Okay, so Colton (the kid in my school) he's wearing a straight pride shirt. WHAT THE FUCK how homophobic can you be?? I understand that that is his opinion and he's allowed to express it and wear whatever he wants but WTF. That upsets me so much. Why would someone choose to be such an asshole and wear something like that? like seriously straight pride is your freaking life no one is gonna get mad at you for being straight you can hold hands in public and not be scared somethings gonna happen your marriage is legal everywhere. it's not like that for the lgbtq+ community. Like that the fuck.
I don't have a problem with his opinion ( I mean I do I really do but that's not what I'm talking about. People can believe whatever the fuck they want doesn't harm me so I don't care.) but it's the homemade shirt to be an asshole. WHY?!?!?