Two days later. Terrence and Edward decided to visit their mother, Rebecca to try to get an explanation about the situation with their father, Jamie, and tell her about her younger son. Even if the way is going to be long, they are taking it on their feet, enjoying a little cold but good enough weather, and walking slowly where there is almost nobody.
“C’mon, did Peter agree to return to the band?” Edward wonders.
“We didn’t even have to persuade him,” Terrence replies cheerfully.
“Listen, that’s cool! I’m glad your band has been saved.”
“One more problem has been solved! Life starts to seem more wonderful.”
“And how’s Peter doing now? He’s fine?”
“Luckily, Peter is fine. He’s slowly getting well, but the doctors say he’ll have to spend a lot of time in the hospital. The blond is weak yet and should work his muscles. They atrophied, while he was unconscious and motionless.”
“Hey, why did Peter decide to kill himself?”
“Oh, Edward…” Terrence sighs tiredly. “As it turned out, it was a very hard story. Everything is not as easy as we thought.”
“Really?” Edward rounds his eyes. “But what happened?”
“Well… First, Peter said he lived in a disadvantaged, poor family with a mother, who gave a fuck about him. She only spent money on drunks and, as I understood, worked nowhere. He’s never had a father, and Rose knows nothing about him. To have some money, he played a cajon that he had at home. But as Peter said, his mother took a bigger part and spent it on vodka or something like that.”
“My gosh…” Edward pronounces with sadness in his eyes. “Was Peter’s mother an alcoholic?”
“Yeah, she drank somewhere after Pete’s birth. And if she’d drunk before, she would’ve given birth to a sick child. But as we know, that guy is absolutely healthy and has no disorders.”
“Didn’t his mother take care of him? Did she give Peter to someone else? A neighbor!”
“I don’t know, but I can say exactly that Peter had to take care of himself in childhood. He always hoped his mother would pay attention to him, but it didn’t happen. Being sober, she gave a fuck about him. After drinking, she insulted him, humiliated him, and could even beat him.”
“Oh, shit…” Edward shakes his head with horror in his eyes. “But why wasn’t he taken away to an orphan house? Why did Peter stay with such a horrible mother?”
“I believe nobody cared about it. If they’d had good neighbors, they would’ve quickly told someone about Rose’s family. That woman would’ve been deprived of parental rights, and the blond would’ve been taken to an orphan house. But Peter lived with his mother until graduation from school.”
“And then what?”
“His mother left somewhere and didn’t come back home. And Peter stayed all alone.”
“She left so easily and didn’t return?”
“Yup. And who knows what happened to her. Maybe, she drank too much and died on the street… Maybe, she waited for Rose to graduate from school on purpose… I dunno. But she left.”
“My gosh, poor Peter…” Edward shakes his head slowly. “I’m feeling more sorry for him.”
“Yeah, but the worst thing is not the one. But the fact that the school was hell for him. Guys bullied him as cruelly as possible.”
“Daniel and I had dumbfounded eyes, while Peter was telling us about those terrible things. He told us everything… As if he broke down.”
“Oh, fuck…”
“They bullied him really cruelly. It wasn’t just name-calling that harmed nobody.”
“Damn, why did they hate him so much?”
“Just because he didn’t wanna become like everybody. He was the only blond at the school, while other boys had dark hair.”
“Wait, couldn’t he stand for himself?”
“Peter was afraid. He understood he couldn’t deal with guys, who were bigger and stronger. As he said, he was always skinny and had bad physical shape. Sadly, he had nobody to teach him to protect himself.”
“And did he let them mock him so easily?”
“Sort of. That guy was always a black sheep for them. And they despised him also because his mother was an alcoholic, and he had no money.”
“Bullying someone just because of their wish to be different and their hair color? What discrimination!”
“I don’t get it, either! How they could bully someone, who wanted to differ in a good sense. There’s nothing bad about it! It’s your individuality! Is it cool that people think the same, want the same, and look the same?”
“Sadly, nobody thinks of it at school,” Edward notices thoughtfully. “Not everybody will appreciate that you decide to differ. If you aren’t like everybody and don’t follow the unspoken rules of a collective, you’ll be destroyed. And if you also hurt someone to be untouchable.”
“About rules!” Terrence exclaims. “There was a girl, who literally ruled the whole school. A so-called queen. She controlled everybody and told who to befriend, who to ignore, and who to beat.”
“I think many collectives have bitches that believe they’re leaders.”
“Peter said she was eternally beautiful, and all the boys had a crush on her. But the girl was actually a brainless, empty shell. And she was happy with the attention and started to sleep with everybody since thirteen. As Rose said, that girl fucked literally the whole school.”
“Started a slut career at such an early age?”
“But she wasn’t so good at sex.”
“And what does Peter have to do with it? Did he date her?”
“Exactly! Peter also got caught in this trap and fell in love with her. And that girl played an evil joke with him. At first, she started to date him, played the great love, and made everybody his friend. But later, she humiliated him before the whole school, saying she bet him and letting people start bullying him again.”
“What?” Edward gets horrified. “She played with him like a kitten and left him when she got sick of him?”
“I believe a wish to humiliate Peter was her main goal,” Terrence assumes. “And she got it. Because the bullying got stronger. And it led to the moment when Peter touched a blade for the first time and started to cut himself since then.”
“Damn, how could that girl dare to use him so cruelly? Playing with someone's feelings is disgusting! I’d never play with a girl like that and would tell her nothing would happen between us.”
“Perkins and I were so sorry about Pete when he was talking about it. He was barely holding tears down and was too tense… His voice was strongly shaking… He had to apply many efforts to tell us this story.”
“It’s easy for me to imagine what Peter felt.”
“Because of that insolent and brainless gal, Peter started to be afraid of love and everything about it. He got so stuck that he banned himself from loving.”
“And is that why Peter has never gone on dates?”
“Exactly! The blond deprived himself of a chance to love and be loved. Any talks about love made him suffer. And we didn’t know it and pressed on him when praising our girls.”
“It explains much. I’d also start to be afraid to fall in love if someone had done such a cruel thing to me. Or I’d need very much time to come to myself and learn to trust girls.”
“Me too.” Terrence smiles slightly. “But we’re lucky with our girls. Those beauties would never do such a cruel thing to us.”
“Ah, Terrence, how right you are…” Edward says with a slight smile. “Our girls do know how to make our mood better.”
“Well, looking at you, it’s clear,” Terrence chuckles kindly. “You’re so funny and cheerful!”
“Just like you are,” Edward replies with a laugh.
Terrence says nothing and just smiles mysteriously with his eyes rolled.
“You say, did Peter start to cut himself because of that girl?” Edward asks with sadness in his eyes.
“I think there were many reasons,” Terrence replies thoughtfully. “It all became a reason why Peter was harming himself for so many years.”
“And how long ago did it start?”
“Somewhere in high school, as he said. And later, the guys saw the scars on his hands and bullied him much more.”
“And showed no regret…”
“They hardly knew what it was.”
“And what did he do after graduating from school?”
“I don’t know. He lived alone for a few years… But when he was twenty-one, he found the announcement about a search for a drummer for an unknown band. And Peter decided to try, even if he didn’t know how a drum set looked, and took drumsticks only during the audition. And as he was admitted to the band as well as Daniel, they saw potential. Someone decided to give him a chance. And I think he met all of their expectations, ‘cause now Peter plays not worse than a professional drummer and learned to play guitar.”
“Yeah, he’s an amazingly talented man… He learned to play a cajon, drums, and guitar by himself.”
“He just knew he should’ve solved a money issue. And because Peter loved music, he decided to earn from it. Moreover, music has always been his salvation and his way to get lost and feel happy.”
“Music is life! My everything! I get much happier when I listen to music or play it. And even if I can’t play something, the process itself gives me much pleasure.”
“Absolutely agree with you, bro,” Terrence smiles widely. “Music saves me from bad thoughts.”
“If someone said they can’t take music, I’d definitely look at them like they’re an alien. Somehow, I knew a girl that couldn’t take when someone sang something or turned on a song.”
“And there is nobody to hate music among my familiars.”
“Well, Peter is absolutely not one of those idiots.”
“No, Pete can’t live without it. That’s what he always wanted to connect his life with. And he was madly lucky he joined the band, ‘cause it helped him believe in himself and gave him a chance to earn some money. The pastime with Daniel impacted him for the better and let him know that nobody was gonna betray him.”
“But that’s bad Perkins ruined everything with jokes about his relationship issues and even started to insult him openly.”
“Agree, the hazel-eyed guy went too far. But he recognized his fault after he heard the truth about what happened to Peter.”
“It deserves praise.”
“Hey, do you wanna know why Peter fell into a depression that led to a suicide attempt?”
“Speak out.”
“A few days before the end of the tour of ‘The Loser Syndrome,’ Peter read bad comments about himself. As he said, they mocked him almost in the same way as at school. It became the last drop for Rose. But he tried not to betray us and to end the tour. Even if he was withdrawn in the last days and talked to nobody.”
“Did he break down because of the comments of haters, who probably rejoiced when he ended up in the hospital?”
“At first, he just wanted to know what people posted about the band on social networks, but then he started searching for bad comments on purpose after reading a few ones.”
“But Peter is actually, really talented and capable. I’ve heard him play and sing many times and really loved it. And he’s just a wonderful man.”
“Yeah, but we’ll spend a lot of time making him sure that it’s not the truth. You can’t immediately become confident and start to believe in yourself.”
“First, he should learn not to pay attention to what his haters say. Any person has them, even if they are not a public person.”
“I think the case is not only about a great sensitivity to criticism. The problem is that those people pressed on him. They made him recall those horrible years… The way they insulted and humiliated him… It left a very bright track in his memory. It’s the first thing. And the second problem is Daniel. His provocations. He annoyed Rose so hard that he couldn’t take it and told him everything he had inside.”
“You wanna say they fought because of that?”
“Oh, didn’t I tell you?”
“In short, on one of the days after the end of the tour, Daniel and I went to Peter’s home to work on songs for an album. At some moment, I went out to call you and ask you to help us. And Daniel and Peter fought. Perkins started to talk about his favorite thing and joke at Rose because of having no girlfriend and refusing to meet girls or rejecting them shamelessly. So, Pete eventually lost control and told Dan everything he thought of him. Everything led to an argument that started with slaps and ended with a short fight. I didn’t see it, but I noticed that they looked badly at each other.”
“Early or late, Peter would’ve exploded, and Daniel would’ve gotten what he deserved for his long tongue.”
“The work was bad, and Daniel and Peter didn’t talk to each other. But the next day, when we came together at the studio, I noticed the strange behavior of these guys, who started to fight. And everything was getting worse…”
“Still, I think Peter should’ve explained why he had no relationship much earlier. Daniel isn’t such a terrible monster and would’ve understood everything if he’d known all the truth.”
“Yeah, but there’s no meaning in talking about it. And the most important thing is that he confessed everything to us.”
“How did Pete meet you and Dan when you went to the room?”
“He was dumbfounded. At first, he asked why we saved him and didn’t let him die, wondering why we spent our time on an allegedly terrible man. But following his doctor’s advice, we didn’t press on him and did let him know that we were ready to support him in any situation. We should’ve done something for him to share his story. And it worked! The story was long and well described, but we discovered all the secrets of that guy. The secrets hidden in his scars.”
“Great,” Edward smiles slightly. “I’m glad you made him sure to trust you. That he stopped hiding what happened to him.”
“And yeah, that’s not everything. There was another reason that was tightly connected with his relationship issues.” Terrence falls into silence for two seconds. “As it turned out, he was in love with one of his friends for a long time, but was afraid to tell her that because of the fear of getting rejected and being betrayed.”
“Peter is in love?” Edward rounds his eyes. “C’mon!”
“It’s another reason why he rejected all girls and gave nobody hope. He hardly hoped they’d be together, but he didn’t wanna betray the one he loved.”
“How long has he been in love with that girl?”
“As he said, one and a half years.”
“One and a half years?” Edward wonders loudly. “Holy shit!”
“I also got dumbfounded when I heard that the blond had been hiding his feelings for one and a half years.”
“Is he gonna be silent about it until the end of his day?” Edward frowns slightly. “What if that girl finds a boyfriend? What if he hangs himself from grief?”
“He won’t have to be silent anymore,” Terrence says with a slight smile. “He’s already confessed it to his friend. And as it turned out, that’s mutual! That girl is also in love with him and realized it one and a half years ago.”
“Wow! Such luck! He suffered and worried for nothing!”
“Aha, they even shared a kiss.”
“C’mon? They kissed?”
“Aha, Daniel got them caught and watched them for a long time. But when everything was over, he ran to tell Peter’s friend and me about it.”
“Cool!” Edward smiles widely. “It’s gonna be awesome if they start dating.”
“Anything may happen, Edward. But the most important thing now is his full recovery. And that girl is using a moment to the fullest, being with him in the hospital and distracting him from bad thoughts. I don’t doubt she’s with the blond now.”
“Unless Daniel disrupted their idyll. At first, he annoyed Rose with finding something to take a place in his heart, and now he’s gonna annoy him when he’s about to start dating that girl.”
“Don’t worry, nobody will bother them now. Daniel wanted to go somewhere for his business, while his beloved girlfriend Anna is having fun with Raquelle and Natalia.”
“Hey, did he establish his relationship with Peter?”
“Everything is fine. These two reconciled and recognized their mistakes.” Terrence smiles slightly. “And I’m very glad I’d no longer have to tear myself between these two and try to do my best to reconcile them. Though, I can’t say my mission is completed. I’ll be watching them to make sure they don't fight again.”
“So, let’s hope they will not start another fight,” Edward expresses hope.
“They say they won’t do it, but I will not listen to them open-mouthed. They’ll be under my control for some time, and then we’ll see it.”
“You turned on the severe daddy mode?”
“I don’t wanna get kicks from George for not being able to get the band together and reconcile these two. So, I have to get a closer control of them and make sure they don't do anything.”
“But George eventually confessed he was unfair to you three and apologized.”
“Yeah, the band’s manager is actually a good man. At first, we wanted to change him ‘cause he constantly insulted and humiliated us. But then George changed his mind and confessed that he behaved in it because he thought we wanted to do nothing and believed fame would find us.”
“Of course, he was very mean to you, but on the other hand, his feelings are clear. George spends money promoting your band and wanna get a result. But since that man knew nothing, he thought you didn’t meet his expectations.”
“He told us the same,” Terrence smiles slightly.
“And I’m sure Smith didn’t wanna lose such talented guys. The whole world must hear you.”
“Yeah, I found out that the news about Peter being awake was spread on the whole Internet. When I saw a couple of articles, I decided to check what people said about us. And it’s so nice that our fans are truly worried about Rose and wanna see the full band.”
“Show those comments to the blond, so he knows everybody’s waiting for his comeback.”
“He does know it and is very glad to know it.”
“Hey, when’s he gonna be released? And when’s he gonna be able to start working on an album? I know he’s gonna spend a lot of time on a full recovery, but how long would it take?”
“Knowing he’s getting well fast, I think he’ll be released earlier,” Terrence replies thoughtfully. “Or he’ll probably be released after he gets better, and his muscles work more or less fine. Get some recommendations that he’ll have to follow and take some tablets for depression and panic attacks.”
“And I think the fact that he’s surrounded by the support of the people, who distract him from thoughts about the past, would be good for him. If someone’s always by his side, it will quickly lead to a positive effect.”
“Daniel and I will do our best. And Peter memorized it well.”
“I’m also ready to help him. And I still wanna visit him at the hospital and say he could count on me.”
“If you want, Perkins and I can take you to the hospital. And you’ll know where to find him in case you wanna visit Peter alone.”
“It would be cool.”
“Then we’ll do it when we go to the hospital next time.”
“Deal! I’m gonna join the operation of Peter’s salvation from bad thought.”
“Oh, yeah! The more checked people support Pete, the sooner he will get better. Not only us three, but also the blond’s friends, one of whom may become his girlfriend very soon. She’ll obviously do her best not to let Peter get sad. That girl is literally ready to be his nanny for him to feel good. She literally melts into him.”
“I’m impatiently waiting for news about him getting a girlfriend. And I’ll be very happy for him if Pete gets a good girl, who will make him happy.”
“Daniel and I hope we’ll be the first ones to know about it from him. We got his promise that he’d tell us everything.”
“He will do it, bro, calm down,” Edward laughs shyly, clapping Terrence on the shoulder. “We’ll understand everything when we look at his happy face. Even if he wanna hide his emotions, he will be able to do nothing.”
“Well, judging by your face, everything is fine with you,” Terrence notices with a smile, slightly smashing his fist against Edward’s biceps.
“And you don’t suffer, I see.”
“Why should I suffer? My gorgeous fiancée and I will get married soon… Yes, of course, we haven’t talked about anything yet and don’t know when it will take place. But still…”
“And I’m lucky to have my girlfriend. She loves me, knows how to do something nice for me, and gives great support. I couldn’t wish more.”
“Hey, about your girlfriend…” Terrence fixes his hair slightly. “How was your meeting with Natalia’s parents? You’ve told me nothing.”
“Everything was much better than I thought. Of course, I was sure they’d kill me at first, but then everything got better, and I made them sure that I’d be good.”
“So, did you get permission to continue your relationship with your blonde?”
“Yup, no barriers!” Edward puts his hand on his heart. “But fuck, how horrified and excited I was! I thought Natalia’s father would eat me. And Natalia tolerated much, to be honest… The poor girl squeezed from fear and was white and in tears, while her father was swearing at her for turning off her brains when going where she met that bastard Wainwright.”
“I’ve talked to Mr. Rochester many times and thought he’s quite a good and soft man. But he may easily show cruelty if he has to. However, Natalia said her parents never screamed at her. I guess the fact that her father raised his voice and swore at her like a little girl was probably a shock for her.”
“Yeah, but she forgot it quickly. Moreover, Mr. Rochester apologized for screaming and being rude.”
“And how did her mother react?”
“She almost collapsed when Natalia explained what happened to her,” Edward confesses with sadness in his eyes. “And she didn’t tell everything that sick bastard did to her and just gave the facts. But it was enough for Letitia to get as white as snow. And my story also made her nervous. And that’s good Anthony was next to her and calmed her down.”
“Poor woman…” Terrence pronounces quietly. “But I’m glad they finally heard the truth. Even if it’s horrible, they’d better know everything than torture themselves with guesses.”
“Right, but it's super very hard for Natalia and me to tell them the truth. I was holding on somehow, but Rochester was shaking and crying and was barely able to speak. Sometimes I had to speak instead of her, ‘cause her condition was close to hysteria.”
“Oh, I wish the trial ended as soon as possible,” Terrence says tiredly. “This is how Natalia can forget that nightmare and everything that deadbeat did.”
“I’m waiting for the trial with horror, but I also want it to be over as soon as possible. It’s the only thing that makes me worried.”
“We should only survive the trial and hear the positive verdict to forget everything like a nightmare.”
“Yeah, I forgot to say!” Edward thinks for two seconds, putting a finger on his lip. “I’ve found the man, who could prove my innocence for the murder.”
“Really? Found?”
“He moved nowhere and is still living here.”
“But how did you do it?”
“Easy. I had the number of that guy. Honestly, I don’t actually check my contacts and clean unnecessary numbers. So, it helped me find the number of the one, with whom I spoke six years ago.”
“What’s next?”
“I doubted if I should’ve called it. But after thinking I might go to prison, I typed the number and felt that my heart stopped when I heard a familiar voice. I explained who called him, and he recognized me quickly enough. I said I needed his help and invited him to meet me at a café and drink something. We met on the same day… I explained everything to him, and he promised to help and deny all the charges against me. And then we talked for nothing: we found out how we were doing, what we were doing, and something like that. He told me about his life, and I didn’t hide what happened in my family.”
“Listen, that’s cool!” Terrence expresses happiness with a slight smile. “You got another hope that the judge would find you non-guilty.”
“I agree, but the best thing that could save me is the fact that there are fingerprints of the deadbeat, at whom I pointed. There would be an eighty percent chance that I’d be found non-guilty.”
“But the witness’ words will also be important.”
“I won’t guess anything and will just use all the ways to save my ass.”
“Won’t your witness really betray you? Will there be no force majeure?”
“No, we can count on him. I should only tell him the date of the hearing of my case, so he’s ready and asks for a day off.”
“Well, I don’t know the date of the hearing,” Terrence shrugs with sadness in his eyes. “So, sorry, brother, I can’t help you.”
“It’s okay, I warned him that the trial wouldn’t start at the nearest time. The most important thing is that he agreed to help me and explain everything we saw on that day.”
“Any little thing is important in this case. If you wanna prove to the judge your innocence, you should do it in any way. And another pair of fingerprints will be wonderful proof of your innocence if the police confirm they belong to the killer. They will not dare to say you killed that man.”
“I know. But I did everything I could. I just need to go to the court and tell them all the truth, burning with shame for everybody. Especially when someone calls me ‘defendant MacClife.’”
“Don’t worry, brother, it’s gonna be okay,” Terrence says confidently, clapping Edward on the shoulder. “If you’re found guilty, we’ll get you out anyway. I promise you will not stay in prison.”
“Thanks a lot, Terrence,” Edward thanks with a slight smile. “I’ll definitely need the support when I get blushed for everybody and dreaming of strangling myself from shame.”
“Nobody’s gonna judge you. We know you’re guilty of nothing.”
“I know, but I’m afraid to think what kind of horror I’m gonna feel when it all happens.”
“It’s gonna be okay, don’t worry.”
Edward says nothing and just sighs quietly, still walking on the asphalt path in a slow step alongside the auto road, on which no car has driven yet.
“Okay, buddy, let’s not talk about bad things,” Terrence suggests cheerfully. “Let’s talk about something nicer. For example, your cute girlfriend.”
“Oh, I can talk about it for hours,” Edward laughs shyly.
“So, you say, did Natalia’s parents get you and give their approval of your relationship?”
“Yes, they said they wouldn’t ruin it. Of course, my hands and legs were shaking strongly, and I nearly died from a heart attack when Natalia’s father wanted to talk to me face-to-face. But luckily, everything ended well. He just gave some pieces of advice and reminded me that his daughter betrayed nobody.”
“I get it…” Terrence thinks for two seconds, biting his lip slightly. “I thought about how I had to talk with Mr. Cameron after the conflict with Raquelle. Explain my actions and prove to him that he could trust me. I was also terribly nervous and thought of the worst. But luckily, everything was fine.”
“Don’t ya see that the relatives of our girls love us very much and close their eyes to any actions of us?” Edward smiles slyly.
“Well, I dunno what about you, but Raquelle’s relatives really love me,” Terrence raises his head proudly with a sly smile. “But it’s not amazing! Not loving me is just impossible!”
“Oh, here we go again…” Edward rolls his eyes with a quiet growl. “But everything started so well…”
“Sorry, bro, but I can’t deny the truth. If you said Raquelle’s relatives loved me, I can’t be silent.”
“Actually, I said about both of us.”
“Yeah? Ah, I see!” Terrence chuckles quietly. “Sorry, I didn’t hear you when you talked about yourself. Got busy with a birdie.”
“Do I have to kick your ass?”
“You won’t dare to attempt on the holy.”
“You are holy?” Edward chuckles quietly. “I’d love to look at the face of the one, who praised you to the skies. Though… Don’t say it. I see the one. He’s walking next to me.”
“Don’t make me deal with you here and now.”
“What? Did I say something? I just noticed how much Natalia’s relatives love me.”
“If you do a little bad thing, you’ll immediately be added to their blacklist.”
“I can say the same about you if Raquelle complains to them about you again.”
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll agree with that cutie, and she will keep praising me for her family and my mother.”
“Oh, Terrence…” Edward sighs tiredly and glances aside.
“But the relatives of our girls really love us.”
“They wanna see these cuties happy. And because their families see that they go crazy from us, they just can’t resist.”
“Yeah, but sorry that I haven’t lately been able to spend a lot of time with Raquelle because she is busy with shootings.”
“Yup, we don’t almost meet because of this,” Terrence replies with sadness in his eyes. “But it’s okay, I get it. I can’t ban her from working and make her stay home. If she gets offers, why not. Moreover, when Raquelle finishes her work, she’s gonna take a break ‘till the end of the trial.”
“Does she have free time today, if she decided to spend it with her friends?”
“Yeah, we would’ve spent time together, but I said I wanted to visit Mother ‘cause I talked to her a long time ago. Raquelle didn’t mind it and let me go. Moreover, Anna called her, and they agreed to go somewhere. And they took Natalia.”
“And yesterday, I told Natalia about Mother and showed regret about talking to her so rarely. Because of me, of course, but still…”
“So, today, you’ll finally get off her for some time.” Terrence chuckles kindly. “You didn’t separate from each other for a few days. Though, a separation may be very good at times.”
“I can’t deny it. A separation really helped Natalia and me, putting everything in the right places and giving us a chance to understand ourselves. I realized that I felt bad without that girl and could think of nobody else but her.”
“Oh, we could spend hours watching you talking cutely.”
“And I can spend time with her for hours. I’d be madly happy just to lie on a bed or on grass or sand, saying nothing and just staring at the sky.”
“And don’t forget to keep her safe like a brave, tough hero that fears nothing and is always ready to help out the one he loves.”
“Oh, what kind of brave hero I am,” Edward sighs tiredly. “A pathetic, cowardly boy that fears everything in the world…”
“C’mon, dude, stop saying it! If you were cowardly, you would’ve never meddled in such dangerous things, because of which you got very many painful kicks on your ass.”
“I’ve never been brave.”
Edward slowly stops and steps aside with his head inclined. Terrence also stops, glances at the young guy, and, frowning slightly, comes closer to him.
“Are you okay, Edward?” Terrence shows anxiety. “Why are you so sad?”
“Not quite,” Edward replies quietly, thinks for two seconds, and glances at Terrence. “You know, Terrence… During the talk with Natalia’s parents, I said I always felt insecure and hesitant. That I was never sure about what I do. I was afraid of everything in the world.”
“Damn, I can’t believe you still think about what Uncle told you,” Terrence shakes his head. “Don’t you understand he said it just to humiliate you?”
“But he’s always been right. Actually, I’m a freaking cowardly, insecure, and hesitant boy. And Uncle Michael has always known it. That’s why he never believed I was really the one I wanted to seem.”
“Please, brother, stop. Forget everything that was said by that sick man and his henchmen. They can think what they want – we don’t care about it.”
“It all was an act,” Edward confesses and shakes his head to move some strands of his hair that blows by the quiet wind off his eyes. “A wish to hide what I really am. To hide that I could hardly be called a man because of my cowardice and insecurity. I’ve always heard these things. Not only from Uncle Michael. Almost nobody has considered me an adult man. Everybody has seen me as a little boy. And I… I didn’t wanna show it and… I pretended to be tough… Even if I understood that it wouldn’t work, at least in the case of Uncle, ‘cause he knew about all my fears and doubts. He knew all my weaknesses… And it let him play with me however he wanted…”
“But what about meddling in such a dangerous case? You did know that was very dangerous!”
“I just tried to prove that Uncle was lying, and I was actually afraid of nothing and nobody. But I couldn’t do it. I was a cold and brave hero outside, but I was shaking like a cowardly bunny inside. I felt like a little, unprotected child in front of that old bastard. I looked funny for him. He said the right things. No matter how hard I want to deny it, sadly, I must confess that Uncle Michael told the truth this time. He never pretended he considered me strong and confident.”
Being surprised by this confession, Terrence shakes his head and says nothing for two seconds, while Edward glances at his hands that he locks tightly.
“Damn, Edward…” Terrence pronounces surprisingly. “I can’t believe it… I can’t believe what you say.”
“But that’s the truth, brother,” Edward replies a little hesitantly. “It’s hard for me to confess it, though. If I seemed to be brave and tough, it wasn’t the truth. I’ve always suffered from terrible insecurity and have been afraid of everything in the world. And… The case is not about my appearance… The case is about my character. My weak character. What has happened is supposed to make me tougher and unbreakable. But it happened overwise. I became much more terrified and insecure. And… I’ve really never been similar to you… I am the absolute opposite of you…”
“And… What… Aren’t you confident at all?”
“At all. I’m actually afraid of literally everything and never make decisions easily. It’s always been super hard for me. Sometimes I have to apply many efforts to overcome myself.”
“Nevertheless, I’m not afraid to tell you about it because I completely trust you and know you wouldn't judge me for… Being such a cowardly and weak boy… You wouldn’t say it’s fine only for girls, but a man must not be the one.”
“Erm… Have you been like this since childhood? Or at a certain moment?”
“Since childhood. Every single act of mine has been a great battle with myself and my fears and doubts. Sadly, I had nobody to think I was strong. Father never said anything like that and, as you know, always treated me like a doormat. For him, insulting and humiliating me was easy. But he did it not as cruelly as Uncle, who made the situation much worse.”
“And is that why you’ve always been timid and silent?”
“I guess everybody noticed it,” Edward chuckles without emotions. “But yes. I really felt uncomfortable. The problem wasn’t about the people. I have no problems with speaking to them and could easily make an acquaintance with anyone. I was just afraid to get attention on myself, even if I always suffered from a strong lack of it. I was afraid to say a word and pronounce a stupid thing that nobody would understand. Because of this fear and diffidence, I always preferred being silent and as quiet as a mouse. I can’t feel confident in big companies. I feel a little better only with one person.”
“And what about Uncle?”
“I feared him. To death. I was afraid to go against him and make him pay for his tricks. I tried to do it somehow, but that man struck me down quickly, and I didn’t do that again. Though, I understand that I should’ve put my cowardice in my ass and put that bastard and his gang in prison. Maybe, someone would’ve thanked me for that and started to think I wasn’t worthless.”
“But you did it. You let him know you weren’t gonna dance attendance upon him.”
“Yeah, after I got such a strong kick that I literally got my eyes popped out of my head. If not for you and Natalia, I would’ve kept being cowardly and ruined my whole life.”
“Natalia and me?” Terrence frowns slightly.
“You two helped me put all my fears and doubts in my ass and stop bending under that old bastard.”
“Oh, excuse me, Edward… I can understand what kind of kick Natalia gave you, and what she had to sacrifice to do that… But what do I have to do with it?”
“You do, Terrence, you do,” Edward replies more confidently. “You’re my role model. I’ve always liked the way you show yourself. How brave and confident you are in any situation. You never give people a reason to doubt you. Uncle Michael himself had to confess it. Yes, maybe, you love showing off and praising your uniqueness and awesomeness, and everybody laughs at you because of that. But you’re really a confident person, who became a man. Unlike me. And I’m sure that even if everybody laughs at you, everybody does recognize your authority. Not because you’re Terrence MacClife. But because you stay confident and can show yourself. That’s why people always listen to your opinion and respect it.”
“Really?” Terrence smiles slightly.
“You were much luckier ‘cause you had many people, who taught you to believe in yourself and always know what you wanted to get. You’re a leader! You’re gonna be a leader in any company. Nobody will bring you down. People will listen to your words, whatever you say. So, I recognize it, too. I recognize your authority and significance, and I respect you deeply. And… Looking at you, I wanna be the same. I ain’t gonna copy you on everything. Just… I just wanna make you my inspiration. My motivator.”
“What about Natalia? Isn’t she a motivator for you?”
“Sure. For her, I wanna change and get better. Natalia deserves the best, and I want to meet her expectations. But she expects me to be a brave and confident man, who’ll give her protection and calm. That girl has done much to help me forget that I’m cowardly and insecure, at least for a while, but it’s not the end. And as I’m far away from that, I must do great work on myself. In order to have a motivator, I found a wonderful role model. I mean, you, Terrence.”
Terrence smiles much wider, not hiding his pride and being truly happy he could help Edward just a little.
“I'm not gonna hide that it’s nice for me to hear it,” Terrence confesses with a proud look. “It’s great to be a role model for someone.”
“I’m telling the truth,” Edward smiles slightly. “So to say, showing my soul and my real side. A real one. No pretending and showing off.”
“I’m glad you confessed it. It means your great power of courage. Not everyone could recognize their weakness so easily. And I think it’s a wonderful reason to be proud of you. Really, bro… I’m proud of you. You stayed yourself after what had happened to you. You didn’t turn into a beast. You stayed the same good person and didn’t lose your conscience. Sometimes life turns people into evil, shameless bastards. But you avoided it. You didn’t let yourself get mad at the world because of your failures.”
“It wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t had such a wonderful motivator.”
“I know. But I think Natalia played a major role in it. She did encourage you to get much braver and more confident. She impacted you for the better. Though, your wish played a major role in it. Trust me, sometimes it may be enough.”
