The sun shone brightly over the village of Skyloft, its light illuminating the windows of the academy. In one room of the school, Zelda has risen from her slumber. She stretched out her arms above her head, then reached for her toes. A wake-up stretch always removed any aches or pains from sleeping. She pushed herself off the edge of the bed, taking small steps towards her window. The soft cotton curtains were still drawn, shielding the light from her eyes. Zelda placed her hands either side and pulled the curtains apart gently, the sunlight radiated on her pale skin, the warmth colouring her cheeks.
"What a beautiful day," she smiled, taking a deep breath of the warm summer air. She released the curtains and turned away from the sun. Zelda began walking to her wardrobe when she heard a soft knock at her door. Surprised, she stopped staring at the door wondering who could be behind it. It couldn't have been Link, he never got up before her. She winced, hoping and praying it wasn't the school jock Groose. She really didn't want to deal with his rumblings about how gorgeous he found himself this early in the morning. Abandoning her mission to the wardrobe, she decided to first answer the caller. Zelda twisted the brass knob, taking a short breath before opening the door quickly.
"Hello?" She spoke, looking out into the corridor. Her companion Link appeared at the doorframe, a small bouquet of handpicked daisies in his hand, and a little mud covering his face.
"Oh, it's you!" Zelda giggled, a little taken back he had got up before her, "I didn't think you would be up this early. Usually, I'm the one waking you up." It suddenly dawned on her that not once in the time she had known him, had he woken up before her. She was just about to accept his gift of daisies when something occurred to her. Was he an imposter? Surely not, she argued with herself, shaking her head. Link placed his hand on her arm, to ask if she was okay.
"I'm fine, Link," she reassured him, smiling. Her companion pointed at her garments, blushing slightly. Zelda looked down and remembered she had still been dressed in her nightclothes. She blushed, disappearing behind the door, "Could I have a moment of privacy, please?" Link nodded. His companion quickly closed the door, he stood silently in the corridor catching sight of himself in a mirror. He sighed loudly at himself desperately trying to scrub the little dirt specks off his face.
Inside her room, Zelda slumped against the door taking another deep breath. Her cheeks were flushed a pinkish hue with embarrassment. She picked herself up and walking over to her wardrobe. She opened the doors and her sapphire eyes fell upon her favorite cerise dress.
"Perfect," she smiled removing it from the rail. Zelda quickly got dressed, so to not leave her companion waiting too long. She checked her appearance in the mirror, "Missing something," she sighed looking around her bedchambers. Her eyes fell upon her handmade sailcloth, "Perfect!" she smiled, tying it like a shawl.
When she was ready, the blonde re-opened to the door to find her lover scrubbing frantically at his cheek. She squeaked, "Link, let me." She pleaded to him, removing a small cloth from her satchel. He stood frozen on the spot while she gently rubbed away the dirt. She smiled, kissing the spot she had just cleaned. Link blushed, handing her the small bouquet of daisies. Zelda gave them a sniff, "Thank you, Link." She smiled taking his hand.
"Oh!" Zelda remembered her plan today, "Could we possibly go to the market today?" she looked up at her companion. Link nodded in reply, he also had planned to go to the market, to sell some wares he had picked up on his travels.
♥ ♥ ♥
The couple walked hand in hand to the Bazaar, it was a large structure situated in the center of Skyloft, covered with a checked tarp roof. They entered the market through an opening in the curtain. Inside was dimly light with small glass jars, each housing a burning candle inside. It was like a gathering of tiny fireflies. Between the two of them, they had agreed to first with the Item Shop owner, Rupin to sell Link's found treasures from his adventures. They approached his stall with caution, knowing full well the shop keeper hated to keep up the 'nice guy' routine every day.
"Be careful, Link," Zelda placed a hand on his arm. She was concerned after his last attempt to barter with Rupin had resulted in him storming out of the market and leaving her behind. Link gave her a single nod in reply before marching up to the Item Shop, his satchel full of treasure. His companion followed slowly behind, taking her time to greet each person in the market before re-joining him.
Zelda had just reached the Item Shop when she heard its owner yelling. Her elven ears pricked up when she overheard her companion's name. She returned to his side, taking hold of his arm. Link gave her a sideward glance with a stern look across his face to acknowledge her.
"Monster tentacles and guts again, really?" Rupin sighed, holding the brown leather satchel in his hands. He was rummaging through, picking out an item at a time to inspect it. Clearly not impressed by the monster entrails he had been presented with. Link grunted in reply, understanding his disappointment.
"How is it going, Link?" Zelda asked, giving his arm a gentle tug, hoping this would ease a little of the tension. The shop keeper snapped his head from the satchel to look at her, trying his best not to snap out of his 'nice' routine. Her companion glanced at her once more and nodded towards Rubin.
