"You intoxicate my soul with your eyes." Billie Holiday, You Go to My Head
She never noticed him... until now.
She noticed him in the dark bluish lights spinning in the gym and the silhouettes of her classmates. He was in a corner with his friends and the tallest of them all with eyes that easily grabbed her attention. He was a shadow with a gaze resembling green leaves aging in the fall. His body fuses with the walls with ease as if his friends were talking to an empty space. Yet, she notices him. She notices him devouring her with one look and finding it enriching but shocking. Despite the intensity, they were gentle and stalked her every move. She ran a fluttering and nimble hand through her yaki curls then tore her eyes away.
Veronica wonders if he had always been staring. For all she knew, he was just now looking at her. Was it better to think that he wasn't staring at her all night? She didn't know but all she could think about was the music and his expression. It seemed like he wanted to speak but was idling his time. Veronica feels a terrible and distressing wave of nerves hit her.
She searches anxiously around the room for her best friend, Lizzy, trying to avoid any eye contact with the boy across the room. "Candy Girl" by Trailer Trash Tracy's played in the background making her feel a little relax. Veronica was out of her comfort zone.
Lizzy had ranted on and on about Veronica never wanting to have fun. She included that all Veronica did on the daily was "listen to sad white people music and do her homework". Lizzy wasted no time to include that she considered Veronica "boring." Being hurt was an understatement, even though Veronica knew Lizzy was only being honest. Unfortunately, it didn't stop Veronica from being upset.
That's how Veronica ended up at the school dance. It was the winter ball for all grades, and she couldn't help but feel insecure and jittery. Everyone was in the school gym creating a packed room full of laughter, excitement, and romance. The music was loud enough to block how noisy the students were. Despite the energetic atmosphere, she couldn't help but feel discouraged.
She felt suffocated and knew her drink was going to spill all over her dress due to her tremors. What was made as an effort to finally spend some time with her best friends ended with her being all alone. Michael was running late, and Lizzy had left her all alone knowing that Veronica didn't do well in crowds.
Veronica sighs. She never did well with anything.
"Ah!," Veronica is grabbed by her shoulder and spills her drink all over her hands. She looks up with frightened eyes preparing to meet amber ones.
"Michael, what the fuck?" She whines softly grabbing napkins off a table. She glares at Michael, his brown eyes twinkling while he laughs. She's sent a few students near them several apologetic smiles to ease their weary gazes.
Michael gives Veronica a childish pout that makes her forgive him on sight. She sighs the millionth time that night and tries to wipe the juice off her hands as her face slowly begins to glow.
"You seen Lizzy?"
Veronica frowns, her glow disappearing.
"N-nah, I was trying to find her myself..." She mutters with a downward gaze. She peeks up at Michael, face hot, as he's scratching his curly jet-black hair. His piercings gleams whenever he talks, and a flash of blue light touches his face. It makes Veronica smile softly while she ponders at the thought of how they would feel on her lips.
Michael groans in annoyance, "She's always running off some damn where! I told her to stay still but she's so hard-headed! "
"You know Lizzy... O-once she's at a party, she won't settle down."
When Lizzy wanted to be alone, guaranteed she would disappear. She did as she pleased and always ran off to where was it more exciting. Veronica, when last seeing her, noticed Lizzy by the snack table screaming yet laughing while being hauled off by a blonde senior. Veronica was worried but remembered Lizzy always kept a dagger inside her boot.
"Last time I-I seen her, she was being carried off by some White boy..."
Michael turns to Veronica with a look that tells her he's pissed off but hopeless. Veronica would be stupid not to notice that Michael was crushing on Lizzy. Boys were too obvious when they really liked someone. Despite Lizzy rejecting him daily, Michael stayed chasing her. Veronica realized early in her life that boys never knew when to give up. Even for their own good but with her, they never cared. They either hated her or didn't give her the time of day.
Veronica was torn between jealousy and being loyal. She loved Lizzy but seeing Michael stay fixated on her, who would consistently brush him off, made her depressed. She was more upset than angry. As a matter of fact, she wasn't angry at Lizzy at all, but Veronica wished that Michael would run after her for a change.
She bites her fingernails before looking up at Michael. He's seething with rage.
"Sh-she'll come back?" Veronica, trying to be reassuring, lacks the stability behind her words. More than anything in the world, she wants to comfort Michael. Yet, she doesn't want to keep giving him false hope. Despite he became friends with them to chase after Lizzy from the beginning, Veronica still considered him her best friend. Even if she was in love with him, she still felt the need to help Michael as a friend.
"I don't understand why he likes me! He should be chasing after your ass!"
Lizzy's words echoes in her head but she swats them away.
"I swear, no matter how hard I try, she don't even notice," Veronica flinches at the increase of Michael's tone," I mean, she ignores me! She doesn't give a fuck about my feelings, you know?"
"We've been friends for how long and she can't understand how I feel about her? What the fu-"
Veronica narrows her eyes at Michael's halt. She lifts her head and observes the scowl that was forming on his face. He went from somber to suspicious then defensive. Utterly confused, she traces his attention to what's behind her. Her stomach drops as the person she's been trying to forget all night appears in front of her with the look he's had earlier.