“But how much effort I had to make to find the courage not to leave her in trouble. I could’ve easily been cowardly and done nothing. But I didn’t do it. I braced myself and started to do something. Not work my tongue.”
“People say you must not change someone you love by force and make them someone you dream about. But sometimes people change by themselves and don’t realize it. Just because love impacts them. It can make us do anything, even the craziest and most dangerous things.”
“For Natalia, I’m ready to do anything and give my everything to be more determined and confident and fear nothing when the case is about my girlfriend or someone from my family.” Edward sighs quietly. “After what I had to overcome, I started to understand that I’d be ready to do anything for these people. Even sacrifice me. In this case, I’d give a fuck about all my fears and piss them off.”
“I hope you wouldn’t have to sacrifice yourself because I don’t want it,” Terrence smiles slightly. “The most important thing is that you recognize your mistakes and weak character. I think a person deserves a second chance when they make a mistake and regret it.”
“Yeah…” Edward glances aside, swallowing up nervously. “I’ve made enough mistakes… Not only in the past two months, but also my whole life… And some of them could’ve been unforgivable…”
“Don’t regret it, brother. You apologized for everything you did and got forgiveness.”
“Yeah, but I’ll never forget all of that… Especially that… I almost… Killed you… I’ll never forgive myself for that.”
“But you didn’t kill.”
“Who cares! The fact that I actually pointed a pistol at you and almost let Natalia become a victim is a reason why I might be judged and hated.”
“I’m not mad at you. I was ready, and I knew you didn’t want it. I was sure you were afraid of that man and couldn’t go against him because of his hesitance and fear. You just needed a very strong push. I would’ve given it and tried to change the situation, but Natalia did it sooner.”
“And I’m ashamed I brought everything to that,” Edward replies excitedly, starting to breathe heavily. “To the moment when Natalia decided to stop me, putting herself in danger. If not for my fucking difference, I would’ve thrown that gun as far as possible or shot at that old bastard’s head. I would’ve given a fuck about what he would’ve done to me. I wouldn’t have felt so bad.”
“No, Edward, don’t say it,” Terrence says with pity in his eyes.
“And if I’d killed one of you and especially both, I would’ve preferred strangling myself. I wouldn’t have been able to live quietly. No… I wouldn’t have dared… Uncle could kill someone without moving his eyebrow, but I can’t. I can’t…”
Edward turns around slowly and goes aside, starting to breathe heavily because of the memories that attack him.
“Hey, brother, c’mon…” Terrence pronounces with pity in his eyes, coming to Edward and taking him by the shoulder. “Don’t think about it and blame yourself. It’s all over, and nobody’s mad at you.”
“You don’t understand,” Edward pronounces in a low voice. “You don’t understand what kind of burden I’ll have to carry. All my life. Just because I didn’t find the courage to piss that bastard off. Who wanted me to lose all my close people, feel desperate, and ask him for help. To play with me as he wanted. To assure me that nobody needed me, and my parents always regretted my birth. Uncle always said the news about expecting me made everything worse. He wanted to make me feel guilty for just being born.”
“No, Edward, don’t say it. Mother has never said anything like that about you, even when we talked about your actions. She’s never regretted your birth.”
“But I’ve always felt guilty about being born,” Edward confesses in a slightly shaking voice. “The way my father treated me made me much more sure about it. I’ve always thought I’m a worthless piece of shit that lives for nothing and gives nobody anything good or necessary. I’ve been swimming like shit in the water and trying to understand why I came to this world. And I haven’t figured it out for my twenty-five years.”
“Please, don’t think so. Fuck, because of one person, you lost your confidence and think you shouldn’t live in this world. That’s wrong, buddy! Absolutely wrong!”
“Seriously, Terrence! Call at least one case when I gave someone something necessary! At least one person, who thinks I’m not worthless! Who really believes in me and knows I could do much more.”
“There are many people! Natalia, Raquelle, Mother, our friends, me… All of us believe in you and know you could be much braver and more confident. And none of us thinks you’re worthless and talentless. Don’t humiliate yourself and devalue your talents.”
“You can’t even imagine how much I wanna be different,” Edward replies in a shaking voice. “How I wanna be confident in myself and what I do. I’m so sick of being a cowardly puppy that can only bark and hide behind women’s skirts or stronger men’s backs. Enough! I wanna stop being afraid of everything in the world and be ready to deal with even the most dangerous and sickest deadbeat. At least for my family and my beloved girlfriend. At least for those I love.”
“And you can do this,” Terrence replies confidently, taking Edward by the shoulders. “Believe me, you’ve already changed and become different. Now you’re much braver than you were when you and I met for the first time. You were super shy and insecure. Because you’re used to us and became more confident.”
“If I ever seemed confident, that was just a mask.”
“No, Edward, you were really brave. You had a strong motivation that didn’t let you go on the wrong side. I’ve already said that Natalia helps me get much better. With her help, you can become a truly brave man.”
“Now, I just seem to be brave. But I actually keep being afraid of everything in the world to death.”
“Right, you won’t become brave shortly. But you’re learning to overcome yourself and do something that you wouldn’t do without strong motivation. And I think you’re doing this well.”
“It’s just words to calm me down.”
“Not at all. Do you remember what Natalia said when Uncle pointed the pistol at me? She said you’re stronger than you think. And that girl is absolutely right. You don’t know how strong and confident you can be.”
“Nope… It’s not the truth.”
“It’s the truth, Edward.” Terrence claps Edward on his shoulders and caresses them. “And calm down, please, you’re too tense. Don’t blame yourself for what happened against your wish.”
“Easy to say, but hard to do,” Edward throws gloomily. “Do you think it’s so easy for me to stop blaming myself for not having the courage not to let anything like that happen? It’s madly hard!”
“I know. I get it and know what you feel. But at least, your close people don’t have bad thoughts about you. They do know you’re guilty of nothing.”
“You can’t clean your memory from all bad memories… I can’t forget what makes me wish to burn from shame, strangle myself, be swallowed by the ground, shoot myself down the fuck…”
“I can’t deny that you’re not holy and innocent. But you did nothing for everybody to hate you. You killed nobody, robbed nobody, betrayed nobody… If someone had bad thoughts about you, they did it just because you were understood wrongly.”
“I can imagine how everybody was showering me with mud, thinking I was a horrible bastard that wanted to betray those, who accepted him with open arms. I know how much everybody hated me for all my tricks.”
“Nobody’s gonna do it now. And when it’s time for the trial, everybody will support you. Nobody will say you don’t deserve forgiveness and must be in prison.”
“Yes! I’m gonna be standing in front of all of you and be afraid to look into someone’s eyes, being a defendant alongside my uncle and his hang.”
“Fuck, what a shame!” Edward runs his hands over his face with a quiet moan. “If I’d known I’d have to experience that hard test, I would’ve preferred shooting myself or hanging myself when I was in prison. Why was I the fuck bearing those humiliations, insults, and hits? I should’ve ended it all! I wouldn't have to be on the trial! For what I didn’t do!”
“No, no, Edward, don’t even think about it, hear me!” Terrence gets horrified, shaking Edward by the shoulders. “I’m done with what I got over because of Peter’s attempt to kill himself. And if you wanna do it, I will go insane.”
“I won’t bear it… I won’t be able to show up before everybody’s eyes. It’s gonna be torture for me. It’s unbearable for me to think about the trial… And if the events are bad for me. I’ll just explode! Seriously, Terrence… I’ve got bad mental health, but that trial is gonna make everything worse.”
“It’s gonna be okay.”
“I swear, if something goes wrong, I’ll give a fuck about everything, steal a pistol, and shoot at my head to the fuck.”
“No, don’t dare to say it!” Terrence exclaims excitedly and loudly and takes Edward in a tight hug. “Please, brother, don’t say these things anymore.”
“Sorry, but I have no strength…” Edward replies in a strongly shaking voice, hugging Terrence tightly. “I won’t bear it… And I will never get better… Uncle’s words will always sound in my mind and won’t let me feel more confident, braver, or more necessary.”
“You can do this.” Terrence claps Edward on the head slightly. “You’ve got a great power of will. If you’ve experienced so much in your life and haven’t broken down, why should you do it now?”
“Because I’m on edge,” Edward replies in a much more shaking voice. “I’m close to a nervous breakdown.”
“It’s gonna be okay, Edward, calm down, please.” Terrence steps back from Edward and glances at him, holding him by the biceps. “You can bear anything.”
“I dunno…” Edward closes his face with both hands and runs them over his face. “I know nothing…”
“Hey, brother, why did you break down? Everything’s fine so far!”
“Exactly ‘so far!’ What if we run into something that’s gonna be bad for us or me? I’m under the fucking threat of spending twenty or more years in prison! I don’t wanna come back there, though! Even if I leave prison, I will do it as a corpse!”
“I repeat, we will not leave you and will do everything for you to be released,” Terrence promises confidently. “We’ll do our best for the innocent man not to stay in prison.”
“I can’t be sure about anything.”
“So, okay, buddy, let’s not talk about it anymore. Otherwise, you’ll go crazy and won’t be able to live ‘till the trial.”
“I’d like to forget it as soon as possible or actually erase it from my memory. But I can’t.”
“I know it’s hard. But please, wait for a while.”
“I’m ashamed to say it, but I’m too sensitive to what’s happening and can’t bear any events quietly. I either show happiness loudly like a moron or fall into a deep depression and can think of nothing but my problems.”
“We’ll try to talk about it as little as possible. I promise that I talked to you about it for the last time. You’ll no longer hear anything like this from me.”
“You mean the trial of Uncle and me or the fact that I almost killed you and almost disappointed my close people?”
“One and another. I will not remind you of what gives you pain and press on you much more.”
“I believe you, brother,” Edward smiles slightly and glances aside. “Sorry about acting like a milksop… I understand that’s wrong, but I can do nothing with it.”
“Don’t be ashamed of it. I’m not gonna judge you. Vice versa, that’s cool that you wanna be yourself and don’t aim to pretend. Even if you’re a sentimental and sensitive boy. People are different. Not all men are unbreakable and heartless.”
“It’s me, Edward,” Edward cracks a smile. “A sentimental, sensitive, and cowardly boy.”
“Okay, bro, calm down,” Terrence smiles slightly and hugs Edward tightly again, clapping him on the back and the head. “We’ll survive anything.”
“Anyway, thank you so much for the support.”
“You’re stronger than you think,” Terrence says confidently, steps back from Edward, and claps him on the cheek with a slight smile. “Remember, the one, who’s done such great work on themselves, can’t give up and go back. If you decided to change, keep doing this. For your beloved girlfriend, you can apply some effort.”
“Trying hard for her,” Edward cracks a smile.
“Keep doing the same. As people often say, you must face your fear. Do what you’re afraid of much more without kicks on your ass. It’s hard, I know, but nobody’s gonna do anything for you. Nobody will protect Natalia from danger instead of you and take the responsibility for your sins. You’re the only one to do it.”
“Sounds like something super inspiring…”
“Learn to be proud, even of little things. You shouldn’t shout about it everywhere, but you should tell yourself you’re proud of doing one or another thing. Think of your strongest sides and show them, so people can see that you like your features, skills, habits, and preferences. If you feel confident about something, show it. Don’t hide it. Prove that you’re not a talentless and worthless man. When you believe in yourself and learn to be confident, people will recognize it and stop thinking you’re a little, cowardly puppy. You’re called the one because you show yourself like this. So, if you want to change everything, you should start with yourself first.”
“Cool pieces of advice,” Edward smiles slightly. “Even if there is nothing that I could really be talented at.”
“You’re just afraid and shy to show everything you can do. But when you piss your fears off, the situation will be changed for the better.”
“Thanks, Terrence. You can really inspire.”
“I’d be happy if I helped you,” Terrence smiles shyly. “Anyway, I’m already proud of my little brother for what he’s reached.”
“Nice to hear it. And I don’t need to say I’m proud of you because you know it well.”
“I’m gonna think you said it,” Terrence laughs quietly. “And I must confess that being your older brother is getting cooler and cooler every day.”
“How beautifully you camouflaged the fact that you like mocking me,” Edward chuckles slyly, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Look, bro, I might really start to believe in your true love for me.”
“Okay…” Terrence pouts his lips, moving his eyes aside with his arms crossed over his chest. “I’m speaking with all my heart and revealing my feelings, but someone doesn’t believe me… It’s hurt…”
“It’s an attempt to cause pity.”
“Huh, I don’t need it!” Terrence chuckles.
“Listen, Terry, don't pour your lips like this,” Edward laughs shyly. “You look like you were bitten by bees.”
“Hey, you say you don’t have talents.” Terrence puts his hands on his hips. “C’mon, dude? You’ve got a long tongue that works so well! You’d find an answer for everything. Not everybody can do it!”
“Oh, bro, I haven’t even started it. But if I do it, I can really kick your ass enough.”
“Don’t dare,” Terrence smiles innocently. “Otherwise, I’ll quickly make a nest out of your haystack.”
“Ah, Terrence, Terrence…” Edward shakes his head and goes on the path near the auto road in a very slow step. “I am so sorry that you didn’t live with the children from Father’s marriage with Isabella. They would’ve made your life hard… My actions would’ve been innocent jokes.”
“Oh, yeah, I wouldn’t dare to call you innocent.” Terrence turns around and follows Edward. “At all.”
“I was wrong when I dreamed of you being my ally at war with those idiots. Who always mocked me and never respected me, at least because I was older than they.”
“Were they really always so terrible?” Terrence frowns slightly.
“At least, I never got on well with them and couldn’t call them my close people. And when I got out of Father’s home, I was terribly happy I’d never see them. Those two annoyed me to the fuck for the years we lived together. Jer and Will never missed a chance to do a dirty trick and frame me, so Father kicks my ass for nothing.”
“And did you never mock them?”
“Of course, I did. Sometimes even cruelly. But that was just my revenge for their actions. And sometimes it worked so well that Father could swear on them. Not as much as he did it to me, but sometimes he kicked their asses.”
“I wonder what’s happening to them now? Where are they living? What are they doing?”
“With Isabella, I guess. Or she rents them an apartment to let them live on their own, study, work, marry, and have children. Who knows…”
“Okay… And what’s their current age?”
“Jeremy is gonna turn twenty-two, and William is gonna be twenty-one.”
“Wow, Jeremy is five years younger than me!”
“Yeah, but their birthdays are just coming: Will is gonna celebrate his birthday on October, 15th, and Jer will do it on December, 9th.”
“So, is William gonna celebrate his birthday soon?”
“On these days, they usually invite their closest friends, buy food and hang out, watching TV, dancing along with music, and playing a fun game. Their favorite ones are ‘Spin the bottle’ or ‘True or dare’.”
“Hey, I just started to realize that Father has four sons but no daughter.”
“Sorry… Maybe, it would be easier for me with a sister than with one sibling and two half-brothers.”
“Aha, if we had a sister, especially a younger one, she would do something that would make us whine.”
“I’d try to bribe her with a couple of pieces of chocolate. So, she does a couple of bad things to you or those idiots.”
“Forget, kid, your dreams won’t come true. Of course, you can try to ask Natalia to kick my ass. But I doubt she’d do that. Because Rochester is a smart girl and doesn’t participate in these things. And your girlfriend loves me. She literally considers me her beloved bro. Even if she doesn’t mind hitting me on the head a couple of times.”
“If you show off too much, I’ll obviously think about it. For me, Natalia would do anything – even give kicks to her best friend.”
“I can say the same about Raquelle. One word of mine before she does anything I say like a loyal dog. Even deal with you.”
“We will see then.”
Terrence says nothing and just chuckles quietly, while Edward and he keep going on the straight asphalt path.
“Hey, have you met Father since we met him the last time?” Terrence asks.
“No, and I don’t even know where he’s hiding,” Edward shrugs. “Father showed up and disappeared suddenly.”
“And I’m not sure that we’d meet him ‘till the start of the trial. Although he doesn’t have to hide anymore, I can’t say Father would love to show himself earlier.”
“Judging everything, you’re right. No pieces of news about him since that day.”
“And I must confess that I’m ready to see and talk to him now.”
“Really? You wanna meet Father?”
“Yeah. At least, to talk. It’s too early to talk about the final reconciliation, but I’d like to talk about our relationship and apologize for considering him a stinker.”
“You know… Honestly, I wanna talk to him, too. I realized I was ready to see him a few days ago. I don’t also wanna say about the reconciliation, but I think we should make everything clear and put a dot in this case. Either we give Father a try or we keep pretending that we don’t have that man in our life.”
“Right. I wanna figure it out as soon as possible.”
“And I think we should ask Mother about it.”
“You think she knows where to find Father?”
“Maybe. She left multiple times during the whole week, while I was home. I don’t know where, but she was back very late. Besides, she could dress up. Do a hairstyle and makeup and put on something beautiful…”
“It’s really strange…” Terrence frowns slightly. “Mother usually, rarely goes somewhere… She goes to visit me or some of her friends… And she’s been at Mr. Cameron’s home once…”
“It makes me suspicious.”
“Did she meet Father somewhere?”
“I wouldn’t be surprised.”
“She does know something about Father. I have no doubt. If Mother was silent about what happened on the day of their breakup, she’s gonna be silent about this, as well.”
“Maybe, we should ask her about it carefully?” Edward suggests. “Since we know the truth about their breakup, it’s time to confess everything. We listened to Father’s version, and now I wanna hear Mother.”
“Or we’d better hint that we’re ready to talk to him. Say we’re interested in the talk.”
“So, I’m suggesting we do it right now. And who knows, maybe, she’ll realize that denying something is worthless and tell us everything she knows.”
“You know, brother, mentioning Father happens literally in every single talk of us with Father,” Terrence notices confidently. “So, she’s gonna talk about him again.”
“We’ll see it.”
“And you should better talk to her if you haven’t reconciled yet.”
“I know. Though, I’m terribly nervous because I’ve gotta talk about everything I got into. She definitely knows everything from Father and reports.”
“Yeah, you’ve gotta explain a lot. But since she’s been aware of it for a long time, she’s not gonna be so shocked.”
“Anyway, the talk is gonna be super hard.”
“Okay, don’t pass it, it’s gonna be okay,” Terrence says cheerfully with a slight smile. “Mother is not resentful and can easily forgive people. You’ll ask her for forgiveness, that’s all! You’ll get another person, who will support you. Though, I don’t doubt that she’s gonna support you anyway.”
“It’s easy for you to say it, ‘cause everything is cool for you. But it’s super hard for me now.”
“It’s gonna get better. You’re gonna be happy, start enjoying your relationship with your blonde beauty, and shower in her attention and love.”
“At least, I’ve solved this problem,” Edward exhales with relief. “Nobody will ban me from dating Natalia and spending time with her whenever and wherever I want.”
“And when Peter is released from the hospital, we’ll come together and celebrate his comeback. Eat something delicious, play the instruments, and watch a movie.”
“Oh, yeah, you do love eating,” Edward laughs shyly. “You probably wanna visit Mother to eat much. For the one-hundredth time.”
“M-m-m, I’m thinking of her éclairs with whipped cream…” Terrence rolls his eyes with a wide smile. “Of their magnificent smell… And actually, her pasty always smells good…”
“Aha, if she cooks something now, you’ll open your eyes widely and eat everything. And I’ll stay hungry. When the case is about food, you become very greedy.”
“Not true! You don’t wanna share a little piece of something delicious with me and make me drool, while you smack with your eyes rolled.”
“Oh, yeah, if I let you bite a pie, you’ll eat the whole one as well as my fingers.”
“If your dirty hands touch my food, you’ll eat it by yourself.”
“Oh, excellent!” Edward smiles widely. “So, I’ll touch everything, so you eat nothing and finally start a diet.”
“You want me to die from starvation? Or kill you from jealousy? While you eat something delicious!”
“Nothing will happen to you if you aren’t fed for one day.” Edward pinches Terrence’s cheek with a sly smile. “Your cheeks that have lately been too big would be gone.”
“You confused them with yours, kid. I’ve never had big, puffy cheeks. They’ve always been a little sunken.”
“Damn, don’t praise yourself for the millionth time!” Edward cuts off sharply. “Otherwise, you will not reach Mother safe and sound.”
“You said you recognized my uniqueness and awesomeness and didn’t doubt that I was more than just a handsome guy.”
“Me?” Edward chuckles quietly. “When did I say it?”
“Actually, I said nothing about your alleged enteral awesomeness. Well… Wait!” Edward frowns slightly and looks at Terrence questioningly. “Or I actually said nothing…”
“Seriously, Terrence, you praised yourself so much that you started to think up nobody the fuck knows what.”
“Don’t ask for trouble.”
“Don’t turn up your nose. Being a narcissus is very bad, as well.”
“I’m not a narcissus, I just like myself too much, and don’t doubt that everything is perfect about me,” Terrence smiles slyly with his head proudly raised. “Nobody can resist such a handsome guy.”
“Yeah… I’m really surprised that you actually need a girl with such love for yourself. You better love yourself… For your information, I heard about a couple of cases when someone married themselves. I don’t know if it’s possible to get the hole in a law. But since those people did that, you could do, too.”
“Erm…” Terrence frowns slightly, moving his eyes aside for two seconds. “Oh… Sorry, Edward, I got distracted… I thought I saw someone running in that wood… Erm… Did you say something? I didn’t hear!”
“Calm down, bro, even if some animals run here, they won’t run to you as well as your fans, who have a crush on you, drool over you, and are quietly jealous of Raquelle because she took the place of every one of them.”
“And you’re jealous that you aren’t showering in the love of girls, who wouldn’t get sick of admiring you and confessing their love.”
“Huh! I didn’t suffer from a lack of attention from beautiful girls. And I have no reason to be jealous of the one, who crushes everything with his peacock tail and raises his head so high that he sees nothing under his legs. I’m a much simpler person, who doesn’t need to hear constant praise and be praised to the skies to feel satisfied.”
“Yeah, agree, you’re simple. Too simple. Not such a unique and irresistible man as me. Of course, you’ve got a sympathetic face, but no more. You’re too far from me, no matter how hard you try.”
“I wonder, what are you gonna do when you become a helpless, old man, who will be needed by nobody but funny old women, who still hope to find their happiness?” Edward puts an arm around Terrence’s neck and hugs him tightly, starting to work with his free hand actively. “When young, beautiful girls find a new idol and have a crush on them! You will go crazy from grief!”
“No, bro, a man like Terrence MacClife will always be popular,” Terrence says confidently. “That’s literally a phenomenon! There will not be such a unique man that will be able to outstand me for a long time. I mean, there will never be. Never.”
“I wish the one to shower you with mud was found soon.” Edward smiles innocently. “To get you back to reality and let you know that you are not unique.”
“And I wish your tongue was cut someday.”
“If someone asked people who Terrence MacClife is, they’d one hundred percent say they don’t know who that man is.”
“You think what you want.”
“M-m-m, the blow to the ego! What a humiliation! Of yourself! You’re gonna be whining from grief if everyone stops admiring you…”
“You said different things five minutes ago.”
“If I said something, that was a joke,” Edward chuckles slyly.
Terrence gives Edward a strong clap on the head. After getting one more, the guy starts walking in circles quickly with a laugh, but gets two more strong hits from his older brother a little later.
“Hey, hey, okay, calm down!” Edward jabs. “Calm down, I said! Stop, I said!”
“Alright, rutrag, I’ll kick your ass now!” Terrence threatens with a sly smile, using the chokehold on Edward and ruffling his hair strongly. “If you only knew how long I’ve dreamed about it. And I’ve finally gotten a chance!”
“Stop, brother, stop, stop!” Edward exclaims, getting the initiative and clapping and caressing Terrence on the head. “Good, Terry, good! Good boy, good boy…”
“Am I a fucking dog for you to get orders?”
“Yeah, I also madly wanted to kick your ass enough and educate you. Nobody kind of gives enough attention to it.”
“Hey, let me go now! Let me go, Edward! Or you’ll really regret it! Who I said! Edward, you, unbearable rag!”
“Quiet, quiet, bro, quiet.” Edward pinches Terrence by the cheek and squeezes his chin so that he gets a funny face. “Or I’ll tell Cameron about your disgusting behavior, and she’ll kick you enough.”
“We’ll see it! See what Rochester will do to you when I complain to her that you hurt me and don’t respect me.”
“Actually, I didn’t give you the ‘Speak’ command.”
“I didn’t let you bark!” Terrence pulls Edward by the hair so that the guy lets him out of his grip, and hits him on everything he sees. “Yeah! Get it! Next time, you will listen to me!”
“Don’t wait!” Edward chuckles loudly and starts going backward from Terrence, showing him funny faces. “Because I do command you, not vice versa!”
“Hey, where are you going?” Terrence resents. “Take your fucking ass here! I haven’t dealt with you yet!”
“Catch me first!”
“Don’t make me irritated, rag!”
“And you’ll lose some fat on your stomach! Moreover, you’re gonna have a wedding soon! Having such a big appetite, you won’t fit any suits.”
“Better stop working your tongue and lose some fat on your ass!”
“Okay!” Edward glances into the distance and points at something. “Let’s see who’s gonna run to that pointer first!”
“Hey, stop! Come here, I said! Edward! Who I the fuck say, you, shabby cat!”
Edward shows his tongue and starts to run straightly. Then Terrence follows him with an irritated growl immediately, catching the guy quickly enough. However, none of them runs to the green pointer seen from far because MacClife, Sr., catches his brother quickly and gives him a couple of more claps on the head. MacClife, Jr., gets the initiative quickly, answers the man in the same way, and ruffles his hair a little. They start a funny hand-in-hand fight, during which they laugh a lot, try to run away from each other, and do not miss a chance to mock their close person. Nevertheless, it does not last for too long. Some time later, the brothers smiling widely hug each other on a walk, not missing a chance to ruffle each other’s hair and not thinking about how long their way to Rebecca’s home takes.
Raquelle, Natalia, and Anna decided to spend time at the home of the last one, while Daniel went somewhere. Deciding to warm up in the cold weather with a cup of hot coffee or cacao in their hands, the friends are talking about what happened when they did not meet.
“So, friend…” Anna smiles slyly, holding not a very hot cup of dark cacao and sitting on the sofa with her legs put on it between Natalia and Raquelle. “While we thought about how to distract you from sad thoughts, you weren’t too sad and reconciled with Edward?”
“I did,” Natalia replies confidently, holding the handle of the cup filled with strong coffee. “A few days ago.”
“Oh, yeah, they have a harmony,” Raquelle confirms with a slight smile, putting her cup of coffee on the coffee table and eating a couple of cookies from a big transparent bowl placed in front of her. “No pretense – only true feelings.”
“Fine!” Anna resents. “I do know nothing! Nobody tells me anything! Even Perkins, who probably knew everything!”
“Perkins has other things to do. He hardly cares about what’s happening between Edward and Natalia. Or maybe, he just forgot it, who knows…”
“Girls, do you know I got mad at you?” Anna pours, putting her cup on the table and crossing her arms over her chest. “Was it so hard to call me, send a message, or text on WhatsApp?”
“We’re sorry, friend,” Natalia smiles shyly, caressing Anna’s shoulder. “I really wanted to tell you, but I had no time. I spent the past few days with Edward.”
“Yes, Anna, don’t be mad, please,” Raquelle says softly, looking at Anna guiltily. “You know that I was busy with my shootings.”
“Well…” Anna pronounces thoughtfully, falls into silence for two seconds, and smiles shyly. “Okay, girls, it’s alright. This time, I’m forgiving you. But remember, I wanna know everything shortly, not at the last moment. And not from third faces!”
“I promise, sweetie, we’ll no longer tell you everything at the last moment.”
“Yeah, you’ll know everything first,” Natalia adds confidently. “Since you ’re our friend, we must share our secrets and tell you everything that happens to us.”
“Okay, okay, I believe you,” Anna raises her hands. “But may it be the last time. Otherwise, I will tell you nothing, too.”
“Last, honey, I swear solemnly!”
“Okay.” Anna falls into silence for two seconds and glances at Natalia, starting to treat her with a finger. “But you, Natalia, must tell us about how you and Edward made this decision.”
“What do I tell?” Natalia asks amazingly. “We just met by chance, talked, kissed ‘goodbye’, and eventually realized that we didn’t wanna say goodbye. Then we came to the happy end that I dreamed about so badly.”
“What?” Anna rounds her eyes with a wide smile. “You kissed goodbye?”
“Yup, but it was Edward’s idea,” Natalia smiles shyly. “When we wanted to say goodbye after deciding to break up, he suggested we do it beautifully and kiss the last time. Well, I was happy about it and agreed with pleasure. I didn’t show that I would’ve died for a kiss with him, but I let him know I’d let him do it.”
“And judging by your wide smile, that kiss was fantastic.”
“It was! I had started to shake in a nice sense before Edward barely touched my face with a hand. And then I realized I still felt madly strong feelings for him. For me, the kiss was not forced. I kissed that man with pleasure.”
“Yeah, but the goodbye didn’t happen, and the kiss wasn’t the last one,” Raquelle notices cheerfully, takes her cup of coffee, and drinks a little.
“I wouldn't have survived a goodbye. It was very hurtful for me when Edward barely said we’d better break up and give each other freedom. But as it turned out, he was hiding his feelings because of fear, hesitance, and the thought that I didn’t wanna be with him. But I was actually ready to forgive him for anything for him to come back to me. I didn’t care about pain and pride.”
“Aw, friend…” Anna shakes her head with a slight smile, pulling down her tender blue hoodie with long sleeves. “For us, it’s never been a secret that you’re madly in love with the brother of the fiancé of our Raquelle.”
“I’ve never denied it,” Natalia shrugs with an innocent smile. “I’ve always openly said I madly loved Edward. Even when I was insulting him and didn’t wanna hear the name of that man, my heart still belonged to him.”
“This time, you fell in love too seriously,” Raquelle notices. “You used to take a breakup much easier, and you got ready for a new relationship sooner. But in the case of Edward, everything’s otherwise.”
“You’re right. I really love that man too much, and I don’t wanna lose him. And I’ll no longer make such terrible mistakes. I’m gonna give Edward to nobody – any other girl. He’s only mine and nobody else!”
“Believe me, Edward will not tolerate another man next to you. He’d tear apart anyone to put an eye on you.”
“Edward knows that I don’t need anyone but him. I’ve never hidden, and I ain’t gonna hide my love for him.” Natalia glances at Raquelle with a mysterious smile. “Unlike someone.”
“What?” Raquelle rounds her eyes.
“As if you don’t know, my dear.”
“Excuse me, but I don’t understand you.”
“But I do,” Anna smiles slyly. “Natalia probably means that you denied you loved Terrence when you wanted to break up with him.”
“Right!” Natalia clicks the fingers of her hand. “That’s what I wanna say! Cameron always pretended that she didn’t care about MacClife. But you and I aren’t blind and can’t be fooled… We saw well that she actually was drooling over her six-foot-tall pretty boy.”
“Ah, girls…” Raquelle sighs tiredly, drinking some coffee from her cup. “I said it because I wanted not to change my mind when some time is gone.”
“But love has won,” Anna notices confidently, eats a couple of cookies, and, drinks some hot cacao. “And you did it right! Of course, MacClife is not as perfect as he thinks, but he’s a cool man.”
“Yeah,” Natalia agrees. “He loves you too much. But you, silly, almost lost such a gorgeous man!”
“I know, I know, my bad,” Raquelle raises a free hand. “But thank God, it’s all over, and MacClife and I are living much better than I’d like. And we’re gonna get married soon.”
Silence settles in the air because the girls drink a little bit from their glasses and eat some pieces of cookies without any stuffing.
“Hey, hey, Natalia, don’t avoid the talk!” Anna jabs. “Tell us absolutely everything.”
“Gosh, what do you wanna hear?” Natalia wonders louder. “I already told you how Edward and I reconciled! What should I do?”
“Tell us everything about it! A short story is not enough! I wanna know everything!”
“What, Seymour!” Anna pinches Natalia on her hip slightly. “C’mon, Rochester, speak! Or I won’t get off you! Who was the first one to get the wish not to break up? How did your reconciliation happen? And everything, everything, everything!”
“Oh… We made the decision at the same time. And we even said the same thing when we came back to each other to ask about another chance for our relationship.”
“M-m-m, that’s something!” Anna replies with a mysterious smile. “Keep going, friend, keep.”
“I cried, letting my feelings go out, begged him to stay… He swore he wouldn’t leave me… We talked about everything again, revealed our real feelings… Decided to walk a little… But we did it later. Because first, I almost fell off the bridge to the water, and second, Edward and I asked each other for forgiveness and confirmed it with another unforgettable kiss.”
