Gate of time, the dirty blonde managed to secure their escape by distracting the enemy. Link looked down at their now separated hands, his face dropped in worry. He tilted his head to catch a glimpse of his girls' beautiful face, but her left glove had covered her mouth, her sapphires watering. He took a step closer to his love, placing his hand under her pale chin to lift it slowly. Their eyes met.
"I'm okay," Zelda forced a smile with tears streaking down her soft cheeks. But Link refused to believe this, he pulled her into a loving embrace wrapping his right arm around her back and his left on her cheek. He shook his head.
"Nothing gets past you," she let out a muffled giggle, nuzzling her face into his warm chest. Link let out a little grunt in agreement. The dirty blonde male placed a soft kiss on her forehead before slowly pulling out of the embrace. She wiped her eyes, and he took held out his right glove. Zelda smiled, taking his hand, "Lead the way."
♥ ♥ ♥
They walked slightly deeper into the Lanayru desert and came to a clearing. A vase dip in the sand stretched on as far as the eye could see. They slowly descended the small hill to explore the scenery a little more. As they reached the bottom, they were able to make out what the specks were from the high point. Wooden remains of crates, poles and even a boat sat half-buried in the sand.
"Link," Zelda turned to him, "What is this place? I never saw this when I was here before with Impa," she cried. Link gestured at his bow and quiver sitting patiently on his back. Zelda released his hand for him to get at the equipment. The hero gently removed the weapon from his back, positioning an arrow in the sacred bow before taking aim at a large blue crystal on a pole above. The stone spearhead crashed into the stone, the hit causing it to alight.
As if by magic, the sand they stood on shook. Link hurried his girl onto the wooden pier that sat beside them. The couple watched as the sandy bank became flooded with a beautiful blue ocean. Zelda's sapphires widened in disbelief.
"Was that a time crystal?" she continued to stare. She caught sight of a small boat, that was half-buried in the sand, had risen from the water and revealed its full glory – a beautiful wooden ship. On the deck sat a small robot, just like Scrapper who Link had found during his journey. This particular robot was wearing a little pirate hat.
The young man was a little taken back, staring at his girl thoughtfully, 'How could she possibly know about the time crystals?' But then he remembered, she had spent a lot of time with Impa, the faithful guardian of the Temple of Times' younger self. It wouldn't have surprised him if they had spent their whole journey moving around through the Gate of Time with the assistance of these crystals.
Zelda tugged on her companion's tunic sleeve, pointing her left index finger up at the little robot, "Isn't he cute!" she squealed, running onto the deck. Link let out a loud grunt as he was hauled onto the ship. The little robot stretched out his electric blue arms, opening his mouth, a little like a yawn. He looked like he had just woken up from a long nap, slowly moving about on the deck a little bewildered.
"Hello there," the blonde crouched to his level, but he continued his duty checking the ship ignoring her. She puffed out her cheeks, a little disheartened that her 'new friend, the cute robot' wouldn't reply to her. Link walked past her side and chased the robot around the wooden deck, but the robot had soon caught on he was being followed. He turned around slowly, his tired eyes falling upon the towering male.
"Brrzrrt! he jumped back, startled. He examined the tall, dirty blonde male once more and a lightbulb suddenly went inside his head. He was the kid from before, the one hunting for Nayru's flame! "Hello again" he gave a static wave sheepishly.
"Who are you?" Zelda stood approaching her companion's side.
"Who am I, brrzrrt?" he asked looking at Link, wondering if he'd not informed his lady of his travels across the Lanayru sand sea, "I am the proud skipper of the ship that used to protect Nayru's flame, phweep!" The blonde woman laughed at his little beeping and buzzing noises, she thought they sounded adorable.
"Nice to meet you, Skipper," she smiled, the robot returned the politeness by taking off his hat and bowing slightly, "I assume you and Link traveled together some time ago." The robot looked at his old friend in green then back to the blonde.
"We searched for my missing ship, luckily this lad found it, vrrm! Oh, and he got the Nayru's flame back, phoo-weep!" Skipper replied.
"I'm glad Link was able to help," she continued to smile but dropped quickly when an idea popped into her head.
The hero turned to look at his girl, 'What was she thinking?' he thought.
"Skipper, can you take us on a tour around the Lanayru sand sea, please?" Zelda suggested, pointing north.
"Brrzrrt, I can. Consider it a thank you, Lad, for all your help before, vrrm!" the robot replied dashing to the ship's helm. He grabbed onto the wheel. Link quickly wrapped his right arm around her waist and clutched onto the wooden frame as they pulled away from the shore.
♥ ♥ ♥
They sailed through the Lanayru sand sea at a moderate pace, a gentle breeze whistled through their hair. The sun slowly began to set on the horizon, the skies burning a soothing orange. This was truly the most romantic date the couple had shared. Nothing could spoil this moment, or so they thought.
A loud thud broke the silence, the ship shook, knocking the crew off balance. Link whipped his head round to where the noise came from but instead came face to face with a previous foe. He grabbed Zelda, forcing her behind him.
"Link, what's going on?" She asked, following his glare. She let out a tiny scream, her sapphires fell upon a skeleton pirate. One hand armed with a heavy iron sword, the other was replaced with a rusted hook. She could see Link's face, his brows frowning, he had clearly met him before. Scervo took to the floor, grinning darkly at his foe as he sharpened his blade against the hook.
The hero immediately drew his master sword and sacred shield, reading himself into position. Zelda joined Skipper on the upper deck, helping the robot to his feet. Link lunged at the skeleton, swiftly dodging a jab from his sword and taking a swing at his back. The pirate winced in pain, arching his spine. But Link didn't stop there, he continued circling his foe dealing several swings with his sword and a few shield bashes in for good measure. Scervo looked defeated, but in the last effort at the edge of the ship, he swung his sword at Link. The hero threw up his sacred shield, the iron weapon crashed hard against its surface. The young swordsman's knees crouched under the weight. It was almost unbearable.
"Link, you can do it!" screamed Zelda from the upper deck, "I believe in you!" This was all the motivation he needed to deliver the final blow. Link stretched out his legs, returning to his full height, pushing his entire body weight against the shield. The strength of the young swordsman pushed Scervo to the edge of the ship.
The hero put all his strength into one final push, "Hhnngg" he grunted, successfully sending the skeleton overboard and to the deep depths of the Lanayru sand sea. Link grunted with a smile, proud of himself. He took his sword, cutting the air before returning it to his scabbard with his shield.
Zelda hurried down from the top deck to join Link's side. She jumped into his arms, wrapping her arms tightly around this neck. He placed his gloves around her waist, spinning her around with joy. The blonde woman smiled with glee, as they came so a soft halt. Their sapphires met, gazing at one another. Zelda rubbed her soft nose against his, he replied politely kissing her on her peach lips. A smile fell upon her as she accepted. They stayed in their warm loving embrace as the sun set to night. Zelda pulled away slowly, with a smile on her lips.
"My hero," she giggled as they sailed into the night.