"Can we go back down to the surface?" Zelda asked her companion. Link stood perched against her oak desk with his arms folded across his chest. He was contemplating the idea in his head. Their last trip had been less successful, to say the least, considering their run-in with the undead pirate captain Scervo. While he wanted to make her happy, he could do without any more enemies spoiling their date-day. She poked him, snapping him away from his thoughts, he turned to gaze at her instantly.
"Well?" she asked. Link grimaced, she's persistent, he removed himself. He smiled at his companion before nodding in reply. Zelda began to jump for joy, happy with his decision, "Let me get my beret and we can leave." She said, smiling back at him.
Her companion watched her dance around the room, while she located a soft felt beret from her drawer. She wore a replica of the knight academy uniform, similar to his green tunic, but in her favorite color, cerise pink. It had been a present from her father, headmaster Gaepora, shortly after they defeated Demise. Link was dressed in his trademark forest green tunic with his sword and shield secured to his back. Zelda drifted over to her free-standing mirror, that sat close to her bed frame, she checked over her appearance in the reflection and once satisfied turned back to her companion.
"Ready?" she asked, placing her hands on her hips. Link nodded, getting up from his perch. He took his companion by the hand and allowed her to lead him to their favorite spot, the Goddess status situated at the north of the village of Skyloft.
♡ ♡ ♡
The couple stood hand-in-hand on the wooden planked platform. They took a moment to look out at the beautiful clear sky, as much they both loved their home it was nice to take a break now and again. Zelda decided to take the leap of faith first, tugging on Link's hand and causing him to fall off the platform a little less graceful than she had. She let out a short giggle as they fell before they both whistled loudly for their birds. The couple released the other's hand and quickly mounted their respected loftwings. Zelda wrapped her arms around the neck of her faithful feathered friend, Plum, giving a soft tickle on her cheek. Her companion and his bird had not completed the ritual as perfectly. Link slipped a little as he mounted his loftwing, almost tumbling off, and once steady his crimson bird had given him a little peck. His rider was displeased, frowning and grunting at his loftwing to stop.
The couple grazed through the soft fluffy clouds a little before descending below the clouds and to the surface. Realizing they hadn't agreed where they were going to land, Zelda turned to her companion to ask him.
"Where would you like to go?" she called out. Link took a moment to look at the surface below. He hovered for a minute, looking at the light pillars beaming up from the surface. He pointed towards the emerald green one and glanced towards his companion, "Faron woods? Let's race to see who'll get there first." She giggled, seizing the opportunity to quickly get a head start over her partner.
Link watched at the lilac-colored loftwing whizzed past him. Bewildered, he took a moment to recompose himself. A grin soon appeared on his lips as he began to chase after his companion. While he felt determined to win, after all, he had a reputation to uphold, he debated about letting her win or giving her a challenge. He was set on the latter. The couple battled it out, neither one of them wanting to give in to the other until it was time for the dismount. Having done the complex jumps multiple times Link decided to be a little cocky and wait for the last second to dismount. Zelda jumped off the back of Plum as soon as the surface was in her sight, opening her sailcloth up as she dismounted.
Link made his leap closer to the surface, leaving him very little time to execute it successfully. He removed his sailcloth, the same one his companion had given him before his grand adventure, now a little more worn from usage, and glided towards the surface. He landed outside the Skyview Temple, feeling very smug with himself, unable to see his companion insight. Zelda had beaten him to the ground, waving at him from a distance. His jaw hit the floor, grunting under his breath as she joined him. She giggled at him before planting a soft kiss on his cheek. Link began to feel a little more relaxed now. His companion took him by the hand and led him into the woods.
♡ ♡ ♡
The couple arrived at a familiar clearing noticing a small penguin-like creature curled up on the ground, surrounded by a group of ruby-red Bokoblins. Zelda gasped, putting a hand over her mouth, her sapphire eyes filling with sadness.
"Look at the poor little thing," she tugged on her companion's arm, "We have to help it." She almost begged him.
Link needed no more encouragement than to hear her cry, he quickly drew his sword and shield onto his arm, leaping into action. He chose not to be subtle with his approach, instead, he leapt into the fray, launching a spin attack at the enemies. The Bokoblins were knocked onto their backs, wiggling and struggling to get back to their feet. This opening allowed Zelda to dart towards the Kikwi and hurrying him to safety. The mob was left to the silent hero to finish off. The leader of the pack scrambled back to his feet, striking back at Link with his scimitar. But he was much quicker, blocking the attack with his shield and pushing against the enemy before swiping at him with his own blade. One beast had been defeated, four remained.
"You can do it, Link!" Zelda called from the sidelines, offering him her support. She was stroking the fur of the Kikwi softly, soothing its fears. Link smiled, now full of morale, he struck another Bokoblin before it had a chance to get back onto its feet. That left three remaining.