“Wow, that’s so good!” Anna smiles widely.
“And then we walked a little and went to my home… I, as a hospitable lady, made him coffee and gave him some sweet food. Of course, Edward could stay for a night, but he was shy and said he had no right to be at my home until we talked with my parents.”
“Aw, how it’s cute… My gosh!”
“Listen, Anna, I think you’re too happy. Does a cup of hot cacao impact you like this?”
“Likely, the man, who thinks he’s not less irresistible and unique than Terrence,” Raquelle laughs kindly and drinks some coffee from her cup.
“I have no reason to be sad!” Anna shrugs with a shy smile. “I have a wonderful boyfriend, who makes me feel like a queen… My father doesn’t mind our relationship and often visits me or calls… Everything is fine with my friends and my man… Life is good!”
“Yeah, agree,” Natalia smiles slightly. “Life is really getting better. I have a sweetheart, too, and my father and mother promised not to try to tear us apart.”
“My problem with my parents was the main one. But thank God, everything has been solved, and I’m able to date Daniel and live in his house quietly.”
“Hey, why is only your father interested in you?” Raquelle wonders and takes a little sip of coffee. “Doesn’t your mother do it?”
“I don't know, Raquelle,” Anna shrugs. “He doesn’t talk much about Mother… Father just said he was gonna divorce her, but they kept working together. And he tried to make me sure that she wouldn’t meddle in my life, either.”
“And if your father knows where you’re living, he might tell your mother about it,” Natalia notices. “Would you accept her if she came here?”
“Of course, I’ll talk to her. But I ain’t sure I’d consider her my closer person someday. Actually, I’ve always been much closer to Father than Mother. And she was more dependent on the influence of her parents, who always said that protesting against older people was forbidden because they better knew what you needed. And Dad… Of course, he obeyed older people, but he didn’t aim to be a good boy…”
“Anyway, don’t forget her. She’s not a stranger to you and will wish to see you and talk someday.”
“I don’t forget her. And I’m not even mad. But I don’t find her a close person. I just respect her for being my mother. No more.”
“That’s wonderful,” Raquelle smiles slightly.
“Hey, Natalia, what about your parents?” Anna addresses Natalia. “You say, won’t they tear you and Edward apart?”
“Yeah, thank God, this problem has been solved,” Natalia replies confidently. “But the talk with Father and Mother was hard. At first, my father screamed at Edward and me and blamed us for irresponsibility, and Mother was crying and shaking from horror. But later they calmed down and got softer.”
“Well, knowing how much Edward did, I’m not surprised,” Anna says thoughtfully. “I’d be much more surprised if they’d kissed him after finding out the truth.”
“He let them know that he regretted everything and wouldn’t do it anymore. Edward was absolutely honest and told them everything. And my parents believed him and gave him another chance.”
“So, he was really honest if your parents saw the trueness in his words. Otherwise, MacClife would’ve gotten kicked out of your apartment and been added to the blacklist of your family.”
“But as you see, he didn’t do it.”
“And what did they say about your situation?” Raquelle asks carefully. “You told them what happened?”
“Yes, I did,” Natalia nods and drinks some coffee from her cup. “They were deeply shocked. Father was holding on somehow, but Mother was about to faint. You know that she’s too sensitive and takes everything too seriously.”
“And you definitely took after your mother,” Anna notices thoughtfully, starting to wrap a strand of her hair brushed up in a beautiful, big bun around a finger of her free hand. “You also take everything too seriously.”
“I think so.”
“Hey, did they support you?” Raquelle asks, slightly pulling the neck of her knitted, tender pink sweater.
“Yup. Father swore on Edward and me. And it was the first time he shouted at me. I was shocked, but I understood he was right. So, there was no point in protesting like a rebel teenager.”
“Mr. Rochester has always been a harsh man.”
“Yeah, but he’s very good and caring. He’s harsh and cruel at work and in stressful situations. But Daddy is super cute at home, with his family.”
“Mrs. Rochester is lucky to have such a wonderful husband,” Anna notices with a slight smile.
“Agree, Mother adores Father as well as he adores her. They’d never refuse to help each other. The case of Grandma Adriana is a wonderful example. Mother could take care of her by herself, but Father didn’t let her do that and helps her somehow.”
“We must confess that all of us are lucky to have our men,” Raquelle says confidently. “We have truly caring, strong and handsome men by our side.”
“That’s right!” Anna smiles widely. “If someone suggested I exchange Daniel with someone else, I wouldn't do it. If I exchanged such a wonderful man for another, I would be an idiot.”
“No, I won’t give Terrence to anyone, either! Somehow, I could’ve made a stupid mistake when I almost lost that man and gave him to that insolent bitch, who was hanging on him and literally undressed him before everybody’s eyes. Even if I have to apply very much effort, I’ll do everything for him to be only with me.”
“And I said everything about Edward,” Natalia adds with a slight smile and eats a couple of cookies. “I’d kill anyone to dare to steal him from me.”
“Oh, they won’t run away from us,” Anna laughs shyly. “We gave them such good care that those handsome guys will think better before preferring other girls over us.”
“I think I’m the only one to agree to bear MacClife’s habits and hear him admiring himself constantly,” Raquelle laughs shyly. “It’s very hard to bring him down, but I can do it. And another girl wouldn’t deal with that handsome guy, who suffers from too great self-love.”
“Oh, you think it’s easy in Perkins’ case? He is the same lover of showing up! When we just started to get to know each other, Daniel adored glossing over something and pretending to be a hero even when he couldn’t do something. Peter betrayed him later by denying half of what that creature told me.”
“I think almost all men are the same,” Raquelle assumes. “They’re afraid to get ashamed of everyone and become cowardly, hesitant, and unsuccessful.”
“Yeah, but their lie would be revealed early or late. One doesn’t earn as much as he says. Another praises the cool car that doesn’t belong to him. And a third one pretends to be an unbelievably confident man, even if he actually fears everything in the world.”
“Yeah, about insecurity…” Natalia pronounces hesitantly and takes a little sip of coffee. “You know, girls, when Edward and I talked with my parents, he found the courage to recognize his weakness.”
“Recognize his weakness?” Anna rounds her eyes.
“Yup. He said he always suffered from hesitance in himself and his strength. That’s why it’s always been very hard for him to make a decision and do something.”
“He said that?” Raquelle wonders.
“Michael brought him to that. He constantly humiliated and insulted Edward, called him a puppy, and devalued what his nephew could do… That man always knew about his weaknesses and used them to make him feel much worse. He made him feel talentless, worthless, and unnecessary. Michael made Edward believe that his parents didn’t need him.”
“No… Of course, we all saw that he was sometimes too shy and very hesitant… But… I didn’t think Edward would recognize it.”
“Yeah, men would hardly recognize their weakness and would keep pretending to be heroes if someone said it was just an act,” Anna notices and drinks some cacao from her cup.
“But he recognized it,” Natalia says confidently. “Michael regularly mocked Edward. So hard that he started to believe in all of that. That he can’t be strong, doesn’t have any talents, didn’t do anything good for anyone, was unnecessary for everybody… His self-rate is super low, but he hid it because of the fear of seeming weak.”
“And as Edward was afraid that Michael would betray his secret about his arrest, he had a reason to be afraid of that man,” Raquelle says thoughtfully.
“Edward is afraid of his uncle to death, but he never dared to show it. Even if that man guessed it and was drowning him much more. Actually, his bad actions are made not because he was horrible and shameless. That guy is just too insecure, hesitant, and timid.”
“You wanna say if Edward had been more confident and hadn’t been under the influence of Michael, he would’ve really done something?” Anna asks hesitantly.
“I don’t doubt it. Edward just needs someone to help him get confidence and teach him not to be afraid to do something.”
“You know, I think Edward has changed over the past few months,” Raquelle notices thoughtfully. “Remember how hesitant and shy he was when we just met him. Edward was even afraid of us and was acting very quietly for some time. But later, he started to get used and stopped being so timid.”
“I thought of the same,” Anna replies confidently. “Yes, Edward is still timid and insecure, but he is much freer when talking with us.”
“And even if the confidence that he showed during the story of Michael was a mask, I think it could be partly true even in this case. If Edward likes it, he will often show this bravery.”
“And I know what will help him!” Anna moves her mysterious gaze to Natalia. “I know someone to help MacClife, Jr., get confidence.”
“Ah, girls…” Natalia smiles widely, starting to wrap a strand of her hair around a finger of her free hand and holding a cup of hot coffee with another hand.
“But it’s true, Natalia,” Raquelle smiles slightly. “Now you’re the only one to help Edward get the self-confidence.”
“He confessed that he wanted to change for me ‘cause he knew I needed a strong, courageous man, who would be tender to me and protect me from any danger. Well, as Edward thought he didn’t deserve to be my boyfriend, he decided to struggle with his fears.”
“I believe you,” Anna says confidently. “Since Edward has done so much for you, you have a good influence on him.”
“That’s so cool when a person changes for the best for you,” Raquelle notices, “To make you happy.”
“Agree,” Natalia smiles slightly and runs her hand over her ponytail. “But I wasn’t the only one to play a role in it. Edward says Terrence has to do with that, too. He’s his role model.”
“Does Edward wanna be the same as Terrence?”
“I hope that guy doesn’t wanna be the man, who doesn’t doubt that he’s unique, and everyone must carry him in their arms just because of his name,” Anna laughs shyly.
“No, I don’t think he wanna be the image of his brother,” Natalia assumes. “He just wanna learn something from him. Of course, Terrence is a lover of showing up, but it’s not a secret that he’s an unbelievably brave and confident man, who doesn’t know what hesitance is. And even Michael himself admitted it.”
“However, yes. Terrence spreads undoubted confidence. He can always show himself and keeps his head, his shoulders spread, and his back straight. His eyes say that this man knows what he wanna get. But sometimes he must be brought back to the earth.”
“He’d be too proud if he knew Edward took an example from him and made him his motivator,” Raquelle laughs shyly.
“He did it well. But still, I think MacClife has to do with it much less. The main reason is our sweet friend, Natalia. That guy is ready to change and get better for her.”
“Oh, yeah!” Raquelle caresses Natalia’s head softly, while the blonde drinks coffee. “Our sweet Blondie has a great influence on Edward. If she tells him to get a star from the sky, he’ll crush himself to get one.”
“That’s right! And after I saw him worried about her, I made absolutely sure that Edward didn’t lie about his feelings. Without her, he’ll bring himself to the hole.”
“No, I won’t let him!” Natalia cuts off sharply. “For that man, I’m ready to do anything and already swore that I’d give my everything for him to be happy and learn to be more confident.”
“Ah, people are right when they say love can do amazing things to someone,” Raquelle notices with a slight smile. “It saves one and makes another happy, and someone changes at all…”
“I think many of us have changed since our beloved people came into our lives,” Anna notices.
“Well, love definitely made you happy,” Natalia replies with a slight smile. “Since Daniel came into your life, you’ve been shining with happiness.”
“Thank that handsome guy. I’ve told you many times about how good I feel with Daniel, and which unforgettable emotions he makes me feel. Thanks to him, I can leave my comfort zone and be a little different – much bolder and freer… A little sassy, a little insolent…”
“The important thing is that you feel good with the man.”
“He’s the first one I feel so good with.” Anna drinks some cacao from her cup. “I never thought I’d meet a man that I wouldn’t like to lose. A breakup with whom would be a great tragedy to me. I’ve already told you I fell in love with Daniel literally at first sight when I barely looked at him.”
“I get it,” Raquelle smiles slightly. “I didn’t also think I’d love someone at first sight. For the first time. I had never shown such an interest in men, but then something jammed…”
“You know, honey, I think something jammed inside him when he met the girl, who was absolutely indifferent to him,” Natalia says cheerfully. “All girls react to him like male cats to female cats in the breeding season. But you rejected him immediately and refused to hang on the neck of THAT man and undress for him.”
“Yeah! He shouldn't have felt me up at the first meeting! If MacClife had behaved much shyer and hadn’t pretended to be nobody the hell knows who, I would’ve been much nicer. And hadn’t given him the slaps that he deserved.”
“And Terrence couldn’t resist your energetic,” Anna says confidently. “All men say you do spread sex. And that’s true. You get men attracted to you with your sexuality, confidence, and charm. So, half of the world lies at your feet and is jealous of MacClife, who got such a good piece.”
“May they admire me at some distance and date me in their dreams. Because I love only Terrence. And nobody else. He’s my first and last man.”
“Well, Edward is not my first man, but I hope he will be the last one,” Natalia replies thoughtfully.
“It would be cool,” Raquelle smiles slightly. “You look so good together. I wanna smile when watching you cooing.”
“It couldn’t have happened. Even if I paid attention to Edward when we met for the first time, I didn’t consider him a potential boyfriend. I just thought he was sympathetic and loved his incredible voice, but no more. We just spoke and spent time together… I don’t even know when I realized that my feelings for that man got deeper. But at some moment, I did want to kiss him so badly…”
“And your wish came true.”
“After what happened, I started to appreciate him much more,” Natalia smiles truly, holding a cup of coffee in her hands. “And I think Edward and I started to love each other much more. Everything’s kind of at ease… We didn’t think it would be serious… But when we broke up for a while, I realized how much I lacked that man. How much I loved him. I was ready to forgive him for anything and close my eyes to his tricks, staying by his side, even when everybody was against him. And I wanna do my best for Edward to be happy with me and not to regret deciding to give our relationship another chance. I know we’re gonna overcome a lot, but I’m ready. Anything for that man to be with me.”
“Even if we considered your feelings fleeting, you made us smile when looking at you,” Anna says confidently with a slight smile, putting her cup on the table and starting to gesticulate quietly. “You have the positive energy that you spread among people. Your couple is like a shoot of the sun that makes us smile, even if it’s cold and gloomy outside.”
“You know, Anna, the couple of you and Daniel is also very cute. You, guys, also make me smile and believe everything is very serious about you.”
“Your relationship with Daniel was getting stronger quickly enough,” Raquelle notices a little hesitantly. “And I must confess that it sometimes made me think it would end badly. But you also proved that everything was serious, and you could be a very cute and harmonic couple.”
“Maybe, you’re right…” Anna replies amicably. “But I’ve never doubted that a couple of you and Terrence. You let us know that everything would lead to the wedding. You’re literally made for him, and he’s made for you.”
“Yeah, the wedding is coming soon…” Natalia says with a slight smile. “Maybe, they will live a little and then start to think of a child… If they want it, of course.”
“Yes, yes, Raquelle, I think you and Terrence should think about it. Your children would surely take the best from you. From such gorgeous parents.”
“Ah, Anna, Natalia…” Raquelle sighs with a slight smile and glances aside for two seconds. “Everybody has lately talked about it so much… I recently talked to Aunt Alicia, and she said we should’ve thought about it shortly after the wedding. And Grandpa hints at the wish to babysit his great-grandchildren… But this time, they don’t insist so hard.”
“They realized that you shouldn't have rushed in this case?” Natalia asks.
“I think so. But don’t think that I don’t wanna have a child. Vice versa. I’m planning to be a mother in the future. At first, I’d just like to solve the other problems and live for myself for some time. If I found out I was expecting a child, I wouldn’t be ready morally.”
“No, no, it’s okay. We don’t insist. I’m just starting to think more and more that Terrence has been ready to become a father for a long time.”
“He’s really ready and has said it many times. But Terrence thinks it’s not time to think of children. My fiancé also wanna solve all the problems. And get married, of course.”
Silence settles in the air for two seconds, during which the friends drink a little bit from their half-filled cups, warming themselves up in such cold weather.
“Hey, do you know something about Peter?” Natalia asks with sadness in her eyes. “Edward and I know nothing about him ‘cause we haven’t talked to the guys yet.”
“Don’t worry, he’s fine now,” Raquelle replies with a slight smile. “Peter is getting well quickly, but he is gonna stay in the hospital for a long time to fully recover. But he at least reconciled with Daniel.”
“Yes!” Anna exclaims. “And the guys persuaded him to come back to the band.”
“So, isn’t this the end of ‘Against The System’s story?”
“No, it goes on!”
“Wow!” Natalia exclaims happily with a wide smile. “Great! I’m so happy for them!”
“And when Peter is released from the hospital and can play, the guys will start working on an album,” Raquelle replies. “They’ll be working hard this time.”
“It makes me happy.” Natalia glances aside, fixing the high neck of her knitted, tender purple sweater. “Yeah, but why did Peter actually try to kill himself? He explained it?”
“Ah, Natalia…” Raquelle sighs heavily and runs her hand over her hair brushed in a ponytail. “There are tons of reasons… Life with a mother, who didn’t care about him, but without a father… Humiliations and insults of those he studied with… Love for a school queen, who played love with him, humiliated him cruelly, and left him before the whole school.”
“Oh, my gosh…” Natalia gets horrified, shaking her head with her mouth closed with a hand. “How awful…”
“The poor guy had to bear, probably much more than all of us,” Anna says with sadness in her eyes. “And those beasts did their best to make Peter’s self-rate much lower and make him stop trusting people and expect a betrayal from them.”
“Well… We actually assumed the problems could’ve started at school. But the fact that Peter was in love with the one, who betrayed him…”
“His mother did a disgusting thing,” Anna replies gloomily. “How could she prefer alcohol and drinking buddies over her son? He had nobody closer than her, but she treated him like something unnecessary. Insulted him, humiliated him, beat him… She took the money that Peter was earning by playing a cajon. It would’ve been okay if she spent them on something necessary. But that woman spent it on drinks.”
“Yeah, his mother was a scumbag,” Raquelle replies. “It sounds rude, but I can’t say it differently. How could she drink vodka when her child begged her to help him or wanted her attention and love?”
“And why were his teachers and head teachers silent? Why did they do nothing to help Pete? Did they think he was crazy? How could they believe guys, who just promised not to bully him? They must’ve given him protection from the herd that listened to one person!”
“At that time, he was unprotected in front of boys from school, who were much bigger than him. Peter was tall but weak in a psychical way.”
“Yeah… If a man is weak in all senses, he'll be terribly afraid of being judged. If girls behave so.”
“And sadly, Peter became a victim of those, who were much stronger. More shameless and senseless…”
“Gosh, why did he have nobody to teach him to protect himself?” Anna moans quietly. “They probably knew all the weaknesses of Peter and made him a victim. This case is a little similar to Edward’s one, but he tried to protect himself somehow.”
“And the worst thing is the way that girl behaved toward him.”
“Couldn’t Rose fall in love with another girl! Why did he the hell get attracted to that bitch, who, as Daniel said, could easily get fat if she stopped watching her body?”
“Just got a crush on her beauty,” Raquelle shrugs. “Moreover, guys don’t care about what a person has inside at this age. They only need the appearance. They choose beautiful but terrible people and get disappointed because they later understand who they messed up with.”
“I know… And Peter must not be judged. He’s not guilty of falling in love with that that whore.”
“Gosh, how could that girl dare to do such a cruel thing to Peter?” Natalia wonders with horror in her eyes. “That’s horrible to play with the feelings of someone to be in love!”
“Yeah… They hated him just because he was weak and insecure!”
“And the worst thing is that Peter began to be afraid of love to death,” Raquelle notices. “So much that he banned himself from falling in love. And he started to cut himself because of her. And then his mother left home and left Peter alone. And she is hardly alive now. She drank too much… Got frozen… Heated… Who knows…”
“But that’s good Peter got lucky to find the announcement about the search for a drummer,” Anna adds. “Although the blond couldn’t play drums at all, he decided to risk.”
“And if he was admitted to the band, they saw potential that he could use,” Natalia notices confidently.
“And he was lucky to befriend Daniel, who became his real friend,” Raquelle notices. “Even if he gave him pain when talking about the love that Rose was afraid of like fire.”
“And a few days before the end of the tour with ‘The Loser Syndrome’, Peter felt into depression after reading negative comments about himself and then searched for them on purpose,” Anna adds. “He barely held on until the end…”
“By the way, the girl, who introduced herself as Peter’s friend to George, was the one, who he fell in love with.”
“Peter fell in love with his friend?” Natalia rounds her eyes. “Come on?”
“But what could he do?” Raquelle wonders with sadness in her eyes. “Pete was speaking to that girl, got sympathy for her, and eventually realized that she was something more than just a friend.”
“And that’s good he found the courage to confess his sympathy for her,” Anna notices with a slight smile. “As the award, he found out that she was also in love with him.”
“Really?” Natalia cannot believe. “So, the blond got luck?”
“Oh, yeah! And one bird whispered to me that they even kissed after everybody went to the cafeteria.”
“Come on! What happiness!”
“And I believe the bird got into the room on purpose to watch what was happening,” Raquelle laughs shyly. “And got excited enough.”
“Daniel didn’t know it would happen! He was shocked when he saw that.”
“Wow, girls, it means we can be happy for Pete!” Natalia notices happily with a wide smile. “We can say he is no longer single now.”
“By the way, that girl is tightly attracted to Rose. Daniel says she literally spends nights in Peter’s room and is ready to be his nanny for him to do nothing to himself.”
“I believe it,” Raquelle says thoughtfully and puts her half-empty cup of coffee on the table. “The lads said that his friend fell into hysteria after she heard about his suicide attempt.”
“In this case, Peter must introduce that girl to us,” Natalia notices cheerfully, drinks some coffee, and puts her cup on the table. “The lads would love us to befriend her if Rose started to date her.”
“You’re right,” Raquelle agrees thoughtfully. “But at first, one of them must tell us something about her. At least, Terrence wasn’t gonna do that.”
“Hey, yeah, girls!” Anna exclaims and puts her cup on the table. “Daniel has also told me nothing about her and Peter’s second friend!”
“So, hasn’t he even called any names?”
“I can’t remember!”
“Listen, what a twist…” Raquelle frowns slightly, stroking her chin. “Why did I just realize it? It’s been so long since the guys met those girls, but we only know that they exist.”
“Yeah, it’s all kind of strange…” Natalia notices thoughtfully, starting to twirl her big earring in the form of a thin golden ring. “It doesn’t make sense to talk about Edward ‘cause he’s never seen Peter’s friends… But Terrence and Daniel…”
“Maybe, we pin the guys to the wall and ask them? Or ask Peter himself? He would be more talkative!”
“Or suggest the guys organize something to congratulate Peter on his release from the hospital? May he take the girl with him, so we look at her.”
“Terrence said they were planning to celebrate Peter’s release. But he didn’t say if the guys would invite Rose’s mysterious friend.”
“Well, I think we’d get on with her,” Anna assumes thoughtfully. “I don’t think Peter would love to make the mistakes of the past and fall in love with a bad girl. If he chose her, she is wonderful.”
“Quite possible. I don’t think she’s bad, either. You and I don’t have problems speaking to people. So, the guys may not be worried. We’ll accept that girl if she deserves it.”
“Then make your sweethearts organize a hangout together,” Natalia suggests cheerfully. “And tell Peter to take his friend. I kind of wonder to know who she is.”
“Then we’re waiting for you and Edward.”
“Don’t doubt that we’ll come.”
“I think that guy must come…” Raquelle thinks for two seconds and smiles slyly. “Because something tells me Terrence is seriously thinking about making Edward the fourth member of the band.”
“You know, Cameron…” Anna says confidently. “After watching the videos of him rocking on in the subway and at the center of the city, Terrence is not the only one to think of inviting Edward to join the band. Daniel also got a wish to do it and said they talked to Peter about it.”
“Wait, have you also seen those videos?” Natalia wonders.
“Daniel showed. Somehow, he checked something on the computer, asked me to come to him, and showed me a few videos with Edward. We two really liked the way he was signing. MacClife was incredible!”
“I was with him during one of his performances.”
“I know. We saw you on the video.”
“Terrence and I watched them two days ago and got nicely surprised,” Raquelle confesses. “Edward was so confident and kind of free. That’s why his performance seemed incredible.”
“I did say he was really rocking on!” Natalia replies cheerfully. “So many people came there and left a lot of money for a reason.”
“But Perkins and I didn’t understand what he was signing about on the video from the subway,” Anna replies.
“That song is about love. Edward performed the Spanish version. It’s really beautiful, I must confess. I play the video every day, listen to him, and melt… That’s so divinely…”
“Our friend goes to Mexico so often for a reason,” Raquelle notices. “She’s fluent in Spanish.”
“There is only the merit of Mother, Grandma Adriana, and her husband Enrique,” Natalia smiles shyly. “They taught me to speak Spanish.”
“Hey, it happens that Edward knows it, too?” Anna wonders.
“Yup. And I didn’t even expect he spoke it so well. I thought he knew only a few phrases, but no… Edward speaks it wonderfully. He didn’t forget lessons in Spanish at school.”
“And you two are gonna share compliments and flirt, so others don’t understand you,” Raquelle says with a slight smile.
“Cool!” Anna smiles widely. “As it turned out, MacClife went to school sometimes and even memorized something.”
“Terrence said the same when we discovered Edward’s talent.”
“Hey, Anna, do you know our beloved Terrence and Raquelle speak French?” Natalia asks.
“Come on?” Anna wonders and glances at Raquelle.
“Yes, I know something,” Raquelle shrugs with an innocent smile. “I memorized it when I was in Paris at the fashion show.”
“And how did Terrence learn?”
“He said he learned something for a role. And of course, he didn’t miss a chance to show off and make us sure that he could do anything.”
“Oh, if MacClife doesn’t praise himself, think a day is lived for nothing,” Anna laughs shyly.
“Hey, maybe, you and Daniel surprise us?” Natalia asks. “Maybe, you speak some language?”
“Actually, Daniel knows a couple of words in Spanish… And I speak a little French… Learned it at school. I almost forgot everything, though.”
“Yeah?” Raquelle smiles slyly. “Let’s check it out? Answer in French. Salut, Anna! Comment ca va[1]?”
“Salut, Raquelle!” Anna replies confidently. “Ca va bien, merci beaucoup![2]”
“Wow!” Raquelle nods with a slight smile. “Beautiful accent.”
“Thanks a lot.”
“Hey, maybe, I should start learning French?” Natalia asks. “Or you want me to teach you Spanish?”
“You know, Rochester…” Anna pronounces thoughtfully, putting her finger on her lip. “If we wanna say something people shouldn’t know, I don’t mind learning something in Spanish.”
“Me too,” Raquelle says with a smile.
“Don’t worry, then!” Natalia exclaims cheerfully. “You will speak Spanish soon! If you work hard, of course! Though, there’s nothing hard for you. You’re smart girls and understand everything quickly. So, I don’t doubt that you’re gonna be my wonderful students.”
“We’d try hard.”
“Wonderful! Your men are gonna be nicely surprised.”
Silence settles in the air for some time, during which the girls just laugh shyly.
“Hey, girls…” Natalia pronounces shyly. “Thank you so much again for not letting me die from grief and depression. If not for your great support, I wouldn’t have quietly survived that hell.”
“Gosh, Natalia, did you think we’d leave you?” Raquelle wonders. “Why do we need friends? Not to lie on a sofa, drink hot coffee, talk about our men, and try to get warm. We need friends to support each other in hard situations.”
“You’re our friend, Natalia!” Anna says with a smile. “We can’t leave you in trouble. We’re like sisters!”
“Aw, my sweeties,” Natalia smiles widely and hugs Anna, putting an arm around her neck. “The most important thing is that I’ve got two real friends, the friendship with whom is checked by the time.”
“We were, we are, and we will always be best friends,” Raquelle replies confidently, while Anna embraces her around the shoulders.
“And you two know that you can count on me. I will not betray you and leave you in trouble. Ask anything from me, and I’ll do it for you.”
“We don’t doubt it, honey.”
“Best friends forever?” Natalia sticks her hand with the palm of it down with a slight smile.
“Best friends today, tomorrow, and always,” Raquelle says confidently, putting her palm on Natalia’s hand.
“And may those, who say there is no girls’ friendship, keep their opinion with them,” Anna says with a wide smile, putting her hand on Natalia and Raquelle’s hands. “The friendship between girls does exist.”
“Best friends forever!” Natalia, Raquelle, and Anna pronounce happily at the same time.
The friends raise and lower their hands folded on one another, and then sharply let them go. Then they start a short group hug with wide smiles on their faces, understanding that they may fear no betrayal because their friendship has been checked by time, and they chose wonderful people as their friends.
Some time later, Terrence and Edward reach the house of their mother, Rebecca, not missing a chance to mock each other again. They do not notice that they end up in the right place, not feeling tired after a long walk.
“Oops!” Terrence pronounces. “It seems like we’ve come!”
“Wow, really!” Edward wonders, looking around quickly. “I didn’t notice that we came so quickly… I didn’t even get tired.”
“It seems like we were too busy with our talk,” Terrence starts stroking his hair.
“You just got busy with a wish to kick my ass.”
“As if you didn’t miss a chance.”
“It’s time to get in good shape. You became too insolent without my control.”
“You did become a rebel, while I wasn’t educating you. I have the official right to this now.”
“I’d bet who’s educating.”
“So, alright, go to the fuck!” Terrence waves a hand and comes to the gate to the territory, where there are a few houses. “I don’t wanna deal with you in front of my mother's home!”
“Don’t try hard, bro, Mother knows you’re a pain in the ass,” Edward laughs, following Terrence. “She felt it very well when you constantly gave her problems.”
“Ah, Edward… If she’d been raising you, my actions would’ve seemed innocent things. You’ve been used to playing hard since childhood, not thinking about what it might lead to.”
“Yes, yes, don’t pretend to be holy. Because you’ve never been one. No matter how hard you praise yourself.”
“Oh, close your mouth!” Terrence chuckles. “My head hurts because of you!”
“Oh, Terrence, you’re gonna bear me for a long time.” Edward slightly claps Terrence on the shoulder. “And an attempt to hold down your wish to kick my ass would be unbearable torture for you.”
“It’s okay, when Mother is not near us, I’ll deal with you. You, little ass, will not hide from me.”
“I haven’t dealt with you, too.”
Terrence and Edward come to the gates that lead to the private territory and say hello to the security that lets them go without problems. The brothers come to the house and want to go to the hall door. But then they see Rebecca leaving the house, coming to the mailbox, opening it, taking everything that she finds, and starting to examine everything.
“Did she already get utility bills?” Edward frowns slightly.
“What if Father decided to send her a letter?” Terrence assumes. “She opened the box and took everything out of it with such impatience.”
“I think nobody writes letters ‘cause it’s a relic of the past. Don’t tell me about pigeon posts, messengers, fire…”
“I doubt Father has the opportunity to go to the Internet and send an email to Mother or a message on WhatsApp.”
“Logical enough…”
While Edward and Terrence say it, they come to the house closely enough. Meanwhile, Rebecca stops examining everything she is holding, closes the mailbox, and, feeling that someone is coming, moves her eyes into the distance. The woman sees her sons and smiles shyly when they come to the gates that she opens.
“Terrence?” Rebecca pronounces amazingly. “What a surprise!”
“Hey, Mom,” Terrence greets amicably. “I thought you and I didn’t meet for ages and decided to come.”
“I would’ve come to you if you hadn’t let me know about you.”
Rebecca hugs Terrence touchingly with a slight smile but steps back quickly, while Edward stands near them and watches what’s happening.
“Ah, honey, I started to think you forgot me,” Rebecca confesses with sadness in her eyes. “You don’t visit me, don’t call me, don’t text me.”
“You know that I never forget you,” Terrence protests. “I was just busy with some business and couldn’t come.”
“I guess what kind of business you had. It has to do with your uncle Michael?”
“It does,” Terrence exhales sharply. “I think there’s no meaning to tell you everything ‘cause you know it.”
“A bigger part of what was shown on the TV. And everything your father told me.”
Terrence and Edward look at each other surprisingly and move their eyes to Rebecca, asking at the same time:
“You met Father?”
“I did,” Rebecca confirms. “Many times.”
“But when?” Edward wonders.
“Recently. We talked about the situation with Michael.”
“And… What did he tell you?”
“I think there’s no meaning to say it because you two know everything.”
“Maybe, there is something we don’t know,” Terrence frowns slightly. “What you didn’t wanna tell us!”
“Maybe.” Rebecca thinks for two seconds and glances at the hall door. “Listen, let’s go into the house. It’s cold outside, and I went to check the mailbox in a thin shirt.”
Edward and Terrence shrug and follow Rebecca, who goes to the hall door, opens it, and enters. A few moments later, the three end up in the living room. The woman puts everything she took from the mailbox on the table next to the sofa and sits on it, while her sons sit down together.
