It was another beautiful day on Skyloft, with the sun beaming down on the village. The farmers had begun tending to their crops, ensuring they were hydrated as not to wilt. Friends gathered by the river to begin their morning routine of fishing. Over at the academy, the students rose from their plush beds, making their way to the dining hall for the daily breakfast buffet. Headmaster Gaepora sat at the top table in the room helping himself to scrambled eggs on toast. Beside sat his daughter, Zelda, who was less interested in her breakfast and more interested drifting off into a daydream. She gazed out the dining hall window, watching fluffy clouds pass by and the fruit-bearing trees sway in the light breeze. Her father turned to look at her, noticing she had touched her breakfast.
"Zelda," he called softly. The young girl snapped out of her daze and looked at her father with her bright blue eyes.
"Yes, father?" she replied.
"Your eggs are getting cold," the headmaster sighed, gesturing his folk to her plate.
"Sorry father, I'm just not feeling too hungry," Zelda apologized taking a sip of her water, "May I be excused?" she asked. Her father nodded granting her permission. The blonde stood up from her seat, taking her plate with her as she left, handing it to a member of the kitchen staff before leaving the dining hall.
Zelda marched off down the corridor not paying attention to where she was heading. She kept her head down, minding her own business, feeling a little out of sorts. She came to a standstill, bumping into another student. Zelda rubbed her sore head, looking up at her roadblock and winced. Only she could have bumped into the one person she wanted to avoid running into, the school jock Groose.
"Watch where you're...oh," he began to hell not realizing it who had bumped into him. Groose then looked down to see his blonde crush staring up at him, "Hello beautiful, finally come to your senses?" he joked, a dark grin plastering his face.
"In your dreams, Groose," Zelda snapped, turning away from the student. Behind her she could hear his followers making a feisty meow sound, their leader grimaced, placing a hand on the girl's shoulder. The blonde quickly responded, brushing him off, "Please don't touch me," she pleaded. She felt uncomfortable with the school jock invading her personal bubble, but this didn't stop his advances. Groose grabbed the girl by both her shoulders, forcing her to face him.
"We're only having fun," the jock replied laughing with his group. Zelda turned her pale face away from him, a little nervous about his next move. Behind them, the four of them heard heavy footsteps marching towards them. Groose heard his minions cry as they fled, causing him to look up from his prey. His cocky face dropped when he realized who the footsteps belonged to. Zelda felt herself being pulled away by a warm hand. The figures' arms wrapping themselves protectively around her. She heard a familiar grunt before feeling a soft kiss placed on the top of her head as she was released.
Link appeared in front of Zelda wearing his issued knights' uniform, his back decorated with his Goddess shield and blade. The school jock took a step back, cowering before his classmate. The hero's face was full of anger, how dare he touch his girl. How dare he touch any girl who told him no. Link pulled back his right arm and landed a heavy fist into his rival's face. The larger student stumbled, tripping over his own feet. Groose hit the stone floor with a thud, small stars and cucco's flew in a circle around his head. Link turned back to his companion, taking her hand softly.
Zelda rested her head on his arm, "Thank you, Link." She smiled up at him, thankful he had come to her rescue, yet again. The couple walked hand in hand back to the dining hall, the female student looking a little confused, "What are we here for?" she asked softly, hoping her father would be absent on her return. Zelda scanned the hall, thankfully not noticing the headmaster in any corner of the room. Link proceeded to lead her to the serving counter.
"Ah, Mister Link, wonderful to see you," the chef called. The hero raised his free hand to greet him, "I have what you ordered right here." The member of staff handed him a wicker basket covered with a white cloth, featuring the academy insignia. Link nodded to thank him as he took the basket in his glove before leading his companion outside in the beautiful sunshine. Zelda continued to clutch hold of her partner's hand, refusing to lead go at any cost.
Link led them both up towards to Goddess statue, that stood at the top of the village protecting its inhabitants. At the head of the structure their two loftwings laid on the grass, catching the sun's rays. Zelda smiled watching her lilac loftwing, Plum, enjoying her companion's company. The hero gestured his partner to a small spot next to their familiars. Zelda took a seat on the lush grass, snuggling close to Plum's soft feathers. Link placed the wicker basket in front of her before taking a seat beside her. The hero gestured to his companion to help herself to the contents.
"Thank you, Link," Zelda smiled sweetly at him, removing the cloth from the blanket. Inside the basket sat a beautifully arranged picnic, packed full of; sandwiches, a mix of fruits and a couple of cakes. The kitchen staff had prepared a lovely spread for the couple to enjoy.
The blonde helped herself to a meat-filled triangle and took a small bite before offering her partner the basket. Link helped himself to a cheese-filled triangle, stuffing the whole sandwich in his mouth. The pair helped themselves to another, filling the air with a sweet scent. The hero's loftwing awoke, peering over Link's shoulder as he tried to take a bite. The crimson loftwing butted his glove with its beak and claimed the sandwich as its own. The hero's mouth dropped to the floor and Zelda let out a giggle.
"Perhaps our loftwings are hungry too," she smiled, removing a juicy red apple from the basket and allowing Plum to take it from her hand. Her companion nodded, offering his crimson loftwing another triangle. The loftwing chowed down on the sandwich without hesitation, eating a little too fast. Link placed a hand on the back of the loftwing's neck, rubbing it gently. The crimson bird coughed before chirping with glee. The small piece of bread had dislodged itself in its throat. Zelda and her companion continued with their picnic, enjoying both each other's company and with their familiars too.
The couple decided to spend the rest of the day at the Goddess statue, happily munching on their picnic. When they were finished, Link scooted himself closer to his companion, wrapping an arm around her waist. She rested her head on his shoulder, nuzzling into his chest. Zelda felt safe and secure whenever she was with him. She took his hand in hers, a smile on her lips. Her companion turned to face her, planting a soft kiss on her lips. Zelda didn't resist, instead, she kissed him back wrapping her arms around his neck. This is where she wanted to be and she never wanted this feeling to end.
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