"Not well. It appears your friend here seems to think monster parts are a treasure of some sort. While these things are good as components in many potions, I myself have no real use for them," the shop keeper replied, trying his best to keep up the charade. He laid the entire contents of the satchel across his desk. Zelda could see why Rupin was less than impressed to receive such a haul. Monster guts, teeth, horns, and other entrails were littered on the surface. She clutched her mouth; a faint yet revolting stench turned her stomach.
"What is the best price for this all?" she queried, coughing on each word.
Rupin looked the wares up and down, thinking before speaking, "Probably seventy-five rupees." Link let out a groan, shaking his head as he placed his hands on his hips, "Unless there is something you have worthy of my time, that is my final offer." Link shrugged, producing two small stones and a computer chip from his pocket. He held out his hand for the keeper to inspect.
"Huh?" Rupin replied, a little taken up as he peered at the stones, "If I'm not mistaken that there is a ruby," he pointed to the beautiful red stone, glittering in the candlelight, "Quite rare to find on the surface. And that," he pointed to the second, slightly larger stone in a golden hue, "Is a gold ore. And this," Rupin picked up the computer-chip, turning it over, "Is worthless to me."
He took a deep breath before continuing, "The rest would fetch a high price – say two hundred rupees, including the monster entrails."
Link and Zelda both looked at each other, they knew exactly what the other was thinking – Rupin was lowballing them. They nodded to each other before Link ushered Zelda to speak. He closed his hand and placed the valuable stones and chip back into his pocket for safe-keeping.
"Just the monster parts to sell please, Rubin," Zelda spoke softly.
"Are you sure you don't want to part with those stones, my dear?" he asked darkly under his breath, clutching tight of the leather satchel still.
"Quite, thank you," she replied sharpish, holding out a single hand.
"Fine," the shop keeper grunted, unhappy with the sale, "Take this." Rupin produced a small burlap sack tied with a green string and handed it to the girl. She weighed it in her hand, checking every rupee was accounted for. Zelda passed these straight to Link and waited to receive his satchel back.
"Thank you," she smiled as Rupin returned the bag, "Pleasure doing business." She turned to walk away but the shop keeper placed a hand on her arm.
"Please," he begged quietly, "Please don't let him bring me those horrid monster parts again," he coughed. Zelda nodded, she could only try and talk Link into choosing a more appropriate vendor to sell these things too.
She returned to her companion's side, placing a hand on his arm, "Shall we go?" she asked gently. Link replied, shaking his head, instead he pointed over at the Scrap Shop ran by Gondo. She nodded letting him lead the way. They approached the counter expecting the tinker to greet them himself but instead saw a small robot snoozing on the desk.
"Hello?" Zelda asked, softly tapping the creature on his head.
The robot awoke with a startle, looking around the market bewildered before looking down at the couple. His eyes narrowed, "Oh, it's you Master Shortpants, bzzrt." Clearly annoyed by his rude awakening. Link flushed a bright pink and narrowed his brow and grunt. Still hasn't kicked the nickname then, he thought to himself.
"Master Shortpants?" his companion asked, looking up at Link. He replied with his usual goofy smile, scratching the back of his head. She had pieced together that the two of them had traveled together in the past, a time when she had no been around. Zelda sighed, but looked up at her partner to smile at him once more, "What a funny name."
"Hey!" the three of them heard calling from behind the curtain. The voice was soon followed by the tinker himself – Gondo. He greeted the pair with a small wave and turned to his robot friend, "Now Skipper, be more kind to our guest."
"Bzzrt," the small robot grunted carrying himself off the counter and into the back room.
"Ack, sorry for him. What can I do for you both?" he queried, embarrassed by his assistant's behavior.
"Actually, I have no idea. Link?" she asked turning to her companion. He produced the small ruby stone and the gold ore from his pocket before placing it on the wooden counter in front of him.
Gondo peered closer at the stones, eyeing them up with his goggles, "Whoa," he shouted, taking a closer look, "These are really something, lad. So, what gear do you want me to upgrade?" the tinker asked. Link shook his head in reply, instead, he went back to his trouser pocket, having a good rummage before producing a slip of paper. He handed this to Gondo to inspect.
"Ooh, yes" the tinker smiled, "This is something I can make." He returned the paper to its owner, "But it won't be cheap, have you enough rupees?" Gondo enquired, not wanting to deter business, but asked as a concerned acquaintance of the hero. Link nodded, giving a thumbs up to tinker. Zelda watched as her companion pulled out the old computer-chip, Rupin had assured them was worthless. Being a man who collected all sorts of junk, Link believed he was the right man to show this chip too.