“My gosh…” Rebecca pronounces surprisingly. “Did you reconcile if you came here together?”
“Yeah,” Terrence shrugs. “We talked about everything and apologized for that bad situation.”
“Yeah, we confessed that we both were not right,” Edward specifies. “So, everything is alright now.”
“Nice to hear it,” Rebecca smiles shyly. “I’m very happy for you.”
“We’re really very sorry it happened,” Terrence confesses with regret. “But the problem has been solved.”
“Thank God. And I hope you will no longer fight so seriously and bring everything to that. No more fights, insults, and humiliations. You got it?”
“Don’t worry, it will not happen anymore. I promise.”
“Don’t forget that you aren’t strangers to each other. You are siblings. No matter how much you want, family ties can’t be broken. You’re a family and will always be the one.”
“We know, Mrs. MacClife,” Edward smiles slightly. “No more conflicts.”
“Alright. I hope you understood everything.”
“Don’t worry, we did.”
“But it doesn’t mean I would leave you alone. Vice versa, I want to talk to you about many things that you should know.”
“Yeah, sure…” Terrence shrugs. “Speak. We’re listening.”
“Right now, I want to talk not to you, Terrence,” Rebecca replies confidently. “First, I would like to talk to Edward, whose behavior is absolutely unclear.”
“Erm…” Edward stutters, rounding his eyes and feeling that his heart starts beating fast from the excitement. “But…”
“No more ‘but’!” Rebecca exclaims severely. “You will have to explain much to me! Stop being silent and pretending that nothing happened.”
“Am I not right? Huh, Edward MacClife?”
“What?” Edward opens his eyes widely. “You know my real name?”
“Yes, boy, I know everything. I know that you are not Edward Lockhart. That you are my missing son named Edward MacClife. Besides, I see that you’ve finally stopped wearing your costume. The real hair color, light eyes…”
“I guess there’s no meaning in explaining everything to you?”
“Don’t need to. Your father told me everything a long time ago. And I sometimes thought that something wasn’t right with you.”
“Anyway, I didn’t want to harm anyone. I was silent just because I wanted to befriend you.”
“We will talk about it later. First, my dear, explain the situation of the arrest on the charge of the murder of the man called Nicolas Carter. How did it happen that you got arrested and became guilty? And now, you will have to be on trial and either prove your innocence or go to prison!”
“What?” Edward opens his eyes widely, getting sharply white from the horror. “Did Father tell you about it?”
“Don’t answer a question with a question. If I ask you a question, you must answer it! Yes, I know everything and don’t need your explanations. But I want you to personally confirm everything I heard from your father and heard on the TV.”
“It’s true…” Edward glances at his hands. “I’ll have to go on trial for the murder…”
“And how did you bring everything to that? Gosh, Edward, where are your brains? How could you get into it?”
“Don’t say you believe that I killed Nicolas.”
“You didn’t kill. But you must be on trial. As a defendant. Not a witness.”
“I swear, Mrs. MacClife, I didn’t kill that man and just saw him being killed by the one, who worked for Uncle,” Edward replies in a shaking voice, looking at Rebecca with pity in his eyes. “And the police got me arrested just because they saw me at the crime place with a pistol in my hands.”
“And why did you take the pistol, knowing it would have your fingerprints? What were you thinking of? Do you understand what will happen to you if you are found guilty? Because of your recklessness, you might go to prison at least for twenty years!”
“I didn’t think of anything when I took the gun! And when the police came there, I didn’t assume they would think I was a killer. I swear, I tried to explain everything, but nobody believed me. And resisting the arrest would’ve been much worse. What could I do if they placed handcuffs on me and put me in a car?”
“So, you tried badly.”
“Do you think I wanted to go to prison for nothing? Be sentenced instead of the real killer! Never! I am horrified to think that I might come back where I was almost eaten. And they would’ve done it! If Uncle Michael hadn’t made bail for me, and I hadn’t been released after signing the declaration that I wouldn’t leave the country.”
“Why do you love bad things and dangerous cases that you don’t have to do with? Why? Tell me!”
“I just wanted to help the police find a killer. But sadly, everything was against me. And I couldn’t prove my innocence because I had no witnesses. I mean, I had. My friend was with me on the day of the murder… We were going home together and saw Mr. Carter was killed. He warned me about the terrible consequences, but I didn’t listen to him… And it was too late… The pistol was in my hands…”
“Great, and where did your friend disappear?”
“He ran away at my plea. I mean, my beg. I literally begged him to save himself and run.” Edward shakes his head. “I didn’t wanna get him involved in the business of our family… My friend shouldn’t have suffered because of me. I would’ve better paid for the murder alone than let that man go to prison with me.”
“I think you understand that you must pray that the other fingerprints on the pistol belong to the killer. It’s your small chance to save yourself from prison. And you must do your best to find that guy and persuade him to go to the hearing and testify for you.”
“Don’t worry, I’ve found that man. He agreed to help me at once. For the wish to help me get rid of the burden that I’ve been carrying on my shoulder for many years. Though, I’m terribly afraid of the day when the trial in this case starts.”
“Found, you say…”
“Yes. My friend will come to the hearing on any day.”
“Alright…” Rebecca sighs slowly. “Let’s think we made it clear. Next question. What stopped you from going against Michael? Why were you so afraid that he would tell everybody about the murder of Nicolas and charge you? If you’re not guilty, you have no reason to be afraid!”
“I was really afraid,” Edward replies quietly. “Afraid that Uncle would make everybody believe I was a killer. Afraid that nobody would believe me if I told the truth. That man didn’t know that Nicolas was killed by Eric Brown, his most loyal and closest helper. He believed that I was the killer. He blackmailed me by making my close people believe that it was true. Even when I told everything with the pretense of Father, Terrence, and Natalia, Uncle kept saying Nicolas died because of me.”
“So, do you think Michael told Eric to kill Nicolas?”
“Maybe, not. But the fact that Eric killed him is one hundred percent true. And I pointed at that man as the killer. Victor Johnson, who got this case, promised that the police would check this version and get his fingerprints.”
“I do know it,” Rebecca says coldly. “Better tell me, why were you so afraid that the secret would be revealed if you killed nobody and knew that there was no fault of you?”
“The case is not only about my fear of Uncle and the return to prison, where they would’ve gotten me exhausted morally and psychically. The problem is also my character. Weak character. If I’d been braver and not so weak, everything would’ve been otherwise.”
“Weak character?” Rebecca frowns slightly. “Explain, please.”
“It’s easy,” Edward replies without emotions. “I’ve just always been terribly cowardly, insecure, and hesitant. I can’t be strong and always doubt when I do something. And the fact that everybody thinks I’m a child makes me upset. Even when I grew up, nobody stopped telling me that I was like a little boy and saying I was too far from a real man. Uncle Michael loved calling me a puppy. He was actually pressing on me psychologically and constantly telling me about my weaknesses. It led to the moment when I started to believe in it.”
“And did you let the horrible people ruin your life because of that?” Rebecca gets horrified.
“I was too cowardly and hesitant to play again such a dangerous man. But the greed for adrenaline and attention was also strong. I wanted to get some attention because I had always suffered from a lack of it all my life. So, that’s why I meddled in such dangerous cases, understanding that it would be over badly early or late. I put on a mask to hide my fears and insecurity, and I tried not to betray them. But Uncle has always known about my weaknesses and pressed on them, so I feel much worse. And he got it… I seriously started to feel worthless, insecure, hesitant… Not like a real man.”
Rebecca falls into silence for two seconds, being shocked by such a sudden confession from Edward.
“Really?” Rebecca rounds her eyes.
“Really,” Edward says quietly. “For any man, confessing his weakness is a great humiliation. But I no longer want to pretend to be strong and confident. Because I’ve never been one. Uncle Michael was right when he said I was pretending. Maybe, I looked kind of stupid, waving my hands with my legs shaking from a terrible fear. But I didn’t wanna show the real me. Now I’m real, though. A cowardly, insecure, and timid boy, who is sure he can do nothing, and nobody needs him.”
“Gosh, Edward… What are you talking about? How could you dislike yourself?”
“I don’t mean I hate myself and literally want to spit in my face. No… The case is about my character. My weak character that I’m terribly shy of. And afraid… I’ve made lots of terrible mistakes because of it…”
“And did you almost kill your brother because of your cowardice?” Rebecca asks coldly.
“No!” Edward opens his eyes full of horror widely. “No, Mrs. MacClife, I swear I didn’t want it! That’s Uncle! He made me! He put the pistol in my hands and pointed it at Terrence! I swear, I wouldn’t have done that.”
“Yeah, but why did you succumb to that sick man?”
“He threatened to say that I killed Nicolas. And because I was terribly afraid of it, I had to obey and do what made me wish to shoot myself.”
“Trying to pity me?” Rebecca frowns her forehead strongly. “After what you the hell did!”
“Not at all! I’m telling the truth!”
“You almost made such an unforgivable mistake that could’ve easily made you our biggest enemy!”
“Mrs. MacClife…”
“Do you understand what kind of pain you would’ve given your father and me? How would Raquelle have survived this grief? And what would Natalia have thought of you? Nobody would’ve forgiven you if you’d really killed Terrence! No matter how: accidentally or on purpose! We wouldn’t have found it out!”
“No, please, don’t say it,” Edward begs in a little shaking voice with pity in his eyes. “Wouldn’t you believe me if I said I wouldn’t live quietly because I almost did the worst thing in my life? How ashamed I am to look into the eyes of the people! If I’d really killed my brother, I wouldn’t have been able to live with this burden… And… I would’ve preferred to die…”
“The fact that you were holding a pistol is already a terrible thing. And if you’d killed the son of mine, I would’ve lost the two. Because you would’ve stopped existing for me.”
“Don’t say these things… Please… It’s hurtful for me to hear it.”
“And it’s hurt for me to realize that my son almost killed his brother and will become a defendant soon.” Rebecca runs her hands over her face and puts one of them on her forehead. “Gosh, my child is going to be on trial! Did I really deserve it? What did I do?”
“I’m really very sorry,” Edward shows regret. “I swear I would’ve never killed my close person. I wouldn’t have killed anyone at all! I could not! I wouldn’t dare to.”
“And what kind of miracle did wash your brains?”
“Natalia…” Edward pronounces quietly, doubling over and rubbing his shaking hands. “She saved the situation, Mrs. MacClife… If not for that girl, I wouldn’t have stopped just in time.”
“Gosh, you got Natalia involved in it!”
“I didn’t do it, I swear! She decided to sacrifice herself when trying to stop me. She thought a plea to shoot her down would change the situation. And it really happened. I wouldn’t have especially killed the girl that I loved.”
“It’s true, Mom,” Terrence confirms quietly. “Natalia really saved me by suggesting Edward shoot her down. He didn’t do it, and we both stayed alive.”
“Excellent, Edward, I don't know what to say!” Rebecca throws gloomily. “You did a disgusting thing! You made your life worse and decided to make the others’ ones worse.”
“Please, Mrs. MacClife, understand me,” Edward begs with pity in his eyes. “I didn’t wanna harm anyone or make everybody disappointed in me. I know I did a bad thing. I’m really very ashamed of that.”
“Now I’m not surprised by what you say because I know it. You could be silent as long as you wanted and say it was a lie. But trust me, I do know what has happened all this time. I know enough to make conclusions.”
“I’m trying to deny nothing. Everything you know is the clean truth. The truth, which is the reason why I wanna be swallowed by the ground.”
“No, Edward, I do want to be swallowed by the ground. From shame. Because I am the mother of the one, who did so many terrible things. I don’t know why: jealousy, evil, self-interest, or something else. But you did.”
“My acts had no bad meaning. Only a wish to prove that I’m not worthless, to hide my cowardice, and to realize that I could do much more than I think.”
“I doubt you didn’t have a goal. People don’t try to get into similar things and solve conflicts that have to do with different people for nothing.”
“I originally had a goal – to justice justify and make Uncle give Father everything he had stolen and go to prison. But at the end of this story, I only started to think about saving my close people. Especially Natalia. She made me do something more confidently and forget about my cowardice.”
“Yeah, but you almost killed her.”
“Almost, Mrs. MacClife. Luckily, it didn’t happen. Natalia is safe and sound. And became the reason why I realized I couldn’t keep bending under Uncle and being afraid of what I shouldn’t have been afraid of. Everything about her gave me a strong push…”
“We all see it,” Terrence adds. “Edward started to change and be more determined and braver thanks to Natalia. That girl has a great influence on him. He’d do anything for her. Even if it’s very hard and dangerous.”
“Yeah, until he got a push in the back, he kept being a coward and letting the bad people push him around,” Rebecca says gloomily. “But when Natalia showed up, he immediately became a brave hero.”
“Kind of true,” Edward nods. “Natalia doesn’t need a cowardly, weak boy. She needs a man, who will show himself as a truly strong, courageous, and caring man. Well, as I madly loved that girl, I should’ve become the one Natalia wanted to see by her side. And I was really trying to. Doing my best for her not to regret it. To feel I wouldn't let anyone hurt her and would always keep her safe.”
“But if she is not by your side, will you become a cowardly boy that would be ready to bend under your sick uncle, rob, and kill for him?”
“I don’t want it. I want to change myself and learn to protect and become more confident. And I can only do it with Natalia’s help. That girl has always encouraged me and motivated me to do my best to prove how important my family it is to me.”
“You say it like you need your family only when Natalia is near you.”
“No, Mrs. MacClife, don’t have such a bad opinion about me. Yes, I’ve got tons of shortcomings, and I’ve done nothing for people to be proud and admire me. But I’d never betray my family that I love so much. I would not prefer any money or wealth over it.”
“If your family was important to you, you wouldn’t have done so many bad things. First of all, you wouldn't have tried to kill your brother.”
“If I hadn’t been a hesitant milksop, I would’ve done my best not to bring the situation to that,” Edward replies excitedly, opening his eyes full of horror widely.
“You disappointed me, Edward,” Rebecca says coldly. “Very much. All your actions have no excuses. And I’m really surprised that your brother forgave you.”
“Mrs. MacClife, please!”
“Please, Mom, stop,” Terrence meddles softly. “Don’t ask him about anything else. Look how nervous and shaking he is! Can’t you see he’s really sorry?”
“Excuse me, Terrence, but I can’t pretend that nothing happened,” Rebecca replies confidently. “I could close my eyes to the fact that he wanted to get his father’s money. I could understand his feelings when he was furious because of the situation with Natalia. But I am not going to do it after I found out that my younger sonny tried to kill you.”
“He didn’t want it, trust me.”
“Listen, sonny, I understand you want to defend your brother and do your best not to make me nervous. But you can’t deny that Edward went too far.”
“I take the murder attempt so quietly because I knew it a long time before the visit to Uncle’s home. Edward said that man wanted to make him kill me. And I think my brother didn’t have bad thoughts about me. Yes, I don’t deny that he behaved badly in many cases. But Edward completely regrets it and asked Raquelle and me for forgiveness. We forgave him because we thought this man deserved a second chance and saw that it was true.”
“Of course, you’re right, but…”
“I’m not asking you to forgive him. But stop pressing on him. My brother does feel so bad after what happened, and another hard test is still waiting for him ahead.”
Rebecca says nothing for a few seconds, thinking about something, as she gloomily looks at Edward inclining his head and Terence looking at her with pity in his eyes. Then she exhales slowly and says thoughtfully:
“Oh, alright… Maybe, I really got too excited. But I can’t forget that I almost lost one son of mine because of the cowardice of another.”
“I get it,” Terrence says softly with sadness in his eyes. “But I’m fine now. Why would you swear on the guy if he killed nobody? Yes, he had to get a strong push, but this is Edward. It’s his type… To do something, he needs very strong motivation.”
“Thank God, you’re fine. Otherwise, there would’ve been nothing to talk about. Your father and I would’ve rejected Edward as our son. We wouldn’t have cared about what would happen to him.”
“But you shouldn’t say it now.”
“Your brother made many unforgivable mistakes. At first, he insulted and humiliated me. But when Michael’s people told them to bring Natalia to him, he came to me, being so sweet and good. To cry on Mommy’s shoulder. And when everything ended, Edward actually stopped talking to me and wandering nobody knows somewhere all days all nights.”
“Yeah, but…” Edward pronounces hesitantly and swallows up nervously. “At first, I was really mad… At everybody. I blamed anyone except me for my problems. But after the case of Natalia, I got terribly ashamed. But a wish to talk to my close person pressed on me. After I had fought with many people, I decided to ask you for a talk. I thought you wouldn’t refuse.”
“What did you think about next?”
“Shame got obsessed with me. So much that I wanted to piss everything off. Only the fact that Natalia needed me stopped me from burying my head in the sand. But when everything was over, it was much harder for me to talk to someone from my family. I could look into nobody’s eyes.”
“Excuse me, Edward, but ignoring everybody for this reason is very stupid! What if we thought you were an egoist, who suffered from pride and didn’t recognize his mistakes?”
“So, I had to put myself together and ask those I hurt for forgiveness. Because I knew nobody would do it instead of me.”
“That’s good you confessed your fault.”
“I swear, Mrs. MacClife, I didn’t wanna hurt you and make you excited. Though, I understood that the truth would be out early or late, and I’d have to burn from shame. I was really gonna explain the situation with the murder. Tell you about who I really was. That you’re my mother, and Terrence is my brother. But I wanted to choose a better moment – when nobody was excited. However, I only had to confirm the fact of the murder and deny my fault.”
“Glad you understand it. But you really gave me a strong pain, no matter how much you didn’t want it.”
“I know.” Edward inclines his head guiltily, still being doubled over and leaning on his laps with his elbows. “I’m very sorry about making you suffer… Sorry about making you think your younger son was a stinker that shouldn’t have been forgiven.”
“I say again, you disappointed me.”
“But I’d like you to be proud of me,” Edward says in a low, quiet voice with pity in his eyes. “You to love me. To think I mean a lot to you. But I understand that I can’t claim it after what happened. Nobody loved me before, nobody especially loves me now.”
“I know that I would never be as proud of you as Terrence is. That I wouldn’t be loved as well as he is. I wouldn’t be respected, appreciated, and found necessary… I’d like to be like him and get the same love and respect, but I’m too far from him.”
“But it’s okay, I’m not jealous. Terrence has been an all-favorite guy since birth. That’s why he’s got confidence and self-love. He is who he is now because everybody admires him. And me? Sadly, I was born thanks to the accident and made the hard life of my family worse. I know I became the curse of everybody. A dead weight. And I understand why nobody has loved me all my life. Why nobody has cared about my life, my feelings, and my wishes…”
“Close your mouth, Edward!” Rebecca cuts off sharply. “Just shut up and listen to what I will tell you! First, stop slouching and moving your eyes down. Sit straightly, raise your head, and look at me.”
Edward hesitantly does what Rebecca asks about and swallows up nervously.
“I want to tell you a few things that you should remember well. First, I will remind you again that you did a disgusting thing to your family and ex-girlfriend. Second, you must not hide even the most horrible and unpleasant truth. Always remember that a person would rather know a bitten truth than a sweet lie.”
“I know,” Edward pronounces quietly.
“And third, remember very well and keep it in your mind, my dear Edward. I have never loved and am not going to love Terrence more than you. Ne-ver! You are both my sons, and I will love you in the same way. Even if every one of you loves giving me problems. I can’t deny that Terrence is by far not perfect and innocent. No, he also gave me lots of problems. But it doesn’t mean I must not love him at all.”
“You love the one, who really deserves it.”
“Stop, Edward! I repeat, I do not love Terrence more than you. Stop believing what your sick uncle said, who wanted to humiliate you and make you believe that you were worthless.”
“Although he’s always aimed to humiliate me, his words had some part of the truth.”
“Michael has always been alone because of his disgusting character, and he wanted to make you the same. He didn’t want you to be happy and surrounded by your close people. Even thinking about it was disgusting for him.”
“I know…”
“And remember, your parents have never thought your birth was a mistake. Never blamed you for making our lives worse. And especially, never wanted to kill you in the hope of avoiding problems. Nothing must be a reason to love one child more than another. Besides, you should love children just because you have them. Don’t make them conquer your love. When a family has more than one child, you should give attention to every single one. Otherwise, everything will happen like in the case of Michael and Jamie.”
“Tell me the truth…” Edward says quietly, locking his fingers tightly. “Do I have a chance to get your forgiveness? What should I do for you to believe in my regret and at least try not to judge me for my actions?”
“You have,” Rebecca nods. “Although you did a disgusting thing, I can’t give a damn about you and forget about your existence. You’re my son, and I love you just because you were born. Yes, I’m mad. Yes, I am disappointed. Yes, I wonder what my sin is. But your child is your child. You’d do anything and excuse for everything.”
“I don’t ask too much. Only love and attention. I just want you to love me at least a little. I don't ask you to be proud of me, to praise me, and to sing praises. Just be by my side and support me. Let me know I’m not alone and can count on your care and help. I promise, I will no longer pretend to be someone else. I will be me from now on. The one I’ve been for twenty-five years. Even if I’m the opposite of my brother.”
“You’re not alone, honey,” Rebecca smiles slightly. “Your mother will always be by your side. And I’m sure someday you’ll do something to make people proud of you. But I think you should already get the praise. For the power of your will. You got over yourself and went against the terrible people, who tried to break you down. And you didn’t give up, even when you were in despair and were all alone. You started to aim to become a brave, confident, and courageous man.”
“I had to do it. To fix what I… Destroyed so easily… To bring back everything I lost because of my stupidity.”
“And you did it. Proved that your family was important to you, and your ex-girlfriend was not an empty place for you.”
“Natalia is my everything,” Edward replies confidently with a slight smile. “She’s the best girl of those I’ve ever known. None of the girls motivated me as much as that beauty.”
“Natalia wasn’t the one to change you, as well as your wish to be like Terrence. You changed yourself. You got a goal and promised to do your best to do it. Yes, your feelings for Natalia motivated you, but your changes are your own merit. And it’s not the end. The further, the more you’ll change. And someday, you will fear nothing and become as confident as never ever. You are not weak at all now, though. I don’t see a little boy. I see an adult man sitting in front of me, who will get anything he wants. Remember, your strongest motivation is you. Other people are just an addition and an inspiration. But only your true wishes push you to one or another thing.”
“Nice to hear it,” Edward smiles slightly.
“And the most important thing is that you recognize your mistakes. I understand it’s very hard, but you did it. I think you would’ve hardly been forgiven if nobody had seen regret in your words. Recognizing your mistakes and showing regret is the best way to get forgiveness.”
Edward says nothing for two seconds, and then he moves his sad gaze to Rebecca and tries to apologize to her with all his heart:
“Mom… Please, forgive me for making you disappointed in me. For hiding the truth, acting like an idiot, almost killing your close person, ignoring you all this time, and not talking to you… I didn’t wanna give you pain. Please, Mother… Forgive me… Let me know that you and I could keep speaking as closely as before.”
“Edward, my sweetheart,” Rebecca smiles shyly, not being able to refuse to accept Edward’s apologies. “Of course, we can! You’re not a stranger to me. I still adore you with all my heart. No matter how many mistakes you make, I’ll always love you and sacrifice anything to help you and make you happy.”
“I promise I will not ask for too much or something impossible,” Edward promises softly. “Just say you forgave me, and I will be madly happy. Tell me you agree to accept me as your son. That you’re not… Disappointed… After dreaming of finding him for so many years.”
“I forgave you a long time ago. I had time to come to myself and calm down, trying to find an excuse for your actions. And how could I not forgive my own son?”
Rebecca caresses Edward’s hand shyly with wet eyes and a slight smile, making him feel something warm and nice as he is feeling the warm hand of his mother’s hand on his skin.
“Maybe, I barely saw you and memorized you as a little newborn boy wrapped in a blanket,” Rebecca adds shyly. “But it won’t change my love for you. I will love you as much as I love your brother. And I am madly happy that I found you. I mean, you found me. Thank God, you’re alive and healthy and have become a very sympathetic boy.”
“Thanks a lot…” Edward thanks with a slight smile and falls into silence for two seconds, still struggling with nervousness and awkwardness. “Mother… You made me feel a great relief.”
Rebecca opens her arms with a wide smile, as if she offers a hug. Not hesitating much, Edward gets up from the sofa, sits next to the woman, and hugs her tightly enough but tenderly, snuggling his nose in his mother’s shoulder and being excited and tense enough after this talk that made him recall what gave him a strong pain. But now, when he feels how her tender hands caress his head and back and her soft lips kiss him on the cheek, he gets much better. His eyes get wet from tears, a madly nice warmth spreads all over the body that he has lacked all his life, and a wide smile shows up on his face. He relaxes and calms down in the arms of his mother, who is crying from happiness, letting himself become a little boy, who needs someone to protect him from bad things.
“Edward…” Rebecca pronounces in a shaking voice with tears in her eyes. “My sonny… How long I’ve been waiting for this moment…”
“Mom…” Edward smiles shyly and sniffs quietly. “I’m so happy we’ve met. So happy to finally see you. I’m happy that the years of searches and hopes were worth it.”
“My God… I can’t believe I thought you were missing for so many years. I thought you passed away… I cried so many tears, thinking that you were dead.”
“And I was dreaming of the day I’d meet you for all these years. When I’d hug you and call you a mom. You can’t imagine how much I wanted to tell you everything before. When you talked about your missing son, I was dying of a wish to say he was near. It was me.”
“A mother’s heart never lets you down. It always told me that you were much closer than I thought. And the thought that you could be my son never seemed crazy to me. At the bottom of my heart, I was sure that you were Edward. The baby, who I was holding in my arms.”
“It’s really me. It’s always been me.”
“Now we will always be together. Nobody will tear us apart. Nobody…”
“Yeah… Nobody…”
At some moment, Edward kisses Rebecca cutely on the cheek, hugs her tighter, and whispers in her ear with a slight smile on his face:
“I love you.”
“Me too, sweetie,” Rebecca whispers with a slight smile, caressing Edward’s head tenderly. “Mommy loves you so much.”
Edward’s smile gets much wider, and he, sniffing quietly, steps back from Rebecca and looks at her with love, while she caresses his cheeks with both hands, moves carefully a few strands of his little disheveled hair getting into his eyes, and fixes slightly his choppy, thick bang on the forehead. Now he looks more confident and tries to keep his head raised up and his back straight. Something definitely changes in Edward’s eyes. He kind of becomes more alive and confident and starts to believe in himself and his strength.
Rebecca and Edward keep smiling at each other for some time and hug each other again, forgetting that they are not alone in the living room. But then the woman and her younger son move their eyes to Terrence, who shrugs silently with an innocent smile on his face.
“Oh, Terrence, are you here?” Edward shows a surprise.
“Since we came here,” Terrence replies.
“Did you really come here together?” Rebecca specifies. “I thought you were gonna come here alone.”
“Nope, Edward went to my home, and we went here together on a walk.”
“On a walk? But your house is too far from my home!”
“It’s okay, it’s good for Terrence to walk a little,” Edward smiles slyly. “He’s gonna eat much of your delicious food. But you know that he must not get fat because girls won’t love him.”
“Oh, I will cook something now. But if I had known he would love to come here, I would’ve surely cooked something tasty.”
“M-m-m, I’m drooling,” Terrence says with a wide, smug smile and runs his hand over his stomach. “And my stomach is growling…”
“Huh, I think your stomach is always growling,” Edward laughs. “It seems like it’s not a stomach but a bottomless pit. No matter how much you put into it, it would never be enough.”
Terrence says nothing and just shakes his head, struggling with a wish to mock Edward and say something.
“Okay, guys, don’t worry, I will feed you,” Rebecca promises. “You won’t stay hungry.”
“Thanks, Mom,” Terrence thanks. “I knew I could count on you.”
“But I’m just wondering…” Rebecca glances at Edward, putting a finger on her lip and frowning slightly. “Edward, I noticed that you said very good things about Natalia… It seems that she is not your ex-girlfriend.”
“Actually, she is really not my ex-girlfriend,” Edward replies confidently with a wide smile. “She’s the real one.”
“Really? You reconciled?”
“Yup, we’re together again.”
“It’s been four or five days, if I’m not mistaken,” Terrence specifies with a sly smile.
“Gosh, what happiness!” Rebecca exclaims happily, putting her hands folded to one another to her mouth. “I’m so happy for you! How much I wanted it!”
“Natalia is my girlfriend again, and I’m unbelievably proud to call her the one,” Edward replies confidently.
“I never wanted you to break up. Natalia is such a wonderful girl. I do like her so much. So kind, good, caring, and gentle. Just a gem!”
“I’m no longer gonna lose her. And I will not tolerate another man next to her. I will give Natalia to nobody and will do my best for her not to think of leaving me.”
“I believe, honey, I do,” Rebecca replies with a wide smile, caressing Edward’s cheek. “Congrats you two! I hope that situation will never happen again.”
“Thanks, Mom. I promise it will never happen again. This time, everything will be otherwise.”
“I think I shouldn’t remind you of the lessons that you should’ve gotten.”
“Sure, I realized a lot and will not make the same mistakes.”
“Thank God! I’m very happy you got such a good girl.”
“Oh, trust me, Mom, these two have a total idyll now,” Terrence replies confidently with a wide smile. “I personally saw this couple and the way they were cooing at each other. I’m surprised that they stepped away from each other today, ‘cause Edward and Natalia were inseparable for two or three days.”
“Well, I have an idyll with Natalia, and everything is wonderful about you and Raquelle,” Edward notices. “At first, you fought for stupid things like a cat and a dog, but now you enjoy each other.”
“As I said, we’ve barely seen each other lately ‘cause she’s busy with her shootings.”
“Hey, I haven’t seen Raquelle for ages,” Raquelle notices thoughtfully. “I can’t remember that you took her with you and came here for the past few months.”
“We will come somehow. We will finish our business and visit you then.”
“And how’s that girl doing now?”
“She’s fine. Raquelle is now spending time with her friends: Natalia and another girl. The girlfriend of the bassist of my band. Edward and I told you about her.”
“Yes, yes, it must be Anna…”
“Yes, Anna!”
“About the band… Terrence, how’s the drummer doing?”
“Well enough,” Terrence smiles slightly. “Three days ago, he woke up, and Daniel and I visited him. We finally found out why he wanted to die, reconciled with him, and persuaded him not to leave the band.”
“Really?” Rebecca expresses happiness. “So, he is fine?”
“Yes, luckily, Peter is fine. Although he’s gonna stay in the hospital for a long time, he’s getting well fast.”
“Great! I’m so glad he survived.”
“We should’ve just found the right tactic. It helped us talk to Peter and get what we wanted.”
“Yeah, why did he try to kill himself?”
“Actually, it’s a long story… But I’m gonna say something… He lived in a poor, disadvantaged family, his mother didn’t care about that guy, and she was an alcoholic. Everybody from school bullied Peter regularly. Bullied him cruelly. And one girl used his feelings and got him ashamed of the whole school, making him terribly afraid of falling in love with someone. And as it turned out, a few days before the end of the tour, Peter read some bad comments about himself, which made him break down and provoked a conflict of the band.”
“Oh, my gosh, poor guy…” Rebecca gets horrified, shaking her head. “He’s so young but has experienced so much…”
“Alas, it’s the truth.”
“And did he have nobody but his mother?”
“No, he only had a mother. We don’t know what happened to his father, and that guy knows nothing about him and has never had brothers and sisters. And he has nobody now because his mother left home somehow and didn’t come back. She let him live as he wanted. She took the money that he sometimes earned to buy something to drink and then actually left.”
“What a scumbag!” Rebecca resents. “I’ve always hated mothers and fathers that could betray a child.”
“I believe she never needed Peter. He was growing up on his own and suffering from a lack of attention. He had nobody to teach him to protect himself and to give him love and support.”
“Yeah, but wait… If his mother was an alcoholic, why wasn’t he taken to an orphan house? That’s disgusting that the little child lived with this type of mother!”
“I guess nobody cared about them. That’s why Peter wasn’t taken to an orphan house.”
“Gosh, sometimes I’m surprised by how cruel and heartless people may be.”
“Agree. Nobody tried to protect Peter and help him. Neither his mother nor his teachers from the school, who could – or wanted – to do nothing to stop the bullying. He did nothing bad to anyone! They treated him so badly just because he didn’t wanna be like everybody else. He always had his opinion. No wish to become one of those dogs. But sadly, nobody liked it.”
“Very sorry… Very… Yeah, and what about someone using his feelings?”
“There was a girl that Peter was in love with,” Edward explains. “A so-called queen of the school, who ruled everything and decided who to befriend, and who to despise. She used his feelings by deciding to show great love for him.”