One of the beasts jumped into the air, making an attempt to swing at the hero, but he hadn't learned from his fallen companion, Link was quicker in every way. He blocked the attack and parried, striking the red monster across the chest. Two left. The silent hero focused his energy on another of the slower beasts struggling to get to his feet. He rolled around like a turtle, stuck on his back. Link leaped into the air, forward rolling and plummeting into the chest of his enemy. Only one remained.
"Link, behind you!" Zelda called once more from the sidelines. The remaining Bokoblin had a much larger scimitar that the others he had faced. He threw the blade down to strike the hero but clashed with his shield. Link had crutched down, holding the wooden and steel protector over his face. He pushed against the beast, using its own weight against it and struck the enemy against a nearby rock. All the Bokoblins had been defeated. Link could hear the cheer of his companion behind him.
The silent hero returned his sword to it's sheath and the shield to his back before rejoining Zelda's side. She was sat on the lush green grass, underneath a tree, still stroking the nervous Kikwi softly. She looked up, noticing her companion and beckoned him to sit beside her.
"This poor little guy had quite a scare," Zelda explained, a worried, concerned look on her face. Link placed his glove on her free hand to reassure her. She turned to him, a faint smile appeared on her lips, "We really do follow trouble, don't we. Even if we don't mean to." She said and sighed. Her companion nodded, not one date so far had been easy for them. Something had always gone wrong.
Suddenly the Kikwi had stopped shaking and instead began to uncurl himself until he noticed the pair. The blonde quickly whipped her hand away. He squeaked disappearing into his ball once more.
"We're not here to hurt you," Zelda cooed, placing a hand on his head, giving the creature a soothing stroke, "Poor little guy, those Bokoblins must have really scared you." She spoke softly to the creature. The Kikwi peaked out at the blonde towering over him and squeaked at her, "It's okay," she cooed, continuing to stroke his head.
The Kikwi finally decided to uncurl himself, revealing his true identity. He was half the size of the couple, a brownish-black fur penguin-like creature with a curled sprout on top of his head. Small beady eyes stared at the couple, with a long pointed nose and little claws. It let out a high-pitched squeal and began quivering nervously.
"Hey little guy," Zelda said softly, choosing to stay seated on the ground. Link watched her try and soothe the Kikwi. She placed a hand out to the creature and he accepted her warm hand in his fur once more, "Let's take you home," she suggested, turning to her companion. He nodded before getting to his feet. Zelda copied his actions.
"Would you mind showing us the way?" she asked the creature politely in a quieter tone. He pointed towards a grand tree towering over the forest, situated near the center of woods. Zelda nodded, understanding his direction and began to lead the way but still the Kikwi wouldn't budge. She turned back around to see him shaking in the same spot, he hadn't moved an inch., "Come on now, nothing will hurt you." Zelda held out her hand, making the creature squeak once more. He quickly run-up to her and clung close to her side. The couple laughed, neither could deny how cute this was.
The makeshift group walked from the clearing and through the forest, so far they hadn't encountered any more of the Bokoblin tribe. The silent hero and his companion were thankful for this. It started to feel like a normal date, finally. They had walked a little further into the forest when they stumbled across the tree, it hadn't been as far as they originally thought. The Kikwi squeaked loudly with excitement upon seeing his home, jumping up and down with joy. The hero let out a chuckle while his companion giggled. Zelda was glad to see the creature less anxious now.
"Machi," the group heard a booming voice call, "Where are you my child," a much larger Kikwi appeared, slightly more brown and cream in color, looking around the area. The smaller Kikwi squeaked back at him, hoping to grab his attention. The elder, Bucha looked down at him, "Ho-ho," he chuckled, "There you are Machi," he said.
Machi, the rescued Kikwi ran over to his tribe leader and wrapped his tiny arms around his side, "I was so scared," he managed to squeak.
The Kikwi elder patted him gently on his head, "Bokoblins, again?" he asked concerned. Machi nodded in reply. Bucha looked up at the young knights, his brow frowned, "I see you brought some friends?" Machi quickly let go of his elder's side and rejoined the couple.
"These two saved me from the Bokoblins," he cried. Zelda gave Bucha a bow.
"It's an honor to meet you," she said, glancing at her companion and gesturing him to copy her actions. Link gave an awkward smile before bowing to the Kikwi elder himself.
"Ho-ho," Bucha squeaked, "It's you two again." He bellowed kindly. The couple smiled, clearly, he had remembered them from their last visit. It had been six months since the fall of demise. "Thank you both, again. You saved my Machi, I am in your debt." He said and bowed.
Zelda shook her head, "No thanks necessary. We're just glad Machi is safe," she said smiling softly. Link nodded, agreeing with his companion's statement, "We need to be on our way," she turned to her companion.
"Of course, thank you again," Bucha replied, giving the couple a wave.
"Thank you," Machi squeaked waving to the pair. Zelda smiled giving the small Kikwi a little squeeze before she and Link departed from their grove, waving goodbye as they walked away.
"I do hope one day we can have a normal, simple date," Zelda said, with an optimistic tone in her voice. Link let out a chuckle and in turn, she giggled along with him. One day, he thought to himself as the couple walked hand in hand into the sunset.