“I swung open the door, to the sight of mrs cook and the magistrate “do you mind coming outside for a moment Leif?” The magistrate whispered while signaling to come out i cautiously stepped outside into the chilly 47º weather, it was quite sunny for November in hope to avoid whatever trouble mrs Cook brought today i looked towards the lake. It appeared as if magic crested the ridge i looked to the gorgeous Tiffany blue sky’s. The edge of the lake was gilded by moonlight pale lilys and ivy green ferns poked up in between, ah the eldrich beauty of it all “snap, snap, snap, “ i fell out of my daydream and whipped around “listen to me when i talk!” Mrs Cook screamed. “apologies for her you know Mrs Cook is an angry soul.” The magistrate whispered with a sweet look In her eyes she quickly turned stern again “we are here because Mrs Cook says that she has evidence for you’re grandmother being a witch” she stated while a solemn look began to form on her face. “we will have to try her for potential witchcraft arrive by 3pm sharp”