“They went on a few dates and started to date by her plea,” Terrence specifies. “The girl pretended for two months, but then told the whole school she was leaving him and said she bet him with someone. If she had dated him, someone should’ve given her something. That girl lulled Peter and made the guys play the role of his friends. And when he started to feel he had become one of them, they gave him a hit on the back. Then the bullying got stronger, and stopping it was impossible.”
“What an insolent gal!” Rebecca resents. “No shame! How did that girl dare to do it to him?”
“She had no shame or brains,” Terrence replies gloomily. “And Peter said she was terribly afraid of getting fat and becoming ugly. She had to watch herself ‘cause she had a fat gene. If that girl had gotten fat, boys would’ve fallen at her feet. Everybody was delighted by her beauty and said they could do anything for her. Though, I don’t know if she was really so beautiful.”
“And we don’t know if that beauty was real,” Edward adds thoughtfully.
“She probably spent a lot of money on clothes, cosmetics, and hair salons. Her parents were provided for and could buy her anything she wanted.”
“And if a good man knows she slept with a whole school, he would hardly wish to date the one, who’s been in so many beds since an early age.”
“It would be fair if that girl wasn’t lucky,” Rebecca says confidently. “If she has really met nobody. But I'm sure it will happen. God sees everything and will make her pay for mocking the innocent guy. And He will send him a good, decent girl that wouldn’t betray him and would love him with all her heart.”
“I think the girl has been sent to him,” Terrence replies with a mysterious smile. “We thought she was Peter’s friend for a long time, but we recently found out that the girl was in love with him. And he wasn’t indifferent to her. But they were silent about it. He was afraid to be betrayed and rejected. And she saw that my friend was rejecting all girls and giving a chance to nobody, and she was afraid the same would happen to her.”
“But they confessed their love for each other and, as Terrence said, even shared a kiss,” Edward adds thoughtfully.
“Great,” Rebecca smiles slightly. “God shall help him be happy with that girl. I feel that he’s a very good guy, who deserves the best.”
“I hope he’ll be,” Terrence expresses hope. “We talked much to that girl, and I made sure that she was very good.”
“I don’t know her and can say nothing,” Edward says. “But if Terrence says she’s good, we can believe Peter was lucky.”
“And I’m sure they’ll tell us that they want to try to date soon.”
“It would be great,” Rebecca says with a smile.
“The most important thing is that he tries not to think of that nightmare and to realize that he’s surrounded by the people, who would always come to help,” Edward replies.
“Don’t leave that man, guys. He won’t survive a betrayal of yours. And his belief that there are good people will be gone.”
“Don’t worry, Mom, we won’t leave him,” Terrence replies confidently with a slight smile. “If we had to, we’d even sacrifice the band for him. But since he refused to leave it and let us disband it, we’ll keep moving on.”
“Of course, I’m not an expert in the case of this type of person, but you can ask me for help. I’d help you with advice.”
“Thanks a lot.”
“Oh, let’s not talk about bad things,” Edward suggests tiredly. “Even if we’re expecting the trial, we don’t better think about it. At least, I wanna try not to think about it now.”
“Me too,” Rebecca pronounces quietly with sadness in her eyes. “But we can’t avoid it. Your uncle Michael must pay for everything. And we should tell about his tricks to make it real.”
“We know, Mother. Anyway, I hope it will not last for months or even years.”
“And it would be great if we won,” Terrence says quietly. “So, Uncle spends probably his last days in prison, and Edward is found non-guilty.”
“Let’s believe in the best. Let’s not talk about it until the time times.”
“Oh…” Terrence leans back in the sofa and raises his head. “We’re doing this…”
Rebecca looks at Terrence and Edward and caresses the younger son on the back with a wish to encourage him a little. Three or four seconds later, the woman and her son hear a sudden doorbell that makes them shake slightly.
“Oh, who is that?” Rebecca asks.
“Are you waiting for someone?” Edward frowns slightly.
“No, I’m waiting for nobody. And you?”
“No, I invited nobody.”
“Hm… Interesting…”
Rebecca slowly gets up from the sofa and goes to the hall door, while Terrence and Edward look at each other and move their eyes to their mother leaving. She opens the door quickly and sets her widely open eyes to the unexpected visitor, whom she does not hold on the doorstep, letting him come in. While Rebecca closes the door, the visitor goes to the living room by her plea and makes the MacClife brothers open their mouths and get a little white from excitement, with which they get obsessed. Two seconds later, Edward and Terrence throw a hesitant look at each other and then, slowly getting up from the sofa, find the courage to pronounce just one word:
Rebecca returns to the living room and carefully comes to the man, who is really Jamie MacClife. The woman is a little nervous because of Terrence and Edward’s reaction and cannot imagine how this unexpected meeting would be over. The awkward silence settles in the air for a few seconds, during which everybody feels kind of squeezed. But then Jamie breaks it hesitantly, understanding that it cannot last forever:
“Edward? Terrence?”
“Hey, Father…” Edward greets hesitantly.
“Excuse me, it seems like I came at a bad time…” Jamie says hesitantly.
“No, no, it’s alright,” Rebecca shakes her head. “You didn’t bother us.”
“Sorry about not warning you about my wish to come.”
“It’s okay. I said I’d always be glad to see you at my home.”
“But…” Edward pronounces hesitantly, looking at Jamie questioningly. “How did you end up here? I mean… How did you know Mother lived here?”
“I told him,” Rebecca replies quietly.
“Yes,” Jamie confirms. “I’ve been here a couple of times.”
“Here? In this house.”
“So, did you really meet?”
“Before Uncle Michael’s arrest or after?”
“After. Now we’ve got no reason to be afraid and can meet at any time.”
“Were you afraid that Uncle would know about your meetings with Mother?”
“Yes. We met very rarely and didn’t talk on the phone often.”
“So…” Edward pronounces thoughtfully. “So, our guesses are confirming… Mother knew very much about this story, but was silent and pretended that nothing happened.”
“It’s true, I knew very much,” Rebecca confirms quietly. “I knew about all the tricks of that stinker. I was careful and was also afraid Michael would find me. But I see no meaning in talking about it again.”
“You knew everything?” Terrence asks hesitantly. “Even the fact that my father was alive and didn’t die, as Uncle Michael believed?”
“I knew it. And if one of you had told me about Jamie’s death, I would’ve had no hysterics. Because I knew he was actually alive and healthy and was hiding from his brother.”
“Hey, wait, wait,” Terrence shakes his head sharply. “Second! As far as I remember, you somehow said Father was alive, but didn’t explain where he was hiding. So, did you know everything then?”
“Yes. I knew what the uncle of you and Edward did to your father, and was sure you would love to ask me about it. But it’s amazing that you never talked about it.”
“And… How long did you know it?”
“When I left the hospital where I was after that event, I met your mother immediately and told her everything,” Jamie replies quietly.
“And when did you meet?”
“About one and a half months ago.”
“One and a half months ago? But wait! Mom, in one of our talks, you told me you had to break contact with Father because it might’ve ended badly for you. Your connection, as you said, was broken two days before the visit of Edward and me to you.”
“Yes, yes, Mom, you also told me about the last talk two days before that meeting,” Edward says thoughtfully. “But you said you rarely spoke to Father because he was very busy.”
“Right,” Rebecca nods. “I didn’t lie to you.”
“When did you visit your mother?” Jamie asks.
“Erm…” Edward pronounces hesitantly. “I can’t remember, but it happened a long time ago… Maybe one and a half months ago.”
“Almost one and a half months ago, my brother tried to kill me.”
“And did you tell her you’d be hiding, so Uncle kept believing he killed you?” Terrence asks.
“Yeah, that’s right. I decided to use the situation and give Michael a hit in the back when he would be sure he killed me. When he believed I was allegedly waiting for my family in heaven.”
“So, did Mother know where you were hiding?” Edward wonders.
“No, I didn’t know it,” Rebecca denies. “I wanted to know where your father would be hiding, but Jamie told me nothing. Because it would be better for me. But he promised to keep me aware of all the events. Sometimes, we met secretly or talked on the phone. And we wouldn’t have done that if not for a good friend of your father from the police.”
“Victor Johnson?” Terrence specifies.
“Yes, him!” Jamie nods confidently. “I really asked him for help after leaving the hospital. I explained the situation and asked him to help me out again. And I was very lucky that Victor agreed to work on the case of Michael, who must’ve been put in prison a long time ago. At first, I asked him for help and then met your mother.”
“And after that, we rarely met and spoke,” Rebecca says quietly. “I was receiving the information from Victor Johnson. Either he came here, we talked on the phone, or we had a meeting somewhere.”
“Okay…” Edward pronounces thoughtfully. “I kind of thought someone was deceiving you and pretended to be the father of Terrence and me. I thought you talked with my false Father.”
“No, Edward, nobody deceived her,” Jamie shakes his head. “I spoke to her personally. And if none of us had believed that we talked to each other, we would’ve said something that only both of us knew. We would’ve made sure that we reached the one we needed.”
“But, Mom…” Terrence pronounces surprisingly, rounding his eyes. “It happens that you didn’t tell us so much. You knew everything well, but never said a word. You were silent about what I should’ve known all my life. At first, you insisted on my meeting with my father, so he told me the truth, even if you could do it. Then I was shocked by the news that I had a younger brother that you had never mentioned. And now we found out that you knew the whole story of Uncle. You knew danger was threatening us, but you didn’t warn Edward and me.”
“At least, I’ve never lied to you or thought up any stupid stories,” Rebecca notices. “I didn’t say what was far from the truth.”
“But why? Why, Mom? Why didn’t you tell me the truth earlier? Why did you always want me to know everything from my father or overcome it?”
“I’m sorry, Terrence,” Rebecca apologizes with sadness in her eyes. “I’m really sorry that you found out everything too late.”
“When you met Edward, you swore you had nothing more to hide. But as it turned out, the fact that I had a brother was a little part of what was hidden.”
“Trust me, sonny, I didn’t originally know everything, either. I could only tell you the truth about your brother, about what brought me and your father to the breakup, and about how your uncle Michael ruined our lives. But I found out that he kept revenging and didn’t leave Jamie alone even after our family was ruined.”
“But why didn't you tell me about Father and Edward? I had the right to know the truth!”
“I wanted your father to tell you what happened between us. Not only. He would’ve told you everything if you hadn’t been so stubborn.”
“Yeah, but Father didn’t know that Uncle turned Terrence against him,” Edward notices.
“But your brother could explain everything. He would’ve called the reason why he got so mad at his father and was running after him for almost ten years.”
“Couldn’t you at least hint at what happened?” Terrence wonders. “You knew that Uncle went to our home, locked himself in the room along with me, and said that my father was regularly beating you.”
“Your father must have explained those things. I said, if you knew something, you would know it personally from him.”
“But it happened that he found out everything from Uncle Michael,” Edward notices.
“You know…” Terrence pronounces thoughtfully. “I didn’t use to understand why you were protecting Father so hard and saying such good things about him. I was surprised you could forgive this man so easily after what he did to you. But now, when everything’s been put in the right places, I understood a lot.”
“Alas, I can’t close my eyes to the fact that he did a bad thing to you and me,” Rebecca replies with sadness in her eyes. “But as you know, everything is not as terrible as you thought.”
“But why didn’t you wanna tell me that Father was slandered?”
“I was afraid you wouldn’t believe me and would keep being stubborn. You always disliked your father so much that it was impossible to make you sure that what your uncle said was a lie. I thought your father could do it. He also wanted to explain everything to you, and agreed that he should’ve explained everything personally.”
Terrence says nothing and just looks at Rebecca surprisingly, exhaling slowly at some moment.
“Yeah…” Edward shakes his head. “Why did you never tell me I had a brother? He was never mentioned at Isabella’s house. At least, with my pretense. But then you often started to talk about one guy…”
“I wanted to tell you, I swear,” Jamie replies guiltily. “But I planned to choose a moment when I would be quiet. However, how I could relax when I got tired at work and was mad because of my brother, who came into my life and ruined it again.”
“And even when I found that photo, you didn’t confirm that the two-year-old guy was Terrence.”
“Right, but that was him.”
“Hey, is that true I left home on the same day when Isabella found out that you were married to Mother?”
“Yes. When she found it out, she got furious and started the third degree for me. She said Michael gave her documents that confirmed his words and the marriage with your mother. So, because I could say nothing, she promised to annulate our marriage and get me banned from speaking to Jeremy and William. And she kept her promise after she left home along with her children, but came back later and told me to leave.”
“Yes, Uncle said…”
“I was terribly mad that my brother decided to ruin my life again. Ruining one family of mine was not enough, and he reached a second one. I thought that stinker would leave me alone and live his life. But no, that scumbag found me for the second time.”
“And… Did you live all alone in that house?”
“I did. I kept living like before and went to work at Isabella’s firm, where she didn’t show up after Michael told her about my bigamy. At first, I was mad that everybody left me, but then I started to get cool. I hoped you’d come back home, and you and I would finally talk quietly. For the time in a while. But you didn’t come up. You disappeared. Hid somewhere so that the police couldn’t find you when I went there to claim about your disappearance.”
Edward swallows up nervously and glances down for two seconds.
“Sorry, Father…” Edward says in a low, quiet voice with sadness in her eyes. “I didn’t know you stayed all alone. I didn’t know Isabella left for a long time.”
“Don’t regret it,” Jamie replies quietly. “You wouldn’t have stayed there. We would’ve had to leave together. Isabella wouldn’t have stood you at her house because you were just her stepson. A former stepson. She has her own children, whom she takes care of.”
“But if I’d known it, I would’ve stayed. No matter how you treated me. I would’ve stayed because that was my duty.”
“No, you didn’t have to stay with the one, who had never been a good father of yours.”
“I understand why you wanted to leave home so badly. I have realized much over the past years and understood how bad you felt at that house. Nobody noticed you, nobody treated you with respect… I’m not surprised it led to your runaway.”
“It’s hard to deny it.”
“Maybe, sometimes I showed my love for you, but it happened rarely that I barely remember when it happened. And you don’t probably remember that. You memorized only how you were insulted, humiliated, and even beaten.”
“It happened for the reason.”
“No, Edward, it’s not true. I’m guilty of everything and recognize it fully it. It’s stupid to blame my aggression and my sick brother for that. Of course, he made our lives much worse, but it's only my fault for losing everything. I should’ve taken care of what belonged to me.”
“Uncle ruined the lives of all of us and did his best to turn them into hell.” Edward inclines his head. “If we hadn’t had him in our life, everything would’ve been otherwise.”
“Anyway, I’m happy everything got clear,” Terrence notices thoughtfully. “Yes, we found out almost nothing good, but something is better than nothing. At least, I found out that I had a brother.”
“I still remember you coming to me often and saying you wanted a brother or sister,” Rebecca confesses with a slight smile. “And at those moments, I thought about where Edward could be. Where did your father take him? Is he alive? I thought about too much!”
“I didn’t think I’d know that my childhood dream would come true when being an adult man. I wanted it because many friends of mine had them. Looking at them playing together, I wanted a companion, as well.”
“Now you’ve got the one. And if your brother hadn’t found you, your father would’ve told you about him. Well… If you’d agreed to meet him, of course.”
“But why didn’t you wanna tell?”
“I was afraid of your reaction. Even if I saw that you wanted a brother. But… Even if you had known him, I wouldn't have been able to introduce you to him.”
“But you should’ve known that you’d have to tell us the truth early or late,” Edward notices hesitantly.
“We understood it and wanted to end it soon,” Rebecca replies. “But due to all those events, it did not happen in the way we wanted.”
“And Michael is guilty of many of our problems,” Jamie adds. “Because of that man, our life was getting worse and worse. Your mother and I literally had to survive and do our best to live another day. Because of that stinker, I became a homeless beggar and couldn’t focus on my family. We were lucky that Mr. Johnson helped us very much and even gave us his apartment, where Rebecca and I lived after the wedding and the birth of both of you. And Victor was doing his best to help your mother after I left her with one son and took another.”
“Victor stopped helping me when Terrence went to school because he should’ve left New York for some time. But I didn’t lose contact with him, and we kept speaking.”
“And as I understand, did Mr. Johnson know some information from you, Mother, and something from Father?” Terrence asks thoughtfully.
“I was the only one to keep contact with him for some time.”
“Right,” Jamie confirms. “I asked Victor for help for the first time, so he helped me find your mother or at least told me where she lived. It happened a few years later, after I left home. When I met Isabella…”
“And when did you meet?”
“A few weeks before you turned eighteen.”
“What?” Terrence moves his surprised look to Rebecca. “Minute, so, do you wanna say you met much earlier before I turned eighteen?”
“You just found out that your father showed up and wanted to see you,” Rebecca explains. “When I told you about him, you refused to talk about him, turned around, and left somewhere with shouts. But since I knew what Michael told you, I wanted to assure you that it was a lie. But all my attempts were unsuccessful.”
“And where did you meet?”
“At the small café. I worked at a supermarket and decided to go to eat something after work. So, your father came to that café and came to me. Jamie told me everything and asked me for forgiveness. He even helped with money a little because he worked then.”
“I gave her my true apology for doing such a terrible thing to her, you, and your brother,” Jamie adds with sadness in his eyes. “As you know, I raised a hand on your mother right before your eyes and ran away like a coward.”
“I remember,” Terrence pronounces quietly. “I clearly remember.”
“Trust me, Terrence, I’m very sorry about that, and I don’t deny that I did a disgusting thing. Raising a hand on a woman is unforgivable. But I forgot that and gave a damn about the limits.”
“Don’t excuse yourself, Father. I believe you didn’t wanna do it. And I can completely understand you and your feeling because I did almost the same thing somehow… And I still regret it, even if my fiancée forgave me.”
“I know. Your mother told me about it. I know what kind of story happened to you and your fiancée.”
“That I wanna forget so badly,” Terrence inclines his head slightly, setting his sad eyes on his hands and bending his arms at his elbows. “For which I shall always be ashamed. I went insane at some moment and started to treat that girl very rudely. I was mad that she didn’t care about me.”
“I know you didn’t want it,” Jamie says confidently, looking at Terrence with pity in his eyes. “And I understand how hard it is for you. But agree, the most important thing is that your fiancé gave you another chance.”
“As I understand, Mother gave you another chance, too.” Terrence glances at Rebecca. “I mean, fate gave it to you. Because you’re still married, as it turned out.”
“Yeah, it happened. Your mother was just busy taking care of you, and I decided to lie that I wasn’t married after I lost the documents. I wasn’t caught on the lie because Isabella’s familiar people asked me nothing and did everything very quickly, without problems.”
“You were madly lucky. I don’t know if there’s a punishment for these things, but I think you would’ve had problems.”
“You’re right, but everything was over with annulling the second marriage and the ban on speaking to your half-brothers.”
“Have you seen them after Isabella took them away?”
“Not even once,” Jamie shrugs with sadness in his eyes. “And I doubt I'll see them someday. Isabella probably turned them against me, and they think I’m a terrible man. Maybe, they have a different father… A new husband of their mother, who they could call the one.”
“They’re adults and will find you if they want it,” Edward notices. “Moreover, the reportage about Uncle is shown on TV every single day. I wouldn’t be surprised if the guys came to the court building and were waiting for us there.”
“Who knows, Edward… I can say nothing.”
“Hey, what did you do after Isabella heard about your bigamy and kicked you out of home?”
“I didn’t disappear. For the years of work at her firm, I saved some money that she didn’t take in my bank account, just in case. I was renting an apartment and lived more or less. I tried not to spend too much because I didn’t know how long I would live with it. And a little later, I found a job that gave me pennies. A few years were gone… And some time ago, Michael decided to make his terrible plan come true and started by deciding to get me out of his way.”
“But how did you survive if you were thrown in the water when you were unconscious?” Terrence wonders. “That’s impossible!”
“I didn’t pass out fully after those idiots hit me on the head. I was able to understand what was happening, but I could do nothing due to my weakness. Only when Mr. Michael left on his yacht, I started to lose my energy. I had swallowed enough water before everything went black. I woke up in the hospital, where I was told I was rescued by a man. I was diagnosed with brain damage and would have to stay in the hospital for two or three weeks.”
“And then you called the wrong data, deciding to use the fact that everybody considered you dead,” Edward adds. “And when you were released, you asked Victor Johnson for help and told Mother everything.”
“That’s right. The doctors told me to lie in a bed for some time and not to get tense. But I felt great and was able to speak, walk, think, and, do something. So, I started to take measures immediately.”
“But where were you hiding all this time?” Terrence wonders. “And where did you disappear after we met you?”
“At the apartment of Victor’s parents. Where Rebecca and I used to live. I did it with the help of my friend. He gave me some clothes, so I didn’t wear the same and didn’t get cool. He bought me food, water and something for my personal needs… Everything I needed to live more or less…”
“Meanwhile, Uncle decided to wait, make sure that you were killed, and tried to kill me,” Edward says thoughtfully. “But he met failure again.”
“But we should’ve known it earlier,” Rebecca says confidently. “You disappeared for one month and didn’t let us know about you. We didn’t think something would happen to you. But if we had known it, we would’ve been terribly scared.”
“That was just a wish to hide from Uncle,” Edward replies quietly, hesitantly. “I didn’t want to make anyone upset and scared.”
“Yeah, but do you think it’s fine to think that we almost lost you?” Jamie wonders. “It’s okay, I didn’t know it. But your mother and brother should’ve been aware.”
“But nobody knew anything.”
“Very bad! You must have done that!”
“I get it, but…”
“You know, Edward, although you’ve always been a restless guy, your love for problems crosses all the lines sometimes. It’s okay that you were wandering somewhere with suspicious friends all day long and learned shitty things from them. But why did you ruin the lives of you and the others?”
“But I never thought everything would go too far.”
“Because you sometimes must think better before doing something. And you actually think of nothing when doing something. I assumed you grew up and got smarter, but it seems like nothing has changed. You’re still a brainless and crazy boy.”
“Don’t say it, please,” Edward says with sadness in his eyes.
“I cannot find other words. I can’t find an explanation for all your tricks.”
“Dad, please…”
“Don’t pretend that nothing happened because I know absolutely everything.”
“I’m not gonna deny anything.”
“I believe you are happy now? Are you happy that you’re gonna be one of the defendants because of your passion for problems? For the murder of my best friend!” Jamie puts his hand on his forehead. “Gosh! I can’t believe it! My child is gonna be on trial! Alongside his sick uncle and his gang!”
“Father, I killed nobody,” Edward jabs excitedly, shaking his head with a heavy breath. “I’ve said it many times! I swear I wasn’t the one to kill Nicolas! I wasn’t!”
“Quiet, quiet, don’t be so nervous,” Jamie replies quietly. “I know you’re not guilty and am not going to blame you for that.”
“I’m not guilty. And I’ll prove it, I promise! I shall bring the one, who will deny all the charges. I have a witness! I’ve talked to him, and he agreed to help.”
“If it’s so, I’m very glad. But I’m really upset by the fact that you’re going to be on trial. Your behavior, your actions… The fact that you love playing with fire and meddling in the cases you don’t have to do with.”
“I’m really sorry…”
“Why did you need to meddle in my conflict with Michael? Why? That was our business! You don’t have to do with it!”
“Just wanted to restore justice.”
“And was it worth it? What did you get? You turned your family against you, making us believe you needed the money of your relatives, not them! You are about to go to prison! And I will better be silent about the thing, doing which would make you lose your father and mother. We would hate you and never call you a son.”
“I know I did a terrible thing. But I was doing all of that to get attention on me that I had always lacked.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Yes, Daddy…” Edward raises his head. “It wouldn’t have happened if you’d loved me just a little and given me attention. Not kicked like a ball. Insulted, humiliated… You didn’t think of what I wanted, what I felt, or what I needed… You never cared about me!”
“So, am I guilty that you got these problems and fought with your family?”
“If I’d gotten a little bit of attention, I wouldn’t have tried to get attention in such a radical way. I didn’t care what kind of attention that would be: swearing or praising! I just wanted to let you know that I existed. That I’m not a shadow. Not a ghost. That I’m the same human as all of us! That I needed love, care, attention, and talks. Simple heart-to-heart talks. You didn’t even give it to me. You literally pissed me off!”
Edward shakes his head.
“And after all of that, are you surprised I did it? I would not have meddled in that case! Because I had always been terribly cowardly and insecure. But I had to hide it! Pretended to be a brave hero that was ready to save his family with the hope that he would hear at least one good word!”
“Gosh, Edward!” Rebecca gets horrified. “How do you dare to talk to your father like this?”
“Stop, Rebecca,” Jamie raises a hand. “Let him speak.”
“You know that you’re guilty of the fact that I became the one,” Edward raises his voice full of despair. “I was hoping you’d pay attention to me for so many years. Just one freaking time. But you never cared. Absolutely. You cared about anyone but me. I was always your burden! The child, who reminded you of all the sins of your past. I wish I spent those years in an orphan house. They would’ve given me much more attention than my own father. Who kind of did a noble thing by taking one of the children from my mother.”
At this moment, a tear gets down Edward’s cheek slowly.
“Don’t even hope that I will pretend that nothing happened!” Edward exclaims, waving his hands nervously, and comes closer to Jamie. “I will never forget how you treated me all those years! Like a doormat! And yes, I really wanted to get out of the home! Get out of that freaking house where nobody loved me. No-bo-dy! Neither you, Isabella nor her children, who especially made me nothing! The only man, who really showed care for me and interest in my life, was Nicolas Carter. He was the only one to ask me about my life and my feelings when I went to your home. That’s all! Nobody else cared about me!”
Edward falls into silence for two seconds, breathing heavily enough and clenching his hands into fists.
“Because of you, I have always been a terribly insecure and weak boy, who's never been called a real man. I’ve been just a puppy for everyone! A little fucking puppy that’s kicked by everyone! Everyone laughs at me because I’m so cowardly and timid! Nobody believes me when I play the role of a brave hero, for whom there are no barriers. I am a freaking clone for them!”
“Wow…” Terrence blunts under his nose, rounding his eyes. “He broke down…”
“Edward…” Jamie shakes his head, opening his eyes full of horror widely. “My gosh… What are you talking about?”
“And you know, Uncle Michael was partly right when he said nobody had ever needed me. You’re surely cursing the day of my birth – May 10th, 1991. On that day, you got me, the child that you didn’t need, and ruined everything to the heck. And you are probably ashamed of me because I’m not like a real man. You wanted to have a determined and confident son. But there was me, a pathetic puppy that you didn’t need but couldn’t kick out of the home.”
“That’s not true! I’ve never considered you unnecessary. And your mother has never thought so. Despite the hard situation in the family, we were waiting for your birth.”
“Stop, Father, I completely get it.” Edward exhales sharply and shakes his head with sadness in his eyes, starting to speak much quieter. “I understand I can’t ask you to love me because I’ve never deserved it. I’ve never been a perfect son for you. I’m terribly cowardly and hesitant and have done nothing good. I’ve done nothing worthy for everybody to be proud of me. I’ve never felt confident and determined. No reason to be proud of someone like me.”
“Don’t say that, please.”
“Alas, but I’ll never excuse your expectations. You were disappointed in me and paid all your attention to Jeremy and William. They were absolutely different. Not milksops at all.”
“Please, stop thinking I loved you less than all my sons. That’s not true, I swear. I’ve never loved one of my children more. For me, all of them are the same.”
“Why should I believe you?”
“You have the right not to do it. I understand I behaved badly towards you and was really, partly guilty of what happened. I know I should’ve given you more attention and shown an interest in your life. Taught you to fight back and stay strong in any situation. That was my mistake. And I recognize it.”
“Why have you always treated me like you don’t need me? Why did you make me regret my birth? Why have you never let me know you don’t consider me your burden?”
“Yes, I often took it out on you because of my bad mood and inability to hold myself down. But it doesn’t mean I didn’t love you and thought you were unnecessary to me. All my children are the same to me, no matter what they do, and what they’ve gotten.”
“But I’ve never felt that equality. You always had the children from Isabella in the first place. Yes, they’re younger and needed more attention. But it doesn’t mean you could forget me.”
“Do you think I was tender to them and constantly told them about my love? No, Edward! I didn’t especially love showing my love and preferred being more discreet. But my heart is not stoned. I can feel different emotions. My love was less open. And I didn’t scream about it everywhere.”
“Were you afraid to show your feelings?” Edward frowns.
“No, I just remembered men must’ve been discreet. Your mother will confirm it. I love her very much, but I didn’t give her tons of compliments and didn’t show too many feelings. At first, she thought I was cold and stoned, but she got used to my character later. And I’m actually not so romantic and sentimental, honestly.”
“I understand you shouldn’t spoil sons because boys that get too much love might easily not become independent and not be able to stand up for themselves. But was it so hard to come, hug me, and say you loved your son at least once? These words would’ve been enough for me. Because of a lack of love, I’ve always felt lonely and unhappy. You always refused to pay attention to me and said, ‘Get out of here!’ We never had talks about what I cared about.”
“Believe me, Edward, I’m really very sorry about not giving you enough attention,” Jamie shows regret and comes closer to Edward. “About not doing my father’s duty. The fact that I didn’t give you care and wasn’t a good father to you makes me feel guilty. Maybe, you wouldn’t have been so problematic if I’d given you enough attention and educated you seriously.”
“I’m sorry you understood it so late.”
“I’m not one of those, who don’t think of children but decide to get along with them when they grow up. Maybe, even get a benefit if they reach serious things.”
“I have nothing but old, shabby clothes that I’ve worn literally since my teenage age.”
“I need nothing from you. All I want is to establish my relationship with you and fix the mistakes I made twenty years ago. I know it’s too late, but I want to give you the support and love that you didn’t get in your childhood and teenage years. I want you to know that you can always count on me. That I’ll help you if you had problems.”
“And can you assure me that you wouldn’t do what you did?”
“I’m ready for anything for you to give me a chance. Don’t love me. Just let me know that I can be by your side and take care of you. The way you needed it.”
“You know…” Edward pronounces hesitantly, moving his eyes aside for a second and falling into silence. “I… It would really be great. Despite nothing, I still need a father. I really want you to be by my side. Maybe, with your help, I can stop being cowardly and insecure. I have people, for whom I wanna change myself. But it would be great if you helped me, as well.”
“Of course, I’ll help you! I’ve lived enough to be able to teach you everything you should know.”
“I wanna be more courageous for my girlfriend. She needs this type of man, but I can’t be a coward and always doubt myself because I love that girl so badly. For her, I’m ready to do anything. When the case is about my girlfriend, I make myself forget all my fears and stop doubting myself. As well as in the case of my family. I don’t want and won’t hide how much I love every single member of it. Losing one of those people wouldn’t give me happiness. Only pain, disappointment, and the loss of my faith. I’d have no motivation to change myself if I stayed all alone. I don’t want to become cowardly and hesitant again, though! I do like being courageous and sure about my actions. I literally wanna kill the cowardly boy inside me. I want an adult, confident man, who knows who he is and fears nothing to be born inside me.”
“If you want to change, you should start with yourself first. Stop constantly talking about it. You believe in it, and you make others think the same. You’re actually not so cowardly and weak. You can be confident and brave. If you have a goal, you’ll surely become different. Though, you’re already changing. Slowly but rightly. Not for the worse, but for the better. You were supposed to have great courage to get into the dangerous war with such a terrible man as my brother.”
“I just wanted to get attention and do something for my family not to suffer.”
“I think you really had very strong motivators if you were stubborn and were fighting until the end.”
“There are things, for which you could do anything.”
“And maybe, you don’t have a very tough character. But there’s something you’ve always had. Kindness, sympathy, and understanding. I’m very glad you stayed a decent man after all those events and didn’t turn to the same jealous, evil bastard as Michael.”
“I can’t be the one. If I do something bad, I wanna strangle myself from shame.”
“And stop believing what that stinker said. Listen to what your close people say. And finally, believe in your talent for music. Because you’re really incredible at it.”
“That’s just my hobby that helps me feel happy.”
“Although you were hiding it when we lived together, I heard you plucking the strings of the guitar and singing something in a quiet, but very beautiful voice many times.”
“What?” Edward stares at Jamie surprisingly. “You heard me play and sing?”
“Yes, Edward,” Jamie replies with a slight smile. “I often heard you playing in your room.”
“Oh…” Edward stutters and inclines his head guiltily. “Sorry, Dad… I didn’t wanna bother you… I was afraid to play louder ‘cause I thought you wouldn't approve of it.”
