It wasn't unusual for Bowser to kidnap Princess Peach. That seemed to happen every Tuesday... But this time was different. There was... something off about him, but Mario couldn't land on what it could have been. Maybe he just wasn't feeling right. Yes, that had to be it.. But there was little use in pondering, as both him and Luigi were now trapped in a jail cell in Bowser's castle dungeon. Bowser, as horrible as he was, never attempted to take Mario or Luigi as hostage. What could be going on??
"I'm-a-scared, Mario..." Luigi was trembling in fear as footsteps approached the door of the cell.
"Don't worry, bro. I'll keep us safe. I promise." Mario held Luigi's hand, which seemed to calm his nerves.
"T-Thanks, Bro.. I don't know what I'd do if you weren't here.." Luigi shuddered at the thought of being trapped in a cell alone, with no one to talk to..
A Spiked Koopa soldier surrounded with a strange dark aura approached their cell with an evil look in his eyes.. Luigi hid his face from the Koopa, (which was understandable) while Mario clenched his fists, preparing for the worst.
"Hehehehehe.. The King's pleased you are here to join us.." Said the Koopa, who was twirling a key around his clawed finger. "But I'm afraid your luck has run out, Mario Bros... You're too late. Your beloved Princess... is gone."
Mario and Luigi exchanged fearful glances. What in the world was this maniac talking about?? Was he even telling the truth?!
"Mario...? What does he mean?? Peach wouldn't... would she??" The cowardly plumber hid behind Mario, who was glaring at the Koopa, but stayed silent.
"Ooh~! Did I make you angry? Is the little plumber missing his girlfriend?" The soldier cackled wildly as he unlocked the door. He led the two unfortunate brothers outside of the cell, only to be handcuffed from behind.
Once out of the cell, they were led to Bowser's throne room, where they were met with a piercing glare from none other than Bowser, King of the Koopas. He was surrounded with the same dark aura as the Koopa that led them here.. what was going on??
"MUAHAHA! AHH, MARIO. I FINALLY GET TO PUT YOU OUT OF YOUR MISERY FOR GOOD... AND THAT COWARD OF A BROTHER, TOO. " Bowser spoke in a much louder and deeper voice than usual, much to the shock of the two brothers. Something was definitely wrong… Mario glared at the turtle. Why was he suddenly... So horribly evil? Bowser was, in all accounts, a 'bad guy', but he still had a heart. This Bowser wouldn't hesitate to murder them in cold blood. Luigi's teeth chattered as he hid behind Mario, who stood his guard.
A feminine scream that they knew all too well came from behind a locked door. The brothers looked up at Bowser in horror as the reptilian cackled wickedly. This wasn't a villain.. This was a monster.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?? LET HER GO, NOW!!" Mario was screaming now; tears streaming from his eyes. He tried to escape the handcuffs, but they were locked tight from what he presumed was Kamek's magic.
"PREPARE TO DIE, HERO!" Bowser took a deep breath of air, and exhaled a mighty blast of purple flames in their direction. So this was the end.. Mario hugged Luigi tightly as their lives flashed before their eyes.. But just before they were to meet their doom, a flash of blinding light surrounded them and they disappeared.
"Ugh. what... happened...?" Mario groaned in pain as they reappeared in what seemed to be an empty lobby room of some kind.
"What the.. Where are we??" Luigi had a terrified look on his face as he darted around the room. "Weren't we just about to die?!!"
"Calm yourselves.. I won't hurt you.." Luigi jumped when he heard the mysterious voice.
"M-Mario?? Was that you?!" Mario shook his head with a confused look on his face, as he'd heard it too.
"Relax, I won't hurt you. I am simply communicating with you through your minds. Allow me to show myself..
There was a flash of blinding light and smoke filled the room. A massive disembodied gloved hand appeared from out of the smoke, waving in a friendly manner.
"WHAT THE HELL?! What's going on here?! Are we dead?! Luigi was backing away from the hand, clearly terrified.
"What?? No! You're not dead, I saved you! Don't worry, I'll explain-" The hand was cut off by Mario, who was inspecting it.
"Just WHO are you, anyway? Are you some kind of-"
"That's ENOUGH." The hand boomed loudly before continuing. You see, I am a deity known as Master Hand, the creator of...The SMASH MANSION!"