His overpowering gaze makes Veronica want to shrink inward to get away. In the shadows, she didn't feel the intensity of his presence, but now she feels suffocated. With only one look, he makes her insides catch on fire. Veronica steps closer to Michael who, in return, throws an arm over her shoulder.
"The fuck you want?" Michael shouts over her head.
When he smiles, Veronica feels like her heart is punching the inside of her chest. His smile doesn't reach his eyes but it doesn't matter. She's fixated on his eyes that glow amber like gems. His gaze is awkward, genuine, and confident with something lurking underneath. She watches his smile widen, revealing pearly white teeth while his laugh lines become prominent. He reminds Veronica of a wolf. He's too good looking. His dark chestnut hair is unruly with curls framing over his forehead to create a wavy fringe. And he's his scent rolls off him like smoke: sweet and musk. Intoxicating yet satisfying. Strangely, he wears a black bomber jacket to hide his black dress shirt. Correction: He's not only too good looking, he's dangerously hot.
Admittedly, Veronica finds him gorgeous if his eyes weren't so haunting and hypnotizing.
Suddenly, he takes her hand and drags her to the middle of the dance floor. She can feel the vibration of his strong, callous hand in hers. She feels slightly overpowered but doesn't mind either. Tripping over her own feet, she lets the silence of the gym run chills down her spine. Veronica feels her classmates' eyes but she rather not acknowledge it.
Despite the boy seems dark, cold, and off, he's strangely gentle with her. His movements at first were rough but after awhile, he treats her like porcelain. Veronica can't figure out if she should be cautious or fall asleep in his arms. She can feel him staring down at the top of her head, but she can't look up. Veronica can't stop thinking about how the gym is so quiet that she hears people sipping their drinks.
Now, she wants to go home. She wants Lizzy or Michael to do something but she can't bring herself to pull away. Veronica is afraid but she's fascinated by him that she can't tear away from him. His hands on her makes her skin prickle hot but she likes it. She can't tell if it's her palms sweating or his. Veronica stands in the middle of the dance floor shaking uncontrollably and dances with the boy who hasn't taken his eyes off of her all night
11 o'clock and my heart beat stops, my candy girl
Lose yourself right, your dying wouldn't end the stares
11 o'clock, I hope she's coming out of church
We'll take our time
And I'm still here, my candy girl
The boy's hands move like serpents and entangle themselves in her long tresses to cupping her face. Veronica allows his finger to linger on her lips then the sharp angles of her face. She finally looks up and he sets her ablaze again. There's nothing but amazed sitting on his face, eyes so bright, astonished, and warm. How he looks at her, seeming drunk and infatuated but threatening stimulated every nerve she had. He was like the sun with his rays shining right through her. The thought to lick him disappears like it came and she doesn't stop his affections. He cups her cheeks and it simmers. He stares into her dazed face and when he speaks, Veronica gasp then pulled away from him by Michael.
She watches the battle in front of her while replaying his words. There was blood and shouting everywhere but Veronica was focused hanging onto every word he said. It sounded like a promise. It sounded like a fact but she had never heard it until now.
Why did he say that? Why?
Her classmates scream and cheer on the fight.
What happened?
What did he say?
Why is Michael fighting him? He's crazy!
But she knew what he said and they would haunt her forever, existing longer than time itself.
Veronica Johnson, you belong to me.
His voice reminds her of the ocean, the rivers, the underground currents pleading for her to swim. Veronica can't shake off the heaviness in his crisp words. Why did she belong to him? Who was he? Why did she feel he was telling the truth?
Veronica looks up in time to watch blood pour from his mouth then he spits it out next to Michael on the floor. The back of his hand wipes off most of the blood on his face, but the red is his beard. Something in his face scares her and she wants out the room. He doesn't seem mentally there yet so aware as if omniscient. He directs his attention at her with a vacant expression and alarming eyes.
Veronica backs away and his eyes stalk her while the room is eerily silent. He takes a step towards her and she hugs herself. How did it come to this so quickly? First, he was making her feel safe and warm but now...this coldness from nowhere feels like a cage. She can hear Michael's screams but she can't listen. All she can focus on is this boy in front of her while Michael's body wither and jerk in pain clutching his arm. The students gathers around him and tries to give him assistance.
"Michael! Michael!" Lizzy's shrill screams appear as she runs towards Michael but the blonde boy from earlier grabs her by the waist.
"Someone help him, please!" Lizzy shouts with tears spilling. She begins wailing while Veronica watched Michael's body stop moving. She starts punching the boy carrying her and screams repeatedly," This is your fault!"
Now, Veronica watches Michael who lays limp across the floor. Her mind shuts down while she covers her gaping mouth. Then, he's in her line of view capturing her again. The feeling of ice and burning coal cover her body, intensifying the longer he stays in her presence. Now, she can see right through him with eyes no longer shining. She's seen the darkness and finally understands what's been lurking the whole night.
Veronica begins to scream.
"Veronica. Veronica-"