“What wouldn’t I approve? The fact that you love music and are unbelievably talented at it? No, my dear, you’re wrong! There’s nothing bad about it! I also loved playing guitar somehow, but I gave up on it at some moment and haven’t played it for ages. I’ve never minded your love for music. If you’d wanted to reach something in the music career, I wouldn't have made you work in my business.”
“And… Did you really like what I played and sang?”
“If you’d been more confident, you would’ve done it much better,” Jamie replies confidently with a slight smile. “You’re shy to show your whole talent, even if I’m sure you have a great one.”
“I dunno… Maybe, I’m not so talentless and worthless. But I don’t think I’m great.”
“Nobody is born great. They become like this thanks to their wish, sense of purpose, and hard work. Any talent must be improved. Even if you’re good at something, you should remember you can do it much better.”
“Of course, it’s wonderful. But sadly, I have no chance to show it. I don’t aim it, though.”
“You’re just insecure and terribly shy. It’s fixable, though. And I could help you if you let me do it.”
“Really?” Edward rounds his eyes.
“I want to be by your side not only for that but also for giving you what you’ve been deprived of all those years.”
“Please, Edward, let me prove that I’m not indifferent to you,” Jamie begs with pity in his eyes. “Let me spend the last years of my life with you. I don’t want to die without giving my children everything they need. You have a right to be mad at me and reject me as your father. But I want to apologize to you for never showing interest in your life and giving you a chance to do what you want.”
“I get it.”
“Please, sonny, forgive me for screaming at you and taking it out on you when I was in a bad mood. Just because I was screaming at you didn’t mean I didn’t care about you. I’ve always cared about you. At heart, I’ve always been worried about you. I was just too busy with my work and couldn’t show my feelings openly.”
“You really want it?”
“Now I want to be by the side of my children so badly. If you give me a chance to get better, I’ll no longer treat you like a doormat. You’ll never hear a bad word from me or be turned around if you wish to talk or hug a close person. Please, Edward… Give me a chance to be by your side until the end of my life. I have very little time to live… I want to die with a calm soul, not a stone in my heart…”
“No!” Edward shakes his head sharply. “No, don’t talk about death! Please! Don’t say it like you have a few days to live.”
“Alas, Edward, none of us lives forever. Someday, my time will come.”
“No, Dad, no! Don’t say so!”
“I’ll feel much better if you forgive your father and let him take care of you.”
“Sure! Of course, I will! But…” Edward falls into silence for two seconds, glances down, and looks at Jamie with pity in his eyes. “But you also forgive me for not becoming a good son for you. I’m really very sorry for making so many mistakes. Making everybody think that I killed your friend. And leaving you alone. I’m ashamed that I screamed at you at times. And I’m unbelievably sorry about almost killing the older son of you and Mother. I swear I didn’t want it and wouldn’t have taken a pistol that I’m terribly afraid of if I’d been much braver. Please, Father, forgive me for everything. Let me become the one you’ve always dreamed about. Who you could call the one with pleasure.”
“Ah, sonny…” Jamie takes Edward by the shoulders with a slight smile, looking at him with pride. “I am already, unbelievably proud of you! For taking all the hard things with honor and dignity and staying the one you’ve always been. There were traps, in which you could’ve easily gotten, but you avoided it.”
“I think love was the one to help me.”
“And I’m sure fate will reward you for all the sufferings and give you the gift you’re dreaming about.”
“I already have it,” Edward says confidently with a smile. “I got a chance to find and get a family. And meet the girl, who does much more than I need. The one that makes me the one she wants me to be and change my life for the best. The fat gave me a chance to reconcile with those I hurt and disappointed. And I can’t complain now because I have everything I need.”
“I hope you will not make the same mistakes.”
“Never.” Edward falls into silence for two seconds and smiles shyly. “And I’m madly glad I got a chance to speak to my father. In the death of who I believed so easily.”
“Seriously, Dad, you can’t imagine how horrified I was when Uncle told me you were dead.” Edward swallows up nervously. “I was so sorry about not talking and saying goodbye to you. I even swore to take revenge on him for you and do everything to put him in prison.”
“Luckily, nothing happened to me, and I’m here, with my family,” Jamie replies softly, squeezing Edward’s shoulders and then his biceps. “And I hope nothing will separate me from it.”
“I also hope that any Uncles Michael will not stand in our way.”
“May it happen,” Jamie puts on a smile that is as charming as Edward’s with relief. “We will be all together now.”
“Now it’s one of my biggest wishes,” Edward replies with the same smile.
Jamie smiles much wider and truer, comes closer to Edward, and squeezes his shoulders, while the guy does not stop looking at him, barely holding tears of happiness down. They struggle with diffidence and a feeling that a barrier has not been destroyed yet for two seconds. Then they take each other in a strong hug, exhaling with relief at a different time and feeling how they get obsessed with emotions after they showed this tenderness to each other for the first time in life. Edward feels that it’s getting easier for him to breathe in as long as he gets rid of the burden, under which he was literally bending. The man is getting straight and feeling his strength and confidence. As well as Jamie, whose eyes get full of tears of happiness. Who starts shaking slightly from the strong excitement.
All this time, Rebecca and Terrence were watching what was happening, stepping aside and standing together. The man watches this scene with a true smile on his face and sometimes glances at his mother, whom he cutely hugs by the shoulders with both arms. The woman looks at her older son with a wide smile on her face at some moment and carefully wipes off tears under her eyes, rejoicing like a little child that everything has ended so well.
A few seconds later, Edward and Jamie step away and slap each other on the shoulders, smiling much wider than before, breathing a little heavier, and shaking slightly from the strong excitement. While the guy looks at his father with half-wet eyes, the man claps him slightly on the cheeks with both hands.
“Edward, sonny…” Jamie pronounces in a little shaking voice from excitement. “I’m so happy… Happy to meet you again. Find out that you’re okay. I could not calm down when I realized that you left home.”
“My life was hard, but I survived,” Edward replies.
“At first, I didn’t even believe when Victor somehow told me that Edward Lockhart was you. That you’re my son. The son, whom I almost lost because of my stupidity.”
“It’s gonna be otherwise. I promise.”
“Oh, sonny…”
“I love you, Dad,” Edward confesses softly. “I always have. Despite nothing.”
“I love you so much, too. And I will always love. Whatever mistakes you make.”
“I wanted to hear it for ten or fifteen years.”
Jamie hugs Edward tightly again, caressing his head softly, while the guy feels that his eyes are getting wetter and wetter. And when they step away a few seconds later, they share a true, wide smile and move their eyes to Terrence and Rebecca, who are embracing each other and watching what’s happening. While Jamie swallows up nervously, Edward nods and slowly comes to Rebecca, along with whom he goes aside. Terrence hesitates for two seconds and comes to his father with a wish to say something.
“Father, I would like…” Terrence pronounces hesitantly.
“Listen, Terrence, I understand it’s quite a hard situation for you and me,” Jamie replies quietly. “Nevertheless, I’m glad you finally found out the truth. Even if you did not hear it from me. As I wanted. As I thought was right.”
“Now I know you didn’t want it,” Terrence says hesitantly. “It’s easy for me to imagine everything you feel now and felt then. As well as you, I’ll be apologizing to the girl I dared to hurt until the end of my life. I won’t forget it, as well as you haven’t forgotten your conflict with Mother after a little more than twenty years.”
“If I hadn’t gotten over that, I would’ve advised you to forget it. I would’ve said it was the past, and that girl forgave you. But I can’t do it. And I can’t advise anything after I left you and your mother, thinking it would be better if you never saw me.”
“Don’t worry, I get it. If my fiancée hadn’t left, I would've left her. Not because I was mad. Because I was terribly ashamed. And… I was terribly nervous when I had to tell Mother what happened. I thought she’d judge me, hate me, stop calling me her son… Yes, she really disliked it. But later, Mother calmed down and understood me.”
“I’m sorry that I deprived you of the chance to speak to your brother and grow up along with him. That’s good you two were kids and can barely remember what happened to you. But I personally still remember you treating Edward very tenderly when he was born. When your mother was back home with him.”
“I can’t judge you when I did almost the same thing.” Terrence exhales slowly. “Alas, I can’t call myself an innocent angel.”
“I don’t want to judge you. There were many reasons why you could believe your fiancée wasn’t loyal to you.”
“I thought she was guilty, but I eventually almost ruined my relationship when I decided to pretend to be madly in love with one girl. Not to forget Raquelle. To make her persuade her father to help me start a music career. At some moment, I even started to believe that I forgot my fiancée, but I realized I was wrong when I met her again. She saw me with that girl and started a scandal.”
“I heard about it.”
“She had problems with one horrible man, who killed her parents. Sadly, I left her after promising her to help and made her deal with that man alone. But at the last moment, I helped her, wishing to make amends and doing it for my love for her. Yes, we originally dated because of passion, but later, I started to understand that she was not just a beautiful girl, who was good in bed.”
“Your mother told me about that man. And I think you did a worthy thing. As a truly brave and confident man, who didn’t fear difficulties and the fact that you would not get a thankfulness.”
“I did it not for thankfulness and praise, but for the love and the wish to make amends.”
“I know, Terrence, I do. You’re a fine fellow.”
“Yeah, fine…” Terrence hums without emotions on his face. “Not saying that I raised a hand on the girl.”
“The most important thing is that you’re truly sorry about that,” Jamie replies softly with a slight smile. “No matter what, you didn’t bury your head in the sand. Your fiancée really means much to you.”
“I will not bear it if I lose her,” Terrence confesses with sadness in his eyes. “Without her, I won’t care about my life. I never feel bored with Raquelle. She can be unexpected and get nicely surprised.”
“You will not lose her, Terrence,” Jamie replies confidently. “Raquelle loves you very much, too. That girl did an amazing thing when organizing the arrest of Michael with the help of Victor and his colleague.”
“I know.”
“Sadly, I didn’t speak to that girl. We didn’t even introduce ourselves and talked only about the business. Though, we understood who was who. Anyway, I think Raquelle completed her mission incredibly and proved her love for our family, which she literally saved from my sick brother.”
“Don’t doubt, Father, I’m absolutely sure you would like her,” Terrence replies with a slight smile. “She’s amazing. The best of all the girls I’ve ever known. I’m madly lucky I chose her. And… Sometimes I think we have a special connection… We feel each other very well… I know when she feels bad or good, and she feels what happens to me.”
“I already like that girl,” Jamie smiles slightly. “If she makes you so happy, I must be happy for you and love her. Moreover, your mother always says very good things about her.”
“Well, if Mother likes someone, a person is really very good.”
“I know it well. She has always been able to know what a person is, even if she barely knows them.”
“Honestly, Mother never liked my ex-girlfriends as much as she likes Raquelle. She never meddled in my life and was not rude to anyone. She just told me her opinion and advised me to be careful. And she wasn’t wrong. Mother disliked some girls for a reason. For example, she didn’t like the girl, with whom I cheated on Raquelle. She told me she wouldn’t accept her if we were together. Because Rachel seemed sweet and innocent, but she had something pushing. Well, as you heard, I never truly loved her and just played love for my benefit. Yes, that was rude, but my wish to teach Raquelle a lesson and forget her and the perspective to start a musical career won.”
“You know, Terrence…” Jamie glances aside for a second, stroking his chin. “I married Isabella in the hope of forgetting your mother. I was never mad at her for something. I just wanted her to find another man, who would give her anything she wanted. I wouldn't make her live in poverty. If Michael hadn’t deprived me of everything, I would’ve provided for your mother, you, and your brother. But alas, because of him and my stupidity, I had nothing. I lost everything: house, money, the company of your grandfather…”
“Hey, I recalled how Edward told me he never saw you having a crush on Isabella,” Terrence confesses thoughtfully. “She was just a partner for you.”
“It’s true. I never loved Isabella as a woman. She was my good friend and workmate. I can’t say I think she’s bad. No, vice versa! Your stepmother was a very good woman. Kind, understanding, caring… She never started scandals and hysterics. She was able to give in and apologize if she wasn’t right. I just felt comfortable with her. But… I didn’t get a love for her. Even if she didn’t make me irritated, and I didn’t feel like I lived with her by force.”
“Loved Mother?”
“Yes. I’ve only always loved Rebecca. Even when I got a document about the marriage with Isabella. I did it for a benefit. For a wish to give a home to your brother and me. Isabella stood in my way at a good time, and I must’ve taken a chance. She was ready for anything, but I used her feelings. I know that was very cruel, but I was ready to do it for my son that I wouldn’t have fed up if I had stayed a pathetic beggar.”
“And when did you start to regret marrying the woman you didn’t love?”
“Later, I started to understand I made a mistake when marrying her. For the first few years, I was sure I did the right thing… But as long as Edward was growing up, the more I thought of your mother. Your brother had something he got from his mother. And looking at him, I thought of her. I regretted leaving her. I thought of you. I wondered what was happening to you. At some moment, I started to get attracted to my first family. Without which I felt bad and sad.”
“So, didn’t you get upset when Uncle told Isabella about your bigamy?”
“Maybe, I wouldn’t have done it. But I felt hurt because that woman wanted to deprive me of the opportunity to speak to my younger sons, whom I also love very much. They were guilty of nothing. Not guilty that their father is an absolute idiot, who decided to cheat after doing such a disgusting thing to his family.”
“Hm…” Terrence frowns slightly. “I wonder, would I have lived the same life if I had wanted to marry another girl to forget Raquelle?”
“You wouldn’t have loved another girl. And I’m very glad you didn’t make another girl unhappy. She would've been totally in love with you, but you would’ve given a damn about her and lived with her only for your benefit. For a wish to forget the one, who allegedly betrayed you.”
“You know, through all these years, I’ve heard how many people compared me with you. They often told me I was really similar to my father. At first, it made me mad because I hated you and believed you were terrible. But then I started to understand that the people were right. Because we’re really similar.”
“You’re literally the image of the young me. Looking at you, I see myself at the same age as you. You and I have the same height, the same hair color… We have the same features and character… I even had a similar hairstyle. The only difference is that you have the eyes of your mother. She’s our blue-eyed beauty. And you got them.”
“I believe I see myself as someone, who's going to live in twenty-five or thirty years,” Terrence says with a chuckle. “But I must confess that you’ve held up well.”
“I was just lucky with genes,” Jamie replies shyly. “All the MacClifes get old slowly and have much strength at an old age. Your uncle Michael is the only one to look like an eighty-year-old man, who has pain in everything. And all of us looked good and turned to old people late.”
“I noticed it. He was a slow snail against you. You looked much better and more cheerful.”
“Anyway, it’s not the most important thing. The most important thing is that your life is much better. That you and your brother don’t be like Michael and me. Not to become the same enemies.”
“No, Father, it won’t happen,” Terrence replies confidently. “Edward and I are tightly attracted to each other. Of course, we irritate each other sometimes, but we love anyway. At first, it was hard for me to accept the news that I actually had a brother. Mother and I wanted to find him, but we didn’t even suspect that he was near us. That it was the one, who introduced to us as Edward Lockhart. But now I can say that I’m very happy. Happy that my little childhood dream came true. Because… I often asked my mother to give me a brother or sister when I was a kid.”
“I’m so glad to hear it,” Jamie smiles slightly. “I don't want my own children to be enemies and jealous of each other. When I found out about your fight, I was very upset and worried, thinking you’d start to take revenge on each other.”
“We don’t like thinking about that conflict. But that’s what taught Edward and me to appreciate each other and what connects us. And remember that if we lose our parents someday, we’ll stay together and count only on each other.”
“I hope you will keep thinking so. And you know… Maybe, that’s good you and Edward didn’t grow up together and found out about each other much later. Who knows if you would've been so close. What if you’d started to fight in early childhood and hadn’t forgotten your childhood offenses even at a mature age.”
“You and Mother said I was very glad when my brother was born and even helped you.”
“You were a baby, and your brother was much younger. You couldn’t play and speak to each other. The only thing you could do was come to Edward's bed and watch him. But then you would’ve started to fight for toys and the attention of your parents.”
“Maybe, we would’ve really killed each other for toys. But I think none of us would’ve been deprived of our parents’ love. As it happened to Uncle.”
“Actually, your grandmother and grandfather loved Michael and never gave a damn about him, as that man said. But since he gave them only problems, didn’t want to study, and didn’t have talents, I was getting all the attention. I was the pride of my parents. And Michael was always jealous that I was getting everything. Moreover, he got used to being the only child by the age of seven. But then my mother got him overwhelmed by the news that his brother would be born soon. I don’t know, maybe my parents didn’t think he might’ve accepted me. Or maybe, your uncle became an incorrigible egoist and got much worse after I was born and literally stole the attention of your grandfather and grandmother. A little child constantly needs it, but Michael was adult enough to take care of him.”
“Didn’t Grandma and Grandpa try to make you friends?”
“Of course, they did. They always told Michael that I was a kid, and that he should’ve treated me with respect and love. But that man kept ruining my life. He started with little things: stealing my toys, hiding them, breaking them, and pretending that he didn’t know what everybody was talking about. But every year, his tricks were getting more serious.” Jamie falls into silence for two seconds. “First, I didn’t understand Michael and asked myself why he hated me. I tried to befriend him, pleased him, and did everything he wanted. But then I got sick and started to understand that it was worthless. My brother became a real egoistic beast by the teenage age, and I eventually got hate, for him, as well.”
“I’m so sorry it happened. I wouldn’t also let my children become enemies. I would never love one person more than another. I’d show the same care for them, despite their actions.”
“That’s right,” Jamie replies softly with a slight smile. “I’ve always loved, you, Edward, Jeremy, and William in the same way and never praised only one. For me, there was no difference between the eldest, the middle, and the youngest child. And… I can’t imagine my life without my children. I may be deprived of everything and be naked, but I won’t live if I don’t have my sons.”
“I know.”
“When you have your children, you’ll understand that your life will have no meaning without them. They’ll become the whole world for you. You’ll give them the last thing and stay hungry and naked, shaking from coldness. I don’t doubt that you would be a wonderful, loving father.”
Terrence says nothing and just smiles shyly, inclining his head at some moment.
“Erm…” Terrence stutters and looks at Jamie hesitantly. “Father… Can I… Tell you something? I mean… Ask you about something…”
“Sure, Terrence,” Jamie says confidently with a slight smile. “Ask anything from me.”
Terrence says nothing for a few seconds, getting ready for what he should have done a long time ago. And then he relaxes his shoulders sharply, looks into Jamie’s eyes confidently, and says in a little shaking voice:
“I want to ask you for forgiveness… For considering you a horrible man and believing the sick liar for so many years. Please, Father, forgive me for ignoring you for almost ten years and wishing to hear nothing about you. For being too stubborn and refusing to talk to you. I’m sure everything would’ve been different if I’d told you why I did it. Mother was right when letting you explain everything. I swear, I would’ve ignored you if I had known you didn’t actually beat Mother. I’m really sorry it happened…”
Not believing what he heard and barely breathing from the strong emotions, Jamie shakes his head, while Rebecca and Edward look at each other with slight smiles.
“Oh, my gosh…” Jamie pronounces in a little shaking voice. “Terrence… My God… You… You can’t imagine how happy I am to hear it. Gosh… I have been waiting for it for almost ten years!”
“I was unfair to you all this time,” Terrence confesses with pity in his eyes. “And when I found out the truth from Uncle, I wanted to burn from shame. And when you came to the office, I felt terribly awkward being with you. Not because I saw you for the first time in my life. But because I was ashamed to look into your eyes. I had already know that the late father of Edward was my father, too. Though, I am ashamed to do it now.”
“Don’t be, Terrence, you’re guilty of nothing. It will be only Michael’s fault.”
“I thought my mother was crazy because she forgave such a terrible man so easily. But now I understand why she’s always tried to whitewash you whatever people say.”
“Your mother just can’t be mad for too long and forgives people easily. And I think she does the right thing. The heavier the burden of offenses is, the more it poisons your soul and drags you down. The harder it is for you to enjoy your life and focus on what does matter.”
“You’re right.”
“You know, I actually wanted to apologize to you first. But…” Jamie falls into silence for two seconds and looks at Terrence with greater pity. “I’m also asking you to forgive me. Please, Terrence, forgive me for leaving you and Rebecca alone, separating you from your brother and not caring about your life for almost fifteen years. For hiding from my first family. While Victor and Lydia, his wife, were literally getting your mother out of depression and making her live at least for you.”
“It’s okay, I get it.”
“Don’t think I became good and came to you and Rebecca many years later, deciding to make amends quickly. That’s not true. I’m really very sorry about the past and want to establish my relationship with you. I want to be by the side of you and Edward until the end of my life, comfort you at hard times, and help you in any situation.”
“I’m sure I can get closer to you.”
“I want to prove that I’ve never been so horrible. That I can love and show my feelings. Now I’ll show them more often and much opener.”
“I believe, Father,” Terrence smiles shyly with a sense of relief. “And don’t worry: I forgave you a long time ago and will blame you for nothing. Because you’re not guilty of what you were blamed for.”
“Thanks, sonny.”
“Forgive your stupid and naive son, who believed your biggest enemy for so many years,” Terrence smiles. “I didn’t wanna hurt you.”
“No, you aren’t stupid!” Jamie protests. “And I was naive somehow… It’s okay. Everybody makes mistake. At least you’ve always been a brave, loyal, caring, and confident man.”
“Nice to hear it.”
“Raquelle is very lucky to have such a wonderful fiancé. And I really hope that she understands it.”
“Of course, she does.”
“And I want you to remember one thing. Despite nothing, I will always love you and be proud of you. I’m not ashamed to tell the world that I’m your father. You’re my firstborn. The child, the birth of who separated my life in two.”
“Well, I’m proud to have such wonderful parents,” Terrence smiles widely with his head proudly raised. “To have such an amazing mother, who is the kindest, the most caring, and the most tender person I’ve ever known. And not a less amazing father, whose bravery and confidence make me admire him. I’m still delighted by how confident you were during the fight with Uncle. That was incredible.”
“I did it for my family. For your salvation and well-being.”
“And because you proved it by your actions, I think you deserve a second chance. Which, as I hope, you will use well. And let’s not think of the past. Everybody makes mistakes. A perfect person doesn't exist. Life is an experience, an experience is our mistakes, and our mistakes are the taste that might be sweet, nice, and good or bitter, disgusting, and terrible.”
“Sure, sonny,” Jamie replies with a slight smile, clapping Terrence on the shoulder. “I will do my best to become a wonderful father for Edward and you.”
Terrence exhales with relief and a slight smile on his face. Jamie gives him a hand hesitantly, and his son shakes it immediately, looking at his father closely. After they got so close to each other for the first time, they feel a little awkward and spend some time breaking a psychological barrier and overcoming hesitance and shyness. A little later, they clap each other on the shoulder with a free hand, slowly getting rid of the sense of awkwardness and feeling more relaxed. Terrence and Jamie’s smiles get much wider and more confident, and the tension leaves their bodies. After a long, close look into the eyes, the father and his eldest son take each other in a tight hug, feeling that it’s hard for them to breathe from the emotions that suddenly get obsessed with them.
The inside voice tells Terrence it’s really his father. Finding himself in his hug, he immediately feels the connection with Jamie. Something warm, kind of forgotten, is getting born inside him and gives him a feeling that he found the lost piece of himself. This moment is so emotional that the man does not hold down the tears that are slowly rolling down his cheeks. Jamie also literally chokes from an overabundance of emotions and does not hide his wide smile. At some moment, little tears show up in his eyes while he tightly hugs his eldest son, putting his hand on the back of his head, while the guy sniffs quietly and shakes from a little tension slightly.
When her older son hugged his father for the first time in his life, Rebecca stopped containing her emotions and started to cry quietly from happiness. Not hiding his wide smile, Edward tightly hugs his mother with both arms, pressing her closer to himself and caressing the woman’s head at some moment.
“Gosh, my prayers have been heard,” Rebecca says in a quiet, shaking voice and sniffs. “I can’t believe it happened!”
“That’s so great when everyone reconciles, and any story ends with a happy ending,” Edward replies confidently.
“I thought this day would never come. But it’s come! Thank you, God! Thank you so much!”
“Aw, Mom…”
Edward kisses Rebecca cutely on the cheek, snuggles his nose on the top of her head, and rubs against it with his cheek, while she caresses his arms with a wide smile through tears. A few seconds later, Terrence and Jamie breathing heavily step away from each other slowly. Because of excitement, both of them breathe a little heavily and shake slightly, but a true, wide smile appears on their faces, and their eyes are full of gloss.
“Gosh, it’s hard to believe it,” Jamie says in a strongly shaking voice and grabs Terrence’s face, looking at him with half-wet eyes. “Terrence… Sonny… I met you again! So many years later!”
“Damn, I’m gonna cry now,” Terrence says a little hesitantly, sniffing with a slight smile. “I shed no tear when proposing to Raquelle, but I can’t contain myself now…”
“You can’t imagine how much I dreamed about this moment. How much I wanted to hug you and say I love you.” Jamie shakes his head, clapping Terrence on the cheek slightly. “Gosh… My dream has come true… So, I can die with calm in my soul…”
“No, Dad, don’t talk about death, please,” Terrence begs with pity in his eyes. “I know your time will come someday, but now I don’t wanna lose you.”
“Damn!” Terrence shakes his head. “I did really believe you died! When Edward said Uncle killed you… When I found out that we were siblings. That we had the same mother and the same father.” That was a shock for me… As well as he did, I regretted not talking to you and making Mother’s wish come true.”
“For me, knowing that bastard killed at least one of my sons would’ve been a shock to me. But thank God, you’re both safe and sound, and Michael didn’t kill you and your brother.”
“I believe you were supposed to be born blessed.”
“No, I wasn’t born blessed,” Jamie shakes his head with a smile, clapping Terrence on his shoulders. “My love for my family just always helped me. The love for my children and the mother of you and Edward showed me the way. I was doing all of that only for you. If I didn’t have you, I would’ve let my brother do anything to me and wouldn’t have fought with him so hard.”
“And now I can say I love you. I’ll always love you and find you the same close person as Mother and Edward. You’re all my family, and I love you with all my heart.”
“Aw, Terrence, my dear…”
Jamie takes Terrence in a tight hug that the guy accepts with pleasure, smiling much wider when his father caresses his head at some moment. Meanwhile, Rebecca and Edward look at each other with slight smiles. Then MacClife, Jr., steps back, shyly comes closer to Jamie and Terrence, and stands two meters away from them. Hugging each other, they turn on him and invite the guy to join them. The guy comes to his father and brother, gets involved in their hug, and answers it with pleasure.
“Ah, guys!” Jamie smiles widely, hugging Terrence and Edward with his head proudly raised. “How it’s great to hug you two! My children!”
“Realizing that you have two parents is an incredible feeling,” Terrence confesses.
“I will not get sick of saying what you two should remember. Whatever happens, I will always love you two in the same way. I shall never stop being proud of my children, who became truly worthy men. So courageous, strong, and loyal! You’re my pride, guys! I'm not ashamed to call you my sons and tell the whole world about it. Everyone can turn their back on you, but not your mother and me. We will always be by your side.”
“As well as our girls. I don’t doubt that Raquelle would never betray me.”
“As well as my beloved girlfriend,” Edward adds confidently. “Now I’ll no longer dare to doubt Natalia. And I know she’d make me much braver and more confident.”
“But remember that you also have each other,” Jamie notices and steps back from Edward and Terrence.
“Sure, Dad. We know we can’t break family ties.”
“Never, hear me, never betray each other and especially bring your arguments to cruel fights. I don’t want and will not let you become someone like your uncle and me. You’re brothers. Close people, who should love, respect, and support each other. When your mother and I die, you will only count on each other. And I want us to know that our children are close and will not find a reason to fight and pretend that you have no family ties.”
“Please, don’t talk about death, especially yours and Mother’s,” Terrence begs with pity in his eyes.
“Alas, Terrence, but it’s inevitable. Anyway, I hope we will be friends. since you’re an adult and have nothing to share and be jealous of, I hope you will not have conflicts. Don’t make the mistake that Michael and I made. Hear me, guys!”
Terrence and Edward look at each other with true smiles on their faces, move their eyes to Jamie, and, embracing each other amicably, say confidently at the same time:
“Never ever!”
“I hope it will happen!” Jamie smiles widely and claps Edward and Terrence on the cheek at the same time. “I say again, my children will not become enemies.”
“Don’t worry, Dad,” Terrence says confidently with a slight smile. “While you and Mother are not near us, I’ll personally take care of my little brother.”
“And I watch my big brother, so he doesn’t do bad things,” Edward laughs shyly.
“Oh, my gosh!” Jamie shakes his head with a kind chuckle. “I’ve reunited with my family! I still can’t believe it! Our family is together again!”
“And I hope nothing will tear us apart anymore.”
“No Uncles Michael and evil people,” Terrence adds.
“Aw, my restless boys…” Jamie pronounces with a wide smile.
Jamie hugs Edward and Terrence at the same time, caressing them on the head and staying in it for a few seconds. Then the three step away a little and move their eyes to Rebecca, who is watching her beloved men with a wide smile on her face and tears in her eyes.
“Come to us, Mom!” Terrence makes a calling gesture.
“Yes, come here!” Edward adds. “What are you standing there?”
Rebecca hesitates for two seconds and comes to Jamie, Edward, and Terrence, getting involved in a group hug and hugging her younger son and her husband, between whom she is standing. A few seconds later, the members of the MacClife family step away and share their wide smiles, being as happy with their long-awaited reunion as little children. At some moment, Rebecca hugs Terrence and Edward and kisses them on the cheek and does it to Jamie, who kisses her on the top of her head tenderly.
“I can’t believe our family has reunited,” Rebecca confesses happily. “Gosh, a little more than twenty years later, we got each other again!”
“Yeah, I only need to wait for my documents with the new name are in my hands,” Edward replies.
“You wanna change your name?”
“I do. I’m gonna become Edward Robert MacClife again and end the story of Edward Lockhart. Because that’s the one, who I’ve always been. And I don’t wanna seem a white sheep next to you.”
“That’s right!” Terrence exclaims. “Everyone knows who you are. So, you can end this show.”
“I ended it on the day when Uncle got arrested. And soon, Edward Lockhart will be just your memory.”
“My gosh, you can’t imagine how happy I am now. I’ll always remember this day! October, 8th! The day when everything has been put in the right places.”
“Ah, honey, I so agree with you!” Jamie smiles widely. “And I’m happy not less than you. I will mark this day with a red color as the most important one in my life.”
“And I shall mark all the days when I reconciled with those, who were important to me,” Edward laughs shyly.
“And if the trial of Uncle is more than just good, don’t forget to mark the day of the announcement of the sentence,” Terrence adds cheerfully. “Because the story of Michael MacClife will end forever.”
“I’m sure everything is gonna be fine,” Jamie replies confidently, waving a hand. “Victor makes me sure about it, and I believe him. The police have good proof of Michael’s fault. And all our testimonies will be very important. That stinker and his pals will pay for every dirty trick.”
“Hey, you planned everything so well! You were hiding from everybody, so nobody found you, but you were aware of what was happening here.”
“It’s all for my wish to give Michael a sudden hit in the back. To get him super overwhelmed. So, he doesn’t think I’m stupid and naive.”
“And how epic it was when you attacked each other!”
“Oh, yeah, I’ll never forget that moment!” Edward exclaims with a wide smile, clicking the fingers of his hands. “And what a brilliant ending to the battle! How great you hit Uncle! You knocked him out with a hit to the face!”
“Seriously?” Rebecca wonders and looks at the smiling Jamie questioningly. “Jamie? You didn’t tell me that!”
“It’s true, I hit that bastard,” Jamie says proudly with a sly smile. “I dreamed about that for a long time! And I finally got such a wonderful chance!”
“My gosh…” Rebecca chuckles quietly. “I’d like to see his reaction.”
“What kind of reaction he could have! He opened his eyes widely and collapsed on the floor. His old body was lying until the policemen came to the office, woke that stinker up, got him up, and took him away.”
“You would’ve liked that scene,” Terrence says confidently and cheerfully. “We were all delighted.”
“Aha, but that old man got us too exhausted,” Edward notices. “He complained he had pain in his legs and barely moved, but he was jumping in the whole office like a young boy.”
“Oh, he’s now jumping like a monkey in a cell that he was put in,” Jamie laughs shyly. “Our Mickey is waiting for his sentence.”
“I’d like to laugh at that scene.”
“I’ll laugh at him when he is brought to the courtroom.” Jamie rubs his hands happily with a sly smile on his face. “I do really wanna see my brother in handcuffs. Wearing a prison robe. Sitting among defendants.”
“I bet that he starts showering us with mud again,” Edward assumes thoughtfully. “Or he will wish to attack us when we start blaming him.”