"Whoaa," Gondo jumped, readjusting his goggles to a magnifier before taking a second look. He took the computer-chip from the hero's hand and inspected it, turning it over multiple times as not to miss any small detail, "Most people would think this is junk, but this is an advanced piece of tech from centuries ago. Hard to pinpoint the exact date, but I'd say around Skipper's time, possibly?" He spoke, clearly engrossed by the small treasure Link had found.
"So," Zelda cut in, "It isn't a worthless piece of junk?" she queried, remembering the comment from Rupin's appraisal.
Gondo snapped his head up from his inspection, a little taken back from the comment, "Worthless?" he repeated, "No way, this is a priceless piece of tech, lass." The tinker then turned to her companion, "Sure you want to part with this? I'd be happy to make the item you requested in exchange?" Link nodded to agree.
Gondo was shocked at his response but began gathering his tools from under the counter, "If you're sure, I will get right to it. Can you give me a couple of hours?" he asked the couple, prepping his workspace.
"Of course," Zelda replied, taking hold of Link's arm, "We will grab something to eat in the café whilst we wait," she suggested to her companion. His stomach growled in reply, Link pulled his infamous goofy grin scratching the back of his head, nodding.
"See you, folks, later," Gondo raised a hand to wave as the couple turned to leave.
♥ ♥ ♥
The couple returned to the Repair stall a few hours later, well refreshed with their stomachs full. Zelda had insisted to her companion to purchase something for Gondo, considering he had spent the afternoon making a commission for Link. She had pondered on what it could have been but refused to pry on her partner for answers. She knew he would share it when it was finished.
When the couple reached the counter, they found it absent of the tinker yet again. Thankfully Skipper wasn't there to greet them a second time, Link couldn't bear to be called names again by the robot, instead, a small silver bell sat on the wood. Zelda rung the bell without hesitation, the tinker Gondo appeared from the curtain shortly after.
"Hey!" he waved at the young couple, "Enjoyed your lunch?" he enquired rummaging around his desk for something.
"It was lovely, thank you," Zelda smiled, remembering her purchase, "Actually we brought you back a little something." She handed the tinker a small cloth bundle wrapped in twine.
"Thank you both. It's appreciated," Gondo grinned rubbing his stomach, "Don't get much time to eat when I work. Married to the job," he joked taking the bundle from the girl before returning to finish up his commission. He tinkered a little more, presenting Link with a carved wooden box, resembling that of a Goddess chest.
Zelda's mouth dropped, "That's beautiful," her sapphire eyes glittering at the craftmanship. The hero nodded, he was happy with the result. He gave Gondo a quick thumbs-up before taking the box for himself.
"Take a look before you leave, let me know what you think," the tinker suggested, eager to discover what the young hero thought of his work. Link nodded, giving his companion a suggestive look. Zelda sighed, turning away from him as he took a quick peek.
Satisfied with the item inside the Goddess box, Link gave Gondo a second thumbs up. The tinker let out a hearty laugh, "Thanks Lad, it was a pleasure. You kids enjoy yourself," he beamed waving the couple goodbye.
The hero turned to his companion, taking her arm and guiding her from the bazaar. They were greeted by a clouded blue sky, the air still warm but slightly cooler than before. Link ushered his companion under a nearby apple tree, gesturing her to take a sit on the stone wall. Zelda compiled, taking a seat beside him.
"Pray tell, hero. Are you going to share this secret commission?" she asked politely, watching the Skyloft knights practicing in the distant skies. Link nodded, taking her hand. He placed the small replica Goddess box into her palm, "Oh," she gasped. Zelda hadn't even considered the possibility that the gift could have been for her.
"May I?" she asked, pointing to the clasp. Link nodded, gazing at his companion lovingly. Zelda fiddled with the clasp, opening the wooden box carefully. Inside sat a beautiful filigree cage necklace encasing a single heart-shaped ruby. The craftsmanship was stunning, Zelda smiled, a small tear in her eye, "It's beautiful. Thank you, Link." She pulled the boy into an embrace, planting a soft kiss on his lips. Link didn't hesitate, instead, a smile appeared on his lips as he kissed her back passionately. They broke apart to take a breath. Link gestured to Zelda, she passed him the wooden box. He removed the necklace from its cushion, his companion held her blonde hair to the side as he began fastening the jewellery around her neck.
Zelda let her locks fall, placing her hand on her locket, "It is a beautiful gift, thank you again." Her lover shook his head, no thanks needed, he smiled at his commission. Link had designed the necklace himself, spending hours on end sketching the perfect piece before adventuring out to the Lanayru mines to find the right materials. All his hard work was worth it, just to see his girl smile.
Zelda laid her head on her companion's shoulder. He took her hand in his and together they watched the Skyloft Knights train with their loftwings in the sky.