Before writing a story I will have some extremely vague idea of what I am going to write. It won’t even be a proper sentence, it would be more like:
Mafia, Girl, Boss, Family, Spy, Agent, Gang. My story idea may or my not turn into a story. (I might write something like this)
I will write the first paragraph and then just wing it. I will try to plan ahead but ditch it seconds later when I remember how bad I am at attempting to make plans.
Then, and only then, will I go and scream into a pillow because I don’t like it. Then my thoughts will be so very stupid that I question my own sanity.
Why did you use the word Because?
Because I can.
But why?
Because I can.
Something like this will go back and forth until I realise and try to function like a regular human being. I will leave my room (I know, shocker.) and will carry on with going to school or something.
Ahh shit.
you didn’t add a full stop there.
oh fuck, now I’m going to have to get my note book and add it.
But that’s too much work.
And yeah. So, moral of the story, don’t listen to me.
If I had left it at that this would have been two hundred and twenty two words exactly but I’m ruing it because of and impulsive thought.