“Or he will play a whole show and pretend that he feels bad,” Terrence adds. “Grab his heart and scream, so someone calls an ambulance.”
“Nobody will believe him! When a person has a heart issue, they can’t speak.”
“Exactly!” Jamie exclaims. “We’ll just laugh at him, and policemen will call doctors from a mental hospital, not an ambulance. They’ll inject him with something, so he calms down.”
“Oh, yeah, he will need a couple of injections of sedative in his old ass.”
“It’s okay, that cad will run nowhere. Victor said he was put under close attention, so he didn’t do anything bad.”
“I think so,” Rebecca agrees. “And we shouldn’t care about what he says. It won’t help him. We have so many people by our side, and the situation is for us. May Michael try to prove that he didn’t rob our family, try to kill all of us, and did too many bad things.”
“Uncle will not be the only one to be on the trial,” Terrence notices. “I believe his pals are also gonna be in a courtroom.”
“Of course, they will. Since they’re featured in this case, they’ll be waiting for a sentence and testifying.”
“I only care about Eric Brown and Eugene Wainwright,” Edward says thoughtfully. “I especially want them to get a harsh sentence. And I madly want Natalia’s offender to pay for what he tried to do to her.”
“He’s guilty of more things,” Terrence notices. “Wainwright has to do with the attempt on Father. Raquelle said Mr. Johnson told her about the sketch based on the words of the witness in that case.”
“I know that stinker, but I haven’t seen him so often,” Jamie replies gloomily. “Very unpleasant man. He always looked homeless. Dirty, smelly, non-brushed… With greasy hair and a big scar on the face.”
“With the face of an orangutan,” Edward says in a rude, low voice, crossing his arms over his chest.
“He was literally dancing around Michael when my brother and I met at the right place.”
“And I hope doctors from a mental hospital will examine him well. That man might really be dangerous to people. Especially girls. If he is not stopped, Natalia might not be the only victim of him.”
“Don’t worry, Edward, we will have no problems with Eugene. There is proof of his fault. And that girl gave the police everything she could to prove the charge for the rape attempt. And the witness to my murder attempt will come to the trial and testify against him.”
“I would like to believe it…”
“I hope the killer of Nicolas will be sentenced, as well,” Rebecca shows hope. “Eric Brown must pay for what he did.”
“I want it, too,” Edward replies quietly with sadness in his eyes. “They will drop all the charges off me only if he’s sentenced. I’m sick of being a suspect and being afraid that I could be put in prison.”
“Since you found your friend, I’m sure his story would be very important in announcing a sentence. And if the fingerprints fit Eric’s fingerprints, they will obviously drop the charges off you.”
“I did everything I could,” Edward replies quietly. “I only need to wait for the date of the start of the hearing and get ready for it morally.”
“As Victor told me, the date will be chosen at the nearest time,” Jamie says thoughtfully. “But I think the trial will start somewhere in three or four weeks.”
“Oh, damn, I can’t wait for the trial to be over…” Terrence moans tiredly, running his hands over his face. “I could focus on working on an album with my band.”
“Wow! You have your band?”
“Yes, a few months ago, two friends of mine and I started it. At first, that was fun, and we played for ourselves. Later, we got noticed by a famous band and were invited to perform on a few shows, and then the studio offered us a contract for recording an album.”
“That’s amazing!” Jamie smiles widely. “I’m so happy for you!”
“Oh, Terrence has always shown interest in music,” Rebecca says with a smile. “He wasn’t attracted to acting as much as music. Although this guy does both things well, I must confess that music is his real element.”
“But acting was also an interesting thing,” Terrence notices. “I met many good people and got some experience. Besides, I was earning a lot of money, even for a small role. You know that I decided to act in movies for us to get out of poverty. And as I got such a wonderful chance, it would’ve been a sin not to use it.”
“You would’ve hardly bought me this gorgeous house. But I’m sad that you had lived in a rented apartment before you moved into the house where you and Raquelle started to live.”
“I was happy with everything. You lived in a big house, and I rented a small apartment and gave you something to live on.”
“And you were shy about bringing Raquelle to that apartment,” Edward adds. “You wanted to surprise her and brought her to that house.”
“I would’ve never brought her to that apartment. It was, so to say, not very good. And the owner swore. I mean, his neighbors complained to him about loud sounds in the apartment, and then he washed my brains and banned me from bringing my friends and girlfriends there.”
“I imagine what would’ve happened if you’d brought your fiancée there,” Jamie says thoughtfully.
“No, my fiancée wouldn’t have lived in that condition. I was looking for a house. But when Raquelle and I started a relationship, I began to save money. I had to spend much less and use any chance to earn something. Photoshoots, interviews, minor roles in movies…”
“I guess, the efforts were worth it.”
“It is! So, as my business is getting better, it’s time to think about the band. And finally start discussing my wedding with Raquelle.”
“I’d like to hear your band play,” Jamie confesses with a smile. “Hear you play and sing.”
“I also wanna hear you,” Rebecca says with a slight smile. “Sadly, they didn’t show the performances of your band on TV. So, I couldn’t hear how you sounded.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll organize it when our drummer leaves the hospital and can play,” Terrence promises confidently. “We’ll play for you and our girls with pleasure.”
“Excuse me, what happened to your drummer?” Jamie frowns slightly.
“He wanted to kill himself. He had a hard condition for a long time. But luckily, he’s fine now, and that guy is getting better.”
“Oh, how awful…” Jamie shakes his head. “What kind of despair was he supposed to feel if he tried to kill himself?”
“He had a hard life and wasn’t able to overcome all the difficulties. He thought he’d do it on his own and get nobody involved in his problems. But it almost led to the catastrophe.”
“Poor guy, I’m so sorry for him… But that’s good everything was over well.”
“We’re happy, too,” Terrence replies with a slight smile. “He’s gotta spend some time in a hospital to get well, but we visit him almost every day. The doctor says it would be great for him to be in our company because he would distract from bad thoughts.”
“I’m glad he’s doing well.”
Terrence says nothing and keeps smiling slightly. That’s why silence settles in the air for two seconds, which Edward breaks a little hesitantly:
“Hey, Father, what are you gonna do after Uncle Michael is sentenced? Well… I mean, where are you gonna live, what to do, and something like that?”
“Oh, I can’t say anything,” Jamie replies hesitantly. “I care only that my brother is put in prison.”
“What about the company? Will it no longer exist?”
“I’d like to try to get my company back and could do it because I have proof that Michael got it by force.”
“But since Mom has the rights to some part of the stocks, she’s technically a co-owner of the company. So, it means she’s able to make important decisions. And by giving proof of the fact that Uncle was framing you, the staff will wish to see someone else to be honest as a manager. Or you could actually fire everybody and find new members.”
“Edward’s right, Father,” Terrence agrees. “Don’t reject what belongs to you. You could really get it all back. It’s your right. You’re the owner of everything that Grandpa Manuel bequeathed to you. He wanted you to continue his business. Moreover, while Mom is the owner of the part of the stocks, the company is not lost. She keeps getting the income from it.”
“The judge will take note of these facts and make Michael give you everything until the last cent,” Rebecca adds confidently. “I wouldn’t reject at least the company that generates good income.”
“Yeah, Michael saved the company and didn't go bankrupt,” Jamie replies with a chuckle. “Amazing man! He’s as stupid as a shell and knows the hell nothing about the business, but he kept swimming.”
“If not for his pal, who knew everything, he wouldn’t have worked a day,” Edward replies. “Uncle Mickey would’ve been happy to deprive you of the job for only two days. He would’ve destroyed the business of Grandpa Manuel to hell.”
“Well, because there was my familiar that worked there undercover and was close to Michael, I was aware of what was happening in there. And I can say that the case is not hopeless yet. If the company is ruled by me, I can fix everything. Some patience and hard work before I’m able to provide for my family.”
“So, are you ready to fight for the company?” Terrence wonders.
“Hm…” Jamie frowns slightly and thinks for two seconds. “You know what, my dears! Yes! I’m ready to fight and try to get my job back! I don’t care about what would happen to my former house and my wealth. But I don’t want to lose the company. I want to come back and continue Father’s business. I’ve always liked working there. It’s never been torture to me. I listened to everything with pleasure, memorized, understood, and offered my ideas. Father was very happy with me and always said I had a great talent for ruling a business.”
“I do like it,” Rebecca supports cheerfully with a wide smile. “We completely support you.”
“However, I did everything I could. The proof of the fraud is in the police, and I will have the pleasure telling the judge about all the tricks of that egoistic scum.”
“We’re with you, Dad!” Edward exclaims with a smile. “You can do it.”
“You’re gonna be the owner of the company and rule it soon,” Terrence adds quietly.
“Thanks a lot, children,” Jamie thanks. “Rebecca… I promise I will do all of that just for you.”
Edward, Rebecca, and Terrence smile shyly. After a short pause, the woman puts her hand on Jamie’s shoulder and presses herself close to herself, saying:
“Yeah, honey, what about a place to live? I hope you aren’t going to live nobody knows where and be someone like a hermit.”
“No, no, I will not stay in Victor’s apartment,” Jamie shakes his head. “I will leave it soon.”
“And where will you go?” Edward asks.
“I don’t know, Edward. Maybe, I’d have to ask Victor for help in searching for a small rental apartment. And if I don’t get the company, I’ll also have to find a job not to die from starvation and end up outside due to nonpayment of the rent.”
“Do you remember when I suggested you live in this house? You said you would think about my suggestion.”
“I don’t know, Rebecca, I can’t… It’s wrong for me. I don’t want to live in the house that belongs to you on your account.”
“C’mon, Father!” Edward waves a hand. “You and Mom aren’t strangers and are still married. So, you should live together. As a husband and a wife.”
“I would think about it if I earned enough money. But since I’m a beggar, who has nothing, I can’t accept this offer. I’m old-fashioned in this case and think that a man must provide for a woman and live with her in the place that he bought for his money.”
“Mother will not provide you,” Terrence notices. “She’s lived on my account. I’m providing her with everything and paying for electricity, water, taxes, and something like that.”
“Especially. I don’t also wanna live on my child’s account. When I’m able to provide for my wife, we’ll talk about my move. And now I better live alone.”
“Please, Dad, stay here,” Edward begs with pity in his eyes. “We will be very happy with your moving.”
“I promise I will often come here, spend time with you, and drink a cup of coffee. I will not forget you and will have the pleasure of spending time with you.”
“Do you wanna pay money for rent when you can live in this house? It’s big, there is enough space for everyone. You wouldn’t even need a room, ‘cause you would live in Mother’s one.”
“I know, Edward, but…” Jamie pronounces hesitantly.
“Indeed, my dears,” Terrence takes a word confidently. “I’ve been providing for my mother since I started earning money. And I’ll keep doing it while I have a chance. I’m ready to provide not only for her and Edward, but also for you, Father. I don’t mind your move, and I am ready to give you everything you need. I swear, I’ll never demand something. I’m doing this just because you’re my family. I grew up in a hard condition when I couldn’t have what I wanted, and Mother had to work a lot for us to hold on somehow. And I don’t want my family to live like that. Father… Even if you bring the company back and start to earn money, I will not stop helping you. It’s my duty that I will do. I was provided then, but now it’s my time to provide you.”
“But, Terrence…” Jamie pronounces hesitantly. “If I can do nothing with the company, we’ll push you around and depend on you financially.”
“Maybe. But I don’t care. I do want to provide for my family and will be doing it, while I can give you at least a cent. One day, our family was ruined due to the lack of money. But this time, it shouldn’t happen. I’ll do my best for that.”
“Of course, that’s very good. But I’d personally feel uncomfortable being dependent on you. Especially after we barely began to speak. Are you ready to provide the one you hated before?”
“Ready,” Terrence nods with a slight smile. “So, put your doubts aside and bring your stuff here. I can even come in a car, so you don’t carry it.”
“Please, Father, please!” Edward begs with pity in his eyes. “Move here! We’d have a better chance to speak more and spend time together. We’ll make up for the lost time and feel like a family again. That was ruined because of Uncle.”
“Guys, I will spend all my free time with you,” Jamie promises confidently. “If you want, we can go somewhere in the country or find another way to spend time together in a male company.”
“We know, but I’d personally get better if you were close to us. And…” Edward falls into silence for a second and smiles shyly. “Honestly, I’ve wanted to hear you play guitar and sing… Playing your guitar alone is boring for me.”
“My guitar?” Jamie asks surprisingly.
“Don’t you remember you gave me your guitar and asked me to keep it?” Rebecca asks with a slight smile.
“Guitar… Stop!” Jamie puts a finger on his lip. “Do you mean the dark cherry guitar that I gave you when I lived with Isabella?”
“Yes, you said you wanted to save it and asked me to keep it at my home.”
“My gosh… I forgot about it at all…”
“Although the guitar is old, it’s in good condition, and Edward adores playing it. When I showed it, he literally fell in love with it.”
“That’s an amazing guitar!” Edward confesses with admiration. “It sounds incredible! I never played such an amazing instrument. The guitar that I got from the woman, with whom I lived for a long time, was bad. But I’m literally in love with yours.”
“Agree, it sounds perfect,” Jamie says with a slight smile, moving his fingers as if he strikes the strings of the guitar. “Although I haven’t played it for ages, I still remember its charming sounds.”
“If you agree to move into this house, you’ll play it every day as much as you want.”
“And make us happy with your singing and playing,” Rebecca adds with a smile. “Your children don’t know how incredibly you can sing and play. You must show them your talents and let them know who they took after.”
“Don’t be shy, Father, move in here!” Terrence encourages shyly. “There’s enough space here, and we’ll be happy with it.”
Jamie says nothing for two seconds and then looks at everybody with a slight smile.
“Alright, you won!” Jamie gives up. “Alright, I will move in here! With great pleasure!”
“Hooray!” Edward and Terrence make a happy whoop at a different time.
“Ah, Jamie, it’s so good you agreed,” Rebecca says happily with a wide smile. “The more people, the better it is for me. I can’t live all alone in such a big house. But you and Edward would not make me feel lonely, and Terrence would visit us.”
“Of course, I feel very awkward accepting this suggestion,” Jamie confesses shyly. “But I would do a lot for my family!”
Everybody smiles widely and says nothing for a few seconds. Then Edward breaks the silence shyly, while Jamie hugs Rebecca around the shoulders, and Terrence watches them with a shy smile on his face:
“Oh, I have an idea! I’ll be back now!”
Edward goes to the stairs and starts going up, holding by the railing, while Jamie, Rebecca, and Terrence stay alone in the living room and watch the young man.
“He started to change,” Rebecca notices with a slight smile. “He became more talkative and less timid. And he began to keep his back straight. He loved slouching and keeping his head inclined. When I saw him for the first time, Edward was very shy and scared. And some time later, that guy kept being one.”
“Nevertheless, Edward was confident enough when being at Michael’s house,” Jamie replies thoughtfully. “Yes, he was definitely afraid of that stinker, but he was fighting with him and answering him bravely.”
“Although he says that was a mask, that guy showed some kind of bravery,” Terrence notices after he takes off his coat and puts it on the back of the sofa. “And Natalia had to do with much of that. If not for his girlfriend, Edward would’ve hardly gotten over his diffidence and hesitation. For her, he had to become different. To save her and know that she is fine.”
“That girl will surely help him,” Rebecca says confidently. “She impacts your brother very well.”
“Hey, Edward hasn’t said that Natalia is his ex-girlfriend,” Jamie notices. “Victor said they broke up because of the tricks of Michael and Wainwright. Are they together again?”
“Oh, they are!” Terrence smiles widely. “That couple has an idyll now. They didn’t separate from each other for a few days and decided to spend time by one today.”
“Aw, love… Although I haven’t met that girl, I memorized her. Very beautiful girl. Not surprised that Edward likes her so much.”
“He totally fell in love with her when they met. At first, they spoke as friends, but then decided to try to date.”
“And I think that’s his first girlfriend with blonde hair. I don’t remember Edward dating blondes. All the girls, with whom I saw him, were dark-haired.”
“Well, as they say, he got what he was ignoring,” Terrence replies funnily. “Natalia made Edward sure that not all blondes were empty shells.”
“Sounds like discrimination, honestly.”
“I think the kid learned the lesson and will not discriminate against girls by hair color.”
“Hey, Terrence, do you think there’s a chance that they might wish to marry?” Rebecca smiles mysteriously. “I don’t hint at anything and make them marry a few days after the reconciliation. I just wanna know how serious Edward is.”
“I think it's very serious,” Terrence replies confidently. “Someone hardly motivated him as much as that girl.”
“Edward didn’t take affairs with girls too seriously,” Jamie confesses. “Yes, I understand that he was too young. But because of those short relationships, I thought that guy would never grow up for something more.”
“M-m-m… I guess the situation started to change.”
“We recently had a talk, during which Edward told me something very interesting.”
“And what did he tell you?” Rebecca wonders.
“But let it be between us. Or he might think I’m a talker, who can’t keep his mouth shut. Even if he didn’t say that it should’ve been a secret, but still.”
“Don’t worry, Terrence, we’ll say nothing to him,” Jamie promises confidently. “Speak.”
“So…” Terrence starts whispering. “Edward confessed that he started to realize it was his time to marry after he started to date Natalia.”
“Marry? Does Edward wanna marry?”
“And he said he could consider Natalia his potential wife. Something kinda changed in his mind, and he started to think that time came.”
“My gosh, what a twist,” Rebecca smiles slightly.
“I always thought Edward treated marriage and a family life badly,” Jamie says hesitantly.
“I thought so and told Edward about it openly,” Terrence replies. “And he said he treated marriage well, but he didn’t wanna think about it too early and thought he was too young to marry. But he noticed he wanted to marry a girl once and forever. He said he didn’t understand how people could marry and divorce many times.”
“Maybe, he really thought so but realized that his time came after meeting a good girl?” Rebecca frowns slightly. “I also planned to marry and become a mother much later. But all my plans went wrong when I met your father.”
“Actually, I didn’t also aim to marry, but everything changed after meeting Raquelle. And I don’t regret proposing to her much earlier. No matter how charmed I was by her, the decision not to rush was right.”
“So, Edward really met a good girl,” Jamie replies. “Now he thinks of marrying, and then he’ll probably want to have babies.”
“I think he’d hardly love to marry at the nearest time. Not only because he and Natalia should establish their relationship. The case is about well-being. Edward said he couldn’t have a family while he had no job, money, or home. So, parents, don’t expect good pieces of news in the nearest one year or one and a half years.”
“Do you think he’ll get a job and work later?”
“Maybe…” Terrence smiles mysteriously. “I just recalled that I wanted to say something to him. Say that one person got a very good offer to him.”
“Really?” Rebecca opens her mouth. “You found a job for Edward?”
“You’ll know it now. I think he’s gonna love that offer. At first, I’ll say it and then make him happy with the news that the guys and I are thinking of inviting him to the band.”
“My gosh,” Jamie smiles shyly. “Did you decide to work on your brother’s life?”
“I’ve been thinking of inviting him to join the band for a long time. But when I talked about it for the first time, Edward thought I was joking. It’s not true, though. I talked to the guys about it, and they’d also be very happy if we got a new member.”
“Listen, honey, if Edward agrees, there is a chance that his life may get better,” Rebecca notices happily. “He would be able to have everything he wants: house, apartment, car, and good clothes.”
“I hope it will help him. May he buy something, at least from clothes. He wore some old things that must be thrown off.”
“If he really wants to marry, he’ll work hard to be able to provide for his wife,” Jamie replies. “I heard that the girl is from quite a provided family. She probably has high claims and is used to luxury.”
“Not at all. Although Natalia was raised like a princess, she wants nothing unreal. She doesn’t buy too expensive clothes, shoes, and jewelry, drives an old but good car, doesn’t make anyone take her to gorgeous restaurants, and would be happy to go to a cheap café… She can treat money well and doesn’t spend it on something expensive that nobody needs. The most important thing is that she is loved. Protected and assured that nothing would happen to her. Edward is doing this well and could undoubtedly give her all the love that she seeks in the man of her dream.”
“That’s good when money doesn’t make a person worse,” Rebecca says. “Sadly, it happens so rarely: it always turns a good person into a bad one. And the case of your uncle Michael is a perfect example.”
“No, no, Natalia is not the one. She’s a simple girl. Yes, maybe, she loves being stubborn a little at times, but spending time with her is always great. I’d be happy if that girl became my sister-in-law.”
“I hope it will happen. And later, they will probably wish to have a child. Make Jamie and me happy with a grandchild.”
“Edward is not definitely ready for children,” Terrence smiles shyly. “He’s gonna spend a lot of time growing up for that.”
“But we have a chance to feel this happiness if Raquelle and you decide to do it someday.”
“I don’t mind it. You know, I’ve always loved children and would like to have a child.”
“And your fiancée?” Jamie asks. “Is she ready for motherhood?”
“I don’t know…” Terrence shrugs. “Honestly, we’ve never talked about this too openly. But Raquelle knows about my wish to become a father. Though, I think we should get married at first.”
“You have nothing to worry about. If you get a baby, we will all help you raise them. You won’t have to fall down from tiredness or look for a good nanny. There are so many close people that would be happy to share their experience.”
“But anyway, don’t press on her,” Rebecca advises. “If she’s not ready for a child now, you better wait. A child is a great responsibility. You two should realize your readiness for that because nobody could kick them out like a kitten.”
“I’ve never pressed on her and am not obsessed with the thought that we should immediately make a child,” Terrence replies. “May it happen when it’s time.”
“That’s right! You two are young and full of energy. Enjoy your life, spend time with your close people, and do what you like.”
“And while your fiancée is working on her modeling career, you can work on your band,” Jamie adds.
“We’ll do this,” Terrence replies with a slight smile.
“And if your band works well, you’ll go too far. I don’t doubt it.”
“We’re gonna try.”
Silence settles in the air for two or three seconds, after which Edward returns to the living room, holding a black guitar case, while Jamie takes his old, shabby coat and puts it next to the one that belongs to Terrence.
“I was so busy with all those things that I forgot where I put it after I touched it the last time,” Edward says. “But it doesn’t matter! So, I think it’s time to give the guitar to the real owner.”
With these words, Edward gives the guitar to Jamie, who hesitates for two or three seconds, takes it, and looks at it with admiration.
“I can’t believe it…” Jamie pronounces with a slight smile. “Is that really you?”
Jamie opens the zipper on the case and takes the dark cherry guitar that he starts looking at from all sides.
“My gosh, that’s it…” Jamie smiles widely, puts the case on the sofa, and runs his hand over the guitar. “Just like new… Just like on the day when I said goodbye to it… It’s more than twenty, but it’s still gorgeous…”
“I tried not to break it,” Edward replies shyly. “I played it very carefully. My word.”
“How long I wasn’t holding it… I forgot how it felt like…”
“Maybe, you play something for us?” Rebecca suggests with a slight smile.
“Yes, yes, Father, play!” Edward says with delight. “I really wanna hear how you play!”
“I wanna hear your play, too,” Terrence says with enthusiasm. “Play for us, please. Anything you want. What you like. I wanna know if you really play as incredibly as Mother said.”
“Other people know about someone’s talents better,” Jamie notices shyly. “But don’t doubt, you and Edward got the love for music from your grandfather Manuel and me. He also loved singing songs and playing guitar. Even if it was fun for him…”
“Grandpa loved it, as well?” Edward wonders, rounding his eyes and taking off the coat that he puts on the sofa.
“Really loved. And he did it very well.”
Jamie comes to the sofa with a slight smile, sits down, places the guitar tuned on by Edward, and starts plucking strings randomly, quietly, and hesitantly. Rebecca, Edward, and Terrence sit down in front of the man, and the woman hugs her sons, while they sit on both hands of her and press themselves close to her with slight smiles on their faces, becoming little boys that need love and care.
“It seems like I’m starting to remember something…” Jamie notices with a slight smile. “And I know what I want to play! I’m sure you’ll remember this song.”
After recalling everything he kind of forgot, Jamie silently tells himself, “Three, four” and starts playing something on the guitar, striking some chords and plucking strings. At first, Jamie plays a little hesitantly first, but he gets used little by little and relaxes. After playing a short instrumental intro, he starts singing. His voice is a little hoarse and as beautiful and melodic as Edward and Terrence’s voices. But because of the age and lack of practice, it’s much weaker, and the man would hardly take high notes. Nevertheless, the head of the MacClife family keeps singing for pleasure, not being afraid to get ashamed of his close people, who are listening to him with a slight smile on his face.
The lyrics of this song start to seem a little familiar to Edward. At first, the man listens to the music and the words closely, but then he starts singing what he heard silently, shaking his head and trying to recall the lyrics. And after making sure that he knows this song, Edward joins Jamie at some moment and starts singing along with him. His father gets nicely surprised, staring at his son questioningly, but he does not get confused and keeps singing along with his younger son from Rebecca. Jamie’s melodic, low voice perfectly fits Edward’s charming and sonorous one. They sound wonderful by one, but much better together. They are singing confidently enough, looking at each other sometimes with slight smiles on their faces, and shaking their heads and their whole bodies.
Later, Terrence also starts to think that he knows the lyrics of the song that Jamie and Edward are performing. But he does not know how he knows it because he has never sung it or played it on the guitar.
“My gosh…” Terrence pronounces quietly. “This song is familiar to me… I know it. But I don’t understand how…”
“It’s easy, my sweetheart,” Rebecca notices with a slight smile. “Your father sang this song for me very often when we lived together. He knew I loved it and always listened to it with a stopped heart. Well, when you were a kid, I sang it for you. You liked it, too, and asked me to sing it again and again.”
“Really? You sang it for me?”
“Yes. Not only when you were a baby, but also when you were older.”
“My gosh… I’m sorry that I can’t remember that…”
“Maybe, you can’t. But you definitely learned the lyrics.”
“Right… I know them very well…”
Terrence waits for a good moment, hesitates for two seconds, and joins Edward and Jamie. MacClife, Jr., glances at his brother, smiles at him amicably, and gets the same answer. Jamie feels that his heart stops for a moment when hearing his eldest son singing for the first time, noticing that he has a very strong, sonorous, and melodic voice. While Edward’s voice is two tones higher than Jamie’s, Terrence’s voice is two tones lower. And these three incredible voices sound perfectly by one and fit together very well, kind of creating harmony and making a special, truly wonderful, charming sound.
Hearing her husband and sons singing all together, Rebecca smiles widely and starts to listen to them with greater pleasure. She slightly shakes with a feeling of the nice warmth in her whole body, still not believing that her family has reunited. The woman would give much to hear the charming singing of her beloved men as long as possible, recalling the years when she was a young girl and just started to date Jamie. Somewhere by the end of the song, Rebecca joins the men and starts singing quietly and a little hesitantly. Jamie is plucking guitar strings confidently, Edward is clapping his hands or on his laps and sometimes shaking his leg, and Terrence is beating a rhythm on a coffee table or just clicking the fingers of his hands. All of them sometimes share a slight smile, and the MacClife brothers cutely press themselves to their mother, who caresses their heads and kisses them on their temples.
Two or three minutes later, the song ends. Jamie runs his fingers slowly over all the strings and inclines his head, letting everybody know that his show is over. And then Rebecca, Edward, and Terrence start applauding quietly.
“Gosh, that was incredible,” Edward says cheerfully with a slight smile. “I never thought we’d be singing all together.”
“Listen, I’m admired!” Terrence notices confidently. “Father, that was marvelous! You play guitar and sing just wonderfully!”
“What a play! What a voice!”
“Oh, I haven’t practiced for ages and got old,” Jamie replies with a shy smile. “You should warm up your voice as well as your muscles. Otherwise, you won’t be able to sing. Because I’ve never worked on it seriously and haven’t sung anything for pleasure, I have quite a weak one. And my fingers obey me much worse…”
“Nevertheless, you did it brilliantly,” Terrence smiles widely, “Even despite a lack of practice.”
“So, thanks, guys.”
“I’ve never doubted your talent, Jamie,” Rebecca says confidently with a slight smile. “Bravo! It’s been twenty years, but you still play and sing incredibly.”
“Oh, if I practice a little, I’ll slay everyone,” Jamie replies with pride. “My father always told me that everything I did would come out incredibly. And I’m making sure that it’s really true.”
“M-m-m…” Edward rolls his eyes with a mysterious smile. “I heard something like this before… Who could say it? Terrence, won’t you remind me?”
“I’d like to know who you mean,” Terrence smiles innocently. “Who is that self-confident person…”
“So, Terrence, are you being mocked because you feel confident?” Jamie laughs shyly.
“Ah, Dad, you can’t imagine how much I suffer from that…” Terrence leans back in the sofa with a slight smile. “I try to explain to people that just because I’m so confident and love myself doesn’t mean I could be called an arrogant rooster or peacock. But nobody wants to hear me…”
“Oh, loving is too soft to say!” Edward chuckles kindly. “You’re literally in love with yourself! Everything about you. I do exactly say, if you had a chance, you’d marry yourself. Your love for yourself is absolutely clean, true, and deep.”
“Maybe, our Terrence loves puffing his gorgeous tails,” Rebecca says with a slight smile, holding Terrence by the shoulders and caressing his head. “But we can’t deny that he has an incredible talent and was born to be a musician.”
“Oh, Mom, you shouldn’t have said it… Terrence is rolling his eyes in pleasure. He’s about to start purring like a cat.”
“Don’t grumble, Edward, you’re very talented, too,” Rebecca tenderly caresses Edward’s head and kisses him on the top of his head. “You’ve got such a beautiful voice! You could go far if you wanted it.”
“Yes, guys, you both are incredible!” Jamie exclaims proudly with a wide smile. “I was nicely surprised when you started to sing.”
“I did tell you that our boys were unbelievably talented,” Rebecca replies confidently, hugging Terrence and Edward by the shoulders.
“Oh, yeah, if these talents weren’t discovered, it would be a sin! Guys, you must show yourself somehow! Think about how to show your talents to the whole world.”
“Actually, I’m ready to show myself alongside my band,” Terrence shrugs with a shy smile. “If only my friends didn't fight like a cat and a dog again.”
“As the leader and oldest member, you must do your best not to let it happen again,” Rebecca says.
“I told those two idiots that I’d be watching them carefully. But they should also do everything not to let it happen. I’m no longer going to be the only one to care about the band. Those two must help me, too.”
“I think they learned the lesson,” Edward assumes. “And even if they argue, they will do it because of tasty food.”
“Well, you and I always do it,” Terrence chuckles.
“I just make sure you don’t get fat and stop having love of girls. Otherwise, nobody will admire your eternal awesomeness.”
“Oh, thanks for the care, bro…”
Rebecca and Jamie chuckle quietly, saying nothing for two or three seconds.
“And you, Edward?” Jamie addresses Edward, putting his guitar aside. “What are you gonna do?”
“I don’t know, Dad,” Edward shrugs. “It would be great to do something related to music, but I have, so to say, a very little chance.”
“Why? Don’t you wanna find friends and start a band?”
“Nope… I don’t…”
“But why? You’d go far with your talent!”
“Music is just fun to me. A way to relax and get better. I’ve never thought of making money out of it.”
“Do you wanna find a job that you would get sick of? Is it bad to do what you love and earn money for it?”
“You don’t have to start a band to connect your life with music. I can find a job at a music store and consult people in choosing instruments, music, stuff, and other stuff.”
“Ah, sonny, you’re just too insecure,” Jamie shakes his head. “You’re afraid to show yourself and let people know you exist! That’s wrong! You’ve got a talent and must show it!”
“I know, Father, but…”
“Listen, guys, why don’t you two sing something for us?” Rebecca suggests with a slight smile, looking at Edward and Terrence. “Make your father and me happy!”
“Yes, guys, why don’t you play something?” Jamie agrees. “I’ve been dreaming of hearing my sons sing together for ages.”
“I think it’s a wonderful idea,” Terrence says with a slight smile. “I’d sing something with pleasure. Especially for my parents.”
“Sing alone,” Edward says hesitantly. “May Father hear you sing. He heard me somehow, but he’s never heard you.”
“What’s wrong, sweetie?” Rebecca wonders. “Are you shy about singing for your mother and father?”
“No… Just… May my brother better sing for you.”
“No, dear, that’s wrong,” Jamie says confidently. “It’s okay if you’re shy about singing for strangers. But we’re your family!”
“Sorry, but I can’t…”
“Listen, Edward, play on my guitar and sing along with your brother,” Jamie takes his guitar from the sofa and gives it to Edward. “Stop playing in a locked room when nobody hears you. You became talented enough to show your talent.”
“C’mon, brother, don’t be shy!” Terrence encourages cheerfully. “Let’s sing something from our favorite songs!”
“What’s wrong, sonny?” Rebecca wonders, holding Edward inclining his head by the shoulders. “Don’t worry, we’ll like everything you’ll play. Jamie and I will be happy to hear even what we don’t understand.”
“Edward, sit down with me,” Jamie says quietly, clapping his hand on the place next to himself. “Come here, sonny. Come.”
Edward silently gets up from the sofa and sits down next to Jamie, who softly takes him by the shoulders.
“It’s okay, Edward, don’t worry,” Jamie says softly. “I understand that you are not sure about yourself or your strength. But believe me, if you didn’t have a talent, one of us would say it. But when everybody says you’re incredibly talented, you should start to believe in it.”
“Still, it’s the truth,” Edward replies quietly, moving his eyes down. “I said I always doubted myself.”
“But you said you wanted to change for your girlfriend. But I don’t think she’d be happy if she saw you like this. Imagine that she’s here. Would you refuse to sing for us if that girl asked you about it?”
“No, I would not.”
“But why do you refuse to sing for us? For me, your mother, and your brother! We’re your family, Edward! And we will do our best for you to feel confident and stop believing that sick stinker, Michael.”
“I know…”
“Okay, my sweetie, raise your head, get your back straight, and look at us confidently,” Jamie says confidently, clapping Edward on his shoulders. “Take my guitar and play something for us.”
With these words, Jamie gives his guitar to Edward. The young guy hesitates a little, but takes the instrument a few seconds later.
“Alright, I shall play,” Edward agrees hesitantly. “For all of you.”
“Come on, honey, show us everything you can,” Rebecca encourages with a slight smile.
“Start to play, and I’ll join you later,” Terrence says amicably.
“Start whenever you’re ready,” Jamie says softly.
Edward spends a few seconds forgetting about his insecurity, at least for a while. When he finds the courage to make Jamie and Rebecca happy, the man starts plucking some chords quietly and hesitantly, scarily looking at everybody, who is watching him with slight smiles on their faces and kindness in their eyes. A little later, Edward decides to sing in a quiet, calm voice, setting his gaze into the distance and not noticing that the smiles of Terrence and his parents get much wider, and his father sitting next to him caresses his back softly. At some moment, Terrence joins him and starts to sing in a more confident voice, looking at Jamie and Rebecca, who takes him under his arm, with his head proudly raised and an amicable smile on his face. The smiles of the spouses get much wider when their children start singing together, and Edward relaxes enough, seeing that his relatives are listening to this song with great pleasure and his older brother supporting him with just one look.
His inside confidence literally impacts MacClife, Jr., He starts becoming freer and no longer feels such a strong fear that he had at first. That’s why the together performance of Edward and Terrence is more amazing. Rebecca and Jamie do not know the song that their children are performing. But they are fully enjoying their strong, sonorous voices that harmonize perfectly with one another and the high notes that the guys take later. It’s hard for them to praise one more than another because Edward and Terrence sound wonderfully and have a wide range and an incredible ear.
At the end of the performance, Terrence and Edward get Jamie and Rebecca much more surprised by the singing a cappella on high enough notes, looking at each other with a slight smile and kind of conducting with one hand. After finishing their performance on high notes, they smile at each other much wider with a little heavy breath, while their proud parents applaud for them quietly.
“Bravo, my sweeties, bravo!” Rebecca exclaims with a wide smile. “Just imitable!”
“Damn, guys, that was powerful!” Jamie does not hide his delight. “Unbelievable!”
“Gosh, how perfectly your voices fit! What harmony! What a performance!”
“Agree! Your voices fit really harmonically.”
“I must confess that I liked it, as well,” Terrence confesses proudly with a slight smile. “And the ending was incredible.”
“Oh, your a cappella was incredible! You could not even play the guitar and sing without it. It would’ve been way better.”
“But I’m making more sure that I adore playing this guitar,” Edward replies, pressing the guitar to himself and running his fingers over all the strings.
“Do you really like this guitar?”
“Very much.”
“So, you’ll play it.”
“You allow?”
“It’s yours,” Jamie smiles slightly. “I’m giving this guitar to you.”
“Mine?” Edward rounds his eyes. “Are you serious?”
“Yes. Play it all day long.”
“But it’s yours!”
“You need the guitar more than me. I lost interest in this a long time ago. Now I played just because you asked me. But I doubt I will play it in the future. So… I want to give it to you, so it doesn’t become a burden.”
“Gosh, Father…” Edward smiles much wider, glancing at the guitar in his hands. “I… I don’t even know what to say… I wouldn’t have even dreamed about it!”
“From now on, the guitar is yours.”
“Thanks a lot…” Edward thanks truly, puts the guitar aside, and takes Jamie in his hug, which he accepts with pleasure. “Thank you…”
“Enjoy, sonny.” Jamie steps back from Edward. “I see you really like it. So, why I can’t give you a chance to keep playing.”
“Many thanks… I promise I will treat this guitar carefully.”
Jamie says nothing and just smiles shyly.
“So what, Edward, let’s play another song?” Terrence suggests cheerfully. “We did it so well that I’d be happy to repeat it.”
“No, I’m done with performances today,” Edward cuts off sharply. “If you want, take the guitar and sing.”
“No, singing alone is not interesting… I want you to sing, as well.”
“Next time.”
“Oh, Edward, why you’re pretending to be a shy, insecure guy,” Terrence smiles mysteriously. “We both know how you can rock on.”
“You’ve got a too long tongue, Terrence.”
“C’mon, stop being shy. Tell us how everybody discovered your talent and is now leaving good comments on the Internet.”
“What are you talking about, Terrence?” Jamie frowns slightly.
“M-m-m, you, parents, don’t know much about your younger sonny,” Terrence replies confidently. “You don’t know that while we are dealing with Uncle, our sweet Edward has become the Internet star.”
“Internet star?” Rebecca frowns slightly.
“Exactly! You and Father must check the Internet and watch a few videos, in which Edward rocks on. If you want, bring your laptop here, so I can find them.”
“Hey, tell us more about it now,” Jamie expresses interest. “What did Edward do to become an Internet star?”
“Nothing special,” Terrence shrugs with an innocent smile. “Just sang and played guitar in the subway and then at the center of the city. At first, there was only one video, but a few days later, we got a few ones.”
“Gosh, is that really true?” Rebecca smiles slightly.
“If you don’t believe me, ask Natalia! She was with Edward during one of his shows, during which he slew everybody. Or just open YouTube and go to the list of popular videos. You’ll see that the crown was wild in a good sense. My bro got so excited that it was impossible to think it was the shy, hesitant boy that you and I knew. That was a little motor. The endless source of energy. Hurricane.”
“And did you see the videos?” Jamie specifies.
“Oh, I did! I've watched them several times, and I am delighted! But I found out about those videos some time ago, when Raquelle showed me one of them.”
“Oh, c’mon, man!” Edward pronounces shyly. “I don’t understand why such hype started. There’s nothing strange about the fact that hundreds of people have seen those videos… I was just gonna have some fun. And I couldn’t refuse when Natalia persuaded me to play with the street band.”
“How many, how many?” Terrence wonders loudly. “Hundreds? Huh! Don’t make me laugh, Edward! Now every single video has more than ten million views and tons of comments.”
“And what? Why would they go insane? They opened a video, watched it, and closed it!”
“Listen, kid, if you don’t stop being shy, I don’t know what I’ll do to you. I swear! Stop pretending to be an innocent idiot!”
“I don’t know what I will do to you for your too long tongue!”
“My gosh…” Rebecca smiles mysteriously. “That’s where he was disappearing all day long… While I thought Edward had depression and wanted literally to – heaven forbid – hang himself, my sonny wasn’t upset and decided to look for a minute of fame.”
“Yeah, man, your brother bit you through,” Jamie says with a sly smile, embracing Edward around the shoulders. “You say you don’t know what to do. You know everything, mischief! You do!”
“Hey, calm down!” Edward smiles shyly. “Such hype because of nothing! I wasn’t gonna and am not gonna become a musician!”
“Aha, don’t lie to us,” Terrence replies confidently. “You, sly fox, know that this is the way to get easily famous. You recalled how the lads and I reached some success and decided to try it, as well.”
“I did not try to do anything!”
“Mom, Dad, don’t believe him, he’s lying!”
“Damn, calm down already! Want me to give you some water, so you wake up?”
“But you really wanted to get some fame, my dear,” Rebecca says with a sly smile. “You wanted everybody to talk about you.”
“Gosh, I did not try to get famous!” Edward moans tiredly. “I just went by, heard the play of one man, talked to him, and accepted his suggestion of playing guitar and singing. I didn’t think people would come there, take phones and start picturing me.”
“Oh, yeah, and now almost everyone has seen those videos,” Terrence notices. “Including the manager of my band.”
“What?” Edward sharply moves his surprised look to Terrence. “Your manager? George?”
“All of them! He’s watched them many times and stayed absolutely delighted! George told me about it when we were at the hospital where Peter was.”
“Erm, is Peter the guy, who tried to kill himself?” Jamie asks thoughtfully.
“Yes, Peter. Our drummer. And the second guy is Daniel. He’s a bassist.”
“Hey, did the guys see the videos?” Edward frowns slightly.
“They did,” Terrence replies confidently and smiles slyly. “I told them about the videos from the subway, and Daniel showed them to me and Peter on the phone and found a few ones we didn’t know about. Which were taken where you were with Natalia.”
“And what? They… Liked?”
“Huh! Rose was singing those songs you played for a long time under his nose. Perkins and he really liked those videos and the way you were going crazy.”
“Oh, wait, Terrence,” Jamie says confidently. “Some time later, Edward may be invited to play at the show. Or actually get a chance to record a couple of songs.”
“That’s right!” Rebecca agrees. “I’d be really surprised if nobody offered anything to this talented boy.”
“Oh, yeah, about songs!” Terrence clicks his fingers. “Edward, I wanted to tell you something. I would’ve done it before, but while we were coming here, it got out of my head.”
“Speak,” Edward says with a quiet chuckle.
“I’m actually serious now. And don’t think what I’m gonna say is a joke.”
“Depending on what you’re gonna say.”
“Oh, Edward, how annoying you are… Listen to me first, and then grumble.”
“Okay, okay, I’m listening.”
“In short, man, yesterday, I was in the hospital and talked to George a little. Our talk was about you. He told me about those videos and showed his delight, started to ask me about you and about how you were doing… And Smith said he recently ran his eyes over the songs you had written before we signed a contract.”
“Since you decided to keep working, I’ll help you write songs with pleasure. Free of charge. I shall demand nothing.”
“Yeah, I know, but the case is not about that.” Terrence clears his throat. “George asked me to tell you about one offer and say he’d love to talk to you about it.”
“Offer?” Edward frowns slightly. “Which?”
“It’s not a secret to us that you’re a wonderful songwriter, and George has always admired your lyrics. He thinks you have a great talent for that thing and gives you a chance to show yourself, even earn a little.”
“Smith wants you to write one or two songs for the band he has been promoting. I’m going to specify that it’s not ‘The Loser Syndrome’. That band is called ‘Lost In Time’. It consists of two young guys – Gordon Hudson and Derek Walst. They got into the music world three or four years ago and have already recorded a debut album and even played a short tour in America. Now the guys are working on their second album and paid attention to ‘Against The System’ after George told them about us and let them listen to some demo recordings.”
“Okay… And what do I have to do with it? That band is a fan of your band and listens to your songs!”
“Because you wrote one of those songs. Smith told them about you. He said one of the members had a friend, who wrote magnificent lyrics for songs. So, Derek and Gordon got interested, started to ask him more about you, and wanted to listen to other recordings. But sadly, there were more records because we barely recorded only one demo song for the three days of work. Nevertheless, it didn’t stop the guys, and they want to meet you and either buy the rights for the song or get you involved in writing one or two songs for their band.”
“Really?” Edward asks hesitantly.
“Yes, Edward!” Terrence exclaims with a slight smile. “And if you do it, the studio will pay a lot of money to you. George personally promised me that your hard work would be paid well. And yeah, foreseeing your questions, I came to nobody and didn’t ask anyone to find a job for you. George started talking about it.”
“Didn’t you really ask anyone about it?”
“No, I swear! I would’ve done it if you’d asked me. But since I heard no plea from you, I did nothing.”
“Erm…” Edward falls into silence, biting his lip slightly. “Excuse me, which song did the guys like? I’ve written so much that I don’t remember what they are about.”
“It’s called ‘Gotta Fight With My Demons.’ About the fight with oneself and demons that make someone doubt that they could do something they should.”
“‘Gotta Fight With My Demons’?” Edward smiles shyly. “Ah, yeah! I remember!”
“We think it’s the best song from the material that we had. It’s very strong lyrically. And it has a deep meaning.”
“Did those guys like it so much?”
“They’re delighted by it!” Terrence exclaims with a wide smile. “Those guys find that song incredible and strong and said it perfectly fits their style.”
“Are you three ready to give it to that band?”
“It depends on you. If you wanna earn something and sell the rights, we’ll sell them and give the money to you. I’m sure we could write something much better. With such a talented songwriter, we don’t have to fear a lack of talent and a mood. You’re, so to say, our personal generator of wonderful ideas.”
“Oh…” Edward leans back in the sofa with a quiet sigh. “I dunno, Terrence… Honestly, you surprised me with this piece of news…”
“Don’t dare to refuse, Edward!” Rebecca advises confidently. “Think better. Maybe, that’s your wonderful chance to show yourself. You really write incredible songs, and those guys like what you wrote for Terrence’s band for a reason. I don’t even have to read something because I’m sure that the lyrics are just amazing.”
“Think that song was about me, about my fight with myself. And I’ve already said I felt terribly insecure and always doubted myself, but I tried to fight with it so hard.”
“Anyway, I advise you to think about this offer. Try at least to talk to those guys.”
“I don’t doubt that they want to collaborate with you for a reason,” Jamie says confidently. “I don’t know how good you are at writing songs because I’ve never read your works. But I’m sure you have great talent. So, listen to your mother and think about it. Agree to work with the guys at least for pleasure. And meeting new people would never be bad. Maybe, you would work with those guys and befriend them. You’re shy and quiet, but you can find a common language with people… Knowing how many people you spoke with at the teenage age.”
“Oh, I don’t know, honestly…” Edward sighs tiredly. “What if I can’t meet the expectations of that band? What if I don’t write the song they would like? What if we have different tastes and views? I can’t make them work with the style I like!”
“But you could at least talk to them.”
“Yes, Edward, nobody makes you agree right now,” Terrence says quietly. “George just asked me to tell you his words. And he hopes you'll at least agree to talk to him and the members of the band. And after the talk, you’ll decide if you want to do it. If you don’t do it, Smith and the guys will completely get it. Moreover, I warned the manager that you were insecure and weren’t sure about your talent.”
“Well, I dunno…” Edward pronounces hesitantly and thinks for two seconds. “When should I meet George?”
“Whenever you want. He’s ready to talk to you at any time. If you agree, I’ll talk to George, and he’ll decide. So, as you don’t know each other, I’ll introduce you to each other, and you’ll talk.”
Edward thinks for a few seconds about whether he should agree and then lets everybody know about his decision after exhaling sharply and running his hands over his face:
“Alright… I agree to talk to George at any time. Although I’ve got tons of doubts, I’m ready to do it. For curiosity and interest.”
“Great!” Terrence exclaims with a slight smile. “I’ll call George today or tomorrow and say you’re interested in this offer. And when he’ll decide to meet you, I’ll let you know it.”
“Agree. I’ll be waiting.”
“It’s gonna be okay, bro, don’t worry. Although George is several and a little rude sometimes, he’s quite a good man, with whom you could agree and talk heart-to-heart. And I think Derek and Gordon would be good. Even if I don’t know them and discovered their band thanks to Smith.”
“We’ll see it.”
“That’s right!” Jamie exclaims. “Believe me, Edward, those producers, musicians, and songwriters make a lot of money. If you work with fewer people, you’ll have enough money at least to rent a small apartment. Moreover, you’d get money for your work and income from every single song. The more it’s played on the radio, streamed on the Internet, and bought, the bigger percent of the money you will get. You know how great those amounts would be if at least one of your songs was popular!”
“Maybe, you’re right…” Edward says thoughtfully. “Even if I got pennies, it would be very great. I wish I finally got a chance to start living on my own and stop being dependent on someone. To have my own small apartment or a house and buy at least a minimum of what I need…”
“If you write a super cool hit for those guys, you’ll have money,” Terrence replies confidently. “And if a song is used for a movie, a TV show, a game, or something else, it’ll be an additional amount.”
“Sounds very good, I must confess… Doing a favorite thing and earning money for that… A job of the dream…”
“That’s why rejecting this chance would be a sin,” Jamie says confidently. “You love music – here you are! You will probably get a job related to that.”
“If you work a little, you’ll rent an apartment,” Rebecca adds. “Of course, I’ll be very sad if you leave me, but you’re an adult and should live on your own. Moreover, you need a place to bring your girlfriend.”
While Rebecca says it, Jamie and Terrence look at each other and throw a secret look at Edward smiling shyly.
“Mom…” Edward pronounces.
“It’s okay, Edward, we completely understand it,” Jamie replies confidently, embracing Edward around the shoulders. “We understand that you can’t spend a good time with your girlfriend at your parents’ home.”
“Aha, you should be sure your neighbors wouldn’t hit you on the head because you and your girlfriend make noises and bother them,” Terrence laughs shyly.
“You probably couldn’t do anything quietly,” Edward assumes. “If you were as quiet as a mouse, neighbors wouldn't know what you were doing. But sadly, you can’t do it. You always need to get attention on you.”
“You know, sometimes there are cases when you literally hear your neighbors breathing in and breathing out,” Jamie notices. “And you know what they talk about. I guess Terrence lived in this condition: no matter how quietly he behaved, he was heard anyway.”
“It’s true,” Terrence confirms. “I always knew how my nearest neighbors lived. And they remembered the day when I was gonna move out because it was super noisy in my apartment. Mother can confirm it – she was with me on that day.”
“Huh, as if you didn’t want anyone to know you were gonna live with your girlfriend,” Edward laughs shyly. “Not saying about it to everyone would've been a sin.”
“I’ll look at you when you grow up to marry and happily tell everybody you’re gonna go to the altar and give a pledge of loyalty. Or when you just find an apartment and pay for the first month of rent.”
“We’ll definitely celebrate it,” Rebecca says confidently.
“Agree,” Edward smiles shyly. “And even if I live alone, I’ll come here as often as possible and won’t forget you and Father.”
“We know, honey. The important thing is that you are happy and start to live your own life. We have no reason to be worried about Terrence because he provided himself, but we still worry about you.”
“I’m already happy. Because I have a family and a beloved girlfriend. I need nothing more. And money… It doesn’t matter! If someone means a lot to you, you won’t care about how fat their wallet is. You’d love them, no matter what their status is.”
“Of course, dear,” Jamie replies with a wide smile. “Even if you were a total loser, we would love you anyway. The important thing is not to betray your love for your close people. Don’t succumb to the temptations that would make you reject someone you love.”
“I swear I’ll never betray those I love and don’t want to lose. Not for any money or wealth. I’m not ready to sacrifice so much for my well-being.”
“We know, Edward. You’ve proved that your words are true and have real proof.”
“Just remember that we all love you, despite nothing,” Rebecca says softly. “And we will always be by your side. I promise you’ll no longer feel lonely from now.”
“Yes, Mother, I know,” Edward smiles slightly.
Silence settles in the air for two seconds, during which all the members of the MacClifes smile at each other shyly and think about something. And then Rebecca breaks it, looking at her close people:
“Oh, alright, my dears… Let’s drink a cup of tea or coffee. Because of this talk, I forgot to offer you something.”
“Oh, I won’t refuse,” Terrence replies confidently.
“I would also drink something with pleasure,” Jamie agrees. “A big cup of strong coffee… I haven’t drunk it for ages, honestly… I adore this drink, though. Or eat something from the cooking masterpieces of your mother. I madly missed her incredible dishes…”
“I’d also like to drink something,” Edward says thoughtfully and rolls his eyes with a mysterious smile. “And eat something sweet. A couple of chocolate éclairs or one big piece of a cake… Yummy…”
“Then sit here and talk a little, and I’ll boil water and check what I have,” Rebecca suggests. “I can’t surprise you with my cooking masterpieces because I didn’t know I’d have visitors and cooked nothing.”
“No problem!”
“And yeah, don’t dare to take anything to the living room. Someone might stain all the sofas, and I’d have to wash them.”
“You know that I always eat carefully. Just like an aristocrat from a high society.”
At this moment, Rebecca, Terrence, Jamie, and Edward get up from the sofa and go to the kitchen and the dining room.
“Huh, here’s a clean aristocrat!” Terrence chuckles. “You do have a grubby face after greedily eating a big piece of cake. Chocolate slowly gets out of your mouth and falls right on your old, shabby clothes.”
“Hey, when did it happen?” Edward resents.
“You’re afraid that someone would steal so much sweet food that you start sucking it like a vacuum cleaner.”
“Huh, you must not actually eat sweet food! Because girls won’t love you and praise you to the skies with their compliments if you eat too much sweet food and get fat. You do eat like a mammon, but if you start eating sweet food, you won’t get through a door and lose all your fans.”
“So, Edward, are you still ready to sell your soul for chocolate?” Jamie laughs shyly. “Nothing has changed since the times when you secretly ate any sweet food at home and stole someone’s chocolate, pies, and cakes?”
“Excuse me, I do love sweet food and can’t live without it,” Edward throws his hands up. “Think it’s my drug. Delicious, sweet, and divine.”
“I’m praying that Mother doesn’t have a couple of pieces of chocolate or a cake in the refrigerator,” Terrence replies. “Otherwise, you’ll immediately eat it and dirt yourself and the place where you’ll be.”
“If someone dirties something, you will wash it by yourself,” Rebecca says severely. “I will not tolerate anyone to throw and dirt something.”
“Oh, Rebecca, you’ve always been too critical for cleanliness and never stood a mess at home,” Jamie says with a smile. “It’s been twenty years, but nothing has changed.”
“Sorry, sweetie, but you’ll have to get used, as well. It has to do not only with the children.”
“As if I’ve ever been a grubby pig.”
“You are not. But I advise you not to forget it. You must have cleanliness in your stuff, in my kitchen, in the bathroom, and everywhere.”
“Ah, honey…”
“Oh, Dad, I feel you got many kicks somehow,” Terrence laughs shyly, clapping Jamie on the shoulder. “Mom probably constantly swore at you for a little dust on the floor or tracks of toothpaste on a mirror.”
“Your father is lucky,” Rebecca replies. “Luckily, he was taught to keep everything in order in childhood. Of course, he sometimes forgot to clean something or dirtied some things, but we didn’t have problems with it.”
“You almost wanted to kill me when I didn’t clean anything and went home grubby.”
“Huh, the truth is that Mother’s lessons of education didn’t help you a lot,” Edward chuckles. “You were brainless and messy and are still the one!”
“Oh, you better be silent, kid! I have absolute cleanliness at my home. I always look clean, smell good and wear washed and ironed clothes.”
“Aha, you forgot to say that your servants did everything instead of you.”
“Everything would be perfect at Terrence MacClife’s house, even without his beloved girl and servants. How such an irresistible man can live in dirt and be messy!”
“Damn, Terrence, don’t irritate me…” Edward growls quietly, rolling his eyes. “You annoyed me with talks about your alleged awesomeness when you were coming here.”
“But I know you recognize it completely.”
“I didn’t say it!”
“Next time, I’ll record you on a voice recorder and let you listen to it when you start denying.”
By this moment, the MacClife family comes to two arches and goes through one of them, ending up in a spacious dining room.
“Alright, bandits, stop arguing,” Jamie says cheerfully.
“Oh, Jamie, you better watch them, while I work in the kitchen,” Rebecca smiles shyly. “They love mocking each other. And when I put something on the table, war literally starts here.”
“Why does he always try to reach for my plate and steal as much as possible?” Edward resents. “I do wanna eat, but my brother takes a half!”
“And why does the kid never share sweet food with me?” Terrence wonders. “I’d eat sweet food with pleasure! Moreover, Mom has an incredible talent for cooking something sweet.”
“Alright, stop talking!” Jamie orders and pushes Terrence and Edward in the back slightly. “Go now! You’re gonna be under my view, while your mother makes coffee for us.”
“And yeah, go to wash your hands!” Rebecca exclaims. “I will not let you sit down with dirty hands!”
While Rebecca goes to the kitchen, Jamie, Edward, and Terrence wash their hands in the bathroom, wipe them, and go to the dining room. MacClife, Jr., glances at a big glassy bowl with fresh fruits and wants to take a little yellow apple that literally wants to be eaten. But his brother also glances at it and comes to the bowl, saying happily:
“Oh, what beautiful fruits! Why don’t I eat something? I don’t care about coffee!”
When Terrence takes the apple, Edward opens his mouth widely and runs to him, saying:
“Hey, give me the apple! I saw it first!”
“Take something different,” Terrence smiles innocently. “There is so much in the bowl. Eat until you start vomiting.”
“I said, gimme my apple now!” Edward unsuccessfully tries to get the apple from Terrence, who raises his hand not to let him take it. “Hear what I said! Gimme the apple!”
“Calm down, kid! Why did you get so excited because of a little apple? Is it worth it?”
“Hear, glutton, what I said to you! Give me the apple! Now!”
“Oh, guys, you found something to argue about,” Jamie sighs tiredly.
Edward and Terrence fight for the delicious yellow apple for a few seconds, pulling it on each other, before they move their eyes to Jamie and pronounce at the same time:
“Dad! Tell him to give me the apple!”
“Calm down, guys,” Jamie replies confidently, coming closer to Terrence and Edward. “You aren’t little children to fight for the apple like a toy.”
“Actually, I saw it first,” Edward says with pity in his eyes and points at Terrence. “But he decided to take it from me!”
“Why did you cling to me?” Terrence resents. “Take something from the bowl and leave me alone.”
“No, my dears,” Jamie says. “I know a good way to solve this problem, and not to let you kill each other.”
“Give the apple to the younger child?” Edward asks happily. “Oh, Daddy, I love you!”
“Give it to me.” Jamie takes the apple from Terrence and shows it to his children. “To stop this argument, I will solve the problem very easily. I show it only once!”
While Edward and Terrence look at him questioningly, Jamie waits for two seconds and bites a piece of the apple with a sly smile, making the brothers open their mouths and round their eyes.
“Yummy,” Jamie slurps with enjoyment. “That’s all! The problem is solved!”
“But…” Terrence pronounces hesitantly.
“What?” Jamie smiles innocently and bites another piece of the apple. “I haven’t eaten fruits for ages. I love them so badly, though! Are you greedy to give me a little apple for your father?”
“So, okay…” Edward says quietly. “I’ll check what there is in it.”
Edward comes to the bowl placed on the table and examines everything in it carefully. A few seconds later, he finds something that gets his attention at the bottom of it.
“Wow, there’s chocolate here!” Edward exclaims loudly and happily, takes a little piece of slightly melted chocolate in a silver wrapper, and smiles much wider after he unwraps it and breathes in its incredible smell. “Ah, what a smell…”
“Lemme smell it!” Terrence exclaims. “I want it, too!”
“Hey, get your hands off my chocolate!” Edward claps Terrence sharply on the hand. “You already deprived me of the apple, but if you steal the chocolate, I’ll cut your gorgeous head.”
“I just wanna smell it!”
“Aha, I know your ‘smell it’! You’ll bite half of the piece and leave me a pathetic core with the print of your teeth.”
“Why are you such a headstrong donkey? You don’t wanna give chocolate to your own brother!”
“I won’t give it, I said!”
“I want it!”
“Mother probably hid the piece especially for me, so you don’t stick your nose in it.”
“Okay, okay, I will tell you the same when you start to ask me for something. If you try to ask me for something, I swear you’ll get nothing!”
“Calm down, Terrence, I won’t give up on you.” Edward breathes in the smell of the bitter chocolate and rolls his eyes. “Ah, divine smell! I’m so sorry you will not know it.”
“You’re greedy! A mean pig!”
“As if you’re an angel…”
“Damn, calm down! I will not eat your chocolate! I don’t need it!” Terrence smiles mysteriously, raising his head proudly. “Mother will give me something big and more delicious. For me, she always has something tasty.”
“We’ll see it, glutton.”
“Look, Edward, if you eat so much sweet food, you’re gonna have such a big ass that you’ll barely move. And you won’t be running so fast after such an irresistible, thin, and handsome guy like your older brother and ruffling his hair.”
“You’ll ask for trouble!” Edward gives Terrence a slight clap on his head.
“Don’t worry, bro, I won’t be shy of you if you get fat,” Terrence promises with a chuckle. “Vice versa, I’m gonna post your photos on my Instagram and describe you as ‘a cute, puffy boy with big, red cheeks, a good belly, and a big ass.’ I’m sure you’d get fans. For your pretty face, they’ll forgive anything. Even a soft belly on the front and a tough pillow on the back.”
The laughing Terrence gets another clap on the head from Edward, who uses a strong chokehold, puts the piece of chocolate on the table, and starts tickling his brother with a wide, sly smile. The man doubles over immediately, but he quickly gets the initiative and answers the guy back. Jamie does not even try to meddle in the fight between the MacClife brothers. Leaning on the arch with his side, eating the apple, and laughing shyly, he is watching his adult children thrilling with a laugh and torturing each other with a tickling. And a little later, Rebecca enters the dining room after she decides to check what is happening here, and stares amazingly at her husband and her sons, who are trying to ruffle each other’s hair.
“Oh, yeah, as I thought!” Rebecca exclaims. “The adult boys are playing, and their daddy is standing aside, laughing like a horse and eating the apple.”
“Oh, Rebecca, I haven’t had so much fun for ages,” Jamie keeps laughing. “It's so great to watch my children having fun. Even if they are more than twenty.”
“Don’t say you wanna join them.”
“Why not? I’ll only eat the apple and show these bandits where they belong.”
“Hey, don’t run!” Rebecca orders loudly, noticing that Terrence and Edward started to run around the table after each other, and the older brother teases his younger one with a little chocolate with a sly smile. “Terrence, Edward, whom I say!”
“I believe they’re making up for the lost time when they were supposed to fight for toys,” Jamie assumes. “And now they’re fighting for a piece of chocolate that Edward found in the bowl with fruits.”
“Gosh, they’re like children… The girls would see this and ask themselves who they fell in love with.”
“C’mon, honey.” Jamie hugs Rebecca around the shoulder with a mysterious smile and kisses her cutely on the temple. “Isn’t seeing your children together and knowing they get on well happiness? Let the boys relax a little! We’re gonna have hard tests soon. Especially Edward. It’s gonna be very hard for him when he’s gonna have to be on the trial for the murder.”
“Gosh, Jamie, don’t remind me of that… I’m shaking when I think my child is gonna be called a defendant and especially sentenced.”
“So, let’s be happy for the guys and recall the old times when we were young, and our children were babies. And save the bad things for later.”
“Ah, honey…” Rebecca shakes her head with a slight smile. “How right you are… We should be happy that our family has reunited and will never be separated again.”
“Looking at these happy faces, I’m starting to believe it’s true.” Jamie laughs shyly when seeing Edward and Terrence trying to take the little chocolate, thrilling with a laugh and barely keeping a balance at some moments. “My God… I’m home! Home! God, thanks! Thanks a lot for such an incredible gift that I dreamed about so badly!”
“I can thank God for the same. Because He brought all my closest people to my life. Nothing is more appreciative than the time you spend with your close people. Nothing can make us happier than our husbands, wives, and children.”128Please respect copyright.PENANAToOLYzymzf
Jamie smiles widely and takes Rebecca in his hug with the almost-eaten apple, while she presses herself to him and puts her head on his shoulder, looking like Thumbelina next to the tall, almost six-foot-tall man. The spouses smile shyly and sometimes laugh while watching Terrence and Edward, who keep fighting for the piece of chocolate and a whole bow of fruits that MacClife, Jr., presses to himself. But later, the guys just get busy giving each other claps on the head generously with a loud, happy laugh. But when the blushed brothers breathing heavily see their parents watching them, they sharply stop and look at each other. Then they start laughing quietly, feeling awkward for these, who shake their heads and come to them to fix the disheveled hair of their sons.
[1] Hi, Anna! How are you doing?
[2] Hi, Raquelle! I’m doing fine, thanks a lot!