Okay. What the actual fuck is happening with Riize? Like they brought seunghan back and got rid of him? No offence but I hate OT6 Stan’s with a burning passion, but also fuck SM.
It’s insane that they still have the ex member or NCT under employment despite being an accused rapist who’s in fucking court looking at 7 years? Honestly, even if they brought seunghan back as a soloist I’d be happy (not at happy but you know happier ig) it’s just fucking frustrating.
its also aggravating that SM has basically fucked the boys over. Riize started at one of the big three of 5th gen and sm has genuinely fucked that up for them. By taking him out they’ve lost almost their entire international fan base.
Also has anyone seen those fan cams of Sohee? He looked so fucking happy and I just saw the photos of them recently and that shit GENUINLY hurts.
Honestly the situation also brings up issues with parasocial relationships in kpop but that’s smt for another time.
I feel so bad for all the members honestly. Thier careers have been fucked over, becuase of their bullshit company.