A gigantic crystal fortress stood tall, protruding itself far out of the mountain side and towered over the land. It had become an enormous landmark on the country with the neighbouring towns jealous of it's grand stature. No one knew how the castle had come about, one evening the cliff face had been completely bare, yet when they awoke the next morning the tower stood with pride, like a sentry, as if it has always been nestled inside the snowy rocks. There was a lot of wild speculation amongst the townsfolk regarding how the crystal fortress came to be. Some suggested it could be the work of witchcraft and black magic, others speculated they it could have always been there but the natural elements had caused the tower to reveal itself.
But none of their theories were correct, at least not entirely anyway.
In fact the fortress was created by a powerful sorceress, known to many by the snow queen, far few referred to her by the name she was given at birth; Eirlys Iclyn. Born to a single mother twenty eight years ago and a father she knew cared not to know. She was brought up with the strictest upbringing, having to learn to master the natural elements by the time she walk and talk fluently. Remembering those times used to send chills through her bones, but she barely even dreamt of the days she was but a chubby babe in her mother's arms. She had more important things to be concerned with, the past had no place in the present.
Eirlys had created this crystal fortress with her own magic, choosing to wield only the element of ice. Growing up in the colder climate had made her more comfortable with the chillier weather, it was only the summer season she couldn't stand. The climate was far too warm for her pale icy skin. This place of solitude was perfect for keeping unwanted attention out, since the cold-hearted woman preferred to be alone. The fortress made sure she was isolated from the rest of the world. Just the way she liked it.
The castle was grand in it's structure, with a tall tower protruding from the architecture, adding much more height to the overall shape. The design has been loosely based off of the ancient Parisian landmark of Notre Dame cathedral, a building that had caught her eye when she was travelling with her mother as a child. The pair had never stuck to one place in particular, the only memories Eirlys had of her childhood was waking in a new location everyday. That was until the day they arrived in this small city, surrounded by snow-topped mountains. It was the end of her mother's journey and in turn made the teenage ice queen choose to finally settle in one place. For now, at least.
Eirlys glided across her dimly lit hallway, small snowflake-shape lanterns hung on the frosted walls admitting a faint glow. At the end of the hall she held out her pale hands, the large double doors opened immediately by her silent command, revealing the gorgeous view from the frozen balcony. The queen glanced at the small city below, the citizens had begun bundling themselves up in time of the approaching cold weather. The corners of her plum-painted lips curled up into a smile. It was time to show them what she could do. What her powers were truly capable of.
The queen walked to the edge of the balcony, close to the ice railing she had made. Her zircon eyes focused on the small city below. After five years, she was now going to reveal herself to them. Her white-blonde tresses cascaded down her back with only a single braid and tiny crystal snowflakes decorating her hair. Eirlys threw her hands up, stretching her arms up to the slightly foggy sky. She felt the cold breeze in her palms, a refreshing sensation that had always calmed her. Tiny sparks of icy blue energy gathered in her pale palms, swirling around her fingertips. She had begun gathering her power to unleash a snowy storm in her domain, something to make her life a little more comfortable.
Eirlys drew her zircon eyes to the sky, feeling the serge of energy in her grasp. The time had come to drop the concealment enchantments and reveal herself. She pulled the icy orb close to her chest, the chilly air warming her core. She gave it a silent command before hurtling it into the sky. It collided with her concealment enchantment, a barely visible clear barrier cracked above her head, tiny ice fragments fell. At first small flakes descended from the sky then millions of snowflakes begun to fall, freezing the land below.
She had set off an eternal winter. A new realm she would soon rule.