Mario and Luigi scratched their heads. What could that mean..? They've CERTAINLY never heard of such a thing existing. .
"What in hell is that..?" Mario whispered to Luigi before receiving a backhand slap from Master Hand.
"I HEARD THAT! Ugh, you DO know I can see your thoughts, right..?" Mario blushed slightly in embarrassment as he backed away slightly.
"U-um, Master Hand.. can you see every thought..?
"Yes. EVERYTHING." Master Hand chuckled as Luigi started contemplating his life choices.
"Wait. WHERE'S PEACH?! IS SHE SAFE?! DO YOU HAVE HER?!" Mario's face filled with rage as he remembered just what had happened at the castle. WAS IT YOU?!
Master Hand groaned in exasperation. "And here I thought I wouldn't be accused of kidnapping, yet here we are.. " Mario glared back, not amused by this subtle comment. "Ahem! She's safe. She's currently asleep in her room now, but she'll wake up in a couple hours. .
Relief washed over Mario, who was glad Peach was safe, and not burned alive in a lava pit.
"Wait.. Room? What do you mean, room? Is this place like-a.." Luigi trailed off.
"That is correct. This is a gigantic Mansion, built by… yours truly. (He made a peace sign) It's meant to house many different characters from many other universities and worlds.. and train them for battle. Furthermore, it's going to be used as a main base of operations for me and all the Smashers.. once we recruit them.
The plumbers looked at each other in complete confusion. Other universes than theirs felt so.. odd to think about....Also… What in hell were smashers, and why did it sound like an innuendo..?
"And why are you doing this?" Mario's arms were crossed, as he wasn't convinced that the hand was telling the truth...
Master Hand looked slightly bothered at the question." There are many reasons why I'm doing this. "To start off... Your world, and everything in it, is almost completely under the control of my brother, Crazy Hand." (WHAT?!) "What's more is that he's sent his minions to take over numerous other worlds like your own. But don't panic! I have a plan to save your world and many others from his wrath, but I need your help to do it. What do you think?"
"I- I don't know. what if it's dangerous...? I don't like the looks of this." Said Luigi nervously. "W-What do you think, Mario?"
"I'm in, If it means saving everyone we know, and many more people.. Then we'll do it." (Plus, I really want to meet someone from another world..) "Right, Luigi?" Mario motioned to Luigi, who nodded.
"Well now, I'm glad to hear that! Now then.. My brother has the ability to corrupt the mind and body of anyone who isn't under my influence.. Which means people who haven't been cleansed by my light are at risk to be corrupted by his dark magic.
"What do we need to do? I'm ready if you are!" Mario had an excited expression on his face. (So much for checking out the rest of the Mansion..) Luigi thought.
"As you might have guessed, your world's Bowser and all of his minions have become corrupted with his power. You will need to gather more 'Smashers' " (PLEASE stop using that word) "And go back to your own world to stop Crazy Hand from conquering it. That is your main goal. Any questions?"
Luigi slowly raised his hand, but Mario quickly slapped it down.
"I'm still getting things ready here at the Mansion, but I will be able to contact you through telepathy. With that being said, I have received word of a powerful group of heroes residing on the planet Mobius. They look to be extremely valuable assets to our team.. I would like you to travel to Mobius and convince them to join us. Some of them aren't exactly... the easiest to persuade, but I have confidence in you two to do well."
"How the heck are we supposed to reach another world…?" Luigi was seriously concerned about their safety at this point. "I mean, do we just travel into space, or..?"
"Observe." Said Master Hand, who snapped his fingers. At once, the ground beneath them shook as a portal appeared from the ground. Mario and Luigi stood in silence, unsure whether or not to scream in terror or be impressed.
"You like it? It's a magic portal that can transport you to any world in an instant- as long as another portal is set up on the other end. Pretty neat, huh?"
They gazed over the top of the portal. It was surprisingly cool looking, as it had blue and yellow zig-zags that swirled around the center. (Luigi had to stop looking because he was getting nauseous)
"Well? Are you ready? Just step inside and you'll be transported to Mobius in no time." The plumbers nodded, and they stepped